usernametaken3 13 points ago +13 / -0

This whole thing just hurts my heart. When my kid was BORN, my sister was telling me to look into preschools NOW, because if you wait until it's almost time for them to go in, they are all filled up. I thought.... wait, she is still new! I am not ready to think about sending her away! We have homeschooled since the beginning, and have never regretted it. The mentality that you are biding time until your kids are handed off to someone else for programming is so prevalent and disturbing.

usernametaken3 1 point ago +1 / -0

OK. I don't see a problem with this. Maybe these overpriced "celebrities" will stop performing. Seems like a win to me.

usernametaken3 14 points ago +14 / -0

YES. "But I signed a piece of paper saying not to jab my kid. And the Principal is so nice. And the teachers are so nice. Sure, they are a public school, but they are DIFFERENT.." I can't believe how stupid people are here in the states. I tell them, do you really think they will remember that piece of paper when they line the kids up? They will conveniently forget. Once it's done, you can't undo it. The Principal and Teachers may be nice, but they are still part of the overall system. They will do what they are told. They are not different, and you need to pull the kids out NOW. Get a night job. Get an online job. If you will die without your boat, new car and big house, figure out a way to pay for it without paying with your children's education and future!! People are idiots. Such idiots.

usernametaken3 4 points ago +4 / -0

Anyone in the area where he is, seek him out and offer to pay him whatever you were paying monthly for insurance to be your personal Doctor. Get your awake friends to do the same. Pay him enough that he will do house calls like Doctors used to. Pay him enough to support his family, and make him a trailblazing Doctor that saves his family, as well as yours.

usernametaken3 6 points ago +6 / -0

So the heat would be off the jurors, however there will be riots and Kyle will still have crazy brainwashed people going after him. The narrative will be "white privilege" and "he got away with murder". I'd rather have them find him not guilty and have his name cleared.

usernametaken3 4 points ago +4 / -0

Shouldn't this company she hired to throw the media off her track (of course not the authorities, no no no <sarcasm>) be charged with helping her hide? Aiding and abetting, I believe is the terminology. It's like someone who is just the getaway driver, but not the one that robbed the bank. They still were involved.

usernametaken3 1 point ago +1 / -0

What were the jury doing outside together? When I was on a jury, we blended in with everyone else coming into the court house and through security, even up to the court room there were other people mixed with the jury. The only time we were all together was in the jury room or jury box. Other than that, you couldn't tell us from any other person there. Even close to the court room, there was a crowd of people waiting to watch the trial (it was a murder trial) as well as jury members, and we blended in with them until we were called. I understand not all court houses are run the same way, however I can't think of any reason they all should have been out in a group together in the general public.

usernametaken3 2 points ago +2 / -0

If they don't get you coming, they will get you going. One way or another they are gonna convince you to get a jab.

usernametaken3 3 points ago +3 / -0

We homeschool, and it's amazing how much I didn't learn in "public" school. I am learning every day! I heard once that you don't teach your kids information, you teach them how to learn for themselves. So far it's been working well. They are great at figuring out things for themselves without being "told" what to think. If they ask me a question I don't know the answer to, I tell them "great question! Let's go find the answer" and we do. That's what learning is. Oh, also teaching them about finances, car maintenance, house maintenance, taking them outdoors, learning about trees and animals... all worthwhile school. Best job I've ever had!

usernametaken3 2 points ago +2 / -0

So I have a FB friend who posted "You blew off meet the teacher. You skipped the parent teacher conference. You said no to PTA. You've never even seen the inside of your child's classroom. But you want "parental control". You might want to try parental involvement first". People, I assume other teachers, were high-fiving her. This is the girl that also calls all the kids her "kids". In the comments of this, this is what she said about it "It’s amazing that they are coming after CRT…mind boggling to be exact. Don’t you want your child to be self aware, understand their emotions, have healthy relationships, and be able to cope in a healthy way when things get tough?!!!" Just so you now the narrative they are telling themselves. Take your kids out of school. Also, as a reminder, attendance is implied consent. Take your kids out of government schools!!!

by gamepwn
usernametaken3 5 points ago +5 / -0

I read that and it makes no sense to me. I feel a mosquito biting me, my first reaction is to smack at it. I can't see how someone went around, poked a needle in people, pushed whatever into them, then got the needle out and left before they ever got their hand up to smack whatever it was. This just sounds like a cover story with "people" verifying it.

usernametaken3 8 points ago +9 / -1

I believe that Travis Scott kept singing because he was a hologram. Either that, or he was lip syncing and can't stop until the people behind the curtain stop playing the music.

usernametaken3 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Come on Becky! Just die with us!!" It's like inviting her to play Russian roulette with them.

usernametaken3 3 points ago +3 / -0

HA! No longer a great town. A liberal shithole, and the university is a cesspool.

usernametaken3 1 point ago +1 / -0

I live in a state that you can be fired for any reason, and someone can quit for any reason. So firing someone over the mandate is legit. I know so many people who are either worried it will come down to it, in the midst of fighting it, or who have given in. Waiting to be fired then suing will do nothing here but cost you additional stress and money.

usernametaken3 1 point ago +1 / -0

It breaks my heart that some idiot is going to death jab their kids. It also breaks my heart that someone will send their kid to their indoctrination center and their kid will come back with the government jab. I hate that the kids are going to pay for the sins of the parents, however I also hate that people still send their kids away to be programmed, so I guess there's not a whole lot to be done here to protect the defenseless.

by BQnita
usernametaken3 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is how slowly this is all moving. 1947 was almost 75 years ago now. I hope to God this isn't a meme of a screenshot from this "lawsuit".

usernametaken3 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'm just recovering from covid, and three families with me got it at the same time. when we were exposed, there was a guy there who was jabbed the day before with his second shot. We highly suspect we all got the virus from him. AVOID the jabbed!

usernametaken3 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ivermectin hasn't worked for me. I am still sick and covid positive. Took ivermectin every damn day and no improvement. Just waiting it out. I'm glad it worked for this case though, and I pray that if my senior parents get it, it works for them! This sucks otherwise!

usernametaken3 3 points ago +3 / -0

Liberals are taught that their parents were supposed to be perfect. It's because they were actual humans with faults that the kids are now human with faults. Only liberals blow it up big time and their faults are suddenly defining them and holding them back (from whatever they failed in life). As a parent, I can tell you I a screwing up my kids. I can't help it. I'm human.
I think many marriages fail when women go through menopause. When those hormones change, we become depressed, unsettled, gain weight, and shorter tempered. I think women blame their husbands instead of menopause (or peri menopause), and the husbands don't see that their wives are going through a change of both hormones and identity. Kids are growing or grown, we realize we will not be having more kids and are getting older. Men don't go through that because their fertility doesn't really change (look at Mick Jagger having kids in his 70's) so they don't understand. If we all had more patience and tolerance (a great liberal hijacked word) we could figure out 90% of the problems are because we are human. Get over it. There, just saved the liberals lots of money and put therapists out of business.

usernametaken3 2 points ago +2 / -0

I remember reading a story of someone at the Pentagon. They said that after the crash, they somehow survived (I don't remember how) and looked, there was a lady still strapped to her chair hanging upside down, dead in his office. To think that her body was fine, hanging still buckled in, yet the black box recorder was burned up. So random (sarcasm)

usernametaken3 5 points ago +5 / -0

Should be 2021. I do love how they used their solar path lights to decorate around it! Nice touch. I would sit on their front porch and drink with them.

usernametaken3 3 points ago +3 / -0

Don't go to a city store, travel to the country and go to a country store. They won't be sold out. I wouldn't even stress about getting it prescribed... it doesn't give it more validity, just costs more money. Just go to the feed store.

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