Are you seriously asking people to say they want to break the law on a message board? Are you on drugs or do you work for a governmental agency? If so, they obviously hire idiots - you ignore ACTUAL crimes (like election fraud) and literally try to get people to say they want to BREAK THE LAW when they are simply expressing frustration and fury at criminal conduct.
I'm simply asking for clarification on what he meant by "people are going to start losing it.".
Seems to me Trump got impeached over "fight for your rights" or something similar. Chill.
President Trump was impeached because the democrats are mentally ill and the republicans are corrupt enablers. They made a plan to get kickbacks from a $1.5T spending spree and are all traitors to America. Any further questions?
Cathartic it might be (for the short term, until you end up on death row), that is not really a legit option for significant long-term change for an entire country. Look at how badly people clutched their pearls and condemned any hit of affiliation with the 6th, where so little actually happened compared to actual widespread violence.
We need to collectively learn patience and engage in the chess game, not get impatient and want to resort to tic-tac-toe. The game is not over, not by a long-shot. Tend to your wounds, your family and get grounded physically and spiritually.
if there is a plan who are we to demand the whole explanation? Sure, things are not good at all but they can for sure get much worse. I we think the situation that the plan encompasses is so small that we should be informed of it all we really don't grasp how much is going on. The real question is one of our TRUST in other people. Q has either earned our trust or not. We need to be humble and keep a level head about ourselves so that we don't do anything stupid and mess up the plan. What if the only reason they haven't made the big move yet is because of a national threat that is bigger than the cold in Texas or the masses out of work like myself? The worst thing we could do is make the first violent move. I agree, trust the plan, there is more going on than what we know.
Yes it is. One of the Mods helped me out last night, hence one of the deleted comment. A shill went off on my post. They do stand out as antagonists not as having a different opinion but as having a different agenda altogether. Usually aggressive posts that are full of lower vocabulary adverbs and adjectives... Its nice that there is a yuge amount of decent interaction to make them shine as the garbage they are. Also, the Mods are to be honored. This place is an awakening Supernova. It's great!
Just because you don't personally know the plan doesn't mean there isn't one. It doesn't mean there is one either but events of the past few years and the past few months would lead me to believe something rather than nothing is happening.
I wish there was more we could do. Until more people are fed up, we can’t do much. In the meantime, educate everyone and point out the bullshit and lies.
There is no point in educating anyone anymore at this point. That is not what we’re waiting for. I’m not sure what we ARE waiting for but it’s not that. Nobody in this country is going to stand against the military—least of all, basement-dwelling liberals. The moment the military turns off the media and starts broadcasting proof of the Deep State’s crimes via the EBS the whole country will almost instantly unite. I wish I knew what we were waiting for though. I feel like we’re one move away from checkmate and there’s nothing the other side can do but we’ve decided to take a long bathroom break for some reason and it’s driving me batshit crazy.
I think we very well may get military tribunals at some point, but there is not much we can do to speed things up. We're not the ones running that timetable.
However, feel free to post suggestions on how to makes things happen sooner. For example:
Keep trying to red-pill as many people as you can. If enough people realize what is happening, we won't even need the tribunals. We could collectively shake these parasites off ourselves and force the courts to put them on trial. We're not there yet, but I don't think we are that far off.
I think self-preservation has finally overcome greed, even in the top ranks. Think about the predicament they are in, and it may explain the utter weirdness we see. What is the security event in march they are planning for?
Whatever is or isnt happening it will soon be clear. But something extremely fucking odd is afoot.
What if the building they built outside the White House was for an actual Tribunal? The only photos I saw looked like a good place to have a 'hanging'. We have no idea what it was used for. They said it was for the 'Inaugeration'. I see nothing that shows in photos . . . It's now gone. It was used for something. Does anyone have any clues?
Most of the debunkers say it was used for press for inauguration. Some say it wasn’t on the right side of the property to be used for inauguration. Someone else posted a picture of a very similar looking structure from White House archives during Clinton’ inauguration but who knows. I’ve also seen video of what looks like to be a bunch of people walking out of White house into structure..some people say it was children. I like to think that the people on our side, the true patriots and freedom fighters are doing all kinds of things to confuse everybody. I so wanted the structure to be gallows.
But confuse who and why? If we “have everything” what the hell are they waiting for exactly? If the endgame is for the military to take over communications and start airing proof of Deep State crimes while they arrest the offenders why not just do it already? Without the fake news lying and spinning everything this country would unite in light of that kind of information almost immediately. Even if they wanted to put up a fight they’d have no way to communicate in order to mobilize. Everyone would be glued to their TVs like it’s 9/11 all over again. I just hope there’s a damn good reason for it because we know the longer the Deep State goes unpunished the more innocent people die. I don’t want anymore holy blood on our hands. Drop the axe already, the prisoner has nothing left to say but blasphemies.
They need enough of the public Worldwide to begin to wake up on their own by witnessing the ever increasingly obvious Globalist Agenda. If they force the full truth down the throat of people who are completely asleep they would not be able to handle it. Remember how deep the rabbit hole goes. Our World for a very long time was run by satanic cannibalistic pedophiles. Virtually everyone we were taught to trust and look up to our entire lives are pure evil. They created wars, they created disease and cures but kept the cures from us, they poisoned our water, air, food, media, etc. They have kept revolutionary exotic technologies beyond our imagination from us. Anti gravity, tesla free energy technology, etc. Imagine just working your 9-5 job like most people completely oblivious and then suddenly these truth gets plastered on every TV Channel across the World with irrefutable evidence. Like the Q team said, the FULL truth would put 99% of the World in the hospital. Mental or regular hospital. I've been red pilled since before Q and even I struggle with these difficult truths some days despite having over 7 years to process it already. The Military need people to at least begin to see how evil these people are on their own. Only then when enough of the population is ready and WE THE PEOPLE demand change/revolution, they can make their move. They only get 1 chance at this. If they move too early, it could collapse society, despite intending the opposite effect. That's how I view it anyways. God bless! WWG1WGA!
Nobody has ever nor will ever go to the hospital by learning the truth about the Deep State. That is not a valid reason for delay. There might be a valid reason, but that is not it. Did YOU go to the hospital when you learned about it? I didn’t. Neither did any of my friends. It’s shocking stuff but if the cures ans technology you mention are there people are going to rejoice, not need a hospital. And when they learn about the cannibals they’ll be disgusted and infuriated—they won’t end up in the hospital over it. What kind of weird take on humanity’s ability to take weird national news is that?
Like I said, I’m sure there MUST be SOME reason for the delay, but if THAT’S it, either the Q team massively underestimates humanity or I massively overestimate them because that sounds crazy to me.
Q hasn’t spoke in months so I don’t know what current Q you’re referring to. As for why things “didn’t come true” that’s nonsense. Lots of it has come true. Q never gave any dates for any of this. People have tried to connect the dots and guess at important dates but that’s proved fruitless. Here we call it datefagging.
If you aren’t convinced of Q bruv you’re on the wrong site. I don’t have to try to convince you of anything. This site is for Q supporters only. You clearly don’t consider yourself one so take a walk—nobody needs your energy here.
There will never be any the military is cucked and part of the swamp. Why would they give up power? Under Biden the brass has complete control on the future of the military and who gets all the back door deals to make them rich. Everybody is locked down and they get to be the enforcers. If you were them you would go along with it too most people are sheep and don’t deserve freedom they just give it up. It’s why they willing wear masks and love lockdowns. People love staying at home doing nothing all day pretending to work and having everything delivered to them. It’s a responsibility free life and people love that. There is zero incentive for the military to risk themselves for us, our best bet is to either join them, leave the country, or move to the middle of nowhere and keep our heads down. This is the course of human history and always has been...
Have you guys heard about this man before? There’s a video in the first article from Geraldo, which is disturbing and also surprisingly familiar to what we hear now. It also makes me wonder if this has spread far and wide across military bases too.
So, did Q always mean the Podesta surname for sure? Or could Podesta sometimes mean a mayor or leader in Italy, as in Italygate (even though it's more of a medieval title)?
It says in the Q posts that Nancy will be made to look like she lost her memory and then won’t be able to do her job. Similar to how John Mccain didn’t really die from surgery. It’s all in the Q posts.
More like November of 2017!
Bring the STORM!
It doesn't really leave anymore. Maybe if they let off on infringing my rights for a teeny bit of time, but nope.
Me too! Why waste money on food and jail!
Get it the fuck on! We can’t take much more. Keep pushing and people are going to start losing it.
Like time for some vigilante justice?
Are you seriously asking people to say they want to break the law on a message board? Are you on drugs or do you work for a governmental agency? If so, they obviously hire idiots - you ignore ACTUAL crimes (like election fraud) and literally try to get people to say they want to BREAK THE LAW when they are simply expressing frustration and fury at criminal conduct.
The fuckwit glows!
I'm simply asking for clarification on what he meant by "people are going to start losing it.". Seems to me Trump got impeached over "fight for your rights" or something similar. Chill.
President Trump was impeached because the democrats are mentally ill and the republicans are corrupt enablers. They made a plan to get kickbacks from a $1.5T spending spree and are all traitors to America. Any further questions?
Cathartic it might be (for the short term, until you end up on death row), that is not really a legit option for significant long-term change for an entire country. Look at how badly people clutched their pearls and condemned any hit of affiliation with the 6th, where so little actually happened compared to actual widespread violence.
We need to collectively learn patience and engage in the chess game, not get impatient and want to resort to tic-tac-toe. The game is not over, not by a long-shot. Tend to your wounds, your family and get grounded physically and spiritually.
Exactly this ^^^
The globalists want patriots to run out of patience and do something stupid. That plays right into their hand.
if there is a plan who are we to demand the whole explanation? Sure, things are not good at all but they can for sure get much worse. I we think the situation that the plan encompasses is so small that we should be informed of it all we really don't grasp how much is going on. The real question is one of our TRUST in other people. Q has either earned our trust or not. We need to be humble and keep a level head about ourselves so that we don't do anything stupid and mess up the plan. What if the only reason they haven't made the big move yet is because of a national threat that is bigger than the cold in Texas or the masses out of work like myself? The worst thing we could do is make the first violent move. I agree, trust the plan, there is more going on than what we know.
This thread is full of handshake shills pushing for violence.
Yes it is. One of the Mods helped me out last night, hence one of the deleted comment. A shill went off on my post. They do stand out as antagonists not as having a different opinion but as having a different agenda altogether. Usually aggressive posts that are full of lower vocabulary adverbs and adjectives... Its nice that there is a yuge amount of decent interaction to make them shine as the garbage they are. Also, the Mods are to be honored. This place is an awakening Supernova. It's great!
The shills really are easy to spot. Especially to anyone who frequented this site before inauguration. The handshake invasion began soon after.
Could be deep state actors, fake news instigators, or just basement dwellers with underdeveloped minds.
Thankfully mods are on top of it.
Knowledge of the plan is directly proportional to amount of time spent researching.
You don't have to read many Q drops to see there is a plan, and it includes everything unfolding before us right now.
Did you just get here?
Maybe poke around, do some research before commenting?
Just because you don't personally know the plan doesn't mean there isn't one. It doesn't mean there is one either but events of the past few years and the past few months would lead me to believe something rather than nothing is happening.
I would wager most of the comments calling for violence are not coming from real patriots.
This site gets bombarded by waves of shill accounts. Just look how many posts have been deleted in this thread.
The shills always say one of two things:
I don't disagree at all.
Maybe I should have used the word "violent."
What do you have in mind?
I wish there was more we could do. Until more people are fed up, we can’t do much. In the meantime, educate everyone and point out the bullshit and lies.
There is no point in educating anyone anymore at this point. That is not what we’re waiting for. I’m not sure what we ARE waiting for but it’s not that. Nobody in this country is going to stand against the military—least of all, basement-dwelling liberals. The moment the military turns off the media and starts broadcasting proof of the Deep State’s crimes via the EBS the whole country will almost instantly unite. I wish I knew what we were waiting for though. I feel like we’re one move away from checkmate and there’s nothing the other side can do but we’ve decided to take a long bathroom break for some reason and it’s driving me batshit crazy.
And by then It will be to late because it’s already to late for that
I think we very well may get military tribunals at some point, but there is not much we can do to speed things up. We're not the ones running that timetable.
However, feel free to post suggestions on how to makes things happen sooner. For example:
The courts are corrupt, military tribunals are the only way.
I think self-preservation has finally overcome greed, even in the top ranks. Think about the predicament they are in, and it may explain the utter weirdness we see. What is the security event in march they are planning for?
Whatever is or isnt happening it will soon be clear. But something extremely fucking odd is afoot.
What if the building they built outside the White House was for an actual Tribunal? The only photos I saw looked like a good place to have a 'hanging'. We have no idea what it was used for. They said it was for the 'Inaugeration'. I see nothing that shows in photos . . . It's now gone. It was used for something. Does anyone have any clues?
Most of the debunkers say it was used for press for inauguration. Some say it wasn’t on the right side of the property to be used for inauguration. Someone else posted a picture of a very similar looking structure from White House archives during Clinton’ inauguration but who knows. I’ve also seen video of what looks like to be a bunch of people walking out of White house into structure..some people say it was children. I like to think that the people on our side, the true patriots and freedom fighters are doing all kinds of things to confuse everybody. I so wanted the structure to be gallows.
But confuse who and why? If we “have everything” what the hell are they waiting for exactly? If the endgame is for the military to take over communications and start airing proof of Deep State crimes while they arrest the offenders why not just do it already? Without the fake news lying and spinning everything this country would unite in light of that kind of information almost immediately. Even if they wanted to put up a fight they’d have no way to communicate in order to mobilize. Everyone would be glued to their TVs like it’s 9/11 all over again. I just hope there’s a damn good reason for it because we know the longer the Deep State goes unpunished the more innocent people die. I don’t want anymore holy blood on our hands. Drop the axe already, the prisoner has nothing left to say but blasphemies.
They need enough of the public Worldwide to begin to wake up on their own by witnessing the ever increasingly obvious Globalist Agenda. If they force the full truth down the throat of people who are completely asleep they would not be able to handle it. Remember how deep the rabbit hole goes. Our World for a very long time was run by satanic cannibalistic pedophiles. Virtually everyone we were taught to trust and look up to our entire lives are pure evil. They created wars, they created disease and cures but kept the cures from us, they poisoned our water, air, food, media, etc. They have kept revolutionary exotic technologies beyond our imagination from us. Anti gravity, tesla free energy technology, etc. Imagine just working your 9-5 job like most people completely oblivious and then suddenly these truth gets plastered on every TV Channel across the World with irrefutable evidence. Like the Q team said, the FULL truth would put 99% of the World in the hospital. Mental or regular hospital. I've been red pilled since before Q and even I struggle with these difficult truths some days despite having over 7 years to process it already. The Military need people to at least begin to see how evil these people are on their own. Only then when enough of the population is ready and WE THE PEOPLE demand change/revolution, they can make their move. They only get 1 chance at this. If they move too early, it could collapse society, despite intending the opposite effect. That's how I view it anyways. God bless! WWG1WGA!
Nobody has ever nor will ever go to the hospital by learning the truth about the Deep State. That is not a valid reason for delay. There might be a valid reason, but that is not it. Did YOU go to the hospital when you learned about it? I didn’t. Neither did any of my friends. It’s shocking stuff but if the cures ans technology you mention are there people are going to rejoice, not need a hospital. And when they learn about the cannibals they’ll be disgusted and infuriated—they won’t end up in the hospital over it. What kind of weird take on humanity’s ability to take weird national news is that?
Like I said, I’m sure there MUST be SOME reason for the delay, but if THAT’S it, either the Q team massively underestimates humanity or I massively overestimate them because that sounds crazy to me.
Cool. If only Q actually gave us those dates you’d actually have a point.
Q hasn’t spoke in months so I don’t know what current Q you’re referring to. As for why things “didn’t come true” that’s nonsense. Lots of it has come true. Q never gave any dates for any of this. People have tried to connect the dots and guess at important dates but that’s proved fruitless. Here we call it datefagging.
If you aren’t convinced of Q bruv you’re on the wrong site. I don’t have to try to convince you of anything. This site is for Q supporters only. You clearly don’t consider yourself one so take a walk—nobody needs your energy here.
That viewing tower is gone like it does every inauguration
I believed it was for 'fear factor'.
I asked for photos or coverage of them using it on inauguration day so that I could debunk this.
Others believe that tribunals have taken place.
Have a blessed evening.
Two cases are still to be presented to SCOTUS on Friday, it's unlikely anything will happen this week.
Agreed but it has to be played out regardless.
Man, I need to see this happen so bad.
I feel like I'm going grey waiting.
I’m with you! ??♀️
Bring. It. On.
Man, I don’t know why but I always pictured the military tribunals outside with the firing squad nearby ready to execute orders. ?
A couple years ago firing squads were added back onto the list of approved Federal execution methods...
Count me in lads. ? ?
Making more ? for the show. God speed Patriots.
lol this was me 2 years ago.
There will never be any the military is cucked and part of the swamp. Why would they give up power? Under Biden the brass has complete control on the future of the military and who gets all the back door deals to make them rich. Everybody is locked down and they get to be the enforcers. If you were them you would go along with it too most people are sheep and don’t deserve freedom they just give it up. It’s why they willing wear masks and love lockdowns. People love staying at home doing nothing all day pretending to work and having everything delivered to them. It’s a responsibility free life and people love that. There is zero incentive for the military to risk themselves for us, our best bet is to either join them, leave the country, or move to the middle of nowhere and keep our heads down. This is the course of human history and always has been...
If that were true, humanity would never have survived so long.
Not it’s exactly why humanity has survived so long...
The military is going to be embarrassed if the civilians have to take back the country for them!
That question is like asking people "Who likes Oxygen?".
All in.
I've been waiting since Trump's inauguration on January 20th, 2017.
Watching and waiting, trusting and praying!
Just gotta convince the military. Not sure how we're supposed to do that.
I can't take much more! I grow angrier by the day.
Yes, I’m so sick of waiting for this. Bring it on already!
Past time. Way past.
left can't handle the truth!
The End (shall we play a game?) is a coming....
Do those in the top brass of the U.S military really want to go down in history as staging a coup?
Or do they want to retire quietly and get their pensions?
Too much on the Internet from people claiming to be "in the know" and claiming to get briefs from "white hats" that sound like complete BS.
This was a 5 alarm fire the minute it was apparent that Russia collusion was a hoax. They did nothing.
A lady I know - a Patriot who organized a trip to DC and continues to organize local grassroots ways to change the political landscape - posted something odd today. The group we are in doesn’t really talk about Q, but clearly she sees/heard hopes of military involvement. Today she said, “In case you’re hoping military:” with this link.
Have you guys heard about this man before? There’s a video in the first article from Geraldo, which is disturbing and also surprisingly familiar to what we hear now. It also makes me wonder if this has spread far and wide across military bases too.
So, did Q always mean the Podesta surname for sure? Or could Podesta sometimes mean a mayor or leader in Italy, as in Italygate (even though it's more of a medieval title)?
It says in the Q posts that Nancy will be made to look like she lost her memory and then won’t be able to do her job. Similar to how John Mccain didn’t really die from surgery. It’s all in the Q posts.
Me since Nov. 1, 2017 but yeah.
What's left? Everything is corrupt. I was in the military; it's hard to get corrupt without somebody knowing about it.