My theory is that the military took control in 2016 knowing it was going to be stolen and this is part of a multi decade operation. Its the only thing that makes sense.
It would explain why Hillary was so pissed when she lost and why Trump said "sorry for the delay, complicated business." Right when he gave his speech election night.
I think 2018 elections were a chance to start saying rigged and gathering more data to prepare for 2020 and get the final data of them stealing a full on election. Also makes sense why he left with the football allegedly...
Military already knew and they are just letting it play out. Give them a chance to end their treason and give them the rope to hang themselves if they don't....which clearly most of them were too arrogant.
Hopefully we find out the whole story one day soon but for now I'll be happy throwing off these evil leeches
That's a point I've had trouble explaining to my husband. He got excited when Q came onto the scene but then when things didn't happen by November 2020 and then January 2021 and the filthy deep state kept going on MSM mouthing off and getting book deals he couldn't understand why we haven't won our country back yet. I try to tell him how deeply this is entrenched and how long it's been going on and to have patience.
"We Will Not Bend
We Will Not Break
We Will Not Yield
We Will Never Give In
We Will Never Give Up
We Will Never Back Down and
We Will Never, Ever Surrender”
I think I understand it now. It's becoming more and more evident to me now.
Since all this corruption couldn't be happening with the Commie News Media pushing absolute propaganda bias and outright lies, and seeing as there is more than enough evidence for fraud upon the pubic, plus treason and working for hostile foreign interests, I figured the first thing to do was to bust the MSM bigtime.
But now I'm thinking that the MSM BS has been going on for so long and affecting so many people, that trials and tribunals would greatly appear to many as President Trump "eliminating the opposition."
Now I see the MSM plus crooked politicians and corporations eliminating themselves. The Globalist New World Order scumbags have been painted into a corner, and have no way out except to go full steam---and they are exposing themselves to the general public more and more every day!
America and the whole World are awakening and wising up. And they're not going to take it anymore. Too many people know now. Crooked judges and other positions with leverage are getting shy of being blatant Commies because they are seeing and feeling that the tide is turning against them. The absolute worst ones have no choice except to stay and become more blatant. In short they are like cornered wild animals lashing out---but to no avail....
The victories are happening, fren. Pedohiles getting arrested almost daily, CEOs of major corporations stepping down, Congress critters resigning, the audit (although victory has yet to be declared.) Keep your eyes peeled, it's all around you
Yes, this. The military turned off the rigging apparatus before it could complete the cheat back in ‘16 and is the reason why Killary was so furious. She couldn’t exactly come out and tell her base that “they turned off our ability to rig the election with Dominion vote flipping.”
I disagree with you. They didn't a
have a justifiable reason to stop counting in 16 and have a medium for making ballots out of thin air in '16. So thats why we have the coof being played up like it was.
Dominion was in on it in 16, but they didn't have the algorithms right.
We can agree to disagree. The military hand picked Trump. Dominion machines have been rigged ever since they started using them. But long before that our elections have been rigged for generations.
The DS didn’t have the ballots in place to back up the steal in ‘16 - but that didn’t matter because the group who mechanically shut-off the electronic “switching” late into the day on Nov 3, 2016 (now known as Space Force) timed the kill-switch perfectly.
Trump called it in 2012 because they’ve been doing this forever. Votes for Romney would be flipped for Obama. Just like votes for Trump were “supposed” to be flipped for Hillary - but that only worked part way through the day in ‘16.
The military gave Hillary the illusion that their rigging was working and was the reason why they still had the confidence leading up to that night. But then shit went south and there was nothing they could do about it. No fake ballots as back up, and no way to prove that Trump was rigging the election. He didn’t rig it by the way, but what I’m saying is if they came out and said “this is how he (Trump) rigged the voting machines” (because the left is all about projection) it would expose their cheating ways to the public.
Trump, the military, Space Force and the group that make up Q pulled off the greatest strategic comeback the world has ever seen.
Ok, with that explanation I'm a little bit more inclined to believe it. I did not think about the Space Force variable at all in relation to this and you explanation sheds some light on it. Thank you.
hillery was asking for a recounts in key states in 2016 then stopped when she realised that any sort of audit wouls reveal that she was stealing votes and still lost.
Actually that’s been confirmed a couple times through different sources. They were already cheating with the dominion machines leading up to 2016 election. US military intelligence intercepted the feeds from dominion machines in the swing states to give Trump a fair shot. And yes, that’s why Hillary and the Dems went ape shit when she lost because all of them thought (knew) they had it in the bag.
They knew they would do it agin in 2020 and allowed it to happen to show the full magnitude of the steal and corruption. All part of the wake up process.
I dont know the truth but a few times I read that it was Russia that intercepted the vote data in 2016. If it was our own intelligence community imagine the shit storm if caught. With Russia pulling it off Trump and our military intelligence would atleast have some plausible deniability. Man I really hope someone writes a real in depth multi book series about all the deep state shenanigans. From its inception to them being crushed into oblivion.
It was our military. Dems couldn’t do anything about it cuz it was THEIR cheating that was intercepted. What were they gonna say? “THEY STOPPED OUR CHEATING! HOW DARE THEY!!”
He knew everything right down to the last detail. He knew they would shut it down in the middle of counting and truck in ballots in the middle of the night. He called it word for word.
How did he know? Because the stupid orange man with the uncontrollable giant ego who lives for nothing but to gloat about how incredible he is, is SO damn wily that he actually managed to convince EVERYONE (except us) that he only had marginally strong support and would likely end up with around 68 million votes. The Red Tsunami did indeed show up on election night (as Trump knew you would), and it completely fucked with their plan to smoothly take the election. They had to resort to last minute desperate measures, and they're gonna get caught because of it.
I truly believe that throughout the entire lead up to the election, Trump and his closely trusted patriots purposely downplayed their estimates and the infiltrator rats that he had around him were reporting back to the DNC that 68 million was gonna be the number they needed to beat.
It's so beautiful I could cry, and probably will shed a couple years of joy once this election fraud is sorted out.
One problem I see in my own family. Since Trump and the military allowed lawlessness and disorder to reign last summer, and new RINOs were added to congress, and the deception of the pandemic was allowed to rule the day, even those who are awakening say “what’s the difference, they are all corrupt”. Q to most of them is a made up entity to control conservatives, and last but not lest, they do not believe in the military or the militias to change anything. One said, even if Az is proven ridiculous, it will never be heard, old news. We are our own worst enemy, and the Communist know we will not fight. We have to start to change things on our own.
They didn’t think she would lose. They never dreamed they would lose control. President Trump having access to the intelligence community was their worst nightmare. MI and other members of the IC knew what was happening.
The only question was who could wage information warfare better? The DS or POTUS, Q, and the Anons? There are a lot of good Q Posts on this date!
That's our TRUE President - God sent him to us 5 years ago for a reason... and our eyes will be opened soon!!!! God Bless America and God Bless President Trump!
Does this have to do with the US Postal service also? Print ballots in other countries, ship them through the US postal service right to peoples mail boxes undetected?
Hi fren. This is all I could find in a search just now, which only has screenshots and no link to the video. It's a leftist "fact check" site, so take that with a grain of uranium (kek), but the core of the story is there and it cites Wastebook as the host of the original post.
Don't forget the Bidens getting locked out of the White House the first day after the fake inauguration. Lol, priceless. That small detail has been massively overlooked in my opinion.
He knew he was going to lose and needed to let it happen all the while collecting immense data on how it was cheated. So many normies will be shocked out of there bubble when what's coming happens.
My money is on Michael Flynn. If he isn't Q then he is in the group that comprise Q. They've been planning this for a very, very long time. Flynn has been a part of the military since 1981 and was the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency during Obama's term. And there's a reason Obama wanted him out and I'm sure it's not for the reason the public is being told.
Oh I know, it was mostly rhetorical, I think Q has been planning this for a long time, and Geotus was informed before then. He didn't just wake up one day and say I think I'll rub for president. This has been in the works for years.
According to Diane Marshall, Covfefe’ (pronounced “cuv – fee- fae”) is an Antediluvian term for “In the end we win.” It was commonly used by the sons of Adam to rail against the evil actions of the fallen who had led man astray.
The term gained popularity prior to the great deluge and was rarely used after the flood subsided. It regained favor around the time Nimrod was building his tower, after which it was entirely lost in translation at Babel.
This could also be part of what Q meant by watch the water.
A few weeks ago there was water overflowing into the streets of DC but nothing major.
We are approaching hurricane season, it's not far away. Hurricanes typically hit more southern areas as I would know living in FL for 42 years.
There could be a great storm hitting DC this summer, it certainly is possible although unlikely but still very much possible.
This could be the calm before the storm, as Trump once said.
This could be when we will watch the water as Q said.
The grammar involved with Trump's covfefe tweet is not important as it may seem because he would not want to make it overly obvious as to what he was referring to.
Trump wanted it to initially to be seen as a joke but he knew we would catch on when needed.
I don't know if time travel is actually real but I do 100% believe that Trump has had access to the looking glass technology to be able to see potential timeline outcomes.
His uncle worked on Tesla's work and it is more likely that Nixon had possible information of future events and planned his presidential demise purposely.
I will not say if Nixon was a good or bad person because that simply doesn't matter but it is also known that Nixon mentored DJT and around that same time Nixon acquired the winter white house in Palm Beach that we know as Mar-A-Lago.
It's not a coincidence that DJT purchased Mar-A-Lago from the government years later and kept all of the bunkers and more that it had.
I don't know who all is involved but there's ample evidence to strongly suggest that DJT has been part of this plan since the early 70s.
Why did DJT not stick to just building things?
Why did DJT decide to become famous and even appear in movies and have his own award winning TV show to further gain him fame?
This fame helped him to become a front runner and already be known to people which made it easier for the alliance to aide him in overcoming the fraud with the 2016 election.
It is believed that Hillary had access to looking glass technology as well since she took interest in opening up labs that had the technology stored away within.
Hillary likely saw a potential future timeline where she became president and they never thought she would lose because of that.
Little did they know but DJT along with the alliance had access to that technology also and plotted their moves.
They knew they could not overcome the voter fraud outright so they were selective in what states they would get DJT over in to get past voter fraud via the electoral college.
I could keep going but I doubt most people will take time to read this comment given how long it is.
Way back in 2027, Q said HRC would be arrested. There have been several instances of HRC in public as a completely different person, easily 6 inches shorter than the real HRC.
Is HRC in jail or dead? Time will tell but the only thing for certain is that the person appearing as her is not her.
Epstein didn't kill himself and the body taken away with a picture was not him so is he in a deep dark prison somewhere being forced to give up all the dirt on the elites?
The person posing as president is not the real Joe Biden. There is plenty of evidence available online to support this claim.
When DJT made his first major trip to other countries as president, he effectively made the queen of England look like a old nobody hag. I have not been able to 100% confirm it but supposedly DJT offered the queen a deal to finish her life out in peace for cooperation in taking down cabal members.
Months ago the UK was showing a deep fake demonstration of the queen dancing and more which begs the question, is she even still alive?
Deep fakes can be used to make someone appear real and legitimate on camera then body double actors for in person.
Most, if not all, of the DS players have or are being dealt with by the alliance.
Q, DJT, GAW, etc are intended to provide information for those of us that are called Anons to awaken those that have been living life blind to what's really going on.
There will be millions that will never wake up and some will prefer the cabal but that's a bit of an unknown.
The dangerous thing really is if the looking glass technology is what it's said to be and if time travel of some form is possible then there will always be those that wish to use technology to control us, dominate us, kill us, etc.
I knew of most of this, and I encouraged you to write more because your synopsis is spot on and an easy read for newbies. Thank you for doing so, it's a valuable resource.
In regard to the Looking Glass / evil use of technology question here's my hypothesis (today I believe someone also posted a link to an 11 hour interview where some Dr / Tech Philosopher sounded like he said the same thing from the headlines I read. I do not have 11 hours to listen to an interview unfortunately):
We're at a tipping point on the way to The Singularity, and what we are involved in is the battle between Good and Evil for control of which direction Technology goes forward. NCSWIC but somethings are definitely influencing whether the path is Dark or Light.
The Q team is harnessing, and training, the better aspects of The Hive Mind here, and in other oasises. The Deep State is obviously doing the opposite via MSM. My belief is, outside of nuclear extinction, we're going forward with all of us being One Entity (for all intents and purposes) that learns to directly share and sort information amongst ourselves via "The Internet". This is the Precipice - once it is decided whether Good or Evil controls the technology, there will not be another opportunity to change the trajectory. The nature of information will be locked in, outside comms will be impossible, and we go down that path forever.
Fun tidbit, in the past I've had the occasional "vision" while listening extensively to an album called Tomorrow's Harvest (!) by a duo called Boards of Canada. The album is from 2013, features post apocalyptic imagery of San Francisco as a cover ("birthplace of AI"), and both a palindromic song and track sequencing structure. It's a trip to say the least, even without prophecy. But in these visions I had the clearest image of the Earth as an "Embyro" of sorts, and it was growing and maturing as the technology of Man evolved around its surface. it's difficult to explain, but in the end, the systems of man superceded man itself, and we ended up as a single, conscious planet. Hard to explain for sure...
The good news was NCSWIC in these visions, and in the end Earth, and God, were pleased.
Oh yes, I had these visions before I began following Q. In fact, chronologically, right before Q revealed itself to me.
Just a little story. I've seen some wonkier posts on here that are slowly corroborating this theory, at least in my own head.
The singularity will happen but there has always been good and evil and there will always be both. They balance each other out in the grand scheme of life. It's just like dark and light or salt and pepper, etc.
The advantage that we have is we're not wild and crazy like many leftists are. They will turn on each other and eat their own if they have no target to lash out at.
DJT is brilliantly sitting back and letting them go after each other and lash out against Biden as well.
I don't believe this fight, so to speak, will ever truly end. We were told that NASA went to the moon decades ago but we don't know what has been done regarding technology because government always keeps most things secret, hidden from the public.
I bet they were shitting bricks when Trump became president because he was the 1st actual true outsider and they most certainly didn't want that.
I've had strong cases of deja vu, where I went some place for the 1st yet but had vivid memories of the place but was 100% certain I had never been there before plus it was in a different state than I lived in.
This could have a variety of explanations and theories but you know, some would be reincarnation or maybe some sort of temporal distortion with fragments of another dimension leaking out.
Some of these things sound crazy but at this point in life, really should anything actually surprise us anymore?
The hivemind theory could happen but I don't think I'd want to be part of that honestly, especially if it involved being mentally connected to other people.
If it were more of a neural network of sort where people can connect and join in for combined tasks but with the ability to disconnect when done, that might be acceptable.
I do believe though that there will be some things that happen that will shock the world, including all of us here.
I truly feel we've only scratched the surface of what is out there just on this planet, not even getting to potential planets throughout the universe.
No matter what happens, I just hope that all of the technology that can greatly benefit humanity is finally 100% made available to the public. The bullshit of government and elites hiding amazing things from the world is almost over with.
No elite or person in government should ever again have the right to decide what the people of the entire planet get to know and not know.
Good and bad, we should have the ability to decide things ourselves and if need be, make our own mistakes during the process.
I believe one of the most important things to do would be to find a good solution to currencies. You know that old saying that says, money is the root of evil.
Money brings greed, then lust for power, power brings control, etc. People that get rich enough will want to push everyone down to maintain their position of wealth and power.
They will not care how many people suffer. Big pharma wants everyone suffering so they can feed them pills for life. Big pharma will never want anything cured because the treatment creates profit while the cure doesn't create anywhere near the same level of profit.
I'm not rich probably because I've never been a greedy person. I've never wanted to step on anyone or fuck over anyone to get ahead in life. I life a very productive and happy life without the need nor desire for billions of dollars.
As soon as the scamdemic pushed passed the “2 weeks to flatten the curve”…during an election year, we all knew what was up. The only surprising thing about it was how early in the year they started.
You must be a slow learner. Let me hold your hand like I would for any small child. Without the theft of the election there is no crime and without a crime there is no true change to our already infested elections.
If he had national guard in place, the crime itself could have been prevented. What you're talking about is a possible strategy, but inherently worse than this not fucking happening in the first place. Being dismissive and rude like you are is a sure sign of trying to cope. I wish you peace in accepting the injustice of our world.
Has President Trump ever made a statement which did not become true, sooner or later?
Don't think so. Easy to be correct when you're a time traveler!
My theory is that the military took control in 2016 knowing it was going to be stolen and this is part of a multi decade operation. Its the only thing that makes sense.
It would explain why Hillary was so pissed when she lost and why Trump said "sorry for the delay, complicated business." Right when he gave his speech election night.
I think 2018 elections were a chance to start saying rigged and gathering more data to prepare for 2020 and get the final data of them stealing a full on election. Also makes sense why he left with the football allegedly... Military already knew and they are just letting it play out. Give them a chance to end their treason and give them the rope to hang themselves if they don't....which clearly most of them were too arrogant.
Hopefully we find out the whole story one day soon but for now I'll be happy throwing off these evil leeches
That is a strong theory. No way that this corruption could be undone in four short years - it's global with thousands of players.
With you on the fight!
That's what many people fail to comprehend. In our pushbutton world, people have their unreasonable expectation for immediate gratification.
Good things come to those who wait.
That's a point I've had trouble explaining to my husband. He got excited when Q came onto the scene but then when things didn't happen by November 2020 and then January 2021 and the filthy deep state kept going on MSM mouthing off and getting book deals he couldn't understand why we haven't won our country back yet. I try to tell him how deeply this is entrenched and how long it's been going on and to have patience.
"We Will Not Bend We Will Not Break We Will Not Yield We Will Never Give In We Will Never Give Up We Will Never Back Down and We Will Never, Ever Surrender”
President Trump
I think I understand it now. It's becoming more and more evident to me now.
Since all this corruption couldn't be happening with the Commie News Media pushing absolute propaganda bias and outright lies, and seeing as there is more than enough evidence for fraud upon the pubic, plus treason and working for hostile foreign interests, I figured the first thing to do was to bust the MSM bigtime.
But now I'm thinking that the MSM BS has been going on for so long and affecting so many people, that trials and tribunals would greatly appear to many as President Trump "eliminating the opposition."
Now I see the MSM plus crooked politicians and corporations eliminating themselves. The Globalist New World Order scumbags have been painted into a corner, and have no way out except to go full steam---and they are exposing themselves to the general public more and more every day!
America and the whole World are awakening and wising up. And they're not going to take it anymore. Too many people know now. Crooked judges and other positions with leverage are getting shy of being blatant Commies because they are seeing and feeling that the tide is turning against them. The absolute worst ones have no choice except to stay and become more blatant. In short they are like cornered wild animals lashing out---but to no avail....
I keep telling people that nothing will change until the Karens of the world knows the truth. We're no where close.
That's all you can do. Thank God you are patient.
A small victory here and there would help with hopium and confirm we are on the right track
The victories are happening, fren. Pedohiles getting arrested almost daily, CEOs of major corporations stepping down, Congress critters resigning, the audit (although victory has yet to be declared.) Keep your eyes peeled, it's all around you
Me too - and agreed on this as a strong theory.
Yes, this. The military turned off the rigging apparatus before it could complete the cheat back in ‘16 and is the reason why Killary was so furious. She couldn’t exactly come out and tell her base that “they turned off our ability to rig the election with Dominion vote flipping.”
I disagree with you. They didn't a have a justifiable reason to stop counting in 16 and have a medium for making ballots out of thin air in '16. So thats why we have the coof being played up like it was.
Dominion was in on it in 16, but they didn't have the algorithms right.
We can agree to disagree. The military hand picked Trump. Dominion machines have been rigged ever since they started using them. But long before that our elections have been rigged for generations.
The DS didn’t have the ballots in place to back up the steal in ‘16 - but that didn’t matter because the group who mechanically shut-off the electronic “switching” late into the day on Nov 3, 2016 (now known as Space Force) timed the kill-switch perfectly.
Trump called it in 2012 because they’ve been doing this forever. Votes for Romney would be flipped for Obama. Just like votes for Trump were “supposed” to be flipped for Hillary - but that only worked part way through the day in ‘16.
The military gave Hillary the illusion that their rigging was working and was the reason why they still had the confidence leading up to that night. But then shit went south and there was nothing they could do about it. No fake ballots as back up, and no way to prove that Trump was rigging the election. He didn’t rig it by the way, but what I’m saying is if they came out and said “this is how he (Trump) rigged the voting machines” (because the left is all about projection) it would expose their cheating ways to the public.
Trump, the military, Space Force and the group that make up Q pulled off the greatest strategic comeback the world has ever seen.
Remember, we are now all just watching a movie.
Ok, with that explanation I'm a little bit more inclined to believe it. I did not think about the Space Force variable at all in relation to this and you explanation sheds some light on it. Thank you.
hillery was asking for a recounts in key states in 2016 then stopped when she realised that any sort of audit wouls reveal that she was stealing votes and still lost.
Actually that’s been confirmed a couple times through different sources. They were already cheating with the dominion machines leading up to 2016 election. US military intelligence intercepted the feeds from dominion machines in the swing states to give Trump a fair shot. And yes, that’s why Hillary and the Dems went ape shit when she lost because all of them thought (knew) they had it in the bag. They knew they would do it agin in 2020 and allowed it to happen to show the full magnitude of the steal and corruption. All part of the wake up process.
I dont know the truth but a few times I read that it was Russia that intercepted the vote data in 2016. If it was our own intelligence community imagine the shit storm if caught. With Russia pulling it off Trump and our military intelligence would atleast have some plausible deniability. Man I really hope someone writes a real in depth multi book series about all the deep state shenanigans. From its inception to them being crushed into oblivion.
It was our military. Dems couldn’t do anything about it cuz it was THEIR cheating that was intercepted. What were they gonna say? “THEY STOPPED OUR CHEATING! HOW DARE THEY!!”
Trump leaving with the football was huge to me, that shit just doesn't happen.
Here here.
Or knows the script ??
Or both?
No, but it's less impressive when you consider that he has access to a time machine
When I had Twitter, my handle was Trump was Right.
He knew everything right down to the last detail. He knew they would shut it down in the middle of counting and truck in ballots in the middle of the night. He called it word for word. How did he know? Because the stupid orange man with the uncontrollable giant ego who lives for nothing but to gloat about how incredible he is, is SO damn wily that he actually managed to convince EVERYONE (except us) that he only had marginally strong support and would likely end up with around 68 million votes. The Red Tsunami did indeed show up on election night (as Trump knew you would), and it completely fucked with their plan to smoothly take the election. They had to resort to last minute desperate measures, and they're gonna get caught because of it. I truly believe that throughout the entire lead up to the election, Trump and his closely trusted patriots purposely downplayed their estimates and the infiltrator rats that he had around him were reporting back to the DNC that 68 million was gonna be the number they needed to beat.
It's so beautiful I could cry, and probably will shed a couple years of joy once this election fraud is sorted out.
He knew because the MILITARY IS IN CHARGE
and he is in charge of the Military
Hopefully. But I was referring to his predictions long before the election, when he was officially in charge.
Once. Evil is hard to best when they control almost everything.
Yes sir inject the hopium straight into my veins.
Seriously hope you're right thou.
He knew. We know. Soon everyone will know.
NCSWC u/#lightning
Love this Big Mike!
One problem I see in my own family. Since Trump and the military allowed lawlessness and disorder to reign last summer, and new RINOs were added to congress, and the deception of the pandemic was allowed to rule the day, even those who are awakening say “what’s the difference, they are all corrupt”. Q to most of them is a made up entity to control conservatives, and last but not lest, they do not believe in the military or the militias to change anything. One said, even if Az is proven ridiculous, it will never be heard, old news. We are our own worst enemy, and the Communist know we will not fight. We have to start to change things on our own.
They didn’t think she would lose. They never dreamed they would lose control. President Trump having access to the intelligence community was their worst nightmare. MI and other members of the IC knew what was happening.
The only question was who could wage information warfare better? The DS or POTUS, Q, and the Anons? There are a lot of good Q Posts on this date!
That's our TRUE President - God sent him to us 5 years ago for a reason... and our eyes will be opened soon!!!! God Bless America and God Bless President Trump!
Does this have to do with the US Postal service also? Print ballots in other countries, ship them through the US postal service right to peoples mail boxes undetected?
Not sure but we do have video of poll workers opening mail from a Chinese courier.
Do you still have a link to the video?
Pulitzer just posted one. Don’t have the link but it’s out there.
Hi fren. This is all I could find in a search just now, which only has screenshots and no link to the video. It's a leftist "fact check" site, so take that with a grain of uranium (kek), but the core of the story is there and it cites Wastebook as the host of the original post.
Thank you!
we need someone to fact check the "fact checkers"!
Fact: Fact checkers are usually full of shit
Agreed. Wasn't giving them any credence at all -- just posting all I found on the subject . . . happy hunting!
At the 5:52 mark, Pulitzer is talking about the evidence of the Chinese package straight from Bloomberg Sorry for the YouTube clip
Don't forget the Bidens getting locked out of the White House the first day after the fake inauguration. Lol, priceless. That small detail has been massively overlooked in my opinion.
He knew he was going to lose and needed to let it happen all the while collecting immense data on how it was cheated. So many normies will be shocked out of there bubble when what's coming happens.
At the debate didn't he say 'We got you Joe, we got everything'?
There's a tweet from 2012 he knew back then, how did he know.
My money is on Michael Flynn. If he isn't Q then he is in the group that comprise Q. They've been planning this for a very, very long time. Flynn has been a part of the military since 1981 and was the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency during Obama's term. And there's a reason Obama wanted him out and I'm sure it's not for the reason the public is being told.
Oh I know, it was mostly rhetorical, I think Q has been planning this for a long time, and Geotus was informed before then. He didn't just wake up one day and say I think I'll rub for president. This has been in the works for years.
Flynn is part of it.
This could also be part of what Q meant by watch the water.
A few weeks ago there was water overflowing into the streets of DC but nothing major.
We are approaching hurricane season, it's not far away. Hurricanes typically hit more southern areas as I would know living in FL for 42 years.
There could be a great storm hitting DC this summer, it certainly is possible although unlikely but still very much possible.
This could be the calm before the storm, as Trump once said.
This could be when we will watch the water as Q said.
The grammar involved with Trump's covfefe tweet is not important as it may seem because he would not want to make it overly obvious as to what he was referring to.
Trump wanted it to initially to be seen as a joke but he knew we would catch on when needed.
I don't know if time travel is actually real but I do 100% believe that Trump has had access to the looking glass technology to be able to see potential timeline outcomes.
His uncle worked on Tesla's work and it is more likely that Nixon had possible information of future events and planned his presidential demise purposely.
I will not say if Nixon was a good or bad person because that simply doesn't matter but it is also known that Nixon mentored DJT and around that same time Nixon acquired the winter white house in Palm Beach that we know as Mar-A-Lago.
It's not a coincidence that DJT purchased Mar-A-Lago from the government years later and kept all of the bunkers and more that it had.
I don't know who all is involved but there's ample evidence to strongly suggest that DJT has been part of this plan since the early 70s.
Why did DJT not stick to just building things?
Why did DJT decide to become famous and even appear in movies and have his own award winning TV show to further gain him fame?
This fame helped him to become a front runner and already be known to people which made it easier for the alliance to aide him in overcoming the fraud with the 2016 election.
It is believed that Hillary had access to looking glass technology as well since she took interest in opening up labs that had the technology stored away within.
Hillary likely saw a potential future timeline where she became president and they never thought she would lose because of that.
Little did they know but DJT along with the alliance had access to that technology also and plotted their moves.
They knew they could not overcome the voter fraud outright so they were selective in what states they would get DJT over in to get past voter fraud via the electoral college.
I could keep going but I doubt most people will take time to read this comment given how long it is.
Read it, loved it, looking forward to more. ?
Way back in 2027, Q said HRC would be arrested. There have been several instances of HRC in public as a completely different person, easily 6 inches shorter than the real HRC.
Is HRC in jail or dead? Time will tell but the only thing for certain is that the person appearing as her is not her.
Epstein didn't kill himself and the body taken away with a picture was not him so is he in a deep dark prison somewhere being forced to give up all the dirt on the elites?
The person posing as president is not the real Joe Biden. There is plenty of evidence available online to support this claim.
When DJT made his first major trip to other countries as president, he effectively made the queen of England look like a old nobody hag. I have not been able to 100% confirm it but supposedly DJT offered the queen a deal to finish her life out in peace for cooperation in taking down cabal members.
Months ago the UK was showing a deep fake demonstration of the queen dancing and more which begs the question, is she even still alive?
Deep fakes can be used to make someone appear real and legitimate on camera then body double actors for in person.
Most, if not all, of the DS players have or are being dealt with by the alliance.
Q, DJT, GAW, etc are intended to provide information for those of us that are called Anons to awaken those that have been living life blind to what's really going on.
There will be millions that will never wake up and some will prefer the cabal but that's a bit of an unknown.
The dangerous thing really is if the looking glass technology is what it's said to be and if time travel of some form is possible then there will always be those that wish to use technology to control us, dominate us, kill us, etc.
I knew of most of this, and I encouraged you to write more because your synopsis is spot on and an easy read for newbies. Thank you for doing so, it's a valuable resource.
In regard to the Looking Glass / evil use of technology question here's my hypothesis (today I believe someone also posted a link to an 11 hour interview where some Dr / Tech Philosopher sounded like he said the same thing from the headlines I read. I do not have 11 hours to listen to an interview unfortunately):
We're at a tipping point on the way to The Singularity, and what we are involved in is the battle between Good and Evil for control of which direction Technology goes forward. NCSWIC but somethings are definitely influencing whether the path is Dark or Light.
The Q team is harnessing, and training, the better aspects of The Hive Mind here, and in other oasises. The Deep State is obviously doing the opposite via MSM. My belief is, outside of nuclear extinction, we're going forward with all of us being One Entity (for all intents and purposes) that learns to directly share and sort information amongst ourselves via "The Internet". This is the Precipice - once it is decided whether Good or Evil controls the technology, there will not be another opportunity to change the trajectory. The nature of information will be locked in, outside comms will be impossible, and we go down that path forever.
Fun tidbit, in the past I've had the occasional "vision" while listening extensively to an album called Tomorrow's Harvest (!) by a duo called Boards of Canada. The album is from 2013, features post apocalyptic imagery of San Francisco as a cover ("birthplace of AI"), and both a palindromic song and track sequencing structure. It's a trip to say the least, even without prophecy. But in these visions I had the clearest image of the Earth as an "Embyro" of sorts, and it was growing and maturing as the technology of Man evolved around its surface. it's difficult to explain, but in the end, the systems of man superceded man itself, and we ended up as a single, conscious planet. Hard to explain for sure...
The good news was NCSWIC in these visions, and in the end Earth, and God, were pleased.
Oh yes, I had these visions before I began following Q. In fact, chronologically, right before Q revealed itself to me.
Just a little story. I've seen some wonkier posts on here that are slowly corroborating this theory, at least in my own head.
Peace be upon you!
The singularity will happen but there has always been good and evil and there will always be both. They balance each other out in the grand scheme of life. It's just like dark and light or salt and pepper, etc.
The advantage that we have is we're not wild and crazy like many leftists are. They will turn on each other and eat their own if they have no target to lash out at.
DJT is brilliantly sitting back and letting them go after each other and lash out against Biden as well.
I don't believe this fight, so to speak, will ever truly end. We were told that NASA went to the moon decades ago but we don't know what has been done regarding technology because government always keeps most things secret, hidden from the public.
I bet they were shitting bricks when Trump became president because he was the 1st actual true outsider and they most certainly didn't want that.
I've had strong cases of deja vu, where I went some place for the 1st yet but had vivid memories of the place but was 100% certain I had never been there before plus it was in a different state than I lived in.
This could have a variety of explanations and theories but you know, some would be reincarnation or maybe some sort of temporal distortion with fragments of another dimension leaking out.
Some of these things sound crazy but at this point in life, really should anything actually surprise us anymore?
The hivemind theory could happen but I don't think I'd want to be part of that honestly, especially if it involved being mentally connected to other people.
If it were more of a neural network of sort where people can connect and join in for combined tasks but with the ability to disconnect when done, that might be acceptable.
I do believe though that there will be some things that happen that will shock the world, including all of us here.
I truly feel we've only scratched the surface of what is out there just on this planet, not even getting to potential planets throughout the universe.
No matter what happens, I just hope that all of the technology that can greatly benefit humanity is finally 100% made available to the public. The bullshit of government and elites hiding amazing things from the world is almost over with.
No elite or person in government should ever again have the right to decide what the people of the entire planet get to know and not know.
Good and bad, we should have the ability to decide things ourselves and if need be, make our own mistakes during the process.
I believe one of the most important things to do would be to find a good solution to currencies. You know that old saying that says, money is the root of evil.
Money brings greed, then lust for power, power brings control, etc. People that get rich enough will want to push everyone down to maintain their position of wealth and power.
They will not care how many people suffer. Big pharma wants everyone suffering so they can feed them pills for life. Big pharma will never want anything cured because the treatment creates profit while the cure doesn't create anywhere near the same level of profit.
I'm not rich probably because I've never been a greedy person. I've never wanted to step on anyone or fuck over anyone to get ahead in life. I life a very productive and happy life without the need nor desire for billions of dollars.
interesting thought. not sure about your fefe theory but the Cov part is eerie.
Looking glass
EU leadership awakening/taken over by white Hats ???
JUST IN - European Union halts the ratification of the investment deal with China due to the recent diplomatic row with Beijing.
As soon as the scamdemic pushed passed the “2 weeks to flatten the curve”…during an election year, we all knew what was up. The only surprising thing about it was how early in the year they started.
I keep wondering which will be the first arrest that will shock the world!
We all knew they were going to rig it.
We didn't need Trump to tell us.
If Trump, as President, couldn't fix the election system and prevent the coup, the U.S. is already gone.
Why didn't he just have national guard stationed in the suspected election areas....
You must be a slow learner. Let me hold your hand like I would for any small child. Without the theft of the election there is no crime and without a crime there is no true change to our already infested elections.
If he had national guard in place, the crime itself could have been prevented. What you're talking about is a possible strategy, but inherently worse than this not fucking happening in the first place. Being dismissive and rude like you are is a sure sign of trying to cope. I wish you peace in accepting the injustice of our world.
Wow you sound like a lib. Yuck.
all your comments are negative. You're either just trolling or have a sad life. Hopefully your circumstances change.
Yeah I’m the troll. This is my post you fucking jackoff. Loser
Interesting creativity here. Keep it up, fren...
Space daddy has a time machine. All my childhood hearing the Republican Elite had one, I’m convinced. "Assumption or intel based?"
1 year delta coming up