There's a verse for this situation. I'm paraphrasing here: Some persons are born eunuchs (asexual), some persons are made eunuchs ( those who are castrated) and some persons make themselves eunuchs (those who devote their lives to God, as monks and nuns.) So, some people do not want to create families. Its normal. Others do. Also normal. And some give up the right to procreate and start families (the hardest road). It's all good and all godly. What's not according to God's plan is to tell yourself you are something other that what you are, i.e transgenderism. That's a plan of Satan.
The jab will correct last year. I already know someone who developed Guillain-Barre Syndrome from the flu shot this year. Completely paralyzed - even eyelids could not ope.n. Beware of getting "your" flu shot. I don't have a flu shot. ""
Just think of sugar as a toxin, which it is when concentrated amounts are ingested. Our bodies just can't handle it. This leads to Metabolic Syndrome, whose endgame is diabetes type II. And remember that starch becomes sugar in the body. So that bagel you eat in the am is a big dose of sugar.
You don't need to eat a lot of meat to get adequate protein. Many cultures thrive on stews and mixed foods with meat being just one ingredient. NOBODY needs a 20 steak. Too much!!!!! Think Chinese stir fries, where veggies are more prevalent. You can have a 4 0z piece of meat serve for two or three people. Veganism is not for humans, though. Too hard to get the right balance of protein, carbs and fats without animal products. There has never been a vegan culture on earth. It's not life enhancing, and all the best and most nutrient dense foods are OUT.
That actually is true in the case of vitamins and mineral. As far as it goes...... BUT, plants also provide the roughage we need for good elimination, and the plants contain over 8000 phytonutrients not found elsewhere. So not eating vegetables is not a health-enhancing diet. Keep experimenting with vegetables and learn to cook them in ways that please you. Nobody doesn't like Brussel sprouts cooked with lots of bacon. It's a classic!
That is an unwarranted conclusion.