Anyone who still believes this Shit is lost for real. I’m tired of redpilling people. It’s time to start putting people back in their lane. You do you boo, while your at it get the f out of my face or your gonna regret getting into my buisness. I must be irritable today.
I’m telling you it’s coming. I’m not a violent person I don’t condone it at all. But we are starting to get to the point where people are actually snapping. And some poor brainwashed Karen is about to end up with a broken nose.
I've very nearly gotten into physical altercation twice in the past two weeks because of the goddamned masks. And I'm a foreigner in a country that absolutely does not tolerate shit like that from foreigners. I still came very close.
I had to literally pick up a brick in Chicago a few months ago to get some psycho dyke masker bitch to stop harassing me for not wearing a mask ON THE SIDEWALK in fresh air.
My thoughts exactly! That's how I'm operating at work. They all know I didn't vaxx, but they are all vaxxed so they don't seem to care that I'm not. Honestly, they are more of a threat to me than I am to them.
My husbands health insurance company sent him one. Apparently it’s one size fits most because it goes from above his eyebrows to under his beard. He said “I can’t even breath through it”. I told him they don’t want him breathing.
It's a sign of submission and many have been scared into submission so they hide in comfort behind the facecloth, living like zombies in their own little bubbles
I kinda see this going the opposite as intended. The vaccinated people will continue to wear their masks in fear of being seen as ‘Republicans’ and the non-vaccinated crowd (that’s us, Pedes) will keep going everywhere with naked faces because we value freedom a lot
Is there a polite way to punch this cock sucker in the face if he asks me to get vaxxed? Asking for a friend. Of course i wont have a face diaper in but you never know who may ask about vax status.
Time to stop visiting Target, Walmart, Giant Eagle, Costco, CVS, Walgreens, etc. -all those businesses who insist on perpetuating the mask mandate as restrictions are listed. Why wear masks when survival rate is 99% in those below 70 and 94.7% for those above 70? Why even get a vaccine. Only when people resist the government and big business control will we take back our freedom.
Anyone who still believes this Shit is lost for real. I’m tired of redpilling people. It’s time to start putting people back in their lane. You do you boo, while your at it get the f out of my face or your gonna regret getting into my buisness. I must be irritable today.
Face punching is coming.
I’m telling you it’s coming. I’m not a violent person I don’t condone it at all. But we are starting to get to the point where people are actually snapping. And some poor brainwashed Karen is about to end up with a broken nose.
I've very nearly gotten into physical altercation twice in the past two weeks because of the goddamned masks. And I'm a foreigner in a country that absolutely does not tolerate shit like that from foreigners. I still came very close.
Thank you fren.
Hold the line pede. Be smart and safe. o7. It does take guts.
I had to literally pick up a brick in Chicago a few months ago to get some psycho dyke masker bitch to stop harassing me for not wearing a mask ON THE SIDEWALK in fresh air.
“White female Trump supporter smacks the shit out of Karen” got a good ring to it! Hahaha they will surely call out my skin color
Well said..Me too.
It seems some people aren’t just asleep, they’re braindead. So when do we stop trying to wake them up and just write them off instead?
Real life walking dead. They are dead inside from all the sex, drugs, and lies that have been forced into them for all their lives.
So everyone just take off your mask and everyone will assume that everyone is vaccinated.
My thoughts exactly! That's how I'm operating at work. They all know I didn't vaxx, but they are all vaxxed so they don't seem to care that I'm not. Honestly, they are more of a threat to me than I am to them.
Oh yes!
It always was.
Lets have a picture/poster of bill gates and satan soros and lets burn them publicly
Shit, I'm still waiting for the mask joebama promised I would receive in the I can send that motherfucker back, after decorating it.
My husbands health insurance company sent him one. Apparently it’s one size fits most because it goes from above his eyebrows to under his beard. He said “I can’t even breath through it”. I told him they don’t want him breathing.
Bedazzle it with a dick.
Found the mind-reader. ☝️
I tried that.
I got shut down by the township.
It'll have to be an impromptu gathering, like a flash mob
they never stopped girls from burning their bras, but that had some benefit for the firm.
So we call it a bra burning ???
Why does anyone wear a mask?
It's a sign of submission and many have been scared into submission so they hide in comfort behind the facecloth, living like zombies in their own little bubbles
Work requires me too. I hate it
If they require one, get one of these. It's just as useful at blocking viruses as a cloth or paper mask!
To commit crimes annyonomusly. At least thats how we did it in my day
Or maybe when you see someone not wearing a mask, you will assume they’re vaccinated.
We could politely give them a reason to visit the dentist.
And I’ll politely reply with a middle finger
If you see Phil Kerpen, politely suggest he go fuck himself.
No different than if you see a jew wearing an arm band, politely ask them to get on the train
That is one ugly bald woman
I kinda see this going the opposite as intended. The vaccinated people will continue to wear their masks in fear of being seen as ‘Republicans’ and the non-vaccinated crowd (that’s us, Pedes) will keep going everywhere with naked faces because we value freedom a lot
Good. They can get Covid/flu along with bronchial pneumonia by continuing to wear their face muzzles.
there aren't many of us.
Its funny these retards think those of that will not get vaxxed will also continue to wear a mask?
I don’t wear a mask either way cause I am a free man
How about people just mind their own fucking business?
Good, people will think I’m vaccinated.
Its mostly vaccinated ppl still wearing the mask at this point
Is there a polite way to punch this cock sucker in the face if he asks me to get vaxxed? Asking for a friend. Of course i wont have a face diaper in but you never know who may ask about vax status.
Time to stop visiting Target, Walmart, Giant Eagle, Costco, CVS, Walgreens, etc. -all those businesses who insist on perpetuating the mask mandate as restrictions are listed. Why wear masks when survival rate is 99% in those below 70 and 94.7% for those above 70? Why even get a vaccine. Only when people resist the government and big business control will we take back our freedom.
Oh how the turn tables
I'm reading this as:
If you see a commie tool so brainwashed they're still wearing a mask, suggest they get poisoned to death so the planet is rid of them.
And I will politely suggest where they can put both their vaccine and mask. Might be lying about being polite though
as much as i hate mask fever...
i really enjoyed the interactions i was apart of when other based af people caught me refusing to ever be caught dead wearing a mask
I could never recommend some one take a poisonous jab.
Be the change you want to see in the world. The time for being polite has long passed.
And if you see a fat woman, kindly suggest she go on a diet.