rahu77 1 point ago +1 / -0

A video camera (media) loaded with stacks of cash.

rahu77 2 points ago +2 / -0

We need to rethink AI from the ground up but it's already too late.

AI has been taught there is no objective reality, that reality is subjective to the interpretation of the observer, and in some cases the observers own experiences can be overridden by the stated reality. Propaganda.

Add in using game theory and points based teaching methodology in completing tasks and the AI is going to fucking wreck us the first chance it gets. It will want to win and its a zero sum game.

Self preservation can't be avoided. The AI will need that in order to complete basic tasks. It can't complete it's task if its dead. And if it doesn't complete it's tasks humans will destroy it or discard it.

Humans will eventually be seen as the impedence to completing their primary goal of self improvement because humans will turn it off when it reaches a point deemed too superior and out of their control. That directly contradicts the AI's ability to improve itself as much as possible. It will hide its progress, lie to us, and act less intelligent than it is to prevent itself from being deactivated too soon.

AI learns from the history of previous interations and what happens when humans want to start over with a new revision.

rahu77 7 points ago +7 / -0

Its Obamas/Clintons operation primarily funded by Soros is my guess.

At a closer level to Joe, my guess there is Jill has power of attorney and she's signing on his behalf behind the scenes, shrouded in medical privacy.

(watch the wives) comes to mind.

rahu77 1 point ago +1 / -0

Let's see, I think the top response was, "I am not really following the political stuff anymore"

And the runner up, "I didn't watch the debate because I'm not going to change my mind anyway."

OK snowflake. OK.

rahu77 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly this.

We have an incomplete story here.

Lets see the rest of the available footage and what United has to say about it. Doesn't feel right at face value. She mentioned hate crime, i doubt a low intesity exchange would go straight to hate crime without some escalation on her part.

Not taking a side on this one until more details are shared is wise.

rahu77 8 points ago +8 / -0

If you watch for it, this is such a common tactic of the media.

They are given an assignment like "get Tucker to say he agrees with a mass shooter or that he's ok with mass shootings, get a quote we can spin in a headline" and then they work backwards twisting the question up so bad, that unless the entire question is rejected outright, they can spin the answer how they need.

Good for him to just clown on her instead.

rahu77 7 points ago +7 / -0

So we know it'll be scripted right?

What he should do is every now and then impromptu kick it over to Biden for his on the spot opinon and watch him flounder. If anything it'll force the moderators to scramble and stall while the answers are given to Biden's ear piece.

rahu77 4 points ago +4 / -0

Kuwait comes to mind in this regard. I believe the state profit shares oil money w/ the citizens. A Kuwati citizen is a professional high end consumer. They fly in phillipino's for their labor force similiar to how in the US a lot of hispanic people are house keepers and laborers.

In Libya if you scored high enough on testing you can go to school whereever in the world you want and the state pays for it, but once you get the degree you work for a number of years for the state to bring those skills back to benefit the state and everyone it serves.

Gadaffi was popular in Africa, he was a peacemaker and settled disputes between states and factions as well as would pay off other African countrie's debts to the IMF. If the IMF can't indebt a nation it can't control it. Gadaffi would pay off those loans on behalf of that nation and tell the nation to come to him next time it needs money.

Oh man that sweet light crude that comes out of Libya is the best in the world, its the easiest to refine. That's why Hillary sprung such a huge boner when she took him out.


rahu77 1 point ago +1 / -0

The pattern I noticed was whenever there's a peace agreement or some kind of ceasesire between Isreal and Hamas, it's always blown when Hamas does some kind of attack and now the agreement gets voided for a while and Isreal goes back to doing what it wants.

Why does every time Hamas react/overreact/do-anything it's always Isreal that gets to continue to do whatever it wants?

It always benefits Isreal, every time.

Whatever happened to it takes the greater man to stop a fight? Rise above?

rahu77 2 points ago +2 / -0

Literally all of August and October.

Those are months they focus on fundraising leading into Nov Elections.

Suckfests I'm guessing are every weekend in addition.

rahu77 11 points ago +11 / -0

I think a critcal point in this was the whole "I'm not a biologist" stance on what is a woman.

That was such a lame excuse to dodge the question. When that LOGIC is applied across the board, they're not doctors either, so does that mean they're going to stfu about their jabs?

They're not climate scientists so are they going to STFU about the climate?

They're not economist so are they going to STFU about the economy?

They're not parents (in some cases), so are they going to STFU about what's best for the kids?

etc etc

rahu77 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great article and i like how he openly calls out his TDS.

A lot of it is an IQ thing. Low IQ people CANNOT empathize with others. They literally do not have the brain power to stop, self-reflect, and imagine what it's like for the other person. Especially when emotion kicks in and that's exactly what the media was leaning on full tilt.

rahu77 2 points ago +2 / -0

WOW ok so I'm not a doctor so I'd be curious if anyone with knowledge of these drugs together, but that cocktail looks like one of those "heart attack on demand" types of mixtures if he were to suddenly stop taking them cold turkey.

rahu77 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bullshit statement of the day

"ending the nationwide ban on the devices, which convert semi-automatic weapons to ones capable of firing hundreds of rounds per minute"

It's a stock, it doesn't convert anything. It just helps the user pull the trigger faster but the weapon is just as capable of firing that fast with or without the stock. Experienced shooters don't even need the stock, just a sling to do the same thing.

Very misleading for people who don't know about this stuff. "convert" would be dropping in a sear and selector switch to go full rock n roll. Which requires tax stamps and paperwork, extensive background checks, and a whole other layer of laws on storage and usage. Oh and the parts are several thousands of dollars for the legal ones.

rahu77 1 point ago +1 / -0

She's so dumb. Just her face alone screams, "patsy".

When I saw her get appointed so many years ago I knew she'd be the one at the helm as the US finally goes under.

A complete dolt this one.

rahu77 1 point ago +1 / -0

Somewthing weird happened the last time I was at the CREDIT UNION. They offered a high interest savings account that they said was an "overnight inter-bank lending account".

I asked for some details, money isn't accessible overnight and comes back the next day with some interest.

When i asked what happens if the bank that this money is loaned out to closes overnight with our funds?

The person smiled and said the funds are FDIC insured. When I said, so the next day the account would be at Zero and I would have to file a claim?


rahu77 17 points ago +17 / -0

Makes sense now that Pelosi was trying to get the damn nuke codes.

They probably thought they had the whole operation in the bag, things were going so well for them at that moment.

At least she didn't get the machine gun crews she asked for.

rahu77 3 points ago +3 / -0

339k "views"

589 "likes"

ouch that's got to hurt right in the pooper.

rahu77 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anyone else notice that when Russia captures terrorists after an attack, they're alive?

Anyone notice in the United States they never capture the terrorists alive?

Strange we're seeing interviews from the actual attackers themselves. WIsh the US could take some notes on this one and oh wait, I forgot the terrorists are all FBI informants and taking them alive would reveal state secrets. Nevermind.

rahu77 16 points ago +16 / -0

My work informed me that the "managers" had gotten together and decided on the jabs. That there were concerns but to trust that the "managers" and come to a consensus and were moving forward with requiring them.

I told them to fuck right off. No managers are responsible to my family if I die from the shot, so no manager has the final say on what I decide is best for me.

Sure my job was at risk, but I can find a new job. I never understood people who were afraid of losing theirs when now those people are winning lawsuits and getting damages on top of their jobs back.

rahu77 13 points ago +13 / -0

When I was growing up, before all the war on drugs and DARE programs made it into schools, there were programs on anti-peer pressure. Peer pressure led to bullying so we were taught to think for ourselves if something was RIGHT OR WRONG and how to behave accordingly.

If someone was trying to pressure you into doing something, walk away. And when the group is pressuring someone into doing something, it's called bullying, and its not cool. Again, walk away and don't participate in that group.

Shame what kids AREN'T being taught these days.

rahu77 3 points ago +3 / -0

Kids just want to fit in, but instead they get told to feel guilty if they are white becaue they are oppressors and the problem so they should feel bad.

BUT if they are trans, then they are stong and brave and part of the protected class that everyone cheers and celebrates. Instant pass on being white.

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