A great article. Recommended reading. https://spectator.org/an-inconvenient-trump-republicans-are-living-an-enormous-lie/
To impeach Joe Biden is a mistake. It is only political and a payback for what they did to Trump. This will only assist the Democrats in getting rid of him to be replaced by Newsome. Joe, before he leaves will pardon Hunter. What they need to do is impeach C. Ray and M. Garland for the crimes they have committed first.
What the hell would a lock down be about? Everyone stays home and run their air conditioners 24/7? All offices closed to save power. No driving more than 10 miles a day? Get real there is no way these idiots could pull off another lockdown.
Sounds like another Gibson's Bakery type lawsuit. I guess the $39.6 million paid to Gibson's was not enough to get the Administration to get their act together. This lawsuit, if she files, should be worth about $10 million.