Your dog loves you more than your wife, simple test to prove it. lock both of them in the trunk of your car for an hour and when you open it, see who is happiest to see you......
That's your fault. Get him a kong fill it with peanut butter freeze..give it to him . Engages the mind, releives stress he will be busy for a while. Destructive behavior is an indicator the dog is nor getting proper exercise and does not have proper chew toys or enrichment activities. A tired dog, is a good dog.
Dogs are the best. Had my good boy for twelve years. He'd always looked so sad when I'd leave for work. Doggy cam showed me he immediately jumped on the sofa the minute I was out the door. Loved that old guy.
Dogs..protect you with their lives, love and accept you with no conditions, can sniff out explosives, alert when you are sick, find missing people. Cats...shit in a box.
Seriously, look into it, where the chutulu like symbolism is used and by whom...
(quite a bit on but I'm not spending the time to sniff it out, but it's there, probably in one of the symbolism breads)
Listening to NPR on the way home from work, we are definitely living in two realities. They observing all the troops and talking about how locked down the Capital was and upcoming protests from us (which we know there aren't any planned. All I kept thinking is they aren't to protect you because anyone that actually follows Trump knows he told us to stand down and we listen to our POTUS. Also they did a special on Q today though I didn't get to catch in case anyone wants to go dig and see what they are saying about us.
I have a tarot deck for amusement so the day after election, I asked what the final outcome would be. I drew a Four of Wands (upright), which in my deck has a man with a red toga cloth (Trump or Flynn) and a tall white woman (Powell) with a blue toga raising their hands outside city (fortress?) walls. Means celebration, relaxation, homecoming, among other things. Not a strong believer in divination but it was some needed hopium at the time.
Comms that say, "You're Damn right we're in it to win it!" Fuck the commies, game time is over! Enjoy each breath while u can!!! God will sort out the bodies! Those who fail to follow Him are doomed to the pit!!! Never surrender...never give up!!!
I love this woman more than my wife! ? then again, I love most women more than my wife...
I love my wife but I trust my dog.
Your dog loves you more than your wife, simple test to prove it. lock both of them in the trunk of your car for an hour and when you open it, see who is happiest to see you......
10x thumbs up!!! Too funny
Oh shit that's good!
OK -Just made my night laughing!
Fuck i need a dog. The cat I have is totally untrustworthy.
Cats have to choose you. Once they do, you’re stuck.
My 14 lb cat CHOOSES to pin me under the blankets every night...motive unclear
Does it sit on your face? May be a deep state operative performing wet works in the vineyard
No he sits between my legs on the blanket and refuses to move until i yeet him off the bed with the blanket.
I had a dream last night that I was eating pussy...I woke up and the cat was sleeping on my face....
Ragdoll cats are the best. We have one, and she has appointed herself the children's nanny.
Yeah, they're almost always sweet cuddly buddies.
I feel bad for them. They're out of place in this cruel world.
I am convinced that if I was smaller than my cat he would kill me, never trust a cat.
That's definitely a possibility. Would come down to the cat's personality. Same with dogs actually.
My dog chews all my shit.
Start flushing, problem solved!
That's your fault. Get him a kong fill it with peanut butter freeze..give it to him . Engages the mind, releives stress he will be busy for a while. Destructive behavior is an indicator the dog is nor getting proper exercise and does not have proper chew toys or enrichment activities. A tired dog, is a good dog.
RC vehicles work great too especially with high energy dogs.
Did you try rebooting it?
don't leave your shit in toilet then! flushing does wonders
I have heard ‘The dog loves you when no one else’
Dogs are the best. Had my good boy for twelve years. He'd always looked so sad when I'd leave for work. Doggy cam showed me he immediately jumped on the sofa the minute I was out the door. Loved that old guy.
Dogs..protect you with their lives, love and accept you with no conditions, can sniff out explosives, alert when you are sick, find missing people. Cats...shit in a box.
Cats are very protective too, but tend to not get involved unless immediate harm is indicated
Dogs come when you call, cats take a message and get back to you later
So true lol
Love this thread! Lol
But does she wag her tail for you?
wtf lol
Dude.... made me laugh
Ouch! Your poor wife! LMAO
I see a KRAKEN,
It wasn't in the image before. I took a snapshot:
Kraken= good guys
Chtulu= bad guys....
Seriously, look into it, where the chutulu like symbolism is used and by whom... (quite a bit on but I'm not spending the time to sniff it out, but it's there, probably in one of the symbolism breads)
So do I.
looks like it!
R.L. Stine entered the chat
Is that a Kraken?!?!?!
no its spagetti monstr
They're going to be touched by his noodly appendage! Eww...just made the Biden connection to that statement?
Kurt Eichenwald and his family have entered the chat
The 4 atheist horseman of the apocalypse were right!
It looks more like Kthulu to me.
Kranken - Is a legendary sea monster of gigantic size and cephalopod-like appearance in Scandinavian folklore.
Could have used the Kraken to win the election, but I guess the image of kraken is the best we can get
My Pillow guy visited Trump, DECLAS happened today, I think shit is about to go down :) This is some kind of a comm by Sidney.
Are we sure this is the official Sidney Powell page ?? If yes , then we expect things to happen in the next days
No idea how to share a telegraph page, new to it.
Using the app, didn't see it.
Thank you!
YES i love it!! any chance Sidney is presenting evidence to military tribunals?
Listening to NPR on the way home from work, we are definitely living in two realities. They observing all the troops and talking about how locked down the Capital was and upcoming protests from us (which we know there aren't any planned. All I kept thinking is they aren't to protect you because anyone that actually follows Trump knows he told us to stand down and we listen to our POTUS. Also they did a special on Q today though I didn't get to catch in case anyone wants to go dig and see what they are saying about us.
You're mire patient than I am... I tried to listen but had to turn it off after about 30 seconds.
Not gonna lie, I get pissed, but I think it's important to know what propaganda they are putting out.
This doesn’t look like the post of someone gloomy and defeated who has accepted loss.
Either she’s bonkers, or she knows...something. ⭐️Cause this is what you post when your gloating, and feeling like a ROCKSTAR...?
I have a tarot deck for amusement so the day after election, I asked what the final outcome would be. I drew a Four of Wands (upright), which in my deck has a man with a red toga cloth (Trump or Flynn) and a tall white woman (Powell) with a blue toga raising their hands outside city (fortress?) walls. Means celebration, relaxation, homecoming, among other things. Not a strong believer in divination but it was some needed hopium at the time.
No idea how to share anything on telegraph, only been on it a few days sorry.
If you were really losing you would not put this out! This is awesome! I think things are about to change!
I see the Kraken!!
Can’t find her telegram
Wow, just wow.
Cthulhu votes for Trump
Swagger. reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Is this confirmed to be her telegram? I keep hearing about lots of fake accounts over there and I don’t know who’s are real..
Wondering the same
In all fairness, this was also her Twitter profile picture. Not that it isn’t significant, of course.
She loves to troll them. That Q dress!!!!
Comms that say, "You're Damn right we're in it to win it!" Fuck the commies, game time is over! Enjoy each breath while u can!!! God will sort out the bodies! Those who fail to follow Him are doomed to the pit!!! Never surrender...never give up!!!
Mom, is the storm here?
Ah fuck. It's happening.
Unleash the kraken!
So who wins, octopus vs owl?
That's cthulhu isn't it.
On a phone, so harder for me to make out. Does this picture have the fencing on the right?
This thread is funny, once you bring up peoples pets, forget it, thread now about dogs & cats. That's OK, my cat approves