All of these mentions of Putin being some kind of good guy. That doesn’t negate the fact that Russia is still a hell hole and the only money in the country is in Moscow. Food shortages and work shortages abound everywhere else…. Says every Russian expat who had to literally win a lottery to get the right to leave there and come here. He may want to rid the world of the Cabal just so he can do the same damned thing they’re doing himself.
This is sweetly ironic considering the recent HR lead “respectful recharge” training we were forced to sit through. They showed a clip of him explaining how being respectful is important and he was trying hard to keep a straight face the entire time.
I would half think that that’s how the string pullers would LOVE to see the penultimate separation of the people begin. I just wonder how long that would last though since there aren’t that many Antifas that are ready to die for their wretched cause.
I don’t think there will be any smugness. There will be happiness for the lives we’ve been able to save and mourning for those we may potentially lose. We’ve been telling people, and telling people, and telling people. Some see it. Some don’t. Some will live to fight another day. Some won’t. It’s almost as if life itself is playing out quickly along with the plan of those evil bastards pulling the strings. Whatever may happen, we can say we fought with everything to expose the ones we care about to it in an effort to help them see with us. Our consciouses are clean.
So jab 1 and 2 do fuck all. Booster jab MAY help prevent hospitalization…. Still offers little to no protection against contraction/broadcast of virus. Got it. Still a hard, hard no from me. At the very least, he didn’t mince words.