Sandman is McConnell's new bitch. He backstabbed Trump and congratulated Biden when mountains of evidence of voter fraud were coming out and Trump was fighting it in court. This pussy ass kid will wear whatever hat gets him attention and money. Yesterday he wore a MAGA hat, tomorrow he'll wear a pussy hat. He has NO future in politics if that's what he's looking for. He has a better future being McConnell's lap bitch than he has in anything else.
Sandmann is not someone to expect much of. The kid was in the wrong place at the wrong time. What the Left did to him was despicable. And he bore it with about as much grace as we can expect from a teenage boy. No need to expect more than that. In a decent world, we wouldn't know his name.
Right. But he pretended to be MAGA only to stab Trump in the back. I guess he's working for Bitch McConnell and just did what the Bitch asked him to do. The kid has money now, but anyone with common sense will know to stay away from him as a possible business partner as he won't hesitate to stab you in the back.
Reminds me of something my grandfather said to a friend:
Friend: Do you trust your grandson?
Grandfather: As much as you could possibly trust a 17 year old.
When I was younger, I was a bit miffed. I wanted some ringing endorsement. Looking back, there was a metric ton of wisdom in that statement. He’s been gone for a few years now, and I still miss him deeply.
No psy-op. Just a kid who was in it for the fame and money. A lot of people joined the MAGA movement because of how popular it became. Then when things got spicy, a lot of fakesters left. Sandman cashed his checks from the lawsuits and is a millionaire. He was never MAGA, just rode along because he thought it was cool at the time. Now that he's rich he could care less unfortunately
He wore the MAGA hat during his encounter with that dumbass indian guy, and he wore his MAGA hat during the RNC national convention, pretending to be a Trump supporter. So yes, I would say he definitely purported to be MAGA.
tbh for a normy some of the stuff Lin Wood was saying probably does sound crazy. Sandman basically just pointed out how farfetched it seems to him from what I remember
I mean, I get it, but even for normies, when is it ever not a cuck move to turn on the guy that helped you bigly?
Sandmann could have just been like, hey I understand everyone thinks lin wood has gone too far, but I would like to thank him for helping a no-name-nobody like me clear my name from the public eye, even if that's unpopular
Isn't that the right thing to do, even for a normie?
For what it is worth, I think Lin really just went into "giving zero fucks" mode after he saw the pedo evidence with his own eyes.
He speaks about coming to God recently and I think once you have that change come into your life, then see the things he has seen, he just literally does not give a fuck anymore what anyone thinks or says, he knows what he has seen and the rest of the world is just a joke now. He has chosen to live his live with no filter now, because he has seen the worst of humanity.
it was only a few weeks ago I thought pence was an evangelical, upright and all that, and lwood redpilled me about the whole pdo child trafficking pence is part of
and then I saw him receive that coin after he backstabbed trump, for a whole day I was questioning wtf did I just watch happen right in front of me
I like Lin Wood and believe that he is sincere. His participation on the conference call with his former law school was fascinating. I have a hard time believing all of what he says is true, but at this point an alien spaceship could land on my front lawn, and I'd probably say, "That's weird. What's for dinner?"
At some point money becomes irrelevant and what you stand for takes precedence. He seems to have fuck you money and it sounds he's saying fuck you to the corruption. I've seen born again Christians and they can be a little overwhelming in terms of following the rules at the expense of mercy and patience and I think he may have a bit of that going on.
at this point in his life he has no idea what's going on. at 18 the ideas and reality is shaped by the adults in his life. Time will shape him and we dont no who or what he will be. let him age and let him learn....hopefully he wont become the swamp we just dont know.
No, Sandmann made a statements a few weeks ago denouncing Lin when Lin pointed out that Pence is a fraud. This was coming, have no idea who is advising Sandmann for all of this. His loss.
Yep this is the right answer, and Lin is definitely controversial right now. I'm guessing his parents (mom) wasn't too crazy about being associated with Lin, given the results of the 20th.
Likely a mistake long-term but it's their decision to make.
I don't know about you man but loyalty isn't something you learn.
If you don't have it as a kid, you never will. At 18 I've been in life threatening situations and didn't back down from. I don't think it's unfair to expect another 18 year old in some political sitiation to just keep his mouth shut and not betray all the people that have tried to help him out and burn a lot of bridges just to satisfy public opinions.
That's not expecting perfection. That's just expecting decency. Guarantee you there's kids his age that would agree.
Loyalty is not blind. If you don't thinks someone is in the right, because you're young and don't have years of experience or context, you won't extend an allegiance to them.
You can be loyal to a fault, with much left to learn, and still decide to dismiss Linn
Agreed, and I for one am not prepared to condemn him for being imperfect and failing to see a picture so large it's taken the rest of us a LIFETIME to piece together, not am I prepared to condemn him for not having a family sufficiently perfect to guide him perfectly.
Yeah but he doesn't know he is doing it. He chose a standard republican, one who is of the system. Trump is not of the typical system and no doubt Sandmann's parents had a hand in this.
It's a shame really. In a way I feel bad for him. Once there was money everyone was in this kids face manipulating him.
The moment he got a job working for McConnel, not realizing the McConnel works for no one but himself... was the moment he will probably come to regret
Lawfag here. Sandmann's firing will have a direct impact on Lin Wood's income. If Lin Wood can connect the firing to how the media (and how his own alma mater, Mercer University) has defamed him, then Lin Wood has a cause of action - complete with demonstrable damages - against them all.
Another lawfag here....that’s a hell of a stretch (but God willing he could do it).
Public figure = actual malice standard for defamation. Not only does the defamatory/slanderous publication/statement have to be demonstratively false, it must also be ‘published’ with malicious intent. That is a nearly impossible standard, but if that is established, causation must be proven (that sandmann would not have fired Wood but for the tortious conduct). If he gets causation, he would next have to prove actual damages (what amount of $$ he would have recovered were he not fired).
Badass in theory, but super difficult for a public figure. Lin Wood kicks ass in my opinion. I don’t think he really needs the cash, just thinking that this suit would be uphill all the way
Good post. I wrote my appellate brief in law school about defamation of a public figure. Tough standard of proof for sure. After listening to that Mercer Law School Zoom call, I thought the Dean was being very reckless as she approached actual malice. But I found myself thinking "how could Lin Wood prove damages?" And then this happened right on its heels.
I imagine Wood is thinking hard about this. But he has much bigger fish to fry right now. And I suspect he's going to be getting his million bucks back from Mercer University lickity split.
I listened to him when he sat in on the law school dean "and his friend" rip him a new one up to when he announced he was in the zoom. Well the man inpressed me and I respect the guy. He was very well spoken, thoughtful and surprisingly respectful to assholes that had just been shitting on him. Clearly a class act. I would have kept the man if I were that jew kid.
Hummmm you sound confused. Do you still think the holocaust actually happened? If so you are a special kind of stupid. It did not happen, it was work camps where the jews worked, played soccer, went to daycare, had their teeth fixed by dentists, the men had a whore house for fucks sake. The whole story was to demoralize the german people and vilify them. The hallofcosts story does not hold water. Truth does not need laws to prevent questioning them.
"When Todd McMurtry informed me that Nicholas Sandmann wanted me out of his cases, I told Todd I would be happy to withdraw voluntarily.
I was pleased when Todd admitted to me in our conversation that it was my argument before Judge Bertelsmann and my legal theory about the republication of Nathan Phillips’ lies that paved the way for success in all of Nicholas’ cases. Todd was right. I appreciated his honesty.
I am not receiving any fees on the remaining Sandmann cases. My professional obligation to Nicholas has now ended. I did my best for him. That is all I can do.
I will have no further comment on Nicholas Sandmann, his family, or his cases. Again, I wish this young man, his family and Todd luck."
"As far as Todd McMurtry goes, I have always considered Todd to be my friend. I always tried to help him.
When his firm needed money to resolve a dispute with a former partner, I gave his firm $75,000 out of my pocket.
When Todd unsuccessfully ran for Congress last year, he asked for my help. I told him I would be happy to help him. I made the maximum personal contribution to his campaign. When Todd was attacked for tweets he posted a few years ago that appeared to be anti-Trump, I defended him under the idea that everyone was entitled to change his or her mind.
When Todd directed me to a PAC which supported his candidacy, I was asked to contribute $150,000. I did so as I believed Todd was a good man who would represent We The People in Congress.
I wish Todd luck with his legal career. I am sure the best is yet to come for Todd."
Where does it say that we have to keep a lawyer. they are weapons not your friend when you hire one. if I felt the current situation with a lawyer would interfere with a court case I would drop the lawyer. at this point the baggage that lin caries would only hurt him in a court room. sad but true.
This poor kid. The way he was treated by the MSM and now that he got a good big settlement (which was definitely earned and deserved) he throws away his greatest allies. Bad move. I hope he realizes his mistakes.
I am loving Lin's telegram feed (apart from the constant religious stuff) he's really telling it straight, keeping his backbone and really baring his soul.
Looks like Sandmann thought it was more profitable to side with the Turtle and that rotting ship called the GOP and let another legal counsel handle these "open and shut" cases.
Looks like I've been out of the loop as usual, thank you for posting this. I thought better of Nick, I had to confirm the Mitch McConnel hiring too. I started to become disappointed then realized that I would just be one of these delusional libtards. Greed is a weakness to many I suppose.
Lin came to his rescue and defended him from a mob. Now Lin faces the same mob and Nick joins in to pile on against him. Nick learned nothing about courage or loyalty
I think it's a case of head the enemy off at the pass..
Sadly Lin has that Trump and Patriots taint that the left and the enemy would/could use to destabilize Nick's legal stuff going forward. You know what the MSN are capable of!
It's a wise move for all concerned; it's what is best for Nick is the gist of what they seem to be hinting at, which of course is the right thing, because Victory against the wicked scum that demonized Nick and threatened him, his family and friends lives for nothing has to happen.
Lin showing proper grace.
To be fair, keep the kid out of all this. Lin is involved at a level that garners anger and threats from bad people. Separation from Lin is safer for Nick and his family. It served as a warning and we need to let him go.
Well, maybe he doesn't need the money, but as for it being something out of a mutual agreement idk, on telegram he mentioned this earlier, and seemed pretty sour about it
Seems like the sandman caved for public opinion, ah well, he's just a kid... here's what Lin said:
No client had abandoned me but I expect Nicholas Sandmann may do so , as he is feeling the pressure from members of Mitch McConnel's team, on which Nicholas worked this election cycle
I'm sure Sandman, being a kid still, is being easily influenced by the adults around him. He's a good kid, but he will need to make choices and live with the consequences of those decisions. I wish him luck.
Thanks for pointing out that Nick is just a kid. A wonderful Trump loving kid. He's a hero and he doesn't realize it now but he's making a mistake firing Lin but in America you get to make mistakes. Let's show Nick a little grace.
The fuck you is so elegantly put! Hahahaha
Good luck loosing your cases! Love it.
Sandman is McConnell's new bitch. He backstabbed Trump and congratulated Biden when mountains of evidence of voter fraud were coming out and Trump was fighting it in court. This pussy ass kid will wear whatever hat gets him attention and money. Yesterday he wore a MAGA hat, tomorrow he'll wear a pussy hat. He has NO future in politics if that's what he's looking for. He has a better future being McConnell's lap bitch than he has in anything else.
Sandmann is not someone to expect much of. The kid was in the wrong place at the wrong time. What the Left did to him was despicable. And he bore it with about as much grace as we can expect from a teenage boy. No need to expect more than that. In a decent world, we wouldn't know his name.
Well said. He may greatly regret this decision in the future.
He may have little to do with the decisio s as all that money likely has someone controlling him.
Right. But he pretended to be MAGA only to stab Trump in the back. I guess he's working for Bitch McConnell and just did what the Bitch asked him to do. The kid has money now, but anyone with common sense will know to stay away from him as a possible business partner as he won't hesitate to stab you in the back.
Well, never put your faith in a newly rich kid. I don't expect him to have the sophistication the rest of us developed.
Reminds me of something my grandfather said to a friend:
Friend: Do you trust your grandson?
Grandfather: As much as you could possibly trust a 17 year old.
When I was younger, I was a bit miffed. I wanted some ringing endorsement. Looking back, there was a metric ton of wisdom in that statement. He’s been gone for a few years now, and I still miss him deeply.
I'm not. Can't count on the payoff, they can turn to violence now without pushback, and I don't need the instant celebrity.
Or it was all theater. Agitprop.
The next Tim Pool
No psy-op. Just a kid who was in it for the fame and money. A lot of people joined the MAGA movement because of how popular it became. Then when things got spicy, a lot of fakesters left. Sandman cashed his checks from the lawsuits and is a millionaire. He was never MAGA, just rode along because he thought it was cool at the time. Now that he's rich he could care less unfortunately
He wore the MAGA hat during his encounter with that dumbass indian guy, and he wore his MAGA hat during the RNC national convention, pretending to be a Trump supporter. So yes, I would say he definitely purported to be MAGA.
I thought the whole thing was a set up, fake from both sides. Just more divide and conquer theater for the masses.
Anyone with "man" in their last name is suspect. All the ones I've ever met were Jewish snakes.
I'd say he has the sleazy Democrat style, he'd fit right in there.
I wonder if his parents had any influence on this firing.
Lin said Nicholas worked for McConnell’s team this election cycle. He probably sent someone to “influence” the whole family.
Nope. This was a nice note, but Lin’s a nutjob and he makes our movement look bad.
If you're worried about looking bad youre in the wrong place. This isn't a popularity contest
Well you’re not wrong there. But there’s looking bad which we can’t control, and looking like unhinged lunatics, which we can.
Nah, people trying to look a certain way are the problem. People need to actually be a certain way. Lin is.
Yeah but I thought there was more or less a consensus that Lin has gone off the reservation multiple times
Kill'um with kindness...
You have no idea what you’re talking about, go make us a sandwich
Speaks volumes about Sandmann
I understand he's a young adult, but the situation reeks of grooming for the GOP
tbh for a normy some of the stuff Lin Wood was saying probably does sound crazy. Sandman basically just pointed out how farfetched it seems to him from what I remember
I mean, I get it, but even for normies, when is it ever not a cuck move to turn on the guy that helped you bigly?
Sandmann could have just been like, hey I understand everyone thinks lin wood has gone too far, but I would like to thank him for helping a no-name-nobody like me clear my name from the public eye, even if that's unpopular
Isn't that the right thing to do, even for a normie?
Yeah I don’t get it, why do people not stand up for those who stand up for them. Loyalty is rare these days, and conservatives have no spine. Shame.
My sister, who is not a fan of Pence, thinks Lin Wood is off his rocker. LOL
I mean he posted yesterday his own family won't have anything to do with him.
Well you either backpedal or double-down and Lin's doubled down, which I respect him for. He's standing for that which he believes in.
For what it is worth, I think Lin really just went into "giving zero fucks" mode after he saw the pedo evidence with his own eyes.
He speaks about coming to God recently and I think once you have that change come into your life, then see the things he has seen, he just literally does not give a fuck anymore what anyone thinks or says, he knows what he has seen and the rest of the world is just a joke now. He has chosen to live his live with no filter now, because he has seen the worst of humanity.
Just my take.
I think you're right
it was only a few weeks ago I thought pence was an evangelical, upright and all that, and lwood redpilled me about the whole pdo child trafficking pence is part of
and then I saw him receive that coin after he backstabbed trump, for a whole day I was questioning wtf did I just watch happen right in front of me
I like Lin Wood and believe that he is sincere. His participation on the conference call with his former law school was fascinating. I have a hard time believing all of what he says is true, but at this point an alien spaceship could land on my front lawn, and I'd probably say, "That's weird. What's for dinner?"
At some point money becomes irrelevant and what you stand for takes precedence. He seems to have fuck you money and it sounds he's saying fuck you to the corruption. I've seen born again Christians and they can be a little overwhelming in terms of following the rules at the expense of mercy and patience and I think he may have a bit of that going on.
at this point in his life he has no idea what's going on. at 18 the ideas and reality is shaped by the adults in his life. Time will shape him and we dont no who or what he will be. let him age and let him learn....hopefully he wont become the swamp we just dont know.
He's a legal adult now, he knows what he's doing. Therefore, fuck him.
I love you.
Can you explain? Who is this?
Was he involved in this particular post/thread?
Anyways, good work, officer! This was a "good boot".
Oh, was he the "deleted" troll commenter below?
Nice. Thanks!
And I'm pretty happy with the phrase that I think I maybe just coined: "good boot", like "good shoot".
I'm patting myself on the back right now.
Who is somblous?
Class act, I think Linn recognizes that perhaps Sandmann wasn't getting as much of his time and attention as he probably needs right now.
No, Sandmann made a statements a few weeks ago denouncing Lin when Lin pointed out that Pence is a fraud. This was coming, have no idea who is advising Sandmann for all of this. His loss.
I think Sandman worked on the political campaign for Mitch McConnell according to Lin. Sandman chose to side with the commies.
Sandman is barely an adult and is still trying to figure all this out. Cut the man some slack.
Yep this is the right answer, and Lin is definitely controversial right now. I'm guessing his parents (mom) wasn't too crazy about being associated with Lin, given the results of the 20th.
Likely a mistake long-term but it's their decision to make.
No. The little brat should have kept his mouth shut but he didn't so screw him.
I agree, let's cancel him. He should be perfect by the age of 20 or else.
I don't know about you man but loyalty isn't something you learn.
If you don't have it as a kid, you never will. At 18 I've been in life threatening situations and didn't back down from. I don't think it's unfair to expect another 18 year old in some political sitiation to just keep his mouth shut and not betray all the people that have tried to help him out and burn a lot of bridges just to satisfy public opinions.
That's not expecting perfection. That's just expecting decency. Guarantee you there's kids his age that would agree.
This kid can get fucked now.
Loyalty and allegiance are not the same thing.
Loyalty is not blind. If you don't thinks someone is in the right, because you're young and don't have years of experience or context, you won't extend an allegiance to them.
You can be loyal to a fault, with much left to learn, and still decide to dismiss Linn
Agreed, and I for one am not prepared to condemn him for being imperfect and failing to see a picture so large it's taken the rest of us a LIFETIME to piece together, not am I prepared to condemn him for not having a family sufficiently perfect to guide him perfectly.
What a standard to hold others to.
probably just more theater...or another humiliation ritual, the illuminati love those
"Sandman chose to side with the commies."
Yeah but he doesn't know he is doing it. He chose a standard republican, one who is of the system. Trump is not of the typical system and no doubt Sandmann's parents had a hand in this.
It's a shame really. In a way I feel bad for him. Once there was money everyone was in this kids face manipulating him.
The moment he got a job working for McConnel, not realizing the McConnel works for no one but himself... was the moment he will probably come to regret
The best is yet to come.
Amen. Not sure how, but it'll happen. The pendulum never stops moving.
Lawfag here. Sandmann's firing will have a direct impact on Lin Wood's income. If Lin Wood can connect the firing to how the media (and how his own alma mater, Mercer University) has defamed him, then Lin Wood has a cause of action - complete with demonstrable damages - against them all.
Another lawfag here....that’s a hell of a stretch (but God willing he could do it).
Public figure = actual malice standard for defamation. Not only does the defamatory/slanderous publication/statement have to be demonstratively false, it must also be ‘published’ with malicious intent. That is a nearly impossible standard, but if that is established, causation must be proven (that sandmann would not have fired Wood but for the tortious conduct). If he gets causation, he would next have to prove actual damages (what amount of $$ he would have recovered were he not fired).
Badass in theory, but super difficult for a public figure. Lin Wood kicks ass in my opinion. I don’t think he really needs the cash, just thinking that this suit would be uphill all the way
Good post. I wrote my appellate brief in law school about defamation of a public figure. Tough standard of proof for sure. After listening to that Mercer Law School Zoom call, I thought the Dean was being very reckless as she approached actual malice. But I found myself thinking "how could Lin Wood prove damages?" And then this happened right on its heels.
I imagine Wood is thinking hard about this. But he has much bigger fish to fry right now. And I suspect he's going to be getting his million bucks back from Mercer University lickity split.
actual degree or just you love the law.
Actual degree and practice for 30 years.
I listened to him when he sat in on the law school dean "and his friend" rip him a new one up to when he announced he was in the zoom. Well the man inpressed me and I respect the guy. He was very well spoken, thoughtful and surprisingly respectful to assholes that had just been shitting on him. Clearly a class act. I would have kept the man if I were that jew kid.
oh right so he is, it was a catholic school I forgot..... the xxxman threw me off for a minute.
no you used it as an insult.....this is not VOAT.....have some respect...all you did was make your self look bad.
Seems more descriptive to me but go ahead and be a victim
calling someone a jew is not an insult?
you used it as a prejorative......being a jew is all right and the way you did it was to insinuate that it was not all right to be a jew.
They apologize for the hallofcost lies first.
Hummmm you sound confused. Do you still think the holocaust actually happened? If so you are a special kind of stupid. It did not happen, it was work camps where the jews worked, played soccer, went to daycare, had their teeth fixed by dentists, the men had a whore house for fucks sake. The whole story was to demoralize the german people and vilify them. The hallofcosts story does not hold water. Truth does not need laws to prevent questioning them.
haha at least they dont cut up and suck on baby dicks while swinging a chicken and beating it to death to clear their sins. LoL
Jesuits, kabbalists, what's the difference?
"an insult to the Catholics"?
I’m with you on the catholic stuff, preach bro
More like a knight, hopping all over the place, threatening all random stuff and being hard to trap!
Sandman chucked for Turtle from what I saw.
Lin Woods next two Telegram posts:
"When Todd McMurtry informed me that Nicholas Sandmann wanted me out of his cases, I told Todd I would be happy to withdraw voluntarily.
I was pleased when Todd admitted to me in our conversation that it was my argument before Judge Bertelsmann and my legal theory about the republication of Nathan Phillips’ lies that paved the way for success in all of Nicholas’ cases. Todd was right. I appreciated his honesty.
I am not receiving any fees on the remaining Sandmann cases. My professional obligation to Nicholas has now ended. I did my best for him. That is all I can do.
I will have no further comment on Nicholas Sandmann, his family, or his cases. Again, I wish this young man, his family and Todd luck."
"As far as Todd McMurtry goes, I have always considered Todd to be my friend. I always tried to help him.
When his firm needed money to resolve a dispute with a former partner, I gave his firm $75,000 out of my pocket.
When Todd unsuccessfully ran for Congress last year, he asked for my help. I told him I would be happy to help him. I made the maximum personal contribution to his campaign. When Todd was attacked for tweets he posted a few years ago that appeared to be anti-Trump, I defended him under the idea that everyone was entitled to change his or her mind.
When Todd directed me to a PAC which supported his candidacy, I was asked to contribute $150,000. I did so as I believed Todd was a good man who would represent We The People in Congress.
I wish Todd luck with his legal career. I am sure the best is yet to come for Todd."
Almost sounds like Lin laying out kind of passive aggressively how much Todd owes him.
Seeing all he did for him kind of sounds like a betrayal from both Sandmann and McMurty.
He's still a kid. I'm sure he was ts things to be over and maybe Lin was sidetracked so he did what he did.
Just hate it for Lin. Guys bleeding over there.
Loser Move
Kid should have stayed with winner, ethical, God fearing LIN WOOD!
The best is yet to come.
Ungrateful bastard. Hope you lose you remaining lawsuits.
Where does it say that we have to keep a lawyer. they are weapons not your friend when you hire one. if I felt the current situation with a lawyer would interfere with a court case I would drop the lawyer. at this point the baggage that lin caries would only hurt him in a court room. sad but true.
Right now Lin Wood would be a distraction for anyone he is representing in any ongoing court of law.
I know he is a truth teller for those of us but think about it.
Would anyone of you want to go into a court room with this guy right now?
If you have a case you want to win you don't want your lawyer to be a distraction...
Besides I think Lin was truly ready to retire anyway.
This poor kid. The way he was treated by the MSM and now that he got a good big settlement (which was definitely earned and deserved) he throws away his greatest allies. Bad move. I hope he realizes his mistakes.
I am loving Lin's telegram feed (apart from the constant religious stuff) he's really telling it straight, keeping his backbone and really baring his soul.
Looks like Sandmann thought it was more profitable to side with the Turtle and that rotting ship called the GOP and let another legal counsel handle these "open and shut" cases.
Let's see how that works out for him.
Lin Wood is the best!
Looks like I've been out of the loop as usual, thank you for posting this. I thought better of Nick, I had to confirm the Mitch McConnel hiring too. I started to become disappointed then realized that I would just be one of these delusional libtards. Greed is a weakness to many I suppose.
Lin came to his rescue and defended him from a mob. Now Lin faces the same mob and Nick joins in to pile on against him. Nick learned nothing about courage or loyalty
Lin is laughing all the way to the bank with is 3-5% cut of each and every settlement agreement he got for Nick.
I think you're off by a factor of 10. 30% to 50% is more like it.
My B. I meant 30-50%. However, I believe Legal Ethics require Contingency Fees to be no more than 1/3 the settlement.
Dudes a lunatic.
I hear Sandman works for cocaine Mich?
If true, I’m not surprised by this. Everything I’ve been hearing about this kid lately is not very flattering.
Wow. I didn’t even know Sandmann fired Lin Wood..
I think it's a case of head the enemy off at the pass..
Sadly Lin has that Trump and Patriots taint that the left and the enemy would/could use to destabilize Nick's legal stuff going forward. You know what the MSN are capable of!
It's a wise move for all concerned; it's what is best for Nick is the gist of what they seem to be hinting at, which of course is the right thing, because Victory against the wicked scum that demonized Nick and threatened him, his family and friends lives for nothing has to happen. Lin showing proper grace.
Good luck Nick!
To be fair, keep the kid out of all this. Lin is involved at a level that garners anger and threats from bad people. Separation from Lin is safer for Nick and his family. It served as a warning and we need to let him go.
"Kid" spoke at the RNC. Public figure by choice now.
Well, maybe he doesn't need the money, but as for it being something out of a mutual agreement idk, on telegram he mentioned this earlier, and seemed pretty sour about it
Seems like the sandman caved for public opinion, ah well, he's just a kid... here's what Lin said:
I'm sure Sandman, being a kid still, is being easily influenced by the adults around him. He's a good kid, but he will need to make choices and live with the consequences of those decisions. I wish him luck.
Thanks for pointing out that Nick is just a kid. A wonderful Trump loving kid. He's a hero and he doesn't realize it now but he's making a mistake firing Lin but in America you get to make mistakes. Let's show Nick a little grace.
Correct. 18 is a baby in our tines
Odd choice of spelling the word "witch". Was it really spelled that way? If so, what's the message pertaining to that? Are they witches and warlocks?
He occasionally has minor typos so it's not unprecedented.
Ah... nah that was me... sorry, fixed