oldsoul 3 points ago +3 / -0

"foreign aid".."nasa"..."climate change"..."war in Ukraine"...etc etc....all fraud with monies given to politicos and their supporters....I'm convinced of it....they take all our money and give it away....meanwhile, taxes are so high that most people get to keep just a small fraction of what they have earned.

oldsoul 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have not had a bad cold nor covid since dec 2019 and I attribute it to my taking vit d daily, upping the dose if I feel sickness coming on, and keeping my vit d level at 50 or so.....I believe in it....

oldsoul 1 point ago +1 / -0

so we're going to get upset that a 89 yro died?.....stock up on vit d.....its fairly cheap....

oldsoul 1 point ago +1 / -0

hospital/doctor business is totally at the knees of the lawyers and insurance companies and medicare/medicaid as well as big pharma......they practice defensive medicine....so they run cat scans and mri's on people who don't need them and prescibe antibiotics to people with a virus all to the tune of you don't want to be accused of not giving the best care...

the populace has been groomed to demand pills, scans, therapies, etc whether they would do any good or not....they just want SOMETHING...

so we need to look into the mirror.

oldsoul 7 points ago +7 / -0

yeah, they're all in on it....the great theft of America by the uniparty.....everyone getting rich except the actual workers and taxpayers.....

oldsoul 1 point ago +1 / -0

the demons have captured our local big city and now its all leftist and now our long time pub congresscritter has decided not to run....we're looking at a debacle...

oldsoul 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am convinced just on my own observation and intuition that YES the vaxx acts like a destroyer of ones natural immunity and is a turbo booster for cancer....

why else do all these vaxxers keep getting vid and other diseases....we have had NO vaxxes at our house, and we've been out and about to sports events and the casino many times being exposed to germs and we have not been sick at all, and we were tested several times, in order to go to events......

oldsoul 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was a follower of Jackie Stiles....she was a phenom...but when she got to the pros, the other team mates hardly threw the ball to her....I watched some of their games in Porlandia.....pure jealousy of the pale faced country girl...I have heard from a good source that the wnba is quite cliquish if you know what I mean....of course they all deny it but its the truth...the lesbians run the administration and coaches are hired of a certain slant....its no wonder people won't watch that stuff.

oldsoul 4 points ago +4 / -0

I worked decades on a busy acute care hospital....you would not believe the hostility, the threats, and the violence that visitors/patients exhibit because people have this entitled attitude and the rules are not for them....I had a friend nearly loose her hand to an old fart who a weapon hidden and struck her with it....we've had drs beat up and threatened to be killed......EVERYONE HAS GOT TO START BEHAVING....all of us.....

oldsoul 3 points ago +3 / -0

well if "the plan" includes killing most of us off, I guess its not a very good plan......we've been given so much crap from everyone...my only solace is that some or most of it is made up psy op bull shit.

oldsoul 9 points ago +9 / -0

I don't advocate for death, but the oncologist put my mil who is 94 on pills for her breast cancer just found....all the labs, the scans, the frequent office visits.....they are making a bundle off of her knowing that her life span is limited just due to age.....IMO....

oldsoul 7 points ago +7 / -0

to you parents out there....turn off the tv...stop forcing woke movies on your kids...keep porn out of your homes....clean up your act at home....

some of us older people had pretty good safe childhoods....I am so thankful that I climbed trees, drank from the hose, caught lightning bugs in a canning jar, and listened to Glenn Miller on my fathers old stero.....

If you are dressing your little girl like a tart, you are ruining their childhood and destroying their joy and innocence....If you encourage you little boy to think of females as things because you, daddy, openly make dirty comments about women on tv or in public, you are raising a boy who will be uncaring as an adult man...

protect your child's innocence....protect their joy......

oldsoul 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't understand....don't the rats not allowing him on the final ballot or vote?...or was their ruling just for the primaries...????

oldsoul 6 points ago +6 / -0

the whole Ramsey thing is very very odd and suspicious....I remember that the father had another dtr who was killed in a car accident.... the whole thing stinks to high heaven...

oldsoul 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't understand how this is legal...if the party is happening on govt property or paid for by the public, than this is blatant racism/bigotry......why are white people accepting this ho hum...

oldsoul 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nino had a guy on today talking about this....something to do with a company called "Global' something or other ....he felt definitely it was an intended explosion.

oldsoul 2 points ago +2 / -0

minn and st paul....that hideous member of the SLA from decades ago in st paul...she was part of a group that killed a lady banker to prove something....and she got a slap on the wrist and her community welcomed back her with open arms....

I feel nothing towards minn/st paul accept I hope someday they'll get a nice cold lunch of consequences.....

oldsoul 2 points ago +2 / -0

white privilege means never getting anything handed to you...no free camps, no free college, no free phones, no free transportation, no free easy no merit needed jobs....plus you get to be the backbone of the military, the health care system, the police and firemen....you get to pay taxes all your life so your lazy stupid segments of society don't have to pay for anything....

oldsoul 1 point ago +1 / -0

you have to be philosophical these days.....they have us wound up so tight....but love, and lightness, and laugher destroys them....so despite all this total crap going on and what they expect us to put up with , sometimes we just need to carry on with our lives, and make our lives happy, make our lives joyful....love destroys hate, goodness destroys evil...

it's like that line from Shawshank....about finding the record player and playing beautiful music loudly.....they can take everything from you except they can't take that which you hold to your heart.

oldsoul 7 points ago +7 / -0

they killed my beloved wonderful younger brother....outright murder....

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