Somebody tell Temu Obama, nobody believes him!
And the media were pushing the narrative as well!
I wondered the same thing in that midterms or using it to pass federal voting laws, term limits in Congress and other things he wants. Then, Patel just got confirmed so he may be investigating some things to pair with other charges.
That should just be for the interest of the money sent to them.
Didn’t Putin say that he would end the war in exchange for Fauci to face Crimes against humanity in Russia? I mean a fake pardon can’t protect him from that. If it saves one life that is the important thing, correct?
Oh well Chuck! Trump was the majority in this election. There is a mandate that was needed and wanted by the American people!
My prediction is that Bush Sr. was involved.
No pardon for any of the people involved with dossier either.
Domestic terrorist organization!!
If you did nothing wrong, you won’t need a pardon. They never thought Trump would make it back to the White House! Now they are screwed.
Yes indeed!! Trump is the bull!
I’m not sure what that could have been. Looked like it was a copy of his speech. I do remember the My Pillow guy having a folder containing some important info about the election fraud and the truth about what should have happened, but we know the VP didn’t have the balls to do that and the media pushed a false narrative that Trump lost all court battles, which was false. 60 of them had no standing which meant nothing but the media ran with it anyway. Trump won one of the 3 he filed and lost one and the third was looking favorably to him but I don’t remember what happened in that case. All I am saying is I don’t think the envelopes have any meaning at the funeral but their has been talks of laptops containing valuable info will find its way back in the news once Kash Patel is confirmed!
Red folder? Not aware of that. May have heard about it but can’t remember. Jar my memory please.
I’m all for Justice and what that might entail, but I think we are grasping at what happened at the funeral. There is no clear picture of a handoff to Laura Bush. We need more clarification of what was in those envelopes. Any guesses, is just that without proof something was in those envelopes as evidence of something worthwhile.
Who will be the next one to go down with P-Diddy and Jay-Z? Will it be Beyoncé, J-Lo? Someone else? We know there are more involved!
This is the only way. Time to stop playing with these idiots.
You must be talking about the ones that cried to Congress?
Gaetz is going to help her!! Bondi will be confirmed and she will hire Gaetz as an assistant AG and won’t need confirmation. She knows the election fraud and Gaetz knows the corruption in Congress. What would happen if all of the corruption led to many of the congressional leaders being excused from office? What if they are replaced with people that would pass as super majority? Election integrity, term limits, immigration reform, tax reform, health reform, TRUTH!!
Every senator that has endorsed Thune should be held accountable by the voters when their term is up. We voted for Trump to get what we wanted!! We don’t want a RINO stopping his agenda!!
He has to win before we can even think about our lives getting better. The steal will still be on the table, once they realize he will have the numbers. They are already TRYING to cheat.
Give your life for country and then tells you, you can’t have a say. What has happened to our country? We should take care of our veterans and make sure they are treated as a top priority!
Who would have thought, being held accountable is uncomfortable when trying to do wrong!
🙏🙏 prays for your mom and for you and your family.
Now that he is famous, he should auction it off again and all proceeds go to helping the victims of hurricane helene or to the Trump campaign! Really piss off Swifties!
I say Trump needs to call Maxine’s bluff. If Melania is legit, which we know she is, the Maxine must be deported for a country of Trumps choosing. Game on Maxine?