rahu77 17 points ago +17 / -0

Makes sense now that Pelosi was trying to get the damn nuke codes.

They probably thought they had the whole operation in the bag, things were going so well for them at that moment.

At least she didn't get the machine gun crews she asked for.

rahu77 3 points ago +3 / -0

339k "views"

589 "likes"

ouch that's got to hurt right in the pooper.

rahu77 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anyone else notice that when Russia captures terrorists after an attack, they're alive?

Anyone notice in the United States they never capture the terrorists alive?

Strange we're seeing interviews from the actual attackers themselves. WIsh the US could take some notes on this one and oh wait, I forgot the terrorists are all FBI informants and taking them alive would reveal state secrets. Nevermind.

rahu77 16 points ago +16 / -0

My work informed me that the "managers" had gotten together and decided on the jabs. That there were concerns but to trust that the "managers" and come to a consensus and were moving forward with requiring them.

I told them to fuck right off. No managers are responsible to my family if I die from the shot, so no manager has the final say on what I decide is best for me.

Sure my job was at risk, but I can find a new job. I never understood people who were afraid of losing theirs when now those people are winning lawsuits and getting damages on top of their jobs back.

rahu77 13 points ago +13 / -0

When I was growing up, before all the war on drugs and DARE programs made it into schools, there were programs on anti-peer pressure. Peer pressure led to bullying so we were taught to think for ourselves if something was RIGHT OR WRONG and how to behave accordingly.

If someone was trying to pressure you into doing something, walk away. And when the group is pressuring someone into doing something, it's called bullying, and its not cool. Again, walk away and don't participate in that group.

Shame what kids AREN'T being taught these days.

rahu77 3 points ago +3 / -0

Kids just want to fit in, but instead they get told to feel guilty if they are white becaue they are oppressors and the problem so they should feel bad.

BUT if they are trans, then they are stong and brave and part of the protected class that everyone cheers and celebrates. Instant pass on being white.

rahu77 9 points ago +9 / -0

There was a recent story about a billionaires wife who was buying up homes in their small town, about 20 or so according to the story, and bulldozing them. She was converting the lots into green spaces and tennis courts etc for the public.

When confronted with why?, she got very nasty and withdrew the projects. Didn't stop buying and bulldozing homes, but just got really nasty and won't build up the lots. Claimed some of the houses were rundown but something was off about it.

Now what struck me as odd was why someone like who is really a philathropist would be so negative when just asked what their plans where.

This made me think she's buying homes where abuses occurred and bulldozing the lots to destory evidence.

rahu77 2 points ago +2 / -0

One thing I noticed the republicans lacked in 2020, was ANY support from local law enforcement AT THE POLLS who advocated for the observers right to observe.

So many times in all the 2020 footage did we see observers getting thrown out by uniformed police officers doing the bidding of whichever democrat was running the poll.

All the committess aren't worth shit if no one is there on election day backing up the observers right to be there and observe. If no one is there willing to call out the bullshit on election day that the democrates running the polls do every damn time, nothing will change.

A lawsuit after the fact? We know how that goes. They need injunctions IN PLACE with cease and desist orders IN PLACE on election day so it's an immediate penalty when they fuck around. Letting them do it, then going thru the courts later is part of what got us into this mess.

rahu77 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lawyer or pshycologist observing me thinks. Maybe someone from the local Sheriffs department assiting.

rahu77 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yep, if the insurance company isn't footing the bill, they have no reason to investigate.

rahu77 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ever since the mug shot which gave him street cred, black men had to take notice.

If they are going after him like that, then he's one of them. All those bruthas that got railroaded by corrupt officials relate to the man now. All those people with family members that spent time in jail, he's their man now.

He is one of them.

Like George Carlin said, "It's a big club and you ain't in it."

Thats all it takes, he's NOT in their club, he's for the people.

Ice Cube said BIden's people didn't even call him back, but Trump sat down with him and listened to his ideas. He was planning $500million for a program based on Ice Cube's ideas. But a bunch of dumbasses still voted for Democrats/Biden so "they could be black" per Joe's own words. Since when was Joe Biden the person who was the end-all-be-all of determing blackness? What a joke.

rahu77 12 points ago +12 / -0

Slash all the bullshit gov't jobs and then watch which services start to fail and then staff the positions that are needed.

Nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.

rahu77 1 point ago +1 / -0

So while busing the illegals from the red border states into blue cities and states seemed like a good idea at the time to bring awareness.....

The red state governers are doing the democrats job for them. If the red states setup camps in their states to house these people to hold them over until their court dates, then this would have backfired and the red states would have gained the seats.

Yes it would cost money and yes it means setting up camps, but the camps are in blue states now further away from the border. Wouldn't it have been better to keep the camps at least closer to the border and courts where they need to appear rather than ship them all over the country?

Is it easier for an illegal immigrant to make their court appearance in Texas if they're in NY or in TX? Zoom courts? I dunno.

rahu77 1 point ago +1 / -0

RIght. They're going after Trump for being legit and he's squeeky clean.

All it would take is for one of these billionaires to pull some illegal shit to get more money to Trump than the law is allowed. Call it donation or a gift or whatever, it'll get litigated to all shit and spun so Trump is guilty anyway. Is it a loan? She just fucking sued his ass for a legit loan, what's another one on top of it. I don't trust it. Is it a donation? There's limits. Is it a gift? There's limits.

They call it a loan, it'll be litigated that it was really a gift, Call it a gift, it'll be litigated like it's influence peddling. Call it donation, there's limits on those too.


If Trump knows about it or not doesn't matter if he ends up with the money it'll be spun he was the mastermind behind it.

Those billionaires should make a class action lawsuit of their own and go after Letitia themselves. There's no need to tie themselves in anyway to Trump directly.

Feels bad, I don't like it.

rahu77 18 points ago +22 / -4

This feels like a setup. Part of the allure of Trump was that he was mostly self-funded. He wasn't beholden to anyone but the people he made his campaign speech promises to.

Adding in a bunch of Billionaires who are not supposedly going to "donate" hundreds of millions to him" could create just enough wiggle room for some kind of quid quo pro accusation where the left now claims Trump is selling influence.

I don't think he should be anywhere near this, it feels like a honey pot.

rahu77 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's human nature, once the threat of starvation kicks in, to devolve into a more primal state.

MUST EAT becomes the priority over all else unless spiritually and physically conditioned otherwise through regular fasting.

Fasting periodically will teach how the body responds and help prevent panic during situations without food. It's in that panic state when things can go... poorly, and it compounds the issue when it's a large group.

rahu77 1 point ago +1 / -0

It goes right back to Genesis in the bible and its right in our faces.

Elohim and God are not synymous words. You can't interchange them.

Elohim said "let there be light".

Elohim split "he/him" into "he/they" in Genesis when making the first man. (who goes by "they" pronouns?)

God breathed life into Adam later in Genesis.

The confusing part is adam was the word for man. But Adam (capital) was the name of the man created by God.

Lucifer had set his heart to the heart of Elohim and no longer the Heart of God when he rebelled and started doing what he wanted.

There's points in Genesis where Elohim, God, and Abraham are in a conversation together as seperate entities. It was Elohim who told Abraham to burn his son (child sacrifice) but God shows up to stop him.

I encourage everyone go back and reread Genesis with the context I mention here and it is a much more exciting read.

rahu77 2 points ago +2 / -0

Defunding the police should be much more clear now.

Creating a crime wave in the middle of opiod crisis while dealing with being unable to staff police to proper levels to address it.

rahu77 3 points ago +3 / -0

The largest county which includes most of Portland voted for a tax on 1% of incoming over 125k for individuals and 200k for couples filing jointly.

The 2 nearby counties DID NOT.

So naturally the group out of Portland, which operates in the surrounding 2 counties, sent out a flyer to the two counties that DID NOT vote in favor, and said they were charging the tax anyway and send the money directly to the group bypassing the ballot and the state IRS.

rahu77 4 points ago +4 / -0

He went from "probably nothing to see here."

To "ok there's probably nothing, lets do a proper audit because people have the right."

To "wait nevermind, there's nothing so lets just do this quick recount instead" while ballots were being burned in mass and tabulators being moved around.

To "see we did an audit of the numbers we were told to recount and they are the same, nothing to see here"

To "there's absolutely nothing to see here."

rahu77 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is a real possibility.

By holding her back until the last minute they can mitigate the memes and spread of their impact before the election.

The sheeple will forget about lunches when they're drowned out by wall to wall FIRST BLACK WOMAN PRESIDENT coverage that is coming along with this.

rahu77 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tulsi Gabbard did something similiar.

Stayed on long enough to soak up votes then dropped out and endorsed Sleepy Joe.

That is one of the many reasons not to ever ever trust her.

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