motrhed3 3 points ago +3 / -0

the tina park that worked on hilary's 2008 campaign?

motrhed3 4 points ago +4 / -0

surely it is a mere coinkydink, right?...



motrhed3 2 points ago +2 / -0

I give Trump credit for that as well, but my comment is more criticism of union "leadership" that refuses to listen to its members. reminds me of the dnc and republican establishment. all they learned from the tea party is with enough pressure, they can put down any uppity resistance from the people. which, imo, is why they fight so hard against Trump.

motrhed3 7 points ago +7 / -0

kek, this is the bad guys telling us what they have BEEN doing. does anyone think briben has been running things this whole time?

motrhed3 2 points ago +2 / -0

small hat society strikes agai... oh, it's babylon bee...

motrhed3 3 points ago +3 / -0

you all thinking when she came to this country, she was automatically a republican? ffs, she was a democrat like Trump was prior to coming down the golden escalator...

motrhed3 13 points ago +13 / -0

so the supreme court once again shows it is a tool of the deep state. it refuses to step in and make precedent so when an administration it disapproves of tries this, then they can step up and hear the case or similar case to reverse the lower court. in the mean time, the government can continue to violate the law because there is no one able to stop them.

motrhed3 1 point ago +1 / -0

so much more, and maybe it is that segment of society this message is meant for. we fight your endless wars and all that can be done after is a lame "thank you for your service" while benefits are denied...

motrhed3 1 point ago +1 / -0

not all vets wear caps or clothing, just like not all heroes wear capes. some do appreciate hearing thanks, but is that all we as a society have to offer? just a weak thanks while nepotism for others runs rampant?

motrhed3 14 points ago +14 / -0

when I talk to strangers and let slip that I served in the us military, so many say "thank you for your service". at which point I tell them it is more insulting to me than appreciated. when I got out in '85, I got nothing for having spent four years in the service. there were no benefits to having spent four years in the military as opposed to having gone to college and partied with frat brothers. there were no jobs reserved for people like me. there were no prior service people in senior positions looking out for recently discharged battle buddies and shipmates like there is for the old boy college frat boys. and that is mild compared to how vietnam vets were treated. now look how desert shield and iraqi freedom vets are treated. do these people that never served think a simple "thank you for your service" actually makes up for the poor treatment so many vets are getting?

thanks for listening to my rant even though I might not be able to convey the true feeling behind what I am trying to express. you really want to thank a vet? treat the less fortunate ones with a little bit more dignity.

motrhed3 2 points ago +2 / -0

this is youtube, i doubt they would allow footage of dead bodies and all that. pretty extreme damage shown here on this video as it is...

motrhed3 1 point ago +1 / -0

like the humor of the babylon bee though, this might just be truth...

motrhed3 2 points ago +2 / -0

I judge this pos on the story he told live in concert that was included on his double live album about how he avoided being drafted. turns out is was complete bullshit, so why ever believe anything he ever says about anything?

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