It's unconstitutional for them to force it, and if you argue that they obviously don't care about the constitution, then what makes one think they'd give a shit about this?
It's different for people whose employers are requiring it such as health care professionals. People can get fired from their jobs for refusing. So it's important to know how to legally refuse it.
But Trump personally pushed the development and distribution of the vaccine. If it's good enough for him, it's good enough for me. I'm an engineer and scientist, and I don't see what's so bad about them. I probably had a dozen of them when I was a kid and I'm fully functional!
It's fine if you just want to take a stand against the plandemic. But if your job depends upon it, I'd say, think long and hard about 'cutting off your nose to spite your face' ...
I've read a lot about it. I'm an engineer / scientist and I have several doctors and vets as friends. I've discussed vaccines in general with them, as well as the current set of vaccines in detail. Are you worried about nanites tracking your movements? Bill Gates invading your brain cells?
I'm also a scientist, and I find it odd how you're on a Q board now bashing genuine research? Are you afraid other "conspiracies" might end up true as well?
Based on your answer, I have absolutely zero desire to discuss things with you further.
Look,that looks like usual shills bullshit known from red.dit and nothing more,and it is doubtful it would help anyone anyway.
"People can get fired from their jobs for refusing"
Probably. And then shall sue their former employers, big chances to win more they would earn for life - because forcing people to joining medical experiment is against international humanitarian law,so probably also against American law.
Umm, if you're talking about my post, no it's not "shills bullshit". I am a nurse. I know nurses in Georgia who got fired for refusing to get a mandatory flu vaccine at the hospital they worked for. imagine how much worse for the Covid vac. That's a nice thought but lawyers cost money, court proceedings can take a long time, and meanwhile people have bills to pay and mouths to feed.
Ok everything would be nice but easy question - checked those shit personally ?
Worked ?
As I know there were people posting it on red.dit first. And red.dit is full of shills,
it is really huge indoctrination centre playing as kind of social network, its part is even owned by CCP so it couldn't be trusted.
Exactly! Screw all this "polite" and "respectful" bullshit, the time for that is over. You say "no" or "hell no" if you'd prefer. Be as hostile as you wish, it's YOUR BODY so YOUR CHOICE.
But what if your job - your CAREER - depends on it? Nurses, care-home workers, etc can't just quit and get another job if they have bills to pay. I strongly urge people to take a long hard look at this; Trump fully supported (and funded) both the development and distribution of the vaccine.
Trump made it a signature part of his campaign that he would develop the vaccine - operation warp speed. He then pushed the distribution of it. Why would Trump fund / endorse / support / encourage something if it's so bad?
A vaccine is not a bad thing. I’m not sure Trump knew what type of vaccine they would come up with though.
Either way, you’re missing the point. I’m not going to take a vaccine for a cough I’ve already had and anyone that’s trying to make me will have a fight on their hands.
Wonder what the doctors reaction would be if I told him, "Sure, give my child the vaccine, and if they develop any issues like crones, autism, seizures etc, I'll be right back here to inject you with 100 doses of the same vaccine, and while your writhing on the floor, foaming at the mouth, just remember, it's for the greater good".
Yea well they won't let my kids attend school without it. Which means I can refuse it, and then promptly be sent to jail when I neglect to take my kids to the indoctrination centers. They've really bent us over a fkng barrel here man. I will try OP's advice though. My kids are 5 and 8 and still havnt recieved one. Unfortunately I am running out of room to wiggle around the system.
But employers employ by consent also. Don't forget that. Nurses and care-home workers could easily find themselves without a job. Trump fully supported this vaccine - development and distribution. If it's good enough for him, it's good enough for me.
On second reading this graphic is a shill! You'd be a fool to ask about a LATROGENIC reaction when what you mean is an IATROGENIC reaction. The designer's ability to get well-meaning antivaxxers to object to both "LATROGENIC" effects and MRC-5 (only, as opposed to aborted/genetic material generally) makes them look like idiots, NOT people who know more lingo than the doctors. See my other comment for better wording.
Good catch! I missed it, and I should know better. For anyone who doesn't know the meaning, it means called by medical treatment or a physician. Roughly.
Doctors are not bound by the hippocratic oath, anymore. And most don't even take it. They take
In the original hippocratic oath, they swear not to do abortions. Many take a "revised" oath. But from the ones I've seen "do no harm" is not included in the oaths.
how about my body my choice. IT IS ALWAYS THE PATIENT'S CHOICE!!! I have patients who decline surgery for cancer and that is their choice and it is their right.
Yes, but an employer can say, 'my company my choice' and fire you - unless you are in a strong union. I would be cautious on this one if your job is on the line.
I dont think so. That would be a massive law suit. All one would have to say is I am worried about anaphylaxis. So a employer would force me to take something that could kill me. No chance in hell that would fly I dont care how lib the judge is
Well, certainly an employer cannot inquire about your medical history, so I agree on the one hand that they can't force you but ... I can imagine a scenario where a 'care home worker' could be made to sign a document that they have had the vaccine.
EG - they can make you take a drug test and can fire you if you fail it.
Technically if you wanted avoid confrontation then you could tell them you have had it already. HIPPA prevents them for pulling info like this. This also would not be the same as taking a drug test. Again if you are worried about anaphylaxis (big concern with this vaccine) they can not force this on you. Essentially it would be like making you play Russian roulette.
I didn't REFUSE to take the vaccine. I told my company that I plan to take the vaccine in July or August.
I first intend to watch as 20 Million other Americans take the vaccine, and then will watch their progress. If the vaccine proves to be reliable and there aren't any major side-effects over the next 6-months among that large of a sample group... then I will be next in line for the vaccine. However, I'm going to watch for now and see the results first before making that choice.
The company actually liked that answer. Who wouldn't? An employee is being cautious, not willing to blindly take a chance on something until they are sure it's the right move to make. It shows responsibility. :>)
Meanwhile... I get at least 6-months of not taking the vaccine or having anyone asking me about it. After that time, if there are serious problems, I can point to them as a reason not to take it.
Yeah, Lin Wood posted this a moment ago but it seems dated. In the US, we only have Pfizer and Moderna, which don't have MRC-5 or any other aborted-fetus cell line AFAIK, because they're not vaccines. They're encapsulated modRNA intended to cause your cells to create spike proteins for the ostensible purpose of making them better at fighting SARS-CoV-2; the makers describe them as software. This makes MRC-5 a straw man, easily debunked by the doctor; MRC-5 comes from just one of many "lucky" immortalized aborted babies.
I'd like it better if the card said "I take legal exception to injections containing any aborted cell lines or that risk iatrogenic reactions" based on its legal theory. It'd be nice if there were a legal theory to object to all genetic material injections (e.g., chimpanzee cells in ChAdOx1). Refusal should always be reasonable.
Question: friends brother is in a low-security prison release program, and they are starting to administer vaccines. He is thinking they are going to try and make them mandatory.
Can they force them to prisoners no matter what they choose? If he gets kicked out of this rehab like program, he goes back to jail. CA for reference. Sad.
Side note: he’s forced to wear a mask all day every day, for the whole plandemic so far! What a crazy thought of people in prison forced into this. They have no access to outside knowledge at their fingertips. Completely clueless. Of course many deserve to be there, but don’t deserve to live in cruel situations like this.
Since when does a company get to mandate , or even ask about, an employees health condition or medical treatment. It’s none of an employers business, unless the information is voluntarily provided by the employee or required for short or long term disability
All you have to do is say "No, thanks". You cannot be forced to take a vaccine. No need for any extra words and chances are, you'll never even be in a position where you'll have to even say "No". Usually they're offered to those who want them and that's it.
Debunked.. this wouldn't work against Pfizer and Moderna shots, since these do not contain any MCR-5 or HEK293 cell line.. because they are not technically vaccines..
Great advice, unfortunately you will still not be able to fly, leave your state, access your bank account or purchase basic necessities when they are thru making the rules, unless you take their vaccine.
yeah, the problem is doctors don't give the vaccines, nurses do. The bigger issue is that if something happens and you do have a reaction, you CAN NOT sue the vaccine maker, without jumping through hoops to prove a case. and if you want to do a class action, well you can't because they made a law shielding them from suits. F-That, they can't do things legit, they should not be in business.
The MRC is using old cells from the 1960s that they continue to grow new cells (for research consistency) and have used. Sanity has pledged not to use going forward but their vaccine just tanked. That really isn't an issue.
I would say that you have bad allergies and want to wait until new vaccines come out and are time tested.
How to legally decline a vaccine: "No."
There, that is all you need.
It's unconstitutional for them to force it, and if you argue that they obviously don't care about the constitution, then what makes one think they'd give a shit about this?
It's different for people whose employers are requiring it such as health care professionals. People can get fired from their jobs for refusing. So it's important to know how to legally refuse it.
No longer working as a nurse because most of the "heathcare" facilities in my area (Red state), are mandating it. "Eff 'em.
Depends on the company (nice company name BTW), mine insists on it.
So? Get fired. It's time to take a stand for freedom.
But Trump personally pushed the development and distribution of the vaccine. If it's good enough for him, it's good enough for me. I'm an engineer and scientist, and I don't see what's so bad about them. I probably had a dozen of them when I was a kid and I'm fully functional!
It's fine if you just want to take a stand against the plandemic. But if your job depends upon it, I'd say, think long and hard about 'cutting off your nose to spite your face' ...
For someone on GAW, you seem very ill informed about the vaccine. It's not the same kind of vaccine we got as kids, and it has serious side effects.
I'd really recommend that you look into what this "vaccine" actually is.
I've read a lot about it. I'm an engineer / scientist and I have several doctors and vets as friends. I've discussed vaccines in general with them, as well as the current set of vaccines in detail. Are you worried about nanites tracking your movements? Bill Gates invading your brain cells?
I fully agree with that. I remember thalidomide in Europe. But I fundamentally believe that vaccines are essential - eg, polio.
I'm also a scientist, and I find it odd how you're on a Q board now bashing genuine research? Are you afraid other "conspiracies" might end up true as well?
Based on your answer, I have absolutely zero desire to discuss things with you further.
That's bs considering it's still experimental and hasn't been shown to be safe. Our HC institution is not mandating this but they do other vaccines.
Look,that looks like usual shills bullshit known from red.dit and nothing more,and it is doubtful it would help anyone anyway.
"People can get fired from their jobs for refusing"
Probably. And then shall sue their former employers, big chances to win more they would earn for life - because forcing people to joining medical experiment is against international humanitarian law,so probably also against American law.
Umm, if you're talking about my post, no it's not "shills bullshit". I am a nurse. I know nurses in Georgia who got fired for refusing to get a mandatory flu vaccine at the hospital they worked for. imagine how much worse for the Covid vac. That's a nice thought but lawyers cost money, court proceedings can take a long time, and meanwhile people have bills to pay and mouths to feed.
Ok everything would be nice but easy question - checked those shit personally ? Worked ?
As I know there were people posting it on red.dit first. And red.dit is full of shills, it is really huge indoctrination centre playing as kind of social network, its part is even owned by CCP so it couldn't be trusted.
Therefore maybe nurse could ask those questions first but after all I think knowing humanitarian law would be best way at the end. Unfortunately in American law system it is a bit unclear but if you have a time look at this:
Forcing people to join in scientific experiment (covid vaccine) is also against Nuremberg Code:
Lol, I'm not even on Reddit.
Ill quit, they wont need to fire me
how to decline a vaccine:
step 1) "No" step 2) also "No" but with a gun drawn.
Step 0) never put yourself in the same room as someone who believes they can force a vaccination.
Exactly! Screw all this "polite" and "respectful" bullshit, the time for that is over. You say "no" or "hell no" if you'd prefer. Be as hostile as you wish, it's YOUR BODY so YOUR CHOICE.
If someone tells me I have to take it, the first words out of my mouth will be “Go fuck yourself.”
But what if your job - your CAREER - depends on it? Nurses, care-home workers, etc can't just quit and get another job if they have bills to pay. I strongly urge people to take a long hard look at this; Trump fully supported (and funded) both the development and distribution of the vaccine.
I’d find a new career. I’ve done it more than once. Also, what does Trump have to do with it?
Trump made it a signature part of his campaign that he would develop the vaccine - operation warp speed. He then pushed the distribution of it. Why would Trump fund / endorse / support / encourage something if it's so bad?
A vaccine is not a bad thing. I’m not sure Trump knew what type of vaccine they would come up with though.
Either way, you’re missing the point. I’m not going to take a vaccine for a cough I’ve already had and anyone that’s trying to make me will have a fight on their hands.
I agree with that; and I would also advise caution. I plan to wait 6 months personally.
Wonder what the doctors reaction would be if I told him, "Sure, give my child the vaccine, and if they develop any issues like crones, autism, seizures etc, I'll be right back here to inject you with 100 doses of the same vaccine, and while your writhing on the floor, foaming at the mouth, just remember, it's for the greater good".
Exactly! Well said.
Yea well they won't let my kids attend school without it. Which means I can refuse it, and then promptly be sent to jail when I neglect to take my kids to the indoctrination centers. They've really bent us over a fkng barrel here man. I will try OP's advice though. My kids are 5 and 8 and still havnt recieved one. Unfortunately I am running out of room to wiggle around the system.
My body my choice, right?
Just ask the doctor you would like the politician variant (with the cap on)
“Do not “refuse” a vaccine” ?
And why the fck not?
“Belligerent” would be taking the needle and jabbing the administrator in the eye repeatedly.
Refusing isn’t “belligerent”.
What passive-aggressive cuck write this sht?!?
They spell "honour"
British subject, that helps explain.
Also it isnt LATROGENIC, which isn't a word
Good catch! I missed that first time through. Our Constiturion doesn't apply in Londonistan.
Apparently our constitution doesn't apply to us either :/
No kidding but that's going to change soon.
Your example of "Belligerent" has potential. I like it.
I've put it into the public domain. You can, and should, feel free to freely use it without need for royalty or attribution.
My neighbors dog is belligerent....I go around his place, which I think is the point.
Just say no. No explanation necessary. People need to understand that they are in control of their own lives.
Here, Here! We are governed by consent.
But employers employ by consent also. Don't forget that. Nurses and care-home workers could easily find themselves without a job. Trump fully supported this vaccine - development and distribution. If it's good enough for him, it's good enough for me.
On second reading this graphic is a shill! You'd be a fool to ask about a LATROGENIC reaction when what you mean is an IATROGENIC reaction. The designer's ability to get well-meaning antivaxxers to object to both "LATROGENIC" effects and MRC-5 (only, as opposed to aborted/genetic material generally) makes them look like idiots, NOT people who know more lingo than the doctors. See my other comment for better wording.
Good catch! I missed it, and I should know better. For anyone who doesn't know the meaning, it means called by medical treatment or a physician. Roughly.
just say no!
That may not work in the near future, remember Biden is President!
Actually he's not
Ok, I’ll give you that one!?
Fuck off will work for me. If they don’t like it, they better send bachelors.
I'll legally decline the vaccine with my second amendment rights.
fair is fair. how many grains is that vaccine, an exchange of an equal amount of Pb is in order.
Yup. I’ll retain my rights until the day I die.
Doctors are not bound by the hippocratic oath, anymore. And most don't even take it. They take
In the original hippocratic oath, they swear not to do abortions. Many take a "revised" oath. But from the ones I've seen "do no harm" is not included in the oaths.
Some doctors do, or they take the Maimonides one.
how about my body my choice. IT IS ALWAYS THE PATIENT'S CHOICE!!! I have patients who decline surgery for cancer and that is their choice and it is their right.
Yes, but an employer can say, 'my company my choice' and fire you - unless you are in a strong union. I would be cautious on this one if your job is on the line.
I dont think so. That would be a massive law suit. All one would have to say is I am worried about anaphylaxis. So a employer would force me to take something that could kill me. No chance in hell that would fly I dont care how lib the judge is
Well, certainly an employer cannot inquire about your medical history, so I agree on the one hand that they can't force you but ... I can imagine a scenario where a 'care home worker' could be made to sign a document that they have had the vaccine. EG - they can make you take a drug test and can fire you if you fail it.
Technically if you wanted avoid confrontation then you could tell them you have had it already. HIPPA prevents them for pulling info like this. This also would not be the same as taking a drug test. Again if you are worried about anaphylaxis (big concern with this vaccine) they can not force this on you. Essentially it would be like making you play Russian roulette.
I didn't REFUSE to take the vaccine. I told my company that I plan to take the vaccine in July or August.
I first intend to watch as 20 Million other Americans take the vaccine, and then will watch their progress. If the vaccine proves to be reliable and there aren't any major side-effects over the next 6-months among that large of a sample group... then I will be next in line for the vaccine. However, I'm going to watch for now and see the results first before making that choice.
The company actually liked that answer. Who wouldn't? An employee is being cautious, not willing to blindly take a chance on something until they are sure it's the right move to make. It shows responsibility. :>)
Meanwhile... I get at least 6-months of not taking the vaccine or having anyone asking me about it. After that time, if there are serious problems, I can point to them as a reason not to take it.
Ok. Though that approach won't capture delayed affects that might have been vetted with proper longer-term testing.
nice plan!
FWIW the correct word is 'iatrogenic'
Not ALL vaccines have MRC-5
Yeah, Lin Wood posted this a moment ago but it seems dated. In the US, we only have Pfizer and Moderna, which don't have MRC-5 or any other aborted-fetus cell line AFAIK, because they're not vaccines. They're encapsulated modRNA intended to cause your cells to create spike proteins for the ostensible purpose of making them better at fighting SARS-CoV-2; the makers describe them as software. This makes MRC-5 a straw man, easily debunked by the doctor; MRC-5 comes from just one of many "lucky" immortalized aborted babies.
I'd like it better if the card said "I take legal exception to injections containing any aborted cell lines or that risk iatrogenic reactions" based on its legal theory. It'd be nice if there were a legal theory to object to all genetic material injections (e.g., chimpanzee cells in ChAdOx1). Refusal should always be reasonable.
Question: friends brother is in a low-security prison release program, and they are starting to administer vaccines. He is thinking they are going to try and make them mandatory.
Can they force them to prisoners no matter what they choose? If he gets kicked out of this rehab like program, he goes back to jail. CA for reference. Sad.
Side note: he’s forced to wear a mask all day every day, for the whole plandemic so far! What a crazy thought of people in prison forced into this. They have no access to outside knowledge at their fingertips. Completely clueless. Of course many deserve to be there, but don’t deserve to live in cruel situations like this.
My thoughts as well. I’ve found a lot of hills to die on lately.
Since when does a company get to mandate , or even ask about, an employees health condition or medical treatment. It’s none of an employers business, unless the information is voluntarily provided by the employee or required for short or long term disability
Come near me with that syringe and we're fighting to the death! Much more effective.
Ask him if he wants to keep his teeth.
Who says there will be a doctor around?
All you have to do is say "No, thanks". You cannot be forced to take a vaccine. No need for any extra words and chances are, you'll never even be in a position where you'll have to even say "No". Usually they're offered to those who want them and that's it.
The fact sheet says its your decision if you want to take the vaccine or not. They (lawyers) have all kinds of weasel words in there.
What the fuck do I care if they consider Me biligerent? Docs better watch their fucking P 's and Q's or there will be real belligerence
Debunked.. this wouldn't work against Pfizer and Moderna shots, since these do not contain any MCR-5 or HEK293 cell line.. because they are not technically vaccines..
Great advice, unfortunately you will still not be able to fly, leave your state, access your bank account or purchase basic necessities when they are thru making the rules, unless you take their vaccine.
Can’t fly if the vaccine kills you either!
yeah, the problem is doctors don't give the vaccines, nurses do. The bigger issue is that if something happens and you do have a reaction, you CAN NOT sue the vaccine maker, without jumping through hoops to prove a case. and if you want to do a class action, well you can't because they made a law shielding them from suits. F-That, they can't do things legit, they should not be in business.
I'm leaving a comment here, so I can come back to this later, in case these cunts do try and force a vaccine on us.
Until you can’t if it becomes mandatory. Remember the Deep State wants to reduce the population.
My body. My choice.
Step 2 and 3, doc sez no. Now if you don't take it you violated Step 1.
Best to violate it from the outset.
There is no constitutional provision for the govt to force a needle into my arm. Alan Dershowitz can fuck tight off, the pedo scum.
Or ya know just laugh and say No. If they push it tell them to fuck off. Easy peezy.
Not really true and extremely long-winded.
The MRC is using old cells from the 1960s that they continue to grow new cells (for research consistency) and have used. Sanity has pledged not to use going forward but their vaccine just tanked. That really isn't an issue.
I would say that you have bad allergies and want to wait until new vaccines come out and are time tested.