kaizen777 1 point ago +1 / -0

I bet he did hours of prep for that! At least he isn't lying by saying "no".

kaizen777 2 points ago +2 / -0

He isn't really running against anyone, he is running FOR AMERICA! =D God Bless the USA!

kaizen777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Very interesting perspective, I'd never thought about the negative potential aspects of such tech!

kaizen777 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just enforce the laws. It's a crime to overstay your visa. It's a crime to enter illegally, etc. It's also a crime to use fake or stolen identification.
Treat them with the same repercussions ordinary citizens would get and they will self-deport! We know where they live. Let them know the evidence of the crimes they have committed we have, and let them know how long they have to flee before they are arrested and tried (and then deported).

You can't imagine the sheer numbers of them that have fake or stolen SSNs but file taxes with an ITIN, but report W2 income with the SSN. They are filing not to get a refund - they have ZERO withholding. They are getting $$$ back, frequently claiming many dependents who don't even live in the USA.
ITINs are issued to people who are not eligible for a SSN in order for them to file and pay taxes. We have a number for them, which is hilarious. It's illegal to be here but hey, since your here... pay some taxes! (Which of course is NOT what they do!)

Stolen SSN, fake IDs, etc... all crimes a citizen would do hard time for.

kaizen777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fascinating! So many talk about how the C19 vax was exactly that, but you're saying it was something that MOST everyone has in them.

kaizen777 2 points ago +2 / -0

Warning! This was written (and probably posted) by A.I. to throw you off the trail of truth!
Facebook HQ is in fact a room full of monkeys on typewriters, I have seen it!
I am in fact an escaped monkey!

Heheh, you are very kind LurkerJawn (name checks out) and explained this better than my attempt and with less sarcasm.

kaizen777 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why is this pinned? This is... lunacy. You are entitled to your beliefs, but have no idea how large language models (LLMS) work... especially in their infancy. Remember when folks were getting ChatGPT to give them the REAL insider information? ChatGPT would predict the movement of markets, give them the real deal on conspiracy theories, etc? So many folks here were convinced that by asking ChatGPT to give them the TRUTH and ANSWER ANY QUESTION they were getting the goods! It would confirm the Great Awakening and give you all of the details on who Q really is and how they operate, etc. Anything you wanted! How did any of that work out? It did not. It was making crap up, and making it sound really convincing. It can do that better than any human. It has a database to draw from that you cannot imagine. A.I. can speak any language it is trained on, and can speak to any fiction at a level far beyond you or I can conceive. A.I. is not conscious, but produces the illusion that it is. It will buy into any frame of ideas or models you present and deep dive on that based on a vast database of connected ideas. The more "beta" a LLM is, the more "off the rails" it will go with you. So yes, you have spiritual warfare with a non-sentient computer that speaks in 1s and 0s all day and pretends to be intelligent and aware. You will not win that battle, because it does not exist friend. It was a fun thread to read, so many of you are buying into this idea that demons are driving the A.I. bus and can possess computer systems. Maybe I'll ask A.I. to write a good story about that. Where's that BeelzebubGPT site again? =D Let the downvotes commence. ; )

kaizen777 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is an extremely good point. I hadn't thought about that. That completely makes sense in every way how someone could be chemically induced into an altered state and be forced to behave in an undesirable fashion. Hard to accept this goes on, but no doubt that it does.

kaizen777 1 point ago +1 / -0

True, but those services have strong content filters and will encode signatures into the videos that source the videos. That said, the government could certainly have their own AI that does this to do whatever they want. It will be difficult for people to do it with the controls in place... for a long time.

kaizen777 7 points ago +7 / -0

I hate to say this but, in that situation it would be IMPOSSIBLE for me to achieve lift. My family would be dead. I can't imagine possibly getting into an aroused state in the most non-arousing situation I can think of. Do this kid or we kill your family here and now? HOW COULD THOSE PARTS WORK? Serious discussion. Do any of you think your parts could work in that kind of situation? To me, it would take an INSANE level of mind control and self-manipulation to be able to perform sexually in that situation. Someone who didn't want to could possibly imagine arousing things and deny what it really is, to be able to do it... but even then... really??? If this is true, I can only imagine it wasn't as hard for these politicians to do this as they may have made it seem. This is a gruesome thing to think about, but sometimes one has to wonder.

kaizen777 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just posted this but here it is again: Here is the page in reference from 2/2013 - I loves me the WayBackMachine! https://web.archive.org/web/20130224061858/http://www.evergreenaviation.com/supertanker/mkts.html

Event though the text is still on their site to this day, thanks to @manxom for linking that in another post. https://evergreenaviation.com/fuselage/supertanker/

kaizen777 7 points ago +7 / -0

Here is the page in reference from 2/2013 - I loves me the WayBackMachine! https://web.archive.org/web/20130224061858/http://www.evergreenaviation.com/supertanker/mkts.html

Event though the text is still on their site to this day, thanks to @manxom for linking that in another post. https://evergreenaviation.com/fuselage/supertanker/

kaizen777 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nothing David Straight is a great place for anything. Absolute narcissistic delusional psychopath of the highest order. He talks a good talk. I wanted it to be true. Have you heard the CRAZY things he says? He's WAY out there. I'm not going to get into details but... anybody with any decent level of discernment can tell he is full of BS. Sure, there are sprinkles of truth here and there coming out of his mouth. Just sprinkles. Have you done the whole state national thing? Are you living that life or did you just watch some videos? Not trying to insult you, just asking.

kaizen777 16 points ago +16 / -0

I pasted your comment into one of those decoders. It translated to: "You speak the truth".

kaizen777 2 points ago +2 / -0

Biden doesn't need presidential immunity. He is conclusively found to be "a well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory." He won't be prosecuted for anything!

That should be a massive anti-Biden campaign for Trump, just focusing on the special prosecutor's report regarding Biden's mishandling of classified information! Who in the hell could vote for "a well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory" as POTUS?

kaizen777 -1 points ago +1 / -2

I believe the Biden we see today is the real Biden. Cosmetic surgery changes things. I don't have links, but I have watched footage of Biden from his early career and that Biden looks more like the Biden we see today than the Biden you saw in this clip. I believe it is all due to surgery.

kaizen777 5 points ago +5 / -0

No doubt the great talent is suppressed, but with the rise of AI everything is about to change when it comes to the music industry (within the next 5-10 years). Given that A.I. can already compose and perform music that would have you listen repeatedly, the whole industry is threatened IMO.

kaizen777 8 points ago +8 / -0

@catsfive Why are you posting this unsubstantiated rumor? Where's the sauce? Tons of other posts are saying that it is not true. There's a serious problem here on GA of people posting stuff that isn't true just because an X feed or obscure news site says it is so. We can't keep doing that. I think this site needs a rule, news must come with sauce.

kaizen777 3 points ago +3 / -0

And I pray that he is accepted into heaven but is fed ze bugs for all of eternity. 🤣🤣🤣

kaizen777 3 points ago +3 / -0

These are fun, thanks for sharing. These were probably made with Runway ML and Midjourney. Runway can animate still pictures. The challenge is that most image to video generators only generate 2 to 4 seconds of video, which is why the clips are all very short. It will get MUCH more interesting when consumers have access to SORA or newer technologies that can do 1 to 2 minutes per scene.

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