keep in mind that Elon "came out of nowhwere" with his paypal operation that was heavily linked to banking and credit cards - most people would never get off the ground with something like that- because VISA, Mastercard and the banks would dismantle them early on.
You get the nod from the Rothschilds higher up - they greenlight you.
Bill Gates for example: Microsoft got all it's IBM contracts - that were basically wealth transference from IBM to Microsoft - in the 1970s when Evelyn Rothschild was the CEO ! - It's all BS that these college drop outs can fly out of nowhere.
Telsa is suckingly on NWO carbon credits for 10 years. A business of pure manipulation and BS.
and don't even think about Space X
Q mentions Space X as being linked to North Korea. !!! look it up !
These fkrs have been playing us for more than a century with their BS games and a guy like Elon is the perfect cover - doesn't the antichrist have to fool everyone ? with his charismatic charm ? here is a good candidate no ?
yes, it's the cult of personality worship - he's managed to tap into it like a rockstar, but i suppose post Steve Jobs we were setup for that kind of thinking - Silicon Valley tends to go in for that alot. Zuckerberg was a bit of a cult hero when facebook started rocking up for interviews on Bloomberg in a hoddie top etc. - like I don't give a F for the establishment - when HE IS THE ESTABLISHMENT !
why do they need Elon to dig tunnels under Miami ? The pommies have been running subway systems in the UK since the 1800s.... but suddenly Elon has the answer - GTFOH ~
More Govt slush money for the Rothschild's pet....
I saw his weird side when he was show boating in Thailand few years back, gonna save those kids in the cave... then he receives US funding & ccp funding as well?
The people I know who have met them both say his personality is very similar to that of Steve Jobs. Seeing this makes me question whether Jobs was also an avid Satanist.
i think jobs was actually the real deal.... just a very driven visionary.... hence why they tried to push him out and when he made a come back - they gave him something to top him... rumor is he had HIV.
he needed to be gone - Apple wasn't allowed to be successful if he was all up in it.
some people are just so so driven that they can over come some of the obstacles but they come after you....
notice that Bill Gates business partner - got some strange cancer and died off young..... that's how BG took over all of microsoft.
it's your own psyche - your own negativity that is enhanced
you're awakening your own demon basically
same if you feed your consciousness you awaken your own spirit.
all this stuff is fairly easily explained over the course of a few weeks of classes, i learned it all....
but i learned the light side of it which is really quite difficult
the dark side is easy "DO WHAT THOU WILT" - any clown can run down hill...
there is a body of information that run through everything from Hercules fighting Cerebus, Jason and the Auganaunts, Krishna fighting the armies, all the stories of the gospels, the old testament - it's all the same damn thing right back to Egyptian symbols and gods.
there is a way out of this dimension but it's so much easier to run with the dark side.....
the dark side became a powerful materialistic cult and the light side has faded out as no one has much interest - even Tibet was over run
Check out the book, Remarkable Healings, by a psychiatrist named Modi.
Here's an excerpt from a review on Goodreads:
This is a weighty book amounting to more than 600 pages. It contains comprehensive details of all possible aspects of "possession", and is extremely enlightening (though this is a "dark" subject). It made me think that ALL our various ailments, diseases, etc. may be caused by these possessions, in addition to past life traumas, of course. At any rate, it is one valid explanation of the existence of disease, one that we have heard before, e.g. from Christ, 2000 years ago, modern day evangelists etc. (I have myself seen many examples of healings carried out in this way by the latter.)
Tesla had over 70 inventions and the motor company was a nod in his many findings. The company was around before Elon and was dwindling. He owned a Tesla roadster as they were dying out and revived the company.
Do you guys do any research at all? Tesla vehicles use AC motors. Batteries supply DC power to an inverter which converts power tonAC and powers the AC motors
hate to break your party but microsoft is utter garbage
Evelyn Rothschild was CEO of IBM in the 70s, when he basically parsed the company wealth over to Billy Boy... the product is Fkg lousy, just corporate dominance cos who all own all the Govt and corporations that started paying for Windows.... ^ see above.
the thing that no one understands about these families is they are so fkg wealthy and they have tabs on everyone and what they do is shift wealth about from one patsy to another to make it look like there is actually a chance for the little guy to do something....
if you do get anywhere you sell out to them or they come and crush you.....
Lol before I clicked on that link, I knew exactly what that was referring to. That episode where Bill Gates was a bully and forced Homer to sell the company to Gates.
That's very true, even to this day.
That's why I got pissed when Microsoft bought Bungie and Rare over. This is why I don't have a XBox, not because it had bad graphics and a bulky controller but because Microsoft is a monopoly, no matter what people or Microsoft say.
I'm grateful for Microsoft because I taught myself at 7 years old, how to use a computer with Windows 3.1 on it then Win 95 and beyond, but the whole time I've been using Windows, I always felt like it was missing something or something doesn't fit here or there.
When I was servicing computers with Windows on them, I saw a lot of issues that came with Windows as most of the issues were software issues (70% while hardware was the other issue) but what pisses me off is the annoying Windows Updates that took a freaking LONG time to update, even just ONE update - a hotfix - that took 1 hour or longer to update. This was on a blazing fast computer (SSD, top of the line RAM and a gaming motherboard) and still took 1 hour to update. Don't get me started on a very old PC running Windows XP and the updates.
Anyways my point is when I finally learned all that I can with Windows, I looked into OS X (now MacOS) and Linux. OS X/MacOS is alright but very limited and I felt like I've always fit with Linux and now I'm on Fedora. Haven't looked back to Windows in over 9 years and I'm happy.
Like I said, I'm grateful for Windows because if not for Windows, I would have never learned how to use a computer because of course, Windows was predominant back then, but today? Fuck Windows. Haven't even gotten around to use Windows 10 and my father had a lot, and I mean A LOT, of issues with Windows 10 then I finally told him, ditch that laptop and get a Chromebook. He finally did and no issues since. Been happy with his Chromebook and he said it's faster than his Win10 laptop.
IMHO the only best Windows OSes were Win95, Win98, Win2000, WinXP and Win7. I like WinXP and 7 the most of all.
The original version is basically the spiritual side of all religions - its the same thing in all of them - but the Masonic lot have flipped it to the sinister aspect - all the symbology is reversed and they believe that awakening in evil for evil is the way.
You might recall in the Bible that Jesus is temped in the desert by the devil - that is basically lucifer - the bringer of light - if you really want to awaken consciousness you have to pass lucifer - he is like the sergeant major - the trainer of your soul to avoid temptations.
all this stuff is in every religion from the egyptian symbologies to Krishna fighting the legions of devisl, Hercules cleaning out the stables and fighting the dog that guards hell, Hindu, Buddhist, Christianity - the Muslim holy war has nothing to do with hiacking planes and killing infidels - the infidels are your own psychic elements - your egos if you like....
the holy war is to be waged internally not physically...
So they have reserved it all and taken the easy way out for power and money.
Very pathetic and a total misunderstanding.
But the basic religions are not much better, because they have also become dogma and missed the point themselves.
If you want to awaken consciousness, there is actually a work to do. Church on Sunday ain't gonna cut it - it's an internal work.
In Hinduism this is the most important part since you get faith (Sraddha) from associating with other devotees of God. It's called Sadhu Sanga, associating with advanced souls, thru talking with them and mingling, your faith gets stronger, then your practice improves a lot, but if you get isolated, unless your are self realized, you go down.
yeah i am not saying it's a bad thing and of course a dark force would want to shut it down both because it provides some nourishment to the soul and because it's a meeting place where revolutions can be planned out. it's a demoralization campaign.
but to get your teeth into the real spiritual realms there is another work not really explained in church - it's all basically right there infront of you, but a bit like Q it needs some symbols and info mapping out.
They are waging war on religion because it teaches that something is more powerful than their own egos, and they cannot stand that people would worship something other than them.
They HATE religion because it tells them they can't do whatever the fuck they want with no constraints in their constant chase of another good feeling.
They want to replece Jesus with Jesus Christ Superstar, completely with th 1000000000% heretical musical with a catchy rock soundstract and damnable blasphemy in the lyrics. See to they don't want a God they obey and walk the hard path of righteousness to avoid damnation, they want a Jesus Christ Superstar who tells them "its all good dude, do drugs, screw over your business partners, lie, cheat, steal, kill, and fuck kids, whatever makes you feel good is good."
Its why something like 200 Cathedrals have been attacked with arson over the last 2 years, even the biggest of them all Notre Dahm was destroyed. Its why they specifically banned religion with covid excuses. Its why the mock and deride the faithful.
Then take into account the 'cover up' attempt (some handler was furious that the masks leaked out so early), that was done in Feb 2020 - "The making of video" a full 6 months after the original video was filmed and 5 months after it was released - which in the pop music business that has a 1-2 month lifecycle is simply not credible...
"oh my stylist just happened to have masks for everyone" - yes we believe you how convenient.
a more disgusting, degenerate, filthy, satanic whore is hard to find, although it maybe only the symbology she's into , it is where it leads that is important.
Strange. I_o committed suicide in November. I really liked him as an artist. Seemed strange at the time - we all have our demons but he was really on his way up.
I don't listen to modern music or watch T.V. I clicked on that first video you linked and muted it so I could just watch watch she did.
Holy Fuck. What has happened to our culture. To think that young children see this, practically worship it. It's hard not to feel like we already lost sometimes.
I've never understood why people find him so interesting & seem to hang on his every word. Personally, I find him to be boring & not so special. President Trump, on the other hand, interesting & very special. :)
"Elon's the most innovative person ever. He has the time and energy to do all of the work of Tesla, SpaceX, etc."
As long as people think that the CEO does the actual work, then they will continue to worship CEOs and the next hyped up item.
For the holier-than-thou EV users, I love asking them where their car's electricity comes from. Pulls out popcorn to watch them pretend to think and rationalize that it's okay.
I always thought he was creepy. NOBODY becomes that rich and influential without certain connections. Saw a post a while back about smuggling activities in one of his plants. Definitely not all he seems.
When he moved to Spotify. I think he was genuine fir a long time and pinkpilled a lot of people, eso Bernie bros. . Now he just seems like a corporate whore
He doesn't always show it but when he had Candace Owens on it was pretty obvious. If it's his buddies who study archeology you get inquisitive conversation with a fanboy that's interested in the huge cycles of climate change that naturally occur. If you're the most famous black republican who still gets coomers hard at a glance you're gonna get grilled like a fucking flat earther. I stopped watching after his spotify jump since he was already selling out when he decided to stop airing his podcast live (his excuse is the clippers were taking his precious ad revenue from his clip channel) and this was just a public facing cash based sell out. Jeremy is obviously his handler with how fucking libtarded he is. It's sad because he had a good product on his hands with the star value to bring in bigger stars.
What the HECK is going on with that ladies tummy? I see a triangle at least which might look more like a pentagram if we could see more. It looks like a recent wound.
A lot of tech guys are into the naughty dark egirl aesthetic. Nothing new. And celebs, a lot of times, arent like their personas in private. As we often see the inverse: wholesomely presented but nasty behind closed doors.
I've always wondered what everyone is on this dudes nuts about. He is a total DS drone. Spouting shit against the establishment every now and then & bending at their every will. He is trying to ruin Texas now. I can't figure out Rogan, I know he is cucked by the almighty dollar. I don't trust him. I don't trust Musk. Dodgey fools they are. They need to leave our last bastion of freedom, TX
Eh... that's a stretch, she is just a typical crazy girl who likes to dress up and Elon finds crazy girls attractive. Not everyone who uses symbolism as a stylistic element is a satanist.
it's not just a fashion to use all this macabre masonic crap, it's been running hot and heavy in the creative industries since 50 years ago... why ?
why ? cos they all get invited into it and when they show loyalty, they get bumped up
it was common knowledge if you wanted to get a clip on MTV you sent the creative director a lid of coke and a rent boy.... and that's just to get your song in rotation.... someone had to pay all the production first didn't they !
it's a giant kinda fight club thing with a satanical twist.
Remember when he called the man who rescued the 12 boys in Thailand a pedo because they wouldn't let him use a tunneling machine I thought that was very strange
Elon Musk slandered that mans name ruining his reputation and WON the defamation case
I’ve been saying that but some supposed “anons” are so quick to dick ride anyone who says anything close to normal, common sense. This is the case with C.O., C.K., AJ, TP, BS, etc who are Israel first not America first.
Vetting is good, but I will withhold judgment on him yet. I see a bunch of pictures of a woman with an unusual style, and one of one of those statues you can get in the gift shop in the mall. While always maintaining a healthy wariness, I'm not going to condemn the guy based on this. I care more about what he does.
keep in mind that Elon "came out of nowhwere" with his paypal operation that was heavily linked to banking and credit cards - most people would never get off the ground with something like that- because VISA, Mastercard and the banks would dismantle them early on.
You get the nod from the Rothschilds higher up - they greenlight you.
Bill Gates for example: Microsoft got all it's IBM contracts - that were basically wealth transference from IBM to Microsoft - in the 1970s when Evelyn Rothschild was the CEO ! - It's all BS that these college drop outs can fly out of nowhere.
Telsa is suckingly on NWO carbon credits for 10 years. A business of pure manipulation and BS.
and don't even think about Space X
Q mentions Space X as being linked to North Korea. !!! look it up !
These fkrs have been playing us for more than a century with their BS games and a guy like Elon is the perfect cover - doesn't the antichrist have to fool everyone ? with his charismatic charm ? here is a good candidate no ?
yes, it's the cult of personality worship - he's managed to tap into it like a rockstar, but i suppose post Steve Jobs we were setup for that kind of thinking - Silicon Valley tends to go in for that alot. Zuckerberg was a bit of a cult hero when facebook started rocking up for interviews on Bloomberg in a hoddie top etc. - like I don't give a F for the establishment - when HE IS THE ESTABLISHMENT !
here is a good example
why do they need Elon to dig tunnels under Miami ? The pommies have been running subway systems in the UK since the 1800s.... but suddenly Elon has the answer - GTFOH ~
More Govt slush money for the Rothschild's pet....
I saw his weird side when he was show boating in Thailand few years back, gonna save those kids in the cave... then he receives US funding & ccp funding as well?
Lin Wood sued Elon for defamation for accusing one bof the rescuers of being pedo. Lin doesn't think much of Elon.
Wow, interesting....I didnt know it was Lin Wood representing... I visited the cave area afterwards...
of course he did - who do you think the judge would side with after a quick hand signal ?
I think his rocket wouldnt fit in that cave... I did an interview w/ a few of the rescuers... very amazing story...
Had forgotten the cave and his super duper instant submarine rescue idea.
The people I know who have met them both say his personality is very similar to that of Steve Jobs. Seeing this makes me question whether Jobs was also an avid Satanist.
i think jobs was actually the real deal.... just a very driven visionary.... hence why they tried to push him out and when he made a come back - they gave him something to top him... rumor is he had HIV.
he needed to be gone - Apple wasn't allowed to be successful if he was all up in it.
some people are just so so driven that they can over come some of the obstacles but they come after you....
notice that Bill Gates business partner - got some strange cancer and died off young..... that's how BG took over all of microsoft.
You don't get this power with out kissing the devils foot.
it's your own psyche - your own negativity that is enhanced
you're awakening your own demon basically
same if you feed your consciousness you awaken your own spirit.
all this stuff is fairly easily explained over the course of a few weeks of classes, i learned it all....
but i learned the light side of it which is really quite difficult
the dark side is easy "DO WHAT THOU WILT" - any clown can run down hill...
there is a body of information that run through everything from Hercules fighting Cerebus, Jason and the Auganaunts, Krishna fighting the armies, all the stories of the gospels, the old testament - it's all the same damn thing right back to Egyptian symbols and gods.
there is a way out of this dimension but it's so much easier to run with the dark side.....
the dark side became a powerful materialistic cult and the light side has faded out as no one has much interest - even Tibet was over run
It is literally a devil spirit. Not an organic psychic experience.
It is very probable,
one of them admits they are infesting political leaders, etc Here the witness sees marx & lenin in the pit of hell
No, I'm with you on that.
Check out the book, Remarkable Healings, by a psychiatrist named Modi.
Here's an excerpt from a review on Goodreads:
I also just posted a comment on another thread about how we need to depossess people as well, so the demons don't continue to obstruct their healing.
I think he was taken out, he didnt want to give back door to the system.... his birth father Syrian...
Elon's Mom is a model and has been since she was 18 , she is in her 70's and still modeling. She is the old lady on the Covergirl commercials.
So...grown up in a family with money and connected with the entertainment industry.
Further, is there any AC component to Tesla vehicles? Seems like Edison would have been a better name for them.
Tesla had over 70 inventions and the motor company was a nod in his many findings. The company was around before Elon and was dwindling. He owned a Tesla roadster as they were dying out and revived the company.
Do you guys do any research at all? Tesla vehicles use AC motors. Batteries supply DC power to an inverter which converts power tonAC and powers the AC motors
...that's why we always find you in the kitchen at parties...
Musk didn't start the company. Tesla was already a thing before he became the CEO. Iirc the real founders were pushed out of the company.
hate to break your party but microsoft is utter garbage
Evelyn Rothschild was CEO of IBM in the 70s, when he basically parsed the company wealth over to Billy Boy... the product is Fkg lousy, just corporate dominance cos who all own all the Govt and corporations that started paying for Windows.... ^ see above.
the thing that no one understands about these families is they are so fkg wealthy and they have tabs on everyone and what they do is shift wealth about from one patsy to another to make it look like there is actually a chance for the little guy to do something....
if you do get anywhere you sell out to them or they come and crush you.....
exactly! there is an invisible glass-ceiling and for going beyond you must be in the club or do 'some things' to join the club on the lower levels!
Homer, Bill Gates is here.
Lol before I clicked on that link, I knew exactly what that was referring to. That episode where Bill Gates was a bully and forced Homer to sell the company to Gates.
That's very true, even to this day.
That's why I got pissed when Microsoft bought Bungie and Rare over. This is why I don't have a XBox, not because it had bad graphics and a bulky controller but because Microsoft is a monopoly, no matter what people or Microsoft say.
I'm grateful for Microsoft because I taught myself at 7 years old, how to use a computer with Windows 3.1 on it then Win 95 and beyond, but the whole time I've been using Windows, I always felt like it was missing something or something doesn't fit here or there.
When I was servicing computers with Windows on them, I saw a lot of issues that came with Windows as most of the issues were software issues (70% while hardware was the other issue) but what pisses me off is the annoying Windows Updates that took a freaking LONG time to update, even just ONE update - a hotfix - that took 1 hour or longer to update. This was on a blazing fast computer (SSD, top of the line RAM and a gaming motherboard) and still took 1 hour to update. Don't get me started on a very old PC running Windows XP and the updates.
Anyways my point is when I finally learned all that I can with Windows, I looked into OS X (now MacOS) and Linux. OS X/MacOS is alright but very limited and I felt like I've always fit with Linux and now I'm on Fedora. Haven't looked back to Windows in over 9 years and I'm happy.
Like I said, I'm grateful for Windows because if not for Windows, I would have never learned how to use a computer because of course, Windows was predominant back then, but today? Fuck Windows. Haven't even gotten around to use Windows 10 and my father had a lot, and I mean A LOT, of issues with Windows 10 then I finally told him, ditch that laptop and get a Chromebook. He finally did and no issues since. Been happy with his Chromebook and he said it's faster than his Win10 laptop.
IMHO the only best Windows OSes were Win95, Win98, Win2000, WinXP and Win7. I like WinXP and 7 the most of all.
He could be a pick like Zuckerberg or bozos. Given his company and tech.
Its an ego power trip - you will be a god.
They severed their connection to their higher selves and source a long time ago. They don't feel the spark of the eternal within them as we do.
it comes from Rosicrucian Dogma
The original version is basically the spiritual side of all religions - its the same thing in all of them - but the Masonic lot have flipped it to the sinister aspect - all the symbology is reversed and they believe that awakening in evil for evil is the way.
You might recall in the Bible that Jesus is temped in the desert by the devil - that is basically lucifer - the bringer of light - if you really want to awaken consciousness you have to pass lucifer - he is like the sergeant major - the trainer of your soul to avoid temptations.
all this stuff is in every religion from the egyptian symbologies to Krishna fighting the legions of devisl, Hercules cleaning out the stables and fighting the dog that guards hell, Hindu, Buddhist, Christianity - the Muslim holy war has nothing to do with hiacking planes and killing infidels - the infidels are your own psychic elements - your egos if you like....
the holy war is to be waged internally not physically...
So they have reserved it all and taken the easy way out for power and money.
Very pathetic and a total misunderstanding.
But the basic religions are not much better, because they have also become dogma and missed the point themselves.
If you want to awaken consciousness, there is actually a work to do. Church on Sunday ain't gonna cut it - it's an internal work.
In Hinduism this is the most important part since you get faith (Sraddha) from associating with other devotees of God. It's called Sadhu Sanga, associating with advanced souls, thru talking with them and mingling, your faith gets stronger, then your practice improves a lot, but if you get isolated, unless your are self realized, you go down.
yeah i am not saying it's a bad thing and of course a dark force would want to shut it down both because it provides some nourishment to the soul and because it's a meeting place where revolutions can be planned out. it's a demoralization campaign.
but to get your teeth into the real spiritual realms there is another work not really explained in church - it's all basically right there infront of you, but a bit like Q it needs some symbols and info mapping out.
They are waging war on religion because it teaches that something is more powerful than their own egos, and they cannot stand that people would worship something other than them.
They HATE religion because it tells them they can't do whatever the fuck they want with no constraints in their constant chase of another good feeling.
They want to replece Jesus with Jesus Christ Superstar, completely with th 1000000000% heretical musical with a catchy rock soundstract and damnable blasphemy in the lyrics. See to they don't want a God they obey and walk the hard path of righteousness to avoid damnation, they want a Jesus Christ Superstar who tells them "its all good dude, do drugs, screw over your business partners, lie, cheat, steal, kill, and fuck kids, whatever makes you feel good is good."
Its why something like 200 Cathedrals have been attacked with arson over the last 2 years, even the biggest of them all Notre Dahm was destroyed. Its why they specifically banned religion with covid excuses. Its why the mock and deride the faithful.
Another good pic of Claire Elise Boucher, AKA "Grimes" on left -
Wtf?!?! Woah. I posted this above of her tats
Because evil is ugly to the mind of the good man.
They 100% honestly think this is beautiful.
now take into account this video that was shot in Aug 2019 and Released in Sept 2019 - 6 months before anyone imagined these stupid masks.
Then take into account the 'cover up' attempt (some handler was furious that the masks leaked out so early), that was done in Feb 2020 - "The making of video" a full 6 months after the original video was filmed and 5 months after it was released - which in the pop music business that has a 1-2 month lifecycle is simply not credible...
"oh my stylist just happened to have masks for everyone" - yes we believe you how convenient.
a more disgusting, degenerate, filthy, satanic whore is hard to find, although it maybe only the symbology she's into , it is where it leads that is important.
Strange. I_o committed suicide in November. I really liked him as an artist. Seemed strange at the time - we all have our demons but he was really on his way up.
Wow wasn’t expecting an i_o mention here
I don't listen to modern music or watch T.V. I clicked on that first video you linked and muted it so I could just watch watch she did.
Holy Fuck. What has happened to our culture. To think that young children see this, practically worship it. It's hard not to feel like we already lost sometimes.
i know it was shocking first time i saw it - the only thing missing is the live child sacrifice.... it's really foul.....
like something from greek mythology - the hypnotic medusa.
I've never understood why people find him so interesting & seem to hang on his every word. Personally, I find him to be boring & not so special. President Trump, on the other hand, interesting & very special. :)
Spells of enchantment.
"Elon's the most innovative person ever. He has the time and energy to do all of the work of Tesla, SpaceX, etc."
As long as people think that the CEO does the actual work, then they will continue to worship CEOs and the next hyped up item.
For the holier-than-thou EV users, I love asking them where their car's electricity comes from. Pulls out popcorn to watch them pretend to think and rationalize that it's okay.
I always thought he was creepy. NOBODY becomes that rich and influential without certain connections. Saw a post a while back about smuggling activities in one of his plants. Definitely not all he seems.
Oooo Grimes as EM monarch handler JUICY
Good rule. Rogan is definitely part of the gatekeeping media matrix.
When he moved to Spotify. I think he was genuine fir a long time and pinkpilled a lot of people, eso Bernie bros. . Now he just seems like a corporate whore
He doesn't always show it but when he had Candace Owens on it was pretty obvious. If it's his buddies who study archeology you get inquisitive conversation with a fanboy that's interested in the huge cycles of climate change that naturally occur. If you're the most famous black republican who still gets coomers hard at a glance you're gonna get grilled like a fucking flat earther. I stopped watching after his spotify jump since he was already selling out when he decided to stop airing his podcast live (his excuse is the clippers were taking his precious ad revenue from his clip channel) and this was just a public facing cash based sell out. Jeremy is obviously his handler with how fucking libtarded he is. It's sad because he had a good product on his hands with the star value to bring in bigger stars.
I agree so much with everything you said except who the fuck is jeremy
When I think about it they are almost all shills or in the (((club))) but what's your reasoning?
Oh interesting.
I thought the exact same thing, big yikes...
He is one of them and he will go down also. The truth will come out about him
Incredibly homely girl.
Watch the wives!
What the HECK is going on with that ladies tummy? I see a triangle at least which might look more like a pentagram if we could see more. It looks like a recent wound.
That poor, poor baby.
A lot of tech guys are into the naughty dark egirl aesthetic. Nothing new. And celebs, a lot of times, arent like their personas in private. As we often see the inverse: wholesomely presented but nasty behind closed doors.
Hey OP While were are at it werner von braun imagined that the leader of mars would carry the title of "Elon".
With Nueralink, seems a lot like Total Recall.
I've always wondered what everyone is on this dudes nuts about. He is a total DS drone. Spouting shit against the establishment every now and then & bending at their every will. He is trying to ruin Texas now. I can't figure out Rogan, I know he is cucked by the almighty dollar. I don't trust him. I don't trust Musk. Dodgey fools they are. They need to leave our last bastion of freedom, TX
She was very “defund the police” last summer. Ever look at her tattoos? Go look:
I mean she’s probably wicked in the sack. Dudes like Musk have banged so many chicks they get bored with normal women
Eh... that's a stretch, she is just a typical crazy girl who likes to dress up and Elon finds crazy girls attractive. Not everyone who uses symbolism as a stylistic element is a satanist.
ah come on wake up a bit
it's not just a fashion to use all this macabre masonic crap, it's been running hot and heavy in the creative industries since 50 years ago... why ?
why ? cos they all get invited into it and when they show loyalty, they get bumped up
it was common knowledge if you wanted to get a clip on MTV you sent the creative director a lid of coke and a rent boy.... and that's just to get your song in rotation.... someone had to pay all the production first didn't they !
it's a giant kinda fight club thing with a satanical twist.
Because WWIII started in 1963.
Since then, this stuff has been escalating.
Connect a few more dots pal
You gotta stop mistaking noise for signal pal
That is a whole lot of daddy issues right there!
Remember when he called the man who rescued the 12 boys in Thailand a pedo because they wouldn't let him use a tunneling machine I thought that was very strange
Elon Musk slandered that mans name ruining his reputation and WON the defamation case
He does have poor taste in women.
Kicked out?
He always reminded me of Hank Scorpio from the older episodes of the Simpsons.
She's a literal demon child.
I’ve been saying that but some supposed “anons” are so quick to dick ride anyone who says anything close to normal, common sense. This is the case with C.O., C.K., AJ, TP, BS, etc who are Israel first not America first.
Is it really that much effort to type out his name in the post title?
NVR trusted him.
He did call out the tunnel pedos when no one else would!
Holy fuck, what the fuck is that thing?!
Vetting is good, but I will withhold judgment on him yet. I see a bunch of pictures of a woman with an unusual style, and one of one of those statues you can get in the gift shop in the mall. While always maintaining a healthy wariness, I'm not going to condemn the guy based on this. I care more about what he does.
Really, people are calling Elon Musk "EM" now? Pfffftt
Anyway that is one seriously hideously ugly female