Hitler and Stalin only called each other Bolshevist and Fascist because they knew that they were two sides of the same coin: National Socialist and International Socialist.
Before seizing power, Goebbels called his party the true German left in the newspaper “Der Angriff”. And in the last Gauleiterkonferenz in 1945 in the Führerbunker in Berlin, Hitler said that his gravest mistake was that he had not fought the right-wing propertied bourgeoisie right after seizing power.
Hitler had the Krupps, Quandts and Reemtsmas paid their usual salaries, but what was to be produced in their factories and at what prices was determined by the plan, Göring's five-year plan. The organization and financing of the rearmament by Anglo-American countries is interesting. But that is a completely different topic.
"Following the fall of Syrian ruler Bashar al-Assad, Green Party European politician Anton Hofreiter has warned against taking tougher action against Syrian refugees in Germany. “It is completely unclear what will happen in Syria now,” he told the Funke Mediengruppe newspaper. “Considerations of changing our migration policy after the fall of Assad and taking tougher action against Syrian refugees are completely out of place.” https://www.zeit.de/politik/deutschland/2024-12/syrien-umsturz-debatte-fluechtlinge-status-deutschland
The other left-wing parties (i.e. all but the AfD) don't want that either. We Germans would rather prepare ourselves to take in the next waves of refugees from Syria. Then we can rehearse the foreseeable new civil war in Syria here.
When asked whether he would go home now, one Syrian simply said that the economic situation there was not so good. The German taxpayer is just better.
I found and downloaded the book as PDF, but can´t find the link at the moment.
Peter Hounam: Operation Cyanide — https://www.amazon.com/Operation-Cyanide-Bombing-Liberty-Nearly/dp/1904132197 — https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1075164.Operation_Cyanide
It would be the same mistake as after 1967. Imagine the amount of military to secure those vast stretches. Look at the landscape. Think about the Israelian losses in Gaza, in Lebanon and in the West Bank. That is a megalomaniac pipe dream. I think the fall of the Assad regime was negotiated previously as was the fall of the Berlin Wall.
I´m from Germany and I think it might not a beTesla problem but an EV problem combined with medical emergencies of vaxxed people. In Germany we have a growing number of traffic accidents. The consequences of EV crashes are generally horrific and make headlines throughout Germany. Oh no, they actually don´t. The people could start to think!
She´s torn into the open again. The first Bundeskanzler ever. I´m a 71 year old German and have NEVER seen such a media stunt in the decades I can remember. I suppose the Germans are about to remember her satanist legacy.
The scramble for new elections is a smear theater November 14, 2024 By Peter Haisenko
It is an undignified haggling over the date for the new elections. Sometimes it's about pension entitlements and then about which laws can still be pushed through. The entire process does not correspond to what the Basic Law *(GG=Grundgesetz) *provides for. Under no circumstances is it about what would be good and necessary for Germany.
The date originally set by Chancellor Scholz for the new elections was set in such a way that all members of the Bundestag would have received exactly one extra day, which would have given them full credit for the fourth year and thus €280 more per month in pension entitlements. This is now off the table, but it is not fixed. It has been agreed that the Chancellor will request a vote of confidence on December 11 and the Bundestag will then vote on it on December 16. The new election is to take place on February 23. So far so bad. But what would happen if Scholz did not ask for a vote of confidence? Because he doesn't have to. Or forgets that he wanted to do it. It can be taken for granted that he no longer has the trust of the government.
So why doesn't Scholz ask the question of confidence immediately? Or why doesn't Merz initiate a constructive vote of no confidence? Also immediately. Or the ousted Lindner? Why should the country have to deal with this unworthy state of affairs for an unnecessarily long time? Why is the Federal President taking part in this theater? Is this supposed to promote trust in “our democracy”? Or is it the case that Merz is also interested in seeing some red-green laws passed that he also wants, but for which he then does not have to take responsibility? Laws that a majority of voters do not want. It is a smear theater! It is a mockery of “our democracy” or, better, of democracy as such.
A professor speaks plainly Ulrich Vosgerau is a renowned professor of constitutional law. However, he has made himself unpopular with Merkel & Co, the left-wing Greens, and so his entry on Wikipedia is also rather disrespectful. He has spoken out critically on various topics, sensitive topics. For example, on migration policy and the breaches of the constitution in connection with the handling of coronavirus policy. Vosgerau has now come forward with an assessment of the re-election process. Let's take a look at what he has to say: Ulrich Vosgerau on X: https://x.com/UlrichVosgerau/status/1856296625494171940 (Vosgerau has emphasized the following on X) The news comes that “the SPD and CDU/CSU parliamentary groups” have “agreed on a date for the next federal election”, namely February 23. This is - against the background of current constitutional law - a grotesque process. First of all, the Federal Chancellor would have to ask for a vote of confidence on his own initiative. If he does not receive the vote of confidence, he can either resign - or propose to the Federal President that the Bundestag be dissolved (Art. 68 para. 1 GG).
However, the Federal President does not have to do this! (Difference e.g. to the “proposal” of the Federal Chancellor to dismiss a certain minister, Art. 64 para. 1 GG: the Federal President must follow this!) In fact, the Federal President then has 21 days to consider whether he wants to dissolve the Bundestag. The Federal President could also decide not to dissolve the Bundestag, in which case the Chancellor would have to continue in office with a minority government. Or resign, in which case the BP could either ask the Chancellor himself or, if he absolutely does not want to, one of the federal ministers to continue in office (Art. 69 para. 3 GG).
The fact that now - which is just as little provided for in the Basic Law as the “epidemic cabinet” at the time! - two parliamentary groups have now “agreed” on the de facto self-dissolution of the Bundestag (which does not exist in the Basic Law!) and new elections, and the Federal President is apparently playing along, all in complete contradiction to constitutional law, shows that constitutional law is apparently in a state of dissolution.
And if the AfD doesn't play along? As far as Vosgerau is concerned. But what if the AfD does not play along and expresses its confidence in Scholz? If they don't want to let Scholz out of his mess? Yes, it is to be expected that the AfD's votes will be enough to overturn the vote of confidence. The AfD could then drive Merz in front of him and force him to hold a constructive vote of no confidence after all. Then it would once again be the AfD that would demand behavior in accordance with the rules of the Basic Law. Is it the fear of this possibility that has led to the motion for an AfD ban being tabled for a vote in the Bundestag right now? Or is it the fear that the AfD could perform so strongly in new elections that conditions like those in Saxony would arise? Oh yes, in “our democracy” anything that goes against the AfD is allowed. It can be taken for granted that this ban proposal will not be passed. So, once again, it's just a matter of using any means necessary to steal a few more votes away from the AfD. Just like the constant talk of “guaranteed right-wing extremism”. Interior Minister Faeser has now removed the President of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Haldenwang, from office on the grounds that he is running for a seat in the Bundestag for the CDU. Not that we should shed a tear for Haldenwang, but this process is also borderline. It is in line with the general left-green stance: Anyone who is not for us is an enemy of “our democracy” and our enemy. I can only quote Vosgerau, who says that constitutional law is obviously in a state of dissolution.
Is the dissolution of the FRG expected? I can't help but get the impression that people in Berlin are acting as if they are in a doomsday scenario. That nothing matters anyway. That the destruction of the German economy, indeed of the FRG, is already complete and that it doesn't matter whether laws and customs are still adhered to. Right now, Trump's historic election victory has put the finishing touches to these hasardes. Like a bunch of chickens, they no longer know what to do or where to go. Or do they expect Russia to actually annul the 2+4 treaty? They have given enough reason, Merz in particular. And then it won't matter anyway. Then there will have to be a complete restart. Then the FRG will no longer exist in this form. All laws and treaties that the FRG has concluded since 1990 will then be null and void. All of them, because the legal basis no longer exists. Eureka! Then we will have 20,000 fewer building regulations in one fell swoop. We can build again. Then we'll be free of all dictates from Brussels again and can happily drive our diesels. By the way, is there an easier way to reduce bureaucracy? All the bureaucratic monsters that have been created since 1990 would no longer exist. And yes, we would have to survive a period of chaos.
An empire in decline.... When I look at how our chiefs deal with the Basic Law, I suspect that they know more and are already firmly expecting the 2+4 Treaty to be annulled. That none of them will still have any responsibility in a few months' time. That Germany's status will finally be regulated anew with peace treaties. That Germany will become a sovereign state. With a constitution on which the people have voted in accordance with international law - something we were promised back in 1990 and which has not yet been possible because the USA has banned referendums at federal level.
The world is currently experiencing a period of upheaval that is unprecedented in history. Further developments could be just as unprecedented and it is hard to imagine what could be possible. The handling of the Basic Law confirms what the ancient Romans already knew: an empire, a state in decline, does everything it can to accelerate it. The cucumber squad in Berlin is working on this with full force.
DeepL-Translation of https://www.anderweltonline.com/klartext/klartext-20242/das-gerangel-um-die-neuwahlen-ist-ein-schmierentheater/
I see the trigger for the collapse of the coalition at this point in time in connection with President Trump's victory. A major clean-up is beginning in the USA and the foundations for this are currently being laid in Western European countries. It is NOT happening by chance!
Unfortunately, Americans do not understand German “democracy”. We do not have a majority vote. The corrupt parties determine at least 50% of the representatives in our parliaments via the so-called “list procedure”. If one party, like the CSU, wins all direct mandates, then the other parties get so-called “compensatory mandates”. The number of MPs in our parliaments is not fixed. So-called “Überhangmandate” can occur. For this reason, we, some 82 Mio people currently have the second largest parliament in the world (733) after China (~2,980) and ahead of North Korea (687). Parties that do not receive more than 5% of the votes cast are only represented in parliament if one of their members wins their constituency.
The upcoming election will change nothing, absolutely nothing!
The only real and credible alternative with largely experienced candidates will not be allowed to play anywhere. The supposed alternative, the CDU, is led by the long-standing head of Blackrock Germany. Our economy was completely destroyed by the Greens and the CDU now wants to continue with them. Our justice system is completely in the hands of the system parties. The system of “democracy” in the version of unlimited majority rule is being discredited not only here, but worldwide.
There is still hope for the USA thanks to the now possible return to the original concept, but here all hope is lost.
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Nothing will change here in Germany. No matter when elections are held, there will be no change. Why? Germany's economy is destroyed. Germany is completely bankrupt and the possibility of generating new debt is coming to an end. We have lost hundreds of thousands of jobs this year. The ever decreasing net taxpayers have to finance more and more parasitic Germans and illegal foreigners. The state bureaucracy is exploding and producing thousands of regulations that are strangling productive economic players. The so-called “Mittelstand”, i.e. small to medium-sized businesses, was destroyed in favor of large corporations. The social “glue” is no longer there. Public safety no longer exists. I'll leave it at that for now. West Germany is brainwashed by the narratives of man-made climate change, the “right-wing danger” and the supposed claim of all kinds of foreigners to be allowed to come to Germany in order to be fed here for the rest of their lives. In East Germany, the memory of dictatorship is still present, they vote accordingly, but the system parties prevent political change, if necessary by manipulating election results, as was recently the case in Brandenburg in favor of the SPD. In Saxony, the formation of a government has failed. No one there knows what to do next, as the AfD is not allowed to play along. If it were allowed to, the party would play a role similar to that of the new Trump administration. Everyone is afraid of that (politics, the judiciary, state media...)! Since the political system in Germany is rotten to the core and the AfD, fortunately for them, is not allowed to take responsibility, a new election, whenever it takes place, will not change anything. We Germans will have to wait until after the expected crash, until we will hopefully be sovereign again, to be able to start rebuilding.
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The German Reich backed Lenin financed and sent him to Russia. The United States backed Trotski financed and sent him to Russia. The latter was supposed to follow Lenin. Then the "industrial" accident Stalin occured.
I never realised that this let Stalin to kill him when Trotski as he seemed to have ceased to pose a threat to Stalin a long time ago.
In Germany it is extremely anti-Trump. In 2016, German television ARD (the only German (state) medium selected) was already way out in front in its (opinion) reporting with 82% negative contributions. It feels like this has gotten much worse. There are Germans in street polls who want to emigrate from GERMANY if Trump wins the election! Given the preponderance of green-left-red journalists in the German media (>75%), I think the numbers are accurate, at least for Germany. This will be another rude awakening for the media after 2016. At least I have hope.
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Don't be afraid! Everything the Eurocrats touch will be destroyed. Everything they start will not work. The only thing that always works is stealing taxpayers' money. Although that hardly exists anymore. It's all just freshly generated FIAT money.
Good God! Why would Russia even want Western Europe, which has been completely destroyed economically, socially and scientifically? Why should Russia spend its resources on feeding the degenerate states, like my Germany, and not on rebuilding the Donbass? What did NATO want to go to war with in the first place? Our tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and air defense systems have long since been delivered to Ukraine and destroyed there by the Russian army. Who comes up with such nonsense?
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Think of the share sales by Gates, Soros and others. What will the value of the shares be after the crash, when all the bad guys lose their wealth at almost the same time, hopefully! Better to do it now and convert the earnings into real money.
Keep in mind that Germany is not sovereign at least since 1945 and that we are brainwashed ever since by our occupation powers i.e. the USA.
Trump demonized, Harris glorified: How German media paint a wishful reality in the US election campaign
In the German media landscape, Trump is being vilified, while Kamala Harris is being exalted as a shining light. The obsession is obvious, but not to the journalists who confuse their opinion with reality. Soon they will be surrounded by reality again - and again fail to learn from it. On November 5, Americans will elect their president for the 60th time. A good 233 million people are eligible to vote, excluding the six million or so who have been convicted of a serious crime. Germans are not eligible to vote either, yet the local media believe they must constantly intervene in the US election campaign. The roles have been clearly distributed for at least four and a half decades. The Democratic candidate, who is always a beacon of hope, even a shining light, is always favored, even if he can afford scandals like Bill Clinton. Obama was a “superstar” and messiah anyway, and Joe Biden's rapid decline was studiously ignored; after all, his rival was Donald Trump, the goddess of our time. Because the respective Republican competitor is always put down. It started with Ronald Reagan, who was ridiculed as an “actor” and who was thought capable of starting World War III because of a harmless joke at a microphone rehearsal (“Russia declared outlawed, the bombing starts in five minutes”). Later, it was Bush Senior and especially his son George W. who were portrayed as stupid and dangerous. With Trump, however, the hysteria reached a climax. The Republican candidate is always the bogeyman Let's talk about Trump Derangement Syndrome, a phenomenon first described by columnist and commentator Charles Krauthammer in connection with George W. Bush as “Bush Derangement Syndrome”. It simply didn't matter what Bush did or didn't do, it was always wrong. The Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is even more pronounced. As soon as Donald Trump appears, his opponents go berserk. Not even the finest good hair is left on him. In 2017, a study by Harvard University analyzed the reporting of leading American and European media during President Trump's first 100 days in office, including ARD as the only German medium. Unsurprisingly, it turned out that nowhere was Trump reported on more negatively than there. According to the study, a whopping 98% of the evaluative reports in the main news program on ARD were negative. Not that Erste or other public broadcasters handled it any differently than Der Spiegel or Süddeutsche Zeitung, for example. On its covers, the Hamburg news magazine sometimes depicted Trump as a roaring King Kong, sometimes as a comet hurtling towards the earth, as a firebug, a Ku Klux Klan racist or as an executioner beheading the Statue of Liberty. Was there something with Joe Biden? Hatred of Trump oozes from every pore of the German press, he can never please them, he is even described as a warmonger, although the USA did not start a war during his term of office (2016-2020); on the contrary, Trump acted as a peacemaker between Israel and Arab countries in the Middle East with the Abraham Accords. Every word he says is twisted in his mouth. When Trump spoke of a “bloodbath” (in the sense of economic drying up) in March, this was construed as a threat of political violence: “If he is not elected, there will be a bloodbath.” The clarification came later in a very small font size. Even an assassination attempt on him was played down: “Trump brought to safety after blast” read the headline on ZDF. The transparent political nature of various accusations against Trump was overlooked, preferring to make him look like a criminal. He stirs up fears, it is said again and again, he has a “radical agenda”, “rages” and lies. No other politician is usually called a liar, especially not German ones. Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND) even called on a psychiatrist and anxiety researcher to explain “why so many people believe Trump's lies”. The word “lies” appeared a whopping 25 times in the text. When Joe Biden made a disastrous appearance in the TV duel with Trump at the end of June, which not only horrified the US Democrats, the German media initially acted as if nothing had happened. According to Tagesschau, Biden and Trump had a “sharp exchange of words” and the president's lapses were not even mentioned. Only when it could no longer be avoided, the US media took up the issue and the videos circulated on social media, did they suddenly see a problem. "Competent. Quick-witted. Not white" No sooner had Joe Biden been dumped than Kamala Harris, who had remained in the background until then, became a shining light overnight. While Der Spiegel had written on March 28 about a “burden named Kamala Harris” who is unprecedentedly unpopular, the Vice President mutated into a “promise” on July 23. “Competent. Quick-witted. Not white.” ZDF today listed the Democrat's supposed strengths. The second channel also called her “a woman who makes history”, a “beacon of hope”, “strong in debating” and a “great role model for women”. When the Democrats officially nominated her as their presidential candidate, German fanboys indulged in “thunderous cheers”. The magazine stern put her on the cover and ran the headline: “The Savior?”, with the question mark only to feign at least a modicum of journalistic distance. Nothing was too stupid for the German media to glorify an unpopular politician who was clearly overstretched in her office as a pillar saint. At some point, the common attitude journalist begins to consider his own opinion to be the measure of all things - and of reality. If Trump is such a bloody idiot, then it can't be that Americans are voting for him, can it? So in the editorial offices, the wish becomes the father of the thought. And if you tell readers, viewers and listeners often enough how bad Trump is and how decent his opponent is, the audience will believe it too. It's hard to forget how Jörg Schönenborn presented an infratest dimap survey on DeutschlandTREND Extra in 2016, according to which, when asked who would win the presidential election in the USA, 82% believed that Hillary would win, with only 9% backing Trump. The result is well known. When desire and reality merge However, as true attitude journalists are completely resistant to learning, they repeat their mistakes over and over again. Recently, the ZDF political barometer showed that despite the extremely close race in the USA at the moment, 72% of people surveyed in Germany believe that Kamala Harris will win, while only 23% believe that Trump will. The gap between wishful thinking and reality is so wide that it gives the impression that the public media in particular have softened their audience to such an extent that they are no longer able to take a sober view of the situation. Accordingly, Elon Musk commented on his platform X: “This is what it looks like when people are fed state propaganda.” Another survey showed that four out of five Germans would vote for Harris if they were allowed to vote in America, with 79% of respondents stating this in the representative Forsa survey commissioned by stern and RTL. The approval rating for Harris is particularly high among supporters of the Green Party: a whopping 99 percent, something not even Erich Honecker could boast. Elmar Theveßen, who has been passed around as an expert and is notorious for his regularly inaccurate assessments, embarrassed himself on Markus Lanz in July with his claim that “Joe Biden - you get the feeling - is sitting a bit more firmly in the saddle” (Biden declared his decision not to run again just a few days later). Nevertheless, he is still consulted whenever the required expertise is needed. Kamala Harris recently revealed her incompetence on Fox News, but Theveßen had a completely different perception of her performance. Only Trump has a “home channel” Asked about Harris' interview on ZDF, Theveßen rambled on about “new ideas, a breath of fresh air”, saying Harris had “scored some points”. Thank you, that's what we wanted to hear. Have a good evening! In this context, the reference to Fox News as Donald Trump's “home channel” should not be omitted, although we have never heard of CNN as Kamala Harris' home channel. Woe betide anyone who came up with the idea of referring to ARD as the Green Party's home broadcaster, there would be talk of hate and agitation very quickly. The possibility that Donald Trump could speak from the soul of a majority of Americans when he invokes American values and mocks the elites on the East and West Coasts doesn't even seem to exist for German attitude journalists. Nor does the idea that the woke posturing of the establishment is not as noble, helpful and good as is suggested everywhere. On November 5, we could be in for another rude awakening. Because the Americans themselves will decide who moves into the White House - and not German editors and their compliant experts.
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Isn't it also possible that a person can be charged in several cases (e.g. different indictments in different states)? If it can be a 1 to many relationship, then any assumption about the number of people involved is speculation.
"Hello, you are the law, you elected these idiots" — No, not necessarily. Election fraud is rampant over here at least since 10 to 12 years. Not nationwide, but always when it is urgently needed, such as in the last state elections in eastern Germany.
You´re right. This abortion thing is nonsense. Read about the history of the “Lebensborn” campaign. Young German women were supposed to bring as many children into the world as possible with Aryan SS men. Germans were supposed to have many children. In the beginning they should fill the "Lebensraum im Osten" that´s conquered Russia. Then it was ment to replace the military losses as fast as possible.
We don´t use Dominion or other voting machines. But it doesn't matter, because our fraud system works differently