Hi mods! Wondering if anyone posts the breadcrumbs on the George livestream tonight as a separate post, could you stickie it for those of us that won’t see it due to the lateness of the stream?
In light of Pelosis accusation of the minority leader being a member of the Q party, I'd say we're rent free in their nightmares.
Maybe if we successfully reform the Republican party we can rebrand it to the Constitutionalist Party and adopt Q as our prefix.
It would be nice to sport flair based on involvement in the movement (length of GA membership time or updoots), Jan 6th InSuReCtIoNiSt flair, and common drops that could also be earned through positive involvement in the movement.
Yes it's a Psyop, we have been part of it, it's a psyop being run by an Alliance of Nationalists and Patriots, designed support a bigger operation to destroy the global ruling cabal.
WE are a major part of that operation, it's never been directed against Patriots.
It's not us being fooled in this picture.
but somebody is.
Part of our role is to dig, analyse, discuss and help with information dissemination
dishing out red pills of truth and to help with a wider awakening.
the side of righteousness has often lost throughout history due to the dark hearts of men, for our lot is not in this life. a truly righteous man must remove himself from the woes of the world, and live in spirit, for it is in spirit where we truly thrive.
If this were true, God would not have given us guidelines on how to live in peace on this planet. Yes, He directs our attention to the fact that this life is temporary, and we have an eternal destiny, but that destiny is affected by what we do now. We have choices to make here - this is the battleground and it’s not His intention for us to just let the world go to hell (literally) while we sequester ourselves away and sing Kumbaya. We are to be righteous and humble, so that we bring humanity to a realization of the Truth - we have an eternal destiny, and Jesus gave His life for it. Jesus has been promised “the Nations” and we are tasked with preparing the Nations to accept His gift of salvation.
God had to use Jesus in order to save humanity due to it's inherent imperfection.
because we are fallen, we lose, it is only in Christ that we can win, and it's on his terms.
Revelation was made for a reason, things must get much worse than they are now before His return. things like Q fly in the face of what we already know is to come, there will be no savior but Christ. not Trump, not Q, not Powell, not the courts. not secession.
we're in this for a long run. this will test your faith.
it’s not His intention for us to just let the world go to hell (literally) while we sequester ourselves away and sing Kumbaya.
that doesn't mean you are winning by any stretch of the imagination. the goal isn't to "win", that's God's issue to solve, not ours.
Ok, so who here has seen the 2006 Denzel Washington movie, "Dé Ja Vù?" Seems to me DARPA/NSA was trying to tell us something about Operation Looking Glass.
I bring this up because my parents love with me and I can't get them to stop watching network t.v. On AMC today (on Spectrum Cable, anyway), they're showing this movie. I've seen it, but it's been a while. The part that stuck out to me is when D.W.:a character takes a laser pointer and shins it into the "viewing screen." The laser light shines thru the "screen" and onto the lead woman's lamp shade. She sees it, reacts to it, and then the machine goes haywire and reboots itself.
Since we all know HollyWeird likes to show predictive programs, aka "sci-fi" movies and t.v., this one seems to me to be a very plausible "hypothetical" scenario. Could this be a "soft-disclosure" type film?
I can't get them to stop watching network t.v. On AMC today (on Spectrum Cable, anyway), they're showing this movie. I've seen it, but it's been a while.
your redpills are too weak, then. there is no gentle way to deprogram..
So I need to research operation looking glass, but I read that and it reminded me that Alice in Wonderland is sometimes called through the looking glass. Wasn’t there a Q drop something about Alice in wonderland or am I twisting it?? Still pretty new.
Any recommended apps or websites to turn a video or photo from iPhone to a link? I like to screen record interesting video clips in case videos get removed online and I’ve seen people create links on the site. Thank you frens :)
Yeah I’m just learning to get more tech savvy as it is to keep up with research. I just didn’t know if there was a website that did that or an app. Not that I trust any apple apps right now besides my fitness ones. Lol
Resignation? Do you think this is a congressman joining the new correct congress or “resigning” from arrest? Reports are he is resigning to help Trump in his impeachment case.
I think that over the next few weeks people are going to resign one after another, as they are quietly presented with evidence.
Resign or be humiliated.
Of course the trials will come later - but this is real life - with a huge country and a global economy and a looming communist threat on the horizon.
The last thing anyone needs is high drama, military take over etc.
The military is useful in this case for 2 reasons, firstly to prevent riots and protests going south, and secondly - you're congressman XYZ that's taken $XM from the CPP - inside a 12ft fence with military everywhere - it's a big push to have you resign when the evidence is quietly laid out in front of you.
This is not a movie, where the cavalry come roaring in to save the day, that will crash the financial markets, and cause a huge turmoil.
The best thing is the dirty swamp being put into a position where it is forced to admit it's dirt.
Then there's no need for big trials -
People will always think that someone was innocent or was framed - but if they admit it - the job is that much easier.
No need for dramatic arrests and big takeovers - leave that for developing world countries.
Trump already said it - we are the nation of law and order.
So let the law deal with it - but not with lawsuits - with resignations and confessions.
They have no choice - check mate - these people are stupid.
The simplest solution and the lowest cost, lowest energy solution is the best one.
The ending is not for everyone.
Not a big high drama - more of a quiet - put it all to sleep and be done with it.
And NO ONE can argue with someone that admits guilt - NO ONE
The media will have to cover it - the public will all listen.
Trump will come back in and make a new administration, the markets won't crash out - there won't be out cries of a military coup or some Trump take over.
Everyone will have to shut up and the law suits will grind in the back ground on page 15 of the NYT (if it's still in business).
Assets will be preserved, 401ks preserved, a few big companies like FB, GOOG, TWTR broken up or sold off.
It's an easy flow, best outcome. Not a high drama Tom Cruise movie.
I think you nailed it. Confessions and resignations are a much more peaceful way to achieve the results that matter - thwarting the election fraud, preserving our constitution, destroying the deep state... all while avoiding crashing the economy, widespread panic, etc.
The sooner the better though... from my perspective at least. I think CoG and FEMA are being used to maintain control of the most important parts of government (DoD, Treasury, Commerce, etc.) while this is all done quietly in the background... but that shadow government can't be prolonged indefinitely.
I don't think big tech will be broken up, at least not in the sense many may think. The solution for big tech is section 230 which honestly would be quite simple regarding changes to it that would fix problems. Personally I feel FB and twitter are useless but google is very useful with the android phones, google maps, google earth satellites etc.
I will always be in favor of private business over government because private business is typically efficient while government usually fucks up at every turn, especially with wasting money. They should be protected from being liable for what people say on their platforms but they should only have policies in line with the laws in this country.
If a place like FB doesn't want to give up their power to censor people then they can forfeit their protection against being liable for every post or comment. They should have the choice to obey the laws and be in line with the constitution, such as 1st amendment.
This may also disappoint or right out piss off some people but there will be plenty of people that will not be put away in prison because with their resignations will come agreements to provide information, data, testimony, and whatever else asked of in order to arrest those at the highest levels, especially those hiding in the shadows wielding the most power.
Some of these people may not end up in prison but they will be known for what they are and will forever have a target on their back, so to speak. Many that are involved at low levels will likely not see prison but justice will still be served. Those will just crawl back under the rock which they came from, if someone doesn't murder them.
I know this would never happen because all governments are too greedy but the billions, if not trillions of dollars in money, assets etc from the elite like let's say Rockefeller, Rothschild, Soros, Clinton, Bush, and more, that wealth honestly should be take and given to the people because countless millions have suffered throughout decades while these hidden scum have gotten richer while committing endless crimes against humanity.
I never liked the concept of taking from the rich to give to the poor but ask yourself, how many poor people are only poor because of the rich?
How many people have had to suffer in life, live paycheck to paycheck while the rich spend money endlessly and freely all while much of it being illegally done?
I don't care who is running the government, do we really want all that wealth to go to the government who has proven time and time again to mismanage and waste that money?
I don't believe blacks in American want reparations. Any I've worked with and have known, they all wanted to work and make their own money. They didn't want anything given to them for free just because a few generations back blacks were treated poorly.
It's probably a matter of pride, any that has any pride will want to make their own money and earn what they get in life and be proud of what they have in life. Every black person has opportunity just like white people, to earn a good income.
Those calling for reparations are government and media who are pandering for votes for power and control. They pander to a group that honestly are bums, regardless of race. The bums that want free handouts instead of earning it. Little do they seem to realize that you can get way more money working than you can mooching off the government. The government won't even give enough money to live off of, more like barely surviving.
I agree.But I understand it's weaponization.Same with disparaging the military.Removing statues.Years ago,the left wanted to bury politicians in Arlington.Any weapon to bastardize conservative values.Same crap has been used for decades.Easy for them now due to media.
The problem isn’t the corporations. Remember Occupy Wallstreet? They ‘almost’ had it right but not quite. The problem isn’t Wallstreet but the liaison between the government and Wallstreet (corporations) that creates a disadvantage for the consumer. In a true free market, the success or failure of a company depends on it’s ability to meet supply/demand. When legislation interferes with true supply/demand, we have a warped “capitalist” (which really isn’t) environment. All we need to do is take government back to a limited role to simply protect the consumer/individual and let the free market thrive.
Yes. Corporations aren’t inherently bad.
But a government that allows them to violate laws and artificially suppresses competition is the cause of 99% of problems.
Yup, if I remember right without reading my comment again, I don't think I mentioned any of the owners or ceos of those companies. I don't care if those people are removed, put in prison or whatever but the companies have decades of infrastructure that is extremely useful.
I don't like the idea of someone's company being taken from them but at least 1 of them is highly suspected to have been given to its ceo through the cia but regardless, when they went as far as to censor and ban a sitting president, well isn't that almost kinda like treason?
Considering the amount of people who are actually on Trump's side and who are actually on the left side I think Trump's side is bigger but still we've seen the damage a few can cause
Quick question. Scavino showed a F-22 doing vertical landing - what is the large canopy thing? I assume it is some kind of intake cover for a for vertical thrust? but unsure.
If it looked like an F-22, but performed a vertical landing with a large cowling open behind the cockpit it was actually an F-35. They have a very similar design. The F-35 also only has a single engine.
It is As if they came, not to help, with lovely constructive criticism, but instead to harm with moral killing downer insults. Without clarification, I am left to decide for myself their comments intentions, and I have no reason to think well of them.
There was a video a few days ago of a news anchor explaining everything that is going on. Did anyone save it? If so, can you please post it here for me. TIA
Anyone else think the Biden optics are preternaturally bad? It's about as bad as you would expect if they were being forced to humiliate themselves. Are they? 50+ EO in 2 weeks? Jobs? Revoke energy independence? Raise insulin prices? Nothing to change course of pandemic (not even any "cutting edge science"?)? Stimulus check downgrade? It's all too absurd, these guys are supposed to be masters of deception right? Why throw all caution to the wind at the critical moment?
They think they control it all and so this is how they would act if they thought they controlled everything. That’s what my friend thinks. I like your idea better.
If there's a 30-day hold sounds like he's not going to be there to have them make any effect sounds like in less than 30 days Trump is going to be inaugurated as the real president of the United States what gives me hope is the EOS that Trump signed right before he left office they're still in effect
How is that troop withdrawal on hold if the military isn't recognizing Xiden's Presidency? This is one of the areas the JCS holds sway over. The military itself may not fully recognize Biden as the rightful POTUS, but the JCS sure as shit does.
Doesn't matter. Peace time troop placements falls under JCS purview. It's classified under "day to day administrative duties and responsibilities." And since they're the various Branch's Cabinet Reps and COO's of those branches, and they've clearly sided with [them], this makes it a logical conclusion that they're following Xiden's orders.
Or, is the military itself beginning to fall in line with what Xiden/Harris/Hussein want? If this is the case, this ain't a.good sign.
I would imagine the White House is now just a museum. The new "white house" will most likely be established at Mar-a-Lago, or some other destination in the Republic. DC is a foreign country.
Hi mods! Wondering if anyone posts the breadcrumbs on the George livestream tonight as a separate post, could you stickie it for those of us that won’t see it due to the lateness of the stream?
She’s such a feckless cunt
Sniveling snatch .... twittering twat
In light of Pelosis accusation of the minority leader being a member of the Q party, I'd say we're rent free in their nightmares. Maybe if we successfully reform the Republican party we can rebrand it to the Constitutionalist Party and adopt Q as our prefix.
The evil flee when none pursue, but the righteous are bold as a lion.
Not that oscillating glowie shit you mods adopted. ???.
No wait, not the ?! Nooooo, I’m sorry really.
It would be nice to sport flair based on involvement in the movement (length of GA membership time or updoots), Jan 6th InSuReCtIoNiSt flair, and common drops that could also be earned through positive involvement in the movement.
Patriot or constitutionalist, probably
Has anyone ever noticed this about Amazon HQ?
EU parliament is also design like the TOB
That was dope!
F**k yeah , really good
My opinion on the matter of "Is Q a psyop?"
Yes it's a Psyop, we have been part of it, it's a psyop being run by an Alliance of Nationalists and Patriots, designed support a bigger operation to destroy the global ruling cabal.
WE are a major part of that operation, it's never been directed against Patriots.
It's not us being fooled in this picture.
but somebody is.
Part of our role is to dig, analyse, discuss and help with information dissemination
dishing out red pills of truth and to help with a wider awakening.
feel proud - we chose the winning side.
that's not true, nor is it a good goal.
the side of righteousness has often lost throughout history due to the dark hearts of men, for our lot is not in this life. a truly righteous man must remove himself from the woes of the world, and live in spirit, for it is in spirit where we truly thrive.
If this were true, God would not have given us guidelines on how to live in peace on this planet. Yes, He directs our attention to the fact that this life is temporary, and we have an eternal destiny, but that destiny is affected by what we do now. We have choices to make here - this is the battleground and it’s not His intention for us to just let the world go to hell (literally) while we sequester ourselves away and sing Kumbaya. We are to be righteous and humble, so that we bring humanity to a realization of the Truth - we have an eternal destiny, and Jesus gave His life for it. Jesus has been promised “the Nations” and we are tasked with preparing the Nations to accept His gift of salvation.
God had to use Jesus in order to save humanity due to it's inherent imperfection.
because we are fallen, we lose, it is only in Christ that we can win, and it's on his terms.
Revelation was made for a reason, things must get much worse than they are now before His return. things like Q fly in the face of what we already know is to come, there will be no savior but Christ. not Trump, not Q, not Powell, not the courts. not secession.
we're in this for a long run. this will test your faith.
that doesn't mean you are winning by any stretch of the imagination. the goal isn't to "win", that's God's issue to solve, not ours.
That’s great in theory but poor, abused kids need defenders in more than just spirit. What about in parallel?
frankly, ma'am, your activity on this board is not saving or defending those children.
why? because the Spirit is not here. this is a place of deception.
Then why are you here?
am i wrong?
why are you here if i am not?
every other comment is an accusation against another for being a shill, but this isn't a beacon for deception?
which is it? the site is either full of truth or full of lies, it cant be both.
I had to give you an updoot because I appreciated the laugh! Thank you! Gotta run. These planes are not going to fag themselves.
Actions of the flesh do count the most in the end to save the Spirits of many.
Two weeks since the movie started...can this nightmare please be over soon.......
It's been going on a whole lot longer than 2 weeks.
Ok, so who here has seen the 2006 Denzel Washington movie, "Dé Ja Vù?" Seems to me DARPA/NSA was trying to tell us something about Operation Looking Glass.
I bring this up because my parents love with me and I can't get them to stop watching network t.v. On AMC today (on Spectrum Cable, anyway), they're showing this movie. I've seen it, but it's been a while. The part that stuck out to me is when D.W.:a character takes a laser pointer and shins it into the "viewing screen." The laser light shines thru the "screen" and onto the lead woman's lamp shade. She sees it, reacts to it, and then the machine goes haywire and reboots itself.
Since we all know HollyWeird likes to show predictive programs, aka "sci-fi" movies and t.v., this one seems to me to be a very plausible "hypothetical" scenario. Could this be a "soft-disclosure" type film?
your redpills are too weak, then. there is no gentle way to deprogram..
So I need to research operation looking glass, but I read that and it reminded me that Alice in Wonderland is sometimes called through the looking glass. Wasn’t there a Q drop something about Alice in wonderland or am I twisting it?? Still pretty new.
the guy who wrote AiW was a pedophile.
probably related.
Yes they have infiltrated every part of society
Any recommended apps or websites to turn a video or photo from iPhone to a link? I like to screen record interesting video clips in case videos get removed online and I’ve seen people create links on the site. Thank you frens :)
If you take the vids upload them to bitchute and rumble on a throwaway acct.
Thank you fren !
you have to put the picture onto the net first,
then publish the location of the picture, in a link
unless you want to set up a web server on your phone.
Yeah I’m just learning to get more tech savvy as it is to keep up with research. I just didn’t know if there was a website that did that or an app. Not that I trust any apple apps right now besides my fitness ones. Lol
Whats with the rows of people at the capitol? It’s definitely people cause they are moving.
Officer who died being honored
Im watching and an vehicle w/ flashing lights just came and went.
Yea this is strange
Resignation? Do you think this is a congressman joining the new correct congress or “resigning” from arrest? Reports are he is resigning to help Trump in his impeachment case.
Gaetz groomed a Cuban boy, was found out, so now he got himself a beard.
If my assessment is wrong, then feel free to educate me.
I think that over the next few weeks people are going to resign one after another, as they are quietly presented with evidence.
Resign or be humiliated.
Of course the trials will come later - but this is real life - with a huge country and a global economy and a looming communist threat on the horizon.
The last thing anyone needs is high drama, military take over etc.
The military is useful in this case for 2 reasons, firstly to prevent riots and protests going south, and secondly - you're congressman XYZ that's taken $XM from the CPP - inside a 12ft fence with military everywhere - it's a big push to have you resign when the evidence is quietly laid out in front of you.
This is not a movie, where the cavalry come roaring in to save the day, that will crash the financial markets, and cause a huge turmoil.
The best thing is the dirty swamp being put into a position where it is forced to admit it's dirt.
Then there's no need for big trials -
People will always think that someone was innocent or was framed - but if they admit it - the job is that much easier.
No need for dramatic arrests and big takeovers - leave that for developing world countries.
Trump already said it - we are the nation of law and order.
So let the law deal with it - but not with lawsuits - with resignations and confessions.
They have no choice - check mate - these people are stupid.
The simplest solution and the lowest cost, lowest energy solution is the best one.
The ending is not for everyone.
Not a big high drama - more of a quiet - put it all to sleep and be done with it.
And NO ONE can argue with someone that admits guilt - NO ONE
The media will have to cover it - the public will all listen.
Trump will come back in and make a new administration, the markets won't crash out - there won't be out cries of a military coup or some Trump take over.
Everyone will have to shut up and the law suits will grind in the back ground on page 15 of the NYT (if it's still in business).
Assets will be preserved, 401ks preserved, a few big companies like FB, GOOG, TWTR broken up or sold off.
It's an easy flow, best outcome. Not a high drama Tom Cruise movie.
I think you nailed it. Confessions and resignations are a much more peaceful way to achieve the results that matter - thwarting the election fraud, preserving our constitution, destroying the deep state... all while avoiding crashing the economy, widespread panic, etc.
The sooner the better though... from my perspective at least. I think CoG and FEMA are being used to maintain control of the most important parts of government (DoD, Treasury, Commerce, etc.) while this is all done quietly in the background... but that shadow government can't be prolonged indefinitely.
we need the bad guys off the board sooner rather than later.
get them out of the way now
we have a new society to build
and we are itching to get started
I don't think big tech will be broken up, at least not in the sense many may think. The solution for big tech is section 230 which honestly would be quite simple regarding changes to it that would fix problems. Personally I feel FB and twitter are useless but google is very useful with the android phones, google maps, google earth satellites etc.
I will always be in favor of private business over government because private business is typically efficient while government usually fucks up at every turn, especially with wasting money. They should be protected from being liable for what people say on their platforms but they should only have policies in line with the laws in this country.
If a place like FB doesn't want to give up their power to censor people then they can forfeit their protection against being liable for every post or comment. They should have the choice to obey the laws and be in line with the constitution, such as 1st amendment.
This may also disappoint or right out piss off some people but there will be plenty of people that will not be put away in prison because with their resignations will come agreements to provide information, data, testimony, and whatever else asked of in order to arrest those at the highest levels, especially those hiding in the shadows wielding the most power.
Some of these people may not end up in prison but they will be known for what they are and will forever have a target on their back, so to speak. Many that are involved at low levels will likely not see prison but justice will still be served. Those will just crawl back under the rock which they came from, if someone doesn't murder them.
I know this would never happen because all governments are too greedy but the billions, if not trillions of dollars in money, assets etc from the elite like let's say Rockefeller, Rothschild, Soros, Clinton, Bush, and more, that wealth honestly should be take and given to the people because countless millions have suffered throughout decades while these hidden scum have gotten richer while committing endless crimes against humanity.
I never liked the concept of taking from the rich to give to the poor but ask yourself, how many poor people are only poor because of the rich?
How many people have had to suffer in life, live paycheck to paycheck while the rich spend money endlessly and freely all while much of it being illegally done?
I don't care who is running the government, do we really want all that wealth to go to the government who has proven time and time again to mismanage and waste that money?
Makes you do a second thought on black Americans calls for reparations?
I don't believe blacks in American want reparations. Any I've worked with and have known, they all wanted to work and make their own money. They didn't want anything given to them for free just because a few generations back blacks were treated poorly.
It's probably a matter of pride, any that has any pride will want to make their own money and earn what they get in life and be proud of what they have in life. Every black person has opportunity just like white people, to earn a good income.
Those calling for reparations are government and media who are pandering for votes for power and control. They pander to a group that honestly are bums, regardless of race. The bums that want free handouts instead of earning it. Little do they seem to realize that you can get way more money working than you can mooching off the government. The government won't even give enough money to live off of, more like barely surviving.
I agree.But I understand it's weaponization.Same with disparaging the military.Removing statues.Years ago,the left wanted to bury politicians in Arlington.Any weapon to bastardize conservative values.Same crap has been used for decades.Easy for them now due to media.
If I expand my thinking,
which I try to do always,
The corporations are really a single animal, operating in different sectors.
At the top of the corporate tree are the Bond Holders, who are the actual proprietors, owners.
Collectively all corporations are owned by a relatively small number of entities and people.
Basically, the Bond holders are the Khazars, those ancient bloodlines who rule over us.
So if they lose the battle for the world, as we all suspect they will,
then these corporations will be seized as forfeiture for their crimes against humanity.
The liquidators of the USA Inc will also have supervision of those assets
then people like Bezos have a change of status.
A lot of what these corporations do or provide may still be needed, eg phones, internet, vehicles, food, etc etc.
There is a need to maintain their operations and production etc
but a new ownership structure with a new public benefit charter will be needed.
The problem isn’t the corporations. Remember Occupy Wallstreet? They ‘almost’ had it right but not quite. The problem isn’t Wallstreet but the liaison between the government and Wallstreet (corporations) that creates a disadvantage for the consumer. In a true free market, the success or failure of a company depends on it’s ability to meet supply/demand. When legislation interferes with true supply/demand, we have a warped “capitalist” (which really isn’t) environment. All we need to do is take government back to a limited role to simply protect the consumer/individual and let the free market thrive.
Yes. Corporations aren’t inherently bad. But a government that allows them to violate laws and artificially suppresses competition is the cause of 99% of problems.
Yup, if I remember right without reading my comment again, I don't think I mentioned any of the owners or ceos of those companies. I don't care if those people are removed, put in prison or whatever but the companies have decades of infrastructure that is extremely useful.
I don't like the idea of someone's company being taken from them but at least 1 of them is highly suspected to have been given to its ceo through the cia but regardless, when they went as far as to censor and ban a sitting president, well isn't that almost kinda like treason?
Considering the amount of people who are actually on Trump's side and who are actually on the left side I think Trump's side is bigger but still we've seen the damage a few can cause
Has anyone seen Haspel since she "retired"
Haven't see Haspel since long before she "retired"...
I haven’t. Curious.
Quick question. Scavino showed a F-22 doing vertical landing - what is the large canopy thing? I assume it is some kind of intake cover for a for vertical thrust? but unsure.
If it looked like an F-22, but performed a vertical landing with a large cowling open behind the cockpit it was actually an F-35. They have a very similar design. The F-35 also only has a single engine.
This forum is no longer what it was.
Don't you hate it when people make statements and they don't explain why
I sure do.
It is As if they came, not to help, with lovely constructive criticism, but instead to harm with moral killing downer insults. Without clarification, I am left to decide for myself their comments intentions, and I have no reason to think well of them.
There was a video a few days ago of a news anchor explaining everything that is going on. Did anyone save it? If so, can you please post it here for me. TIA
Same guy who got suspended by station and took everything off his Social Media?
Maybe it was him! Asian looking male.
Don't know who you're talking about, but found this guy this morning and was impressed: Burma military rejects election results, takes over Myanmar; Trump nominated for Nobel Prize https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qDd7UCATgk&feature=emb_title
Anyone else think the Biden optics are preternaturally bad? It's about as bad as you would expect if they were being forced to humiliate themselves. Are they? 50+ EO in 2 weeks? Jobs? Revoke energy independence? Raise insulin prices? Nothing to change course of pandemic (not even any "cutting edge science"?)? Stimulus check downgrade? It's all too absurd, these guys are supposed to be masters of deception right? Why throw all caution to the wind at the critical moment?
Not to mention the optics of losing 20 million vaccines.
Not that I care about the vaccine, but normies sure do.
bidens overall operational quality looks straight off the back of an envelope.
nothing of substance
They think they control it all and so this is how they would act if they thought they controlled everything. That’s what my friend thinks. I like your idea better.
I would put money on Trump having the biggest dick in presidential history. That is all.
Take that LBJ!
Recently watched 2 videos that give perspective on Myanmar situation: 1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8xPeoYniSk&feature=emb_logo (mostly the first half and a little more), and 2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qDd7UCATgk&feature=emb_title
Strike while the iron is hot .......its not hot anymore.
I dunno. But I kinda think that exercise lady was staged to increase interest.
I especially liked the post someone did of Trump dancing with her.
I've recently read that none of bidens EO have been actioned
they have all been placed in on a 30 day hold.
EO’s usually have a start date in the future to give bureaucracy time to comply.
Is there any video proof that EOs he signed were correct? Just to know if it's the same signature as the EOs put online
Yes, and the U.S. has already been sued by Texas in federal court and one EO has already been enjoined.
No 30 day hold on putting them into effect.
If there's a 30-day hold sounds like he's not going to be there to have them make any effect sounds like in less than 30 days Trump is going to be inaugurated as the real president of the United States what gives me hope is the EOS that Trump signed right before he left office they're still in effect
How is that troop withdrawal on hold if the military isn't recognizing Xiden's Presidency? This is one of the areas the JCS holds sway over. The military itself may not fully recognize Biden as the rightful POTUS, but the JCS sure as shit does.
Doesn't matter. Peace time troop placements falls under JCS purview. It's classified under "day to day administrative duties and responsibilities." And since they're the various Branch's Cabinet Reps and COO's of those branches, and they've clearly sided with [them], this makes it a logical conclusion that they're following Xiden's orders.
Or, is the military itself beginning to fall in line with what Xiden/Harris/Hussein want? If this is the case, this ain't a.good sign.
The idea of the military being on our side is patently false.
The white house is a dump, I doubt he wishes to regain it. The stench of old carpets and pizza-related-maps will never come out now.
The presidency however, is safely protected under state-secrets, and does not require regaining.
I think you may be a bit harsh about the WH. It's not what POTUS Trump and FLOTUS Melania are used to, but it's far from being a dump.
I believe there is a plan to take back leadership but never return to the white house. The white will either become a museum or be razed.
Do people still think he'd walk away without conceding?
Nope. He's not finished yet. He made some promises and he will keep them ALL. The wait will be worth it! Have faith! God's not finished with him yet!
I would imagine the White House is now just a museum. The new "white house" will most likely be established at Mar-a-Lago, or some other destination in the Republic. DC is a foreign country.
crime scene now
museum is it's destiny
Nope. How can anyone know for certain? Nope and nope.
I expect big happenings this month.
Don’t know, grabs popcorn looking forward to the ride though.