I wouldn't be shocked if these very apartments were judiciously handed out to illegals for years and once they started leaving or being rounded up, it left giant quantities of Federally-funded housing readily available.
$32.50? Seems like the rug is still in the room and being walked on.
I tip my hat to anyone who makes money on the shitcoins but I prefer to invest in the most beloved shitcoin platform itself: Solana. Buy some $SOL, stake it, let folks use it to speculate on shitcoins.
The fact that so many shitcoins have been spun up on Solana says a lot as to its cost, accessibility, durability, etc. A good platform will tolerate people abusing it like this.
He is getting absolutely dragged in Democratic circles right now. PA has a very purple mindset--I think they care more about getting things done than what party represent them. Pressler has also been chatting with him.
Would make a ton of sense, but would be hilarious if it ended up being someone else. Maybe Jacky Rosen from NV as a dark horse candidate?
Interesting Solana was picked after all the speculation related to XRP & Beef Bourguignon. IMO this looks like he just sold the exclusive rights to an "official trump memecoin" to this group.
Same as the "official trump guitar", "official trump bible", etc. Seems to be popping nicely though. 🤣
He definitely re-Truths other users often. Is that his exclusive interaction mode? I don't know the Truth UI well enough to confirm this but it's fascinating if true.
I find the joke Trump social accounts to be a real litmus test of capacity for free thought.
I genuinely think Bondi doesn't know. I think the evidence will be dripped to her and she'll see it with new eyes just like the general public.
It's not a bad thing. It means she'll be neutral and unconnected to the military aspects of this.
Bondi strikes me as someone who watches the news and takes it seriously..which is kinda scary.
I wonder if Trump wanted someone innocent/clueless/naive as AG so they could process the evidence as the general public will? Kash could control what is fed to her so she processes it in an effective order.
If you look through the Q posts (sorry I don't have the best ones handy) you'll see it indicated that the fires are essentially a bailout plan for CA. Create a disaster, have the media focus on it, and coerce Congress into opening an unlimited checkbook for them to play with.
They have a fulltime DEI executive. Though a lot of companies do these days. Impossible for a company to have any mission beyond DEI.
They seem to have a lot of roles that should be interesting but like, you'd be a data scientist helping to organize the carbon capture scams that are just coming online.
Or you could work on a new TSA contract:
In short, if you don't mind working to destroy the country, they might have some interesting work for you.
True but let's also not discard factual info as it clearly connects to a motive of willful failure to respond.
It's wholly irrational to do emission inspection tests on functional equipment that would immediately be used to put out a fire creating much higher emissions.
What is the motive? Why is Oregon State Fire Marshall covering for them?
Logically he can't prove there is no source...
X AI is pretty good for checks like this though ("explain this post" button at the top right, if you're signed in). It says nothing has changed as far as the side effects list.
Old school fact chech:
Report that Pfizer submitted:
Important to also track "adverse events" vs. known "side effects". Meaning the adverse events occurred during product testing but haven't necessarily been linked back to the product being evaluated.
Comirnaty side effects (not sure this is actually offered anywhere):
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine (EUA product):
The most generous thing that could be said is they probably assumed that since the EUA product now has "2024/2025 formula" that it was new info.
The whole metaphor is a bit broken as it mixes files with routing. woke_mind_virus isn't a proper domain so you can't traceroute it (unless it was defined in /etc/hosts or something). You wouldn't delete a remote host with "rm -rf" (that's for files).
I think it's just a fun way for Elon to say he's done a bit of self reflection and found some residual woke virus within himself. Wonder if it's on the Israel thing or something else?
I suppose a higher interpretation of this could be that if you find the woke mind virus in yourself, you need to "clear out all files". A total system reset is necessary and you can't trust that any data is valid.
He's gonna need us and the legislature on this one (AFAIK) so it's about creating pressure and awareness.
He knows Congress will resist.