Pay pal shut down their services, I just went to donate and it's getting blocked, same thing with people in the comment section. EDIT MAIL ADRESS:
Arizona Rangers Att: Major Steve Lant P.O. Box 1519 Tombstone, AZ 85638
Ok dude ... I’m on board, and I agree, in theory ... competing currencies and all that, bankerless world ... I see it.
Here is my problem, the bubble of all things is about to pop, and it actually lines up perfectly with Q. In fact, part of me thinks we are waiting for economy to tank to get closer to precipice. But Crypto only derives value from fiat. If Fiat “crashes”, and there is a stock market tank ... is everyone going to rush into crypto ?? They should, but I feel like it’s going to be opposite ... I am trying to find ways to preserve capital for when this pops, and the options are small.
Complete decentralization. No entity can manipulate the value of crypto unless they create their own.
Resilience. It's super easy to create a crypto wallet. Censoring payments from a single source is incredibly difficult to do. Look at all the payment services that cancelled conservatives. You can't easily do that with Crypto. This latter part is what will drive Crypto to taking over fiat.
Limited availability. Cryptocurrency like bitcoin have a limited supply that can be mined. If they want to increase the supply, then they would have to change the protocol. To change the protocol for use, everyone with ownership of Bitcoin has to agree and go along with the protocol change (which we wouldn't do).
Personally, I've wanted to wade into crypto, but I found the instructions for setting up a secure wallet to be (a) extremely inconvenient, and (b) intimidating, in that if I were to make a mistake, I'd potentially lose everything in my wallet.
Maybe you're just a lot smarter than me, or maybe you just know a better way to set up a wallet. If you can point me to a "super easy"(but secure) way to set up a wallet, I'd be willing to give it a try, and I would be grateful to you. Maybe some other anons reading this would be as well. Thanks for your time.
You should get a hardware wallet. I'm using a Ledger Nano X. The setup instructions are pretty straight forward, especially for a PC. Though the only issue I had was setting up the app on the phone since it took me a second to realize the wallet I use isn't BlueTooth enabled (so I had to purchase a separate cable to connect it.)
There are other good options out there. With a hardware wallet, as long as you write down your pass phrase somewhere then you'll always be able to recover your assets.
To acquire crypto, you either mine it using a computer rig, or you can buy it from a trading platform like Coinbase, Binance, Kraken, Coinify, etc.
agree 100%. Hardware wallets are essential, if you don't maintain your crypto in your possession, it can be lost, confiscated, or hacked.
Ledger Nano S or X, are great options, and hardware wallets are very easy to set up. Plug into your PC, record the seed (12 or 24-word password) on a piece of paper. Never take a photo of it, or type it into your computer. Save it somewhere safe and you will never lose your crypto. As long as you have that seed pass phrase you can recover your crypto even if your Ledger is damaged or lost. Your crypto is actually stored on the blockchain and not in the Ledger wallet. If you lose your passphrase but still have your Leger and the local passcode you can open your wallet and transfer your cryto to a new wallet where you have your passphrase.
IN summary, hardware wallets offer some redundancy to avoid losing your crypto. Keep your passphrase safe and available you will never lose anything. Lose your passphrase and your wallet... then your toast.
Thanks for your recommendation, but I'm going to be honest, I'm still intimidated by the idea of a Ledger Nano (even the S). For one, the cost is a big one for someone just dipping his toes into the waters of crypto. Also, I've had hardware devices fail enough times to make me wonder if a hardware wallet is a good idea. I searched for "easiest crypto wallet" and "Exodus" came up. Is there any reason not go for Exodus when I'm starting out?
Not only is crypto's value derived from fiat currency - it is dependent upon electricity. There's a reason why the cabal and the Bible are so concerned with gold.
It's not even necessarily based on electricity, more so computation and number theory. And let's face it, social marketing.
How much electricity a coin consumes depends on the design of the coin. Most of the more recent ones try to make it so that you just can't use a large dam in china to mine a lot of coin. They minimize the energy arbitrage aspet.
Zero fees, instant transactions, and very accessible. You can send any amount of NANO from your wallet to your friends wallet across the country literally within seconds, and it cost nothing.
If they get control of crypto they will do the same thing. Crypto is not a panacea. Simply another was to move us from tangibles to things with no real value.
There has to be a main server that tracks every transaction for every crypto currency. They already have people who are embezzling crypto. Crypto is not any more secure than anything else online. Also taking down the whole internet, like they keep taking about, eliminates your ability to make electronic transactions.
In order to manipulate a transaction, you need to manipulate every single node on the Blockchain to accept that transaction. You can't really do that since it's so heavily encrypted. And you'll have to decrypt every single node on the Blockchain for that one transaction. Any deviation will make that alteration null.
DONATE BY MAIL Checks can be made out to the Arizona Rangers and mailed to:
Arizona Rangers
Att: Major Steve Lant
P.O. Box 1519
Tombstone, AZ 85638
Remember the tens of thousands of people that showed up to every Trump rally at every place he went? Imagine if even a fraction of that many Arizona patriots showed up to peacefully patrol the public sidewalks and areas around the audit buildings. This is a million times more important than any MAGA rally!
I’m Mike... Been here since the beginning. The very beginning. I had a nervous breakdown and openly contemplated suicide. I did it on this site. It’s quite embarrassing. Have a look for yourself. I am a nobody. I straightened out the problems I was having with medical professionals. I did what others on this board suggested I do. Get right in the head....
I decided to log in for this post. I believe it is important to know who the Arizona Rangers are. I know many of you probably never knew these rangers existed. These Rangers, in my personal view and life experience are proud patriots. There purpose was conceived a very long time ago, Back when Texas allowed Arizona to be Arizona. It used to be Texas. Arizona Rangers are a result of Sheriff corruption in Arizona a long time ago. The Rangers are an outfit of volunteers who are very talented within there profession. There mission is to seek out government corruption. I know this because my father was a senior member of the Arizona Rangers. That man had more love for Justice than any man I knew and I was proud to be his son. Just thought you all should know. Signing off now. God bles
Thank you for sharing this with us Mike! Honored that you were impelled to reply to this post. Hoping to hear more from you. Until then, take care and God bless.
Unlikely patriot. I have seen to much and know my strengths and weakness. I was only compelled because no one was taking about who this group was. I wanted to give reason to trust the AZ Rangers. These are good people
The truth is, I’m a combat vet with demons in my head. I can’t fight this fight, I no longer have the strength I once did. I have to look out for me. I’m sorry patriots
Although you feel you can't fight this fight, your input here has shown otherwise. We all 'fight' in our own way. Whether it be prayer, words of inspiration, getting locally involved in our city/state etc. We all play a part and are all connected regardless of the role we play big or small. We all have the same end goal in sight and this is what matters most. WWG1WGA !
So dumb question, but I’m down to pitch in. These guys are legit? It’s not goin to some hacks calling themselves something while they sit on their couch playing twitch and drinking Monsters?
Pay pal shut down their services, I just went to donate and it's getting blocked, same thing with people in the comment section. EDIT MAIL ADRESS: SEND YOUR POSTAL MONEY ORDER/CHECK TO Arizona Rangers Att: Major Steve Lant P.O. Box 1519 Tombstone, AZ 85638
This is the way! Fuck em. Deleting my PayPal immediately!
I just paid mine in full, so what better time to shut it down? None that I can think of, so will do.
Gonna go close it NOW! TY! Got $25 ready to mail-snailmail-Lets git 'er done!
I did so years ago when they did some similar shady stuff. This is who they are.
Never used Pay pal, so it doesn't matter to me.
me neither
Sending $100 now
Yep, PayPal blocking it just made me want to send more. Gonna send $75-100 through priory mail now lol
I just had the same reaction when I clicked to donate and got that error. Screw the bastards!
Bless you
Any follow up??
Thanks for the update.
Priority mail should get there in a few days
Should being the operative word. I priority mailed my son his car registration sticker just 165 miles away and it took 10 days to get there.
Still blocked.
If this is a verified Telegram, this needs a sticky and a shout-out on the based pillow merchant's frankspeech platform.
This is why Crypto is so important
Absolutely this. Yes ^^^
Ok dude ... I’m on board, and I agree, in theory ... competing currencies and all that, bankerless world ... I see it.
Here is my problem, the bubble of all things is about to pop, and it actually lines up perfectly with Q. In fact, part of me thinks we are waiting for economy to tank to get closer to precipice. But Crypto only derives value from fiat. If Fiat “crashes”, and there is a stock market tank ... is everyone going to rush into crypto ?? They should, but I feel like it’s going to be opposite ... I am trying to find ways to preserve capital for when this pops, and the options are small.
Cryptos value derives of 3 things.
Personally, I've wanted to wade into crypto, but I found the instructions for setting up a secure wallet to be (a) extremely inconvenient, and (b) intimidating, in that if I were to make a mistake, I'd potentially lose everything in my wallet.
Maybe you're just a lot smarter than me, or maybe you just know a better way to set up a wallet. If you can point me to a "super easy"(but secure) way to set up a wallet, I'd be willing to give it a try, and I would be grateful to you. Maybe some other anons reading this would be as well. Thanks for your time.
You should get a hardware wallet. I'm using a Ledger Nano X. The setup instructions are pretty straight forward, especially for a PC. Though the only issue I had was setting up the app on the phone since it took me a second to realize the wallet I use isn't BlueTooth enabled (so I had to purchase a separate cable to connect it.)
There are other good options out there. With a hardware wallet, as long as you write down your pass phrase somewhere then you'll always be able to recover your assets.
To acquire crypto, you either mine it using a computer rig, or you can buy it from a trading platform like Coinbase, Binance, Kraken, Coinify, etc.
agree 100%. Hardware wallets are essential, if you don't maintain your crypto in your possession, it can be lost, confiscated, or hacked.
Ledger Nano S or X, are great options, and hardware wallets are very easy to set up. Plug into your PC, record the seed (12 or 24-word password) on a piece of paper. Never take a photo of it, or type it into your computer. Save it somewhere safe and you will never lose your crypto. As long as you have that seed pass phrase you can recover your crypto even if your Ledger is damaged or lost. Your crypto is actually stored on the blockchain and not in the Ledger wallet. If you lose your passphrase but still have your Leger and the local passcode you can open your wallet and transfer your cryto to a new wallet where you have your passphrase.
IN summary, hardware wallets offer some redundancy to avoid losing your crypto. Keep your passphrase safe and available you will never lose anything. Lose your passphrase and your wallet... then your toast.
Thanks for your recommendation, but I'm going to be honest, I'm still intimidated by the idea of a Ledger Nano (even the S). For one, the cost is a big one for someone just dipping his toes into the waters of crypto. Also, I've had hardware devices fail enough times to make me wonder if a hardware wallet is a good idea. I searched for "easiest crypto wallet" and "Exodus" came up. Is there any reason not go for Exodus when I'm starting out?
Exodus is an okay option, but it's restrictive in how you can convert and move funds.
Not only is crypto's value derived from fiat currency - it is dependent upon electricity. There's a reason why the cabal and the Bible are so concerned with gold.
Crypto is another tool for oppression.
It's not even necessarily based on electricity, more so computation and number theory. And let's face it, social marketing.
How much electricity a coin consumes depends on the design of the coin. Most of the more recent ones try to make it so that you just can't use a large dam in china to mine a lot of coin. They minimize the energy arbitrage aspet.
NANO is the future!
It's that a type of crypto? And why is it the future?
Zero fees, instant transactions, and very accessible. You can send any amount of NANO from your wallet to your friends wallet across the country literally within seconds, and it cost nothing.
If they get control of crypto they will do the same thing. Crypto is not a panacea. Simply another was to move us from tangibles to things with no real value.
Only way for them to control every Cryptocurrency is to seize every computer all around the world.
There has to be a main server that tracks every transaction for every crypto currency. They already have people who are embezzling crypto. Crypto is not any more secure than anything else online. Also taking down the whole internet, like they keep taking about, eliminates your ability to make electronic transactions.
In order to manipulate a transaction, you need to manipulate every single node on the Blockchain to accept that transaction. You can't really do that since it's so heavily encrypted. And you'll have to decrypt every single node on the Blockchain for that one transaction. Any deviation will make that alteration null.
DONE $50
Bless you
Can’t help but thing of the song Big Iron.
Donations must be made by mail. PayPal and GoF*ckMe will steal the money.
They set up a GoFundMe page. Went there and saw that people have just started to contribute.
GoFundMe will delete anything that goes to conservatives. We've seen this over and over the past year. GiveSendGo needs to be used.
Oh, thank you fren. Will monitor the funds and if kicked backwill resend through that vehicle.
GiveSendGo is not immune to pressure, they kicked Kyle Rittenhouse off of their platform.
totally legit?....does gofundme take a big slice initially?
500 smackaroos coming your way from Australia Jovan <3
UPDATE: DONATIONS BLOCKED AT DONATE BY MAIL Checks can be made out to the Arizona Rangers and mailed to: Arizona Rangers Att: Major Steve Lant P.O. Box 1519 Tombstone, AZ 85638
I contacted them about setting up a givesendgo. I'm not using PayPal or GoFundMe.
GoFundMe will almost certainly block or steal the funds at the most crucial time.
Please continue to update this thread! Thank you AZ Rangers!
I wonder how what the laws are on doing that to a govt organization.
Remember the tens of thousands of people that showed up to every Trump rally at every place he went? Imagine if even a fraction of that many Arizona patriots showed up to peacefully patrol the public sidewalks and areas around the audit buildings. This is a million times more important than any MAGA rally!
GOFUNDME is added to their website.
Blocked still. STILL! Cancel cancel cancel PayPal those fucks!
Fuck PayPal! Right in their goat ass!
Direct link to the website of AZrangers donation page Yes, the gofundme is confirmed.
Gofundme works! I was able to donate through tgem. PayPal sux!
Thank you! Done!
Link to the post
Donated to the GoFundMe page
Ape strong together. ?
I pursued joining the rangers early last year. Then covid happened and forgot about it. Damn I wish I had joined now for gofundme
Thank you! Spread it!
Just closed my PayPal account. Screw these assholes.
Just donated. Looks like they are nearing their goal of $25K...hope they get lots of donation as the word spreads.
I’m Mike... Been here since the beginning. The very beginning. I had a nervous breakdown and openly contemplated suicide. I did it on this site. It’s quite embarrassing. Have a look for yourself. I am a nobody. I straightened out the problems I was having with medical professionals. I did what others on this board suggested I do. Get right in the head....
I decided to log in for this post. I believe it is important to know who the Arizona Rangers are. I know many of you probably never knew these rangers existed. These Rangers, in my personal view and life experience are proud patriots. There purpose was conceived a very long time ago, Back when Texas allowed Arizona to be Arizona. It used to be Texas. Arizona Rangers are a result of Sheriff corruption in Arizona a long time ago. The Rangers are an outfit of volunteers who are very talented within there profession. There mission is to seek out government corruption. I know this because my father was a senior member of the Arizona Rangers. That man had more love for Justice than any man I knew and I was proud to be his son. Just thought you all should know. Signing off now. God bles
Thank you for sharing this with us Mike! Honored that you were impelled to reply to this post. Hoping to hear more from you. Until then, take care and God bless.
Unlikely patriot. I have seen to much and know my strengths and weakness. I was only compelled because no one was taking about who this group was. I wanted to give reason to trust the AZ Rangers. These are good people
The truth is, I’m a combat vet with demons in my head. I can’t fight this fight, I no longer have the strength I once did. I have to look out for me. I’m sorry patriots
Although you feel you can't fight this fight, your input here has shown otherwise. We all 'fight' in our own way. Whether it be prayer, words of inspiration, getting locally involved in our city/state etc. We all play a part and are all connected regardless of the role we play big or small. We all have the same end goal in sight and this is what matters most. WWG1WGA !
Acknowledged @WeAreNotForgotten I wish you good fortune and peace.
Fuck PayPal, add them to the list
Go fund me worked.. they will need help, Antifa from Portland and Seattle are said to be gathering near the stadium to cause trouble..
Pay Pal Panic
Donated on gof me. goal is 25k currently 20k
Donated a nice chunk as Anon using GoFundMe.
They hit the original goal of $25k in 14 hrs, new goal $50k
So dumb question, but I’m down to pitch in. These guys are legit? It’s not goin to some hacks calling themselves something while they sit on their couch playing twitch and drinking Monsters?
They are legit. I posted my insight friend in this thread