Or, they aerosolize the virus and release it in the chemtrails. All I can say is, I have it, both of my kids have it, my mother has it, my aunt had it, a ton of my students have it. It's spreading like wildfire.
It's absolutely a problem, reaction, solution DS action. People notice the drones, lets dump a virus on them.
"Hey Jill.. I mean, DOCTOR Jill, sorry. snicker, you know you can't pardon people for Treason right?"
Pam Bondi is a good choice imho.
We accept your resignations
If they can throw a realistic mask on a Biden Body Double since the real one is in a hole being eaten by maggots somewhere, they can put a mask on some guy to make him look like Fusca, or wear the same "Fusca" mask that Jr wears. Literally anything is possible at this point. I discount no possibility.
Deadpool isn't and never has been that type of Superhero. He has since his first edition in 1997 been an irreverent, constant fourth wall breaking jester of an anti-hero really. I wouldn't say it's woke at all. It doesn't fit your mold of what a superhero is, that's it.
I'm sure he already has.
Meh. It does nothing for me honestly. Now bringing JFK Jr back from the dead, that would have been something
They’ll pay $2000 to do the same thing when Trump reverses inflation
Based beer man.
I see Vivek bent the knee for him. Wonder if he thinks he'll be VP?
And now it's time for the airing of grievances.
Super Male Vitality Activated!
Maybe if they didn’t put poison in them we’d reconsider.
If he becomes speaker, he won't.
Fake and gay.
I have no faith in the goodness of humanity, only the goodness of god.
I call bullshit unless I see it on @realDonaldTrump's truth feed.
Nigerian princes can't scam americans with CBDC.
May traitors never find the rest they seek.
I only listen to X22 when I need to hear it. Otherwise it's just the same thing every day.
Good way to get me to not use Twitter. Great way to get rid of all the bots too though.
Probably suffered from not getting her adrenochrome fix
Think about it. Let's say there is actually incriminating stuff in there, which we are all pretty positive there is.
If it is released into the wild, it's pretty much inadmissible as evidence in any court case. If you want the people on that list to burn for what they did, they need to be tried and found guilty in a court of law, not a court of public opinion.