the bird singing - was the capitol creating the second impeachment
"singing" giving evidence to trump, about who his enemies are and who is not, they are making records of those who were speaking in front of the mic for the future.
The bird is now caged (20k millitary, walls, vehices, choppers)
The question is, what is he going to do with the bird ?
This morning I read this post. I attempted to comment but it wouldn't send my comment so I said "forget it". Well that was an act of the universe because of what happened just now.
Then I saw the instagram post at the bottom of the page with the guy's shirt that says "J'<3 L'Enfant" ------L'Enfant = The Child.
My post this morning was to educate people on who designed Washington D.C. layout. The Architect was Pierre L'Enfant... (I have a degree in landscape architecture so I have studied him). He designed the owl...and his last name means The Child....are you fucking kidding me?
Pierre L'Enfant (The Child) designed the owl that is THE supposed symbol from Q....this entire pedo network...the designer of D.C.'s last name translate's to "The Child"?
But he was Washington's trusted architect....what does that mean? What is Pierre L'Enfant's history? Bloodline?!
If Q turns out to be true (and I honestly think it will be now), then we will never fucking forget this for as long as we live. I feel like we are in a movie, figuring out the clues. It makes us all feel worth something again - gives hope against the globalist order. It’s literally like a hero saving the day in a film. I will never forget all of this.
Failure is not an option.
God helps those who help themselves.
More people have returned to faith and are praying.
Bottom line: None of us are living under anything but our republic. WWGOWGA
7 “To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write:
These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. 8 I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. 9 I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you. 10 Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth.
11 I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown.
My wife told me the other day she finally believes me because she was talking with her co-workers and they all thought their husbands were crazy Q cultists. I should have been more aware about Q but I was working 12 hour shifts in 2018-19. Wish I had bookmarked 4chan instead of r/conspiracy. Didn’t figure correctly until Lin Wood and Sidney started talking about summarily executing people.
Welcome! I am, unfortunately, only a week into this rabbit hole myself. I feel like I have sat down to the best movie ever made, but only caught the last 10 minutes. I have always had a feeling their were dark powers controlling our world, but would never guessed it was so prevalent.
I have been a lurker since pizzagate on Voat and finally created an account so I could post. I thank God for you levelheaded people who are keeping hope alive. I have bet my son a hundred that Trump pulls this out and is our president 4 more years, my spouse tells me to take off my tinfoil hat and I feel like a chameleon around my friends who bash Trump because of CNN and snopes. I try to slide in our conversations the positive things Trump has done for the country and ask why would he give up his billionaire lifestyle for this bullshit? They respond he is an egomaniac and wants to rule the world. Is there a site I could send them that is not in your face right leaning? They believe in the Biden basement power, so it is a battle.
For some, it will take putting the images and evidence right in front of their faces for them to finally believe. Some still won’t be able to believe because essentially their whole life will be a lie..
Saddest part is their followers/supporters believe them
I literally had a guy tell me that "a Biden administration would signify a return to more democracy and more democratic processes compared to Trump".
I don't see the slightest piece of evidence that would lead to such affirmation, but it doesn't matter. That's what CNN said, therefore it must be true somehow.
I was having a 'chat' with my mother about this whole thing (we're in the UK) and she hates Trump.
I asked her why, and she spouted off something about how he treats people and how he talks to them etc. - I had no idea what she was on about.
I just asked her who told her such things, and she just said 'the news'. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry at that point. I've sown the seeds in her mind, hopefully they will be watered soon.
I’m in the UK too brother. My wife has been red-pilled but none of my group of friends are there yet. I’ve managed to plant a few seeds in their minds though, preparing them for what is to come.
It's all you can do at this point I'm afraid. Anything more and it will put them off.
We have to wait for the Pain, and then offer to help. At least they know that they can reach out to you if this stuff turns out to be real (which is what I've said to my loved ones who think I'm on the brink of a mental episode)
Why does it matter who it is? IDK about where you live but I'm within enough proximity to DC that I regularly experience people talking about how a Biden admin will be a relief, things back to 'normal, democracy is back etc.
It's sickening how strongly MSM has a hold on people at such a scale, even people we love and care about. I've been planting seeds for a looong time now, and some have even started to sprout in the last couple of weeks; that is our task, IMO.
CNN and all the other MSM are a clear and present danger to national security. When the time comes, these MSM companies will be gone. More and more, you will see. Everything you thought was truth was actually a lie. What a time to be alive!
When its caged. Birds keep singing down to a minimium so as not to attract predators. But of the are in a secure location where predators cant get them.....they fucking wont shut was bird owner.
"I know why the caged bird sings". Maya Angelou. That's a book...and i remember a older movie titled that though I havent been able to find it.
We caged the bird.
They're going to walk right in freely..
You catch the animal with a trap it triggers itself and preferably the kind that's also a cage, like a feral cat trap. And my birds sing when they feel safe, otherwise they fly or hide.
One thing I also thought about is by "singing" he means when they start declaring their true intentions. Hunting us down, locking us up, censoring all of us, putting us on lists and in re education camps. All of this has happened when they thought they secured the presidency and have all of these troops around them to "protect" them.
I'm.excited because we all, and our kids too, will be able to tell out grandchildren about this. And our kids will be able to tell their grandchildren about this.
And the WE become the Greatest Generation to ever live. As long as we're successful, that is.
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;
And gentlemen in England now-a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.
Perhaps I’m being too simplistic, but the phrase “he sang like a bird” came to mind and in crime novels usually refers to someone who confesses after being caught with indisputable evidence.
Yup. I agree. It's just the background. I mean they couldn't have designed the background in such a pattern that would make an owl. That would take too much effort and thought. Why would a bunch of people obsessed with symbolism do that? It just doesn't make to someone like me that knows fuck all about symbolism. Right? Do I have the right thinking?
I have been feeding the birds a wide variety of seeds and suet for many years. The owls and hawks in my neck of the woods know this and swoop in for kills occasionally at the very first minutes of dawn when the birds first lightly sing.
(All feeders are next to thick, purposely planted thorned bushes and evergreens to give the birds a chance to hide.) I only feed in the fall and winter.
That's why I'm laying this out because it's very messy. Obviously I'm referring to the cabal as the rats (cmon bro look at my post history for like a second)
I guess there is the possibility that "symbolism will be their downfall," to me, means turning their own symbolism against them, which I should have been more clear about in my previous post.
Thanks for calling me out, it needed clarification but I think there may be something there, even if just a thought.
I think it just means that by marking literally everything they've done with their own symbolism, they've made it that much easier to be found and taken down.
So Lin Wood posted earlier from Exodus 14:13 and if you look up Q post 1413, you guessed it- it's an owl pic.
the bird singing - was the capitol creating the second impeachment "singing" giving evidence to trump, about who his enemies are and who is not, they are making records of those who were speaking in front of the mic for the future.
The bird is now caged (20k millitary, walls, vehices, choppers)
The question is, what is he going to do with the bird ?
(Posting higher for visibility)
This is not a joke.
This morning I read this post. I attempted to comment but it wouldn't send my comment so I said "forget it". Well that was an act of the universe because of what happened just now.
I just saw the "Ring Leader" post:
Then I saw the instagram post at the bottom of the page with the guy's shirt that says "J'<3 L'Enfant" ------L'Enfant = The Child.
My post this morning was to educate people on who designed Washington D.C. layout. The Architect was Pierre L'Enfant... (I have a degree in landscape architecture so I have studied him). He designed the owl...and his last name means The Child....are you fucking kidding me?
I am kind of having an internal panic attack.
Pierre L'Enfant (The Child) designed the owl that is THE supposed symbol from Q....this entire pedo network...the designer of D.C.'s last name translate's to "The Child"?
But he was Washington's trusted architect....what does that mean? What is Pierre L'Enfant's history? Bloodline?!
17 points
If Q turns out to be true (and I honestly think it will be now), then we will never fucking forget this for as long as we live. I feel like we are in a movie, figuring out the clues. It makes us all feel worth something again - gives hope against the globalist order. It’s literally like a hero saving the day in a film. I will never forget all of this.
Q being true is a no-brainer. The plan being true is a no-brainer. Question is will the plan succeed.
Failure is not an option. God helps those who help themselves. More people have returned to faith and are praying. Bottom line: None of us are living under anything but our republic. WWGOWGA
We have God on our side. We can't lose.
Ah. Yes. You are correct. We are mere followers in the light of the Lord.
Revelation 3:7-11 NIV
To the Church in Philadelphia
7 “To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write:
These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. 8 I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. 9 I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you. 10 Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth.
11 I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown.
Most people believe we are crazy too. Hell, even my wife thinks I’m nuts. They will see when the dark is brought to the light.
yeah, to be honest that bit kinda sucks.
I'm starting think..just a little much could it hurt..just one more little bit then I'll get back to healing.
My wife told me the other day she finally believes me because she was talking with her co-workers and they all thought their husbands were crazy Q cultists. I should have been more aware about Q but I was working 12 hour shifts in 2018-19. Wish I had bookmarked 4chan instead of r/conspiracy. Didn’t figure correctly until Lin Wood and Sidney started talking about summarily executing people.
You are still a very early adopter. Be proud. Remember, not even Alex Jones believes in Q!
Welcome! I am, unfortunately, only a week into this rabbit hole myself. I feel like I have sat down to the best movie ever made, but only caught the last 10 minutes. I have always had a feeling their were dark powers controlling our world, but would never guessed it was so prevalent.
I have been a lurker since pizzagate on Voat and finally created an account so I could post. I thank God for you levelheaded people who are keeping hope alive. I have bet my son a hundred that Trump pulls this out and is our president 4 more years, my spouse tells me to take off my tinfoil hat and I feel like a chameleon around my friends who bash Trump because of CNN and snopes. I try to slide in our conversations the positive things Trump has done for the country and ask why would he give up his billionaire lifestyle for this bullshit? They respond he is an egomaniac and wants to rule the world. Is there a site I could send them that is not in your face right leaning? They believe in the Biden basement power, so it is a battle.
For some, it will take putting the images and evidence right in front of their faces for them to finally believe. Some still won’t be able to believe because essentially their whole life will be a lie..
Not everyone will make it out unscathed.
Ask if they believe there is a devil. A real Satan.
You may not believe in the Devil. He certainly Believes in You.
Oh, I believe. There's a reason he's called the great deceiver.
And they tried to totally normalize election fraud on the basis of "disenfranchising voters" holy shit tho
Saddest part is their followers/supporters believe them
I literally had a guy tell me that "a Biden administration would signify a return to more democracy and more democratic processes compared to Trump".
I don't see the slightest piece of evidence that would lead to such affirmation, but it doesn't matter. That's what CNN said, therefore it must be true somehow.
I was having a 'chat' with my mother about this whole thing (we're in the UK) and she hates Trump.
I asked her why, and she spouted off something about how he treats people and how he talks to them etc. - I had no idea what she was on about.
I just asked her who told her such things, and she just said 'the news'. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry at that point. I've sown the seeds in her mind, hopefully they will be watered soon.
I’m in the UK too brother. My wife has been red-pilled but none of my group of friends are there yet. I’ve managed to plant a few seeds in their minds though, preparing them for what is to come.
It's all you can do at this point I'm afraid. Anything more and it will put them off.
We have to wait for the Pain, and then offer to help. At least they know that they can reach out to you if this stuff turns out to be real (which is what I've said to my loved ones who think I'm on the brink of a mental episode)
Pretty sure my family is worried about me mentally . i had to just stop trying. Guess they will see
my wife actually said to me this morning that she is worried what might happen to me if this should all to prove a wild goose chase.
It's a good question, and one I cannot really answer. Everyone who knows is all-in at the high stakes poker table.
My mom hadnt realized even her dear fox news had turned doh!
What guy told you that? The guy behind the counter at Starbucks?
so who?
Why does it matter who it is? IDK about where you live but I'm within enough proximity to DC that I regularly experience people talking about how a Biden admin will be a relief, things back to 'normal, democracy is back etc.
It's sickening how strongly MSM has a hold on people at such a scale, even people we love and care about. I've been planting seeds for a looong time now, and some have even started to sprout in the last couple of weeks; that is our task, IMO.
I agree...
It matters who it is because if it's a DC swamp person or brainwashed idiot than it doesn't matter.
I live in a far left area and the people who hated Trump seem scared and are not acting like biden won. I think they know deep down.
CNN and all the other MSM are a clear and present danger to national security. When the time comes, these MSM companies will be gone. More and more, you will see. Everything you thought was truth was actually a lie. What a time to be alive!
I have a feeling this event is being programmed into our very DNA, lest we forget
God Emperor of America!
Think of all the movies / documentaries!
a "bird" will "sing" before it becomes a "jailbird"!
That too, especially dirty birds.
Oh man, Misery was disturbing
my ankles have left the chat
the part of my brain that can imagine my ankles has left the chat
When its caged. Birds keep singing down to a minimium so as not to attract predators. But of the are in a secure location where predators cant get them.....they fucking wont shut was bird owner.
"I know why the caged bird sings". Maya Angelou. That's a book...and i remember a older movie titled that though I havent been able to find it. We caged the bird. They're going to walk right in freely..
Possibly also “to kill a mockingbird”
I fucking love this!! I told everyone today that DC likes lien a trap!
You catch the animal with a trap it triggers itself and preferably the kind that's also a cage, like a feral cat trap. And my birds sing when they feel safe, otherwise they fly or hide.
I was gonna say you shoot it with a Tranquilizer gun, but I guess thats the wrong answer lmao.
You're funny
Q #1413
Q #3399
Ohh man. That's freaky.
Who is RC?
Rachel Chandler. She had a pic of room cameras on her Instagram that supposedly showed the rooms on Epstein Island.
1413 guardian of the pope. Is the pope going down?
The pope is already down.
perhaps they're just going to turn off the hologram during mass - that would be the funniest thing ever has a search function by post number
Also from post 500:
[1] OWL [1] (The fence is on 1st Ave to 1st street around the owl.)
POST 523:
Guess who's running security at the Inauguration? A company called Checkmate.
So I read a bird sings in the morning, and when it feels safe. I am not sure which is the correct answer here.
Was my first thought when Q posted. But Q likes books and movies. "I know why the caged bird sings ", Maya Angelou. It's all a caged bird can do.
"Singing like a bird" is also an idiom for when a crook starts flipping on their cohorts.
And coincidentally flipping the bird is what the victims do to the criminal
One thing I also thought about is by "singing" he means when they start declaring their true intentions. Hunting us down, locking us up, censoring all of us, putting us on lists and in re education camps. All of this has happened when they thought they secured the presidency and have all of these troops around them to "protect" them.
I've also heard it could be "when it's free"
LOL, on a side note... the irony of this. Congress wanted national guard there and the fence put up, but a wall/barrior doesnt work..... bwahahahh
No cage.
future proves past
I'm.excited because we all, and our kids too, will be able to tell out grandchildren about this. And our kids will be able to tell their grandchildren about this.
And the WE become the Greatest Generation to ever live. As long as we're successful, that is.
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile, This day shall gentle his condition; And gentlemen in England now-a-bed Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here, And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.
If it's unsuccessful there's always the Turner Diaries....
Mind blown.
Perhaps I’m being too simplistic, but the phrase “he sang like a bird” came to mind and in crime novels usually refers to someone who confesses after being caught with indisputable evidence.
Most of the pictures aren’t showing on that site for me
do I need to watch the Wizard of Oz again?
This hit me hard when I finally realized what it was. Took me a minute but holy hell this is next level symbology
"The word you're looking for is SYM-BO-LISM"
Well done sir... gave me shivers.
We are gonna some serious shit soon.
Not mine but, thanks. Just reposting. Indeed.
How do we know it isn't about Bohemian Grove?
Owl on the dollar bill
Yup. I agree. It's just the background. I mean they couldn't have designed the background in such a pattern that would make an owl. That would take too much effort and thought. Why would a bunch of people obsessed with symbolism do that? It just doesn't make to someone like me that knows fuck all about symbolism. Right? Do I have the right thinking?
Is it possible, yes. But it might be something else. That's all I'm saying.
What did q say?
There are no coincidences.
Looks like the Owl from the Bohemian Grove...
If only they had listened to Bernie, haha ?
Q, you glorious bastard! I see what you did there!
I have been feeding the birds a wide variety of seeds and suet for many years. The owls and hawks in my neck of the woods know this and swoop in for kills occasionally at the very first minutes of dawn when the birds first lightly sing. (All feeders are next to thick, purposely planted thorned bushes and evergreens to give the birds a chance to hide.) I only feed in the fall and winter.
Love this!
Check out some quick quotes re: Owls and their hunting behavior, via this site.
"The majority of owls have the ability to fly silently which gives them a distinct advantage over their prey."
++Fairly self-explanatory.
"Prey are unaware that they are being hunted until the owl has them in their grasp."
++Same here, except more delicious. The rats won't even know until it's too late.
"One characteristic of an owl is their large [eyes] and their size is the reason why they can see their prey in the dark"
++The owl can hunt vermin in darkness. I mean C'MON, MAN!
"While their vision and sight are important in tracking the prey, it is the strength of their talons and beak that allows them to capture their prey."
++some icing, but we have an idea what would comprise this owl's 'talons.'
Could be nothing, but it's good to keep things like this in mind as we make the bread. do realize the owl is CABAL symbolism, right? Who exactly are you calling a rat, here? The cabal's(owl's) victims?
That's why I'm laying this out because it's very messy. Obviously I'm referring to the cabal as the rats (cmon bro look at my post history for like a second)
I guess there is the possibility that "symbolism will be their downfall," to me, means turning their own symbolism against them, which I should have been more clear about in my previous post.
Thanks for calling me out, it needed clarification but I think there may be something there, even if just a thought.
I think it just means that by marking literally everything they've done with their own symbolism, they've made it that much easier to be found and taken down.
Yeah for sure, but also: why not both?!
You don't realize the Owl was purposely built into the street plan by the Freemasonic architect who designed DC?
Many of these symbols are ancient but are still embraced by the elites today.
Why do you think there are obelisks in Washington, D.C., City of London, and the Vatican?
The symbolism shown is one of the cabal's favorite mascots - the owl. Lurk moar.
But human "birds" sing when they get locked up.
I just click on the title of the post to open the image, and then I can zoom in