Not Dooming But Does Anyone Else Feel War is Imminent Unless Trump and Patriots Succeed?
? B O O M ! ?
Biden is very rapidly becoming a tyrant. Courts are gonna be packed, new "AFT" pick is also a tyrant and huge anti gunner, hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens are spilling across our border. These are very dark days for our nation. I want to wage holy war against these wicked evil people.
If, by some chance, Trump and the Patriots do NOT succeed, things are most definitely going to get much, much uglier. It's my personal belief that the only reason we haven't had civil war already is because enough people have heard about Q and are Trusting the Plan, but 2A is, in my opinion, going to be the very final straw. The day these people start going door-to-door to confiscate weapons--if this actually goes that far--is going to be the day that the righteous, perfectly-controlled anger of our men (and women, but God help the fool who truly threatens a Godly man's castle) is going to be finally unleashed in all its fury against all that has happened up to this point. The same people who are Awake enough to "trust the plan" are ALSO Awake enough to understand what happens next if they get our guns.
Patriots are not "spoilin' for a fight", but there's only so much more we will be able to take before the tinder is finally lit. "If they mean to have a war, let it begin here."
Keep praying that the good guys win before that point, because this will be a very difficult cat to put back in the bag.
That is PROFOUND truth.
Yup if it’s switched on I am not stopping until they are all gone
I don't think anyone really wants a civil war. The last thing anyone wants to do is raise arms against their fellow country men. However it is getting difficult when a good chunk are mindless drones of the state.
I will gladly raise arms against Those Who Are No Longer Our Countrymen.
I want this filth purged
As would I, brother.
As would I. Sounds odd, but one of my favorite songs is called Now You've Got Something to Die For by heavy metal band Lamb of God. Kind of a cucked band but the name of the name just rings through my head. I feel I have something to die for now.
Well shit, my mother is a Democrat, would you kill her? :(
I mean, if the choice is liberty or some stranger’s mother, assuming she’s fighting. Civil war is a time when hard decisions will have to be made. If it comes down to that, being soft means we lose.
Yup a civil war will turn family and friends against each other.
It would be far nastier then any civil war in history.
Cold ??
Combatants risk death.
Patriots should only go after the head of the snake.
Everybody is somebody's mother/father/sister/brother/aunt/uncle/cousin. That doesn't matter in a civil war where liberties are at stake.
Wrong. China woild love a cival war.
Let's win it swiftly then and bring it to them next.
Sadly your right. They'd love nothing more than us to go after each other. Then buy up all the rubble and put their stuff in it's place.
that was exactly the point
Unfortunately it won't be us making the first move, it's gonna take a clear shove like actually mandating and enforcing forced vaccinations or going door to door trying to get people to turn in guns or some shit to actually spur action. Court packing maaaaaaaybe, still think it will take some physical and in your face oppression before anything goes down.
Agreed. The courts are already dead. Packing them won’t change a thing.
Forced vax and gun confiscations however... yeah, there’s a real line.
Forced vax is already here. See Alex Jones videos of ability challenged kids and sleeping old people getting vaxxed against their will.
Things that have happened before, once upon a time... its like there's nothing new under the sun...
Yeah, that was my take—when/if they come for the guns.
I have personally connected several people I talk to who seemed to be getting closer to the violent solution. I shared posts, videos, discussions on the site about Q. IMO - we are here to share the plan. Believing there is a plan makes waiting easier.
Absolutely. W/O Q, I have little doubt it would have gone kinetic long ago.
Well put!
we are definitely getting to the edge of the cliff
Im on the Nihilist side that even when/if the plan goes through a civil war will still happen within a few decades. There are two Americas now one that values the constitution and one that doesnt. Or pre immigration act vs post immigration act of 1965.
I agree and disagree. If the pedophilia stuff is shown people will wake up.
But until we dismantle the media and the education system you're probably right.
Cause the indoctrination starts there
Once the pedophilia goes mainstream WW, meaning indisputable proof of many of the elite's activities, it will be the public end to them.
My hope: turning off the Mocking bird media will bring us all back together.
Hopefully things can work the same in reverse 2 months of fear people will believe( the KGB studies) . 2 months of only positive truth see how that goes.
This is essential for things to start turning around.
War with China, War with Russia and war with jogger and commie alliance. Sure looks like a bad time to be an American doesn't it?
It do be.
sad thing even is we dindu nuffin
Scare event necessary.
My fren, didn't you realise? We have been at ware since 2016. We're winning too.
I'm going to be honest, it really doesn't feel like we're winning at all.
I understand what you're asking...will there be a physical war. IMO we are already at war, albeit different from a physical one, and it has the potential to be far more destructive to our way of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
It's still a kinetic war, the weapons are just different - COVID, 5G, big pharma, drugs, big food/ag, etc.
Agree. We have enemies who have long been engaged in an unconventional war against us. Whether we believe or acknowledge it or not, we are still at war.
And folks like us would have been hauled off by now. I use ^^^ argument when dealing with educated doomers IRL.
War to topple our employee's in D.C. yes.
I don't want war, but I feel that it will be necessary regardless. Communism and Socialism have invaded our country. It's cancer has metastisized all over our culture. It's in our schools, sports, entertainment, and government. Too many people are embracing it without realizing what they are doing. They will never be awoken and it's way more than 4-6% lost forever. It needs to be cut out, radiated, and wiped out for good otherwise it will creep back stronger than ever.
The identity of the Authentic CIC will be revealed soon, I feel
If it really goes that far, it's because the military and the justice system allowed it to happen.
There's enough evidence of foul play for them to step up and say something.
I find it difficult to believe that military and law enforcement would side with a Govt they know cheated their way in to destroy America.
Remember - It's a suspense thriller movie. It's supposed to feel that way!
I truly think they have already succeeded.
You bet, my man.
Yup. Got guns ready. Just waiting for the militias to start recruiting.
things could get worse sooner than later if Biden sides with Ukraine
Also wasn't thinking civil war. Was thinking war.
Hal turner was just talking about that yesterday...
Someone do something
I'd kill a leftist for a cup of coffee at this point
Pass the potatoes and the ammunition
We have a few more years before we need to make that decision. If the Fascist/Marxist/Dems institutionalize their coup machinations then yes, I think we will find ourselves in a shooting civil war. We can still turn this around but I fear the nation that we all grew up in is dead and gone.
So you feel that we've alw ready lost?
Since Dec. 8th maybe Q is too busy at his/their real jobs to post on the forums. And by real job I mean getting ready to shut this crap down.
War is imminent.. period. There's no way WE get out of all of this unscathed. Not with the Four Horsemen running loose.
The quicker EVERYONE comes to grips with this reality, the easier it is to make the decision that WE have to fight back physically. Knowing you're gonna go to your death in the Face of War is simultaneously both sobering AND liberating. It allows you to make the decision, easier and quicker, to fight to the death. Gen Patton, I think, once said that the key to surviving a war is to acknowledge you're already dead. Same concept here.
If ANYONE here "thinks" you're gonna survive this relatively unscathed is deluding themselves. There's NO WAY IN LUCIFER'S HELL that he or [they] let us end this without bloodshed.
Open your eyes, ears, hearts, minds, and souls to this concept. God is waiting for you with open arms. AS LONG AS WE FIGHT BACK BOTH SPIRITUALLY AND PHYSICALLY!!! That's the greatest TRUTH any of us can acknowledge. Don't be afraid of death. Death is only the TRUE Awakening.
We're in the middle of the war and we are succeeding. This is not for the faint of heart.
That would be the only other way. Just hope the good guys are winning.
We been at in a sense yes. But the conclusion of the war is what we are waiting on.
I really don't think so even if they do pack the Supreme Court the states are just going to ignore him pretty much all America Line in the Sand is gun confiscation and registration I feel we're in an accelerated time slip or something things are just hurtling along