Curious. How do they keep their implants from popping? Those machines squeeze pretty hard to get a good image. Or do they just pretend to do the mammogram?
Not disputing the clown world transgenderism questions but men get breast cancer too, and some men (especially overweight) could benefit from mammograms. And for transgenders, taking all those hormones causes breast growth, and enhances their risk of various cancers.
Yeah I know a man in my neighborhood, a friend's husband, that had breast cancer. I just don't see why if mammograms are given to men and women, why wouldn't there just be a uniform questionnaire where you put your name, date of birth and sex. None of this "assigned at birth" crap. But everything these days is so PC and everyone is so afraid of offending such a small percentage of the population. No matter what the MSM is telling us, there are not as many transgender people as we're led to believe.
Yes, I am also disgusted. I think if I were a member of this “target group” they are using woke messaging about I would feel annoyed. Honestly I don’t get why draw so much attention to race and sexuality except to divide into groups or encourage people to obsess about themselves.
Breast cancer is a modern plague and a huge money making industry. All these foundations and fundraisers, researching for a cure, what a joke. Just like HIV, it should have been cured years ago. These industries profit off human suffering. And want a bigger explosion? Also just like HIV, breast cancer is a purely man made phenomenon... oops, now I’m a conspiracy theorist...
My mom had cervical cancer shortly after having my little sister, around 1971. Back then they did hysterectomies as a "cure". The docs put her on hormones & she got it in her head that she NEEDED those hormones.....for years. Fast forward about 35 years and she gets breast cancer, double mastectomy. It was most likely hormone induced.
I’m so sorry. We are victims of mass experimentation, slow poisoning and sickening by evil people who want to annihilate 90% of the world population. We are in a fight for our lives. Standing in solidarity with you. God bless.
Yeah, a friend and neighbor's husband had breast cancer about 15 years or so, there was even an article written about him in the paper. I go every year to get my mammogram the first week of May and this is the first time I've got the question of what gender I was "assigned" at birth. I would think that there would simply be a question that's uniform for anyone getting a mammogram. Name, age, sex. None of this "assigned at birth" bullshit.
True, but problem might be that some of these transsexual might say female when they are biologically male & as I said, males with breast cancer is much more deadly than females with breast cancer. May, the question should be whether the patient is female, male or transexual. But then you might have the left wing Nazis objecting to this
And I don't see that ever happening because they don't want to see themselves as a transexual, they want to BE whatever they're wanting to be and they want everyone else to accept it as well. That's why we have 50-odd genders we're supposed to accept.
Stating the obvious, but Bruce knows his gender. After Cabal media breathlessly reported for a year that Bruce was gonna start wearing a dress, Bruce killed a woman on the hwy in CA and then started wearing a dress. How very..Satanist.
Now he says he's had his dick chopped off. That's dedication to the Satanist cause, eh? If it's true. Which I doubt. Because HE says he still likes women.
In CA there are two Cabal minions being pushed lightly forward. One everyone hates, so a big FAIL there (Megan Markle), and one most people think is crazy and an idiot but "Hey, at least he's a conservative".
Honestly, you'd think people would learn that soundbites don't = the truth about what someone will do once in office. Bruce is Cabal-controlled and controlled opposition.
Jenner is controlled opposition. Oh look! "Magically and mysteriously" the liberal media is giving ESPN's Female Athlete of the Year (or whatever it was) all the attention in the world and he happens to be a "conservative". Gee, I wonder why.
I can’t believe that I had such a huge crush on this person when I was a little girl. I made my mother buy Wheaties just so I could stare at him every morning. What a disappointment IT turned out to be!!
Oh wow. Seeing "Robbie Parker" smirking and laughing on CNN right before working himself into character for the cameras to announce that his daughter had supposedly been shot to death the day before was my first major redpill moment.
You can find it on CNN's channel on YouTube even. After my mom died 9 years ago, I couldn't even mention her without crying. I cannot imagine that I would be even intelligible if my daughter had been gunned down at school, yet on video you see that guy exiting the building, yucking it up with the other fathers. Then he realizes the cameras are already rolling, so he starts breathing heavily and working himself into character. Not a single tear in his eye. Then there's another supposed father, David Wheeler (listed on the IMDB even) who was also caught in photos posed as an FBI sniper at the scene (unmistakable mole on his cheek), carrying his rifle by the magazine like a bumbling idiot. Gene Rosen kept changing his story every time he was interviewed. If Sandy Hook was real, the people they showed on TV definitely were not. Even the photo of the shooter was obviously Photoshopped.
Fake news is fake.
Caitlyn is a Trojan horse. Grenell has been MAGA since the beginning. Don't recall him waivering even under duress. But I haven't kept close tabs, too busy with my own blue state MA.
I do think it may have been forced on him as payment for not sacrificing one of his kids, like they do with all other "celebrities". You have two options, go tranny or we get one of your kids. I wouldn't doubt it at this time, everything is on the table with these sickos. ?
As a California native, born and raised, who loves her state, if this THING is chosen as our replacement for Gavin Newscum, it will be the last straw for me. I will have to sadly give up and move somehow. I keep praying that CA turns around though. I know we have tons of conservatives here. I just don't want to give up on my state yet. No one I know likes this thing.
I'm the same way. Been in California all my life and love it except for pretty much everything. I'm gonna give it another year or two and if it doesn't get better we're moving the family out of here. My wife's company is selling soon and she's got stock options she's waiting on. If it weren't for that we'd already be gone. I hope during this time things are resolved and California can be revealed as a red state
Who in their right mind would ever listen to this, this, this, whatever it is and let alone believe this whatever it is?
Put in the same pile of garbage with Flousi, Xidung, Piglosi, Schumecker, Nutjob Nadler etc.
BTW, when is trash day?
This guy will not make it past the primary. He’s
Good for ratings. And it actually works for us. Grenell as MAGA AF. If anyone actually cared that he’s gay, they may rethink after seeing Mr. Trans
Oh look. They found another person to say the election was not stolen. We should take his/her word instead of those of the auditors, Lindell and his evidence, etc, becuase Jenner is special.
If it wasn't stolen then it should be fine to do a full state audit, right, you little shit? (My wife abbreviates he/she/it as shit. No offense meant.)
Seems legit coming from someone that doesn’t know their gender
Breaking News: Mentally ill man who pretends he's a woman calls Biden "our president".
Breaking News: trannys can be rinos too
nailed it. Interesting seeing the conservative punditocracy split an confused about Bruce at this time.
Dick Levine? Hard to keep track of all these LOSERS.
Went for a mammogram today and they have added 2 new questions to the check-in paperwork.
actually, yes.
Curious. How do they keep their implants from popping? Those machines squeeze pretty hard to get a good image. Or do they just pretend to do the mammogram?
Not disputing the clown world transgenderism questions but men get breast cancer too, and some men (especially overweight) could benefit from mammograms. And for transgenders, taking all those hormones causes breast growth, and enhances their risk of various cancers.
So it’s kind of sad. :(
Yeah I know a man in my neighborhood, a friend's husband, that had breast cancer. I just don't see why if mammograms are given to men and women, why wouldn't there just be a uniform questionnaire where you put your name, date of birth and sex. None of this "assigned at birth" crap. But everything these days is so PC and everyone is so afraid of offending such a small percentage of the population. No matter what the MSM is telling us, there are not as many transgender people as we're led to believe.
Yes, I am also disgusted. I think if I were a member of this “target group” they are using woke messaging about I would feel annoyed. Honestly I don’t get why draw so much attention to race and sexuality except to divide into groups or encourage people to obsess about themselves.
Breast cancer is a modern plague and a huge money making industry. All these foundations and fundraisers, researching for a cure, what a joke. Just like HIV, it should have been cured years ago. These industries profit off human suffering. And want a bigger explosion? Also just like HIV, breast cancer is a purely man made phenomenon... oops, now I’m a conspiracy theorist...
My mom had cervical cancer shortly after having my little sister, around 1971. Back then they did hysterectomies as a "cure". The docs put her on hormones & she got it in her head that she NEEDED those hormones.....for years. Fast forward about 35 years and she gets breast cancer, double mastectomy. It was most likely hormone induced.
I’m so sorry. We are victims of mass experimentation, slow poisoning and sickening by evil people who want to annihilate 90% of the world population. We are in a fight for our lives. Standing in solidarity with you. God bless.
I’m in the X-ray game. Men can also get breast cancer and it is very, very deadly in men. Not just transsexual but real men.
Yeah, a friend and neighbor's husband had breast cancer about 15 years or so, there was even an article written about him in the paper. I go every year to get my mammogram the first week of May and this is the first time I've got the question of what gender I was "assigned" at birth. I would think that there would simply be a question that's uniform for anyone getting a mammogram. Name, age, sex. None of this "assigned at birth" bullshit.
True, but problem might be that some of these transsexual might say female when they are biologically male & as I said, males with breast cancer is much more deadly than females with breast cancer. May, the question should be whether the patient is female, male or transexual. But then you might have the left wing Nazis objecting to this
And I don't see that ever happening because they don't want to see themselves as a transexual, they want to BE whatever they're wanting to be and they want everyone else to accept it as well. That's why we have 50-odd genders we're supposed to accept.
My birth center asks these questions for prenatal visits and Pap smears, the latter being referred to as “wellperson visits”.
Your birth center does pap smears for men?
If they have a cervix...I guess so.
Imaging giving that a mouth hug.
Stating the obvious, but Bruce knows his gender. After Cabal media breathlessly reported for a year that Bruce was gonna start wearing a dress, Bruce killed a woman on the hwy in CA and then started wearing a dress. How very..Satanist.
Now he says he's had his dick chopped off. That's dedication to the Satanist cause, eh? If it's true. Which I doubt. Because HE says he still likes women.
In CA there are two Cabal minions being pushed lightly forward. One everyone hates, so a big FAIL there (Megan Markle), and one most people think is crazy and an idiot but "Hey, at least he's a conservative".
Honestly, you'd think people would learn that soundbites don't = the truth about what someone will do once in office. Bruce is Cabal-controlled and controlled opposition.
Bruce is a good example of of what MKUktra can do to an athlete.
Did he save his dick to eat on his deathbed?
Jenner is controlled opposition. Oh look! "Magically and mysteriously" the liberal media is giving ESPN's Female Athlete of the Year (or whatever it was) all the attention in the world and he happens to be a "conservative". Gee, I wonder why.
Especially the glowing interview from Hannity, who continued to call Bruce a “she.” Fox News was never on our side.
Yea when Grendel sayss he's in the he'll get Trump's full backing and it's a lock. He's a serious man who's been in the D.C. crucible.
Is there going to be a primary? I hope Grenell wins if so
Is he???
Yes, he/she is.
He's a Republican, but that doesn't have anything to do with conservatism.
I was talking about Rick Grendel being a “true conservative” sorry for the confusion.
Bruce Jenner. The Great American Embarrassment.
From an all American athlete on a Wheatie's box to wearing a dress and makeup & calling himself a lady. Those Kardashians are just poison.
He made a deal with the Cabal.
I can’t believe that I had such a huge crush on this person when I was a little girl. I made my mother buy Wheaties just so I could stare at him every morning. What a disappointment IT turned out to be!!
What a fag
What a pervert.
He is a murderer.
Bet y'all didn't know Bruce was from Newtown, CT.
Oh wow. Seeing "Robbie Parker" smirking and laughing on CNN right before working himself into character for the cameras to announce that his daughter had supposedly been shot to death the day before was my first major redpill moment.
Pickle Town
Man, I've never seen that. That's wicked
See? Freaks and weirdos MOVE to California from other states.
You can find it on CNN's channel on YouTube even. After my mom died 9 years ago, I couldn't even mention her without crying. I cannot imagine that I would be even intelligible if my daughter had been gunned down at school, yet on video you see that guy exiting the building, yucking it up with the other fathers. Then he realizes the cameras are already rolling, so he starts breathing heavily and working himself into character. Not a single tear in his eye. Then there's another supposed father, David Wheeler (listed on the IMDB even) who was also caught in photos posed as an FBI sniper at the scene (unmistakable mole on his cheek), carrying his rifle by the magazine like a bumbling idiot. Gene Rosen kept changing his story every time he was interviewed. If Sandy Hook was real, the people they showed on TV definitely were not. Even the photo of the shooter was obviously Photoshopped. Fake news is fake.
What's in newtown, CT?
Sandy Hook elementary school ring a bell?
Sandy Hook. False Flag. CIA refuge.
Caitlyn is a Trojan horse. Grenell has been MAGA since the beginning. Don't recall him waivering even under duress. But I haven't kept close tabs, too busy with my own blue state MA.
Main Event: Jenner vs Grennell. Rick would beat the shit of him. Bruce has gotten soft living with/becoming a woman. Where's Mills Lane???
Anyone else think they're using Jenner to help people realize how many trannies have been shoved down our throats?
I do think it may have been forced on him as payment for not sacrificing one of his kids, like they do with all other "celebrities". You have two options, go tranny or we get one of your kids. I wouldn't doubt it at this time, everything is on the table with these sickos. ?
You make a deal with the devil, you pay the price.
From what I've seen, someone has to switch, usually the firstborn, if male.
Have you seen Allison Schumer? Take a look at "her."
They switched that boy when he was a kid.
He never stopped looking male, though.
I DETEST the Schumers. Offal.
wy do they have to "switch?" whats that about? the humiliation or what?
Wonder if this will apply to Will Smith? Can;t wait for that one. lol
The day I start listening to shim is the day you should just shoot me in the head.
As a California native, born and raised, who loves her state, if this THING is chosen as our replacement for Gavin Newscum, it will be the last straw for me. I will have to sadly give up and move somehow. I keep praying that CA turns around though. I know we have tons of conservatives here. I just don't want to give up on my state yet. No one I know likes this thing.
I'm the same way. Been in California all my life and love it except for pretty much everything. I'm gonna give it another year or two and if it doesn't get better we're moving the family out of here. My wife's company is selling soon and she's got stock options she's waiting on. If it weren't for that we'd already be gone. I hope during this time things are resolved and California can be revealed as a red state
Bruce STFU and get back in the fucking closet. You make everyone sick!
I was willing to give "her" the benefit of the doubt, and if "she" was MAGA then I wouldn't care about anything else...
But this clears all that up. Commie scum. Better to know now than later I guess!
Shut that blow hole Jenner!
PDW and 4chinz have had an influx of shills pushing this tranny mkultra demon.
They're failing miserably.
Put a fork in him. He's done.
Who in their right mind would ever listen to this, this, this, whatever it is and let alone believe this whatever it is? Put in the same pile of garbage with Flousi, Xidung, Piglosi, Schumecker, Nutjob Nadler etc. BTW, when is trash day?
That’s gotta be 4 hours of makeup on that critter.
This guy will not make it past the primary. He’s Good for ratings. And it actually works for us. Grenell as MAGA AF. If anyone actually cared that he’s gay, they may rethink after seeing Mr. Trans
Oh look. They found another person to say the election was not stolen. We should take his/her word instead of those of the auditors, Lindell and his evidence, etc, becuase Jenner is special.
If it wasn't stolen then it should be fine to do a full state audit, right, you little shit? (My wife abbreviates he/she/it as shit. No offense meant.)
Thickly layered delusion: I'm a girl and Biclen is president,
I mean, we can't really fault the guy. If he thinks he's a woman, clearly it's not too much of a stretch for Biden to identify as president.
LOL, Bruce just ended any chance he had to be Governor. The Trumpers do not accept Xiden and will not support someone who says that. Bye bye tranny.
Committing election suicide in one sentence.
I'm so glad that Caitlyn Jenner cleared that up.
Ok. So he's done.
Go away Bruce...just go away.
Within one week, this dude has managed to pissed off all sides.
I've only one thing to say to this walking pile of regret ridden shit...
I understand a little tranny.
Translates roughly as, "Please end my suffering. Please make it stop".
he is one of them. Masonic prick.
RIGHT -- Bitin' is "president," and it is a "woman"
Same guy that says he’s a girl...CLOWN WORLD!?
That's a hard pass from me dog.