And yet citizens will carry anyway. Civil disobedience and outright scofflaw behavior is becoming the new expressions of freedom and liberty. Fuck the courts, ALL of them, from SCOTUS on down to the local level. They are all corrupt. We have no justice system...what we have is a Just Us System.... just the elite and celebrities and well-connected. The rest of us have to fend for ourselves. So be it, let anarchy reign all across the land. I no longer care for these effete eunuchs who think they are our overlords.... FUCK them.
I see all the mid-west states and much of the South. If any state has reason to be angry, though, it's Georgia. If I were a citizen there, I'd be hopping mad.
They’ll make this the “summer of murder” or something if they need to. Lord knows how unhinged they’ve made people during the pandemic, and the media and feds will make sure to take advantage of them.
Lol. Alaska here. I can’t tell you how many libtards I know that carry because of bears, wolves, moose, wolverine, etc. Even in our backyards, hell, I had a bear greet me in my garage a couple years ago. This can’t happen here, just plain stupid.
Reminds me of my buddy going fishing. Came upon a black bear here in Georgia. Looked at this glock 19, looked at the bear, high tailed it out of there, and bought himself a Ruger 44 MAG Black Hawk when he got to town. Didn't pass go.
In ye olden days, you could own cannons. Virtually all of the gun laws passed in the last 100 years fly in the face of the constitution. Lots of legal mental gymnastics to get there, now they don’t even bother and just say F you.
Hopefully someone much more educated on the legal system can help me here. But does a ruling like this override the 2nd amendment of the constitution? (At least for the region that circuit overlooks?)
I mean just like you said, there's literally no interpreting, or hidden messages in the statement "the right to bear arms shall not be infringed", how the hell does a lower court get to decide otherwise?
Good question, So from what I gather is since the appeals court ruled the people in those states don't have the right to carry, the the police, prosecutors as of right now will probably arrest people with no CCL, But it will no doubt make its way to SCOTUS for the final ruling. We know alito, Thomas are patriots and follow the rule of this nation the constitution but for the others, I have no idea.
That's what i assumed, but doesn't the sheriff in his/her respective boundary have the right to abide by the constitution even if the state they're in says otherwise, like this for example?
Yes, the Sherriff is the number one law enforcer in that county. The thing is most sheriffs would more than likely work with the feds not saying all of them but most! So if I lived in one of those states I would contact my Sherrif and see where he is on the matter. There is one sheriff who said if the feds come and try to arrest people in his county for anti-gun stuff he would lock them up.
Setting the stage to go to Supreme Court. Wonder if Biden will pack the court by then with libtard judges and take away the 2nd Amendment which is guaranteed in the US Constitution.
Get ready for a tidal wave of mass shootings. Between the lockdowns, pandemic panic, media lies, and FBI handlers, they’ll kill as many people as they need to try and take our guns.
Please correct me where I am wrong. I have a right to own firearms, and to transport them safely to my home, or to a hunt, or to get repaired, etc, anywhere in the USA. States enact the laws giving you the right to carry them in public. That right is given by each state if you follow all the rules they set down. In states where the RTC is not given, only police etc etc are given the right by that state to carry. To me this court case does not make sense to ever have even been heard.
To me this case has to either say that Americans do not have the right to own guns, or that States cannot grant people the right to carry, or else the case is just plain silly. The right to bear arms implies ownership, for the reason of stopping tyranny or an invasion should it arise or self protection at home. The States giving the right to carry extends that Home Defense to your daily travels. Even in the old west Marshalls would enact no-carry laws in town to stop killings by drunk and rowdy cowhands. This case and ruling make no sense.
What? The US Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit is wrong. Lord, please help rectify this wrong and remove all the idiots involved with this nonsense out of office too.
Because it is essentially the do-nothing arm of 2nd Amendment defense. GOA, NAGAR,JPFO,SAF and others are more on the ball, but don't have the membership the NRA has.
Criminals get away with it all the time. When the time comes I guess will identify as one of those then so I won't be bothered. Many of us are already on the terror watch list so we have that part already covered.
The way I see it no matter who it is cop, fbi, etc who KNOWINGLY burns the Constitution is dick state all the way. They too deserve prison time.
Ignorance or compliance to remain employed is not an excuse. Regardless of the excuse they are a danger to the Republic.
Raise your hand if you're "still watching the movie" after HR.1 passes and our second amendment is obliterated... Fuck this! I am very worried about the course we are on right now...
Gods laws, my laws, and then mans laws; in that order people. Do not so freely think that someone can take away something that they did not have the authority to give, nor that they are actually willing to come and take away. I call your bluff - ALL IN.
Well, I have a constitution that would beg otherwise! Lets get this lawsuit started up!
When the courts trample the most fundamental right, you don't sue them.
I've heard rule 7.62, subsection 5.56 is pretty effective in cases like this.
Even .22 applies in many cases, but even though it is older 30.06 has been shown to be effective.
Personally, I'll go right to old rule 45.70 and the big boy 12.70-99.
Fellas all you need is federal form subsection 0.223 brought up.
God Bless you gunfags, lol. ?
We try....we do try.... You might even say that we AIM to please. ??? ??
? lol.
I love you, man.
A little bird told me that lots & lots of people have been ended by a well placed .22. Just ask Henry Bowman....
0.45 - Authorized Constitution Protection, act of 1911.
My man! ????
Yea, they going to need extra security, you know from people that carry.
Allow me to direct your attention to the recent stolen "election"
Get your popcorn, this is part of the show.
Tell that to anyone that anyone that gets arrested for carrying in those states...
Gotta wake up the masses!
And yet citizens will carry anyway. Civil disobedience and outright scofflaw behavior is becoming the new expressions of freedom and liberty. Fuck the courts, ALL of them, from SCOTUS on down to the local level. They are all corrupt. We have no justice system...what we have is a Just Us System.... just the elite and celebrities and well-connected. The rest of us have to fend for ourselves. So be it, let anarchy reign all across the land. I no longer care for these effete eunuchs who think they are our overlords.... FUCK them.
My words exactly. " FUCK THEM !"
Thats why Q's last post was "We're Not Gonna Take It"
I will open carry, i am in one of these states, fuck around & find out.
I honestly don't know. I would have thought the stolen election would have spurred some action....
Not a single one of [them] has paid a single price nor consequence in any way.
Why should we believe "THIS TIME" will be different?
Sadly I think it has just begun! Wait until they get their 30+ dead mass shooting when the rhinos join the dems.
I see all the mid-west states and much of the South. If any state has reason to be angry, though, it's Georgia. If I were a citizen there, I'd be hopping mad.
They’ll make this the “summer of murder” or something if they need to. Lord knows how unhinged they’ve made people during the pandemic, and the media and feds will make sure to take advantage of them.
Sorry fren, I don’t think. This is the most disconcerting drop for an overly-frustrated, former datefag, such as myself.
I smell years ...
Lol. Alaska here. I can’t tell you how many libtards I know that carry because of bears, wolves, moose, wolverine, etc. Even in our backyards, hell, I had a bear greet me in my garage a couple years ago. This can’t happen here, just plain stupid.
I heard it's the 45 for two legs, 454 for four legs, and you don't leave home without them.
You can just carry a 45, but if a grizzly charges you, you better point the barrel of that gun in your mouth.
That's kind rough.
Reminds me of my buddy going fishing. Came upon a black bear here in Georgia. Looked at this glock 19, looked at the bear, high tailed it out of there, and bought himself a Ruger 44 MAG Black Hawk when he got to town. Didn't pass go.
Ive had black bear meet me while working in my garage. I could only imagine a grizzly.
Now are you understanding why the fence was put up in the Capitol, with NG back up? They are pushing real hard for a CW.
Fucking idiots
dont even care.
Not since they abdicated their responsibility... they no longer matter...
also dont give any fucks about the NRA turncoats
Who needs a permit. Could not find anything about it in the CONSTITUTION
In ye olden days, you could own cannons. Virtually all of the gun laws passed in the last 100 years fly in the face of the constitution. Lots of legal mental gymnastics to get there, now they don’t even bother and just say F you.
Virtually all of the laws passed in the last 100 years fly in the face of the constitution.
This is the real answer. I may or may not have carried for like a decade before I got my CCW......
Somebody needs to reread the consitution mainly the part where it says the right to bear arms shall not be infringed!
Hopefully someone much more educated on the legal system can help me here. But does a ruling like this override the 2nd amendment of the constitution? (At least for the region that circuit overlooks?)
I mean just like you said, there's literally no interpreting, or hidden messages in the statement "the right to bear arms shall not be infringed", how the hell does a lower court get to decide otherwise?
Good question, So from what I gather is since the appeals court ruled the people in those states don't have the right to carry, the the police, prosecutors as of right now will probably arrest people with no CCL, But it will no doubt make its way to SCOTUS for the final ruling. We know alito, Thomas are patriots and follow the rule of this nation the constitution but for the others, I have no idea.
That's what i assumed, but doesn't the sheriff in his/her respective boundary have the right to abide by the constitution even if the state they're in says otherwise, like this for example?
Yes, the Sherriff is the number one law enforcer in that county. The thing is most sheriffs would more than likely work with the feds not saying all of them but most! So if I lived in one of those states I would contact my Sherrif and see where he is on the matter. There is one sheriff who said if the feds come and try to arrest people in his county for anti-gun stuff he would lock them up.
Setting the stage to go to Supreme Court. Wonder if Biden will pack the court by then with libtard judges and take away the 2nd Amendment which is guaranteed in the US Constitution.
I live in one of those states, they can kiss my ass, I’m still going to carry.
Get ready for a tidal wave of mass shootings. Between the lockdowns, pandemic panic, media lies, and FBI handlers, they’ll kill as many people as they need to try and take our guns.
Come get it mutherfuckers.
Don't care, states can over rule and ignore the federal court.
That's right, if people can plead the 5th, they should also be able to plead the 2nd and 10th as well.
Please correct me where I am wrong. I have a right to own firearms, and to transport them safely to my home, or to a hunt, or to get repaired, etc, anywhere in the USA. States enact the laws giving you the right to carry them in public. That right is given by each state if you follow all the rules they set down. In states where the RTC is not given, only police etc etc are given the right by that state to carry. To me this court case does not make sense to ever have even been heard. To me this case has to either say that Americans do not have the right to own guns, or that States cannot grant people the right to carry, or else the case is just plain silly. The right to bear arms implies ownership, for the reason of stopping tyranny or an invasion should it arise or self protection at home. The States giving the right to carry extends that Home Defense to your daily travels. Even in the old west Marshalls would enact no-carry laws in town to stop killings by drunk and rowdy cowhands. This case and ruling make no sense.
Honk Honk...
CLOWN WORLD. i'll be damned if these soft heads are gonna take my rights away.
"that just means you don't have to wear sleeves" -the ninth circuit.
What? The US Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit is wrong. Lord, please help rectify this wrong and remove all the idiots involved with this nonsense out of office too.
And I have zero confidence in this Supreme Court to rule constitutionally.
Trump better get back in publicly and help us out.
Trump was trying to avoid war. He just kicked it down the road, at least if nothing changes the vector we are on.
I just don't know man..... I just don't know......
Why was the NRA sitting on their azz while this was being adjudicated?
Always has been. ? ?? ? ??
LOL updoot for your spaceman gun emojis. ???
Because it is essentially the do-nothing arm of 2nd Amendment defense. GOA, NAGAR,JPFO,SAF and others are more on the ball, but don't have the membership the NRA has.
Wow. That sure is interesting, but I don't ever remember asking permission to carry guns in public.
I have a cc permit in one of those states. The 9th can jump off a pier.
Wasn’t that one of those Obama judge’s are we the people going to let communists rule ???
Remember biden has told the American people if he does not get his way then the dictator will do Executive Actions.
Criminals get away with it all the time. When the time comes I guess will identify as one of those then so I won't be bothered. Many of us are already on the terror watch list so we have that part already covered.
The way I see it no matter who it is cop, fbi, etc who KNOWINGLY burns the Constitution is dick state all the way. They too deserve prison time.
Ignorance or compliance to remain employed is not an excuse. Regardless of the excuse they are a danger to the Republic.
Welcome to New York.
Raise your hand if you're "still watching the movie" after HR.1 passes and our second amendment is obliterated... Fuck this! I am very worried about the course we are on right now...
Civil war time?
Gods laws, my laws, and then mans laws; in that order people. Do not so freely think that someone can take away something that they did not have the authority to give, nor that they are actually willing to come and take away. I call your bluff - ALL IN.
I open carry, come & take it! ''When Tyranny becomes law, Rebellion becomes duty'' -Thomas Jefferson
Fck this. Open carry anyway.
The pathetic 9th Circus Court -- what a joke.
They forgot to add Florida ………We are not open carry, but definitely concealed!
I plead the 5th & the 2nd ;)
Let's see the 9th circuit come take em.