The funny part is that they think the auditors simply copied the drive when in fact they imaged the drive. Imaged drives will contain all lost clusters, can be burned onto DVD directly, and can be verified with an md5/sha1 checksum to ensure no modifications after imaging. More important is if they use a commercial tool that generates these records (which I'm hoping they did). The arguments Maricopa county officials made are coming from a lack of understanding of these tools.
They said — “It is time to end this. For the good of the Senate, for the good of the Country and for the good of the Democratic institutions that define us as Americans.”
LOL !!!! Sorry buddy. 180 degree deflection not gonna work. BUSTING YOUR AZZ is what is good for all of those things.
When you read the letter and these people literally sound like the Catholic church in medieval Europe responding to assertions by Copernicus that the Earth revolves around the Sun as heresy. They don't understand the significance of Bamboo or Purple lights so they make it sound like black magic. What happened to 'trust the science'.
well if the allegations we made are false its a simple solution...PRODUCE them...if not they are not false and your asses are going to jail do you like me now beotch
We demand that you immediately rescind your false and malicious tweet
asserting that Maricopa County “spoiled evidence” in the days before we
provided the server to the Senate. Your tweet, which relies on the “modified
date” shown in the screenshot as evidence of wrongdoing, is demonstrably
false; the only thing it does demonstrate is your auditors’ incompetence.
Name calling. Demands. Lol, this means nothing.
On April 12, 2021, the Elections Department shut down the server to be
packed up and made ready for delivery to the Senate. At no point was any
data deleted when shutting down the server and packing up the equipment.
Windows Servers will often change the “metadata” (additional data on files
such as creation date, access date, modified date, owner, etc.) on Microsoft
SQL database files based on actions performed on the Microsoft SQL
(MSQL) Services that are needed to run the databases.
I can't verify that info on SQL dbs on shutdown or stop. What I can verify is when a file is deleted the modified date is updated. I know that from every day pc use, and for normies/non-techies a simple google search will tell you that.
Maricopa County provided you the actual Dominion server as commanded by
your subpoena and we did not transfer or delete from that server any data
from the 2020 General Election that was subject to your subpoena. You have
now returned that server to us. Evidently your “auditors” made a copy of that
server and are conducting their analysis on the copy.
No shit. They had to do a copy. They cannot alter any files on the original machine. That is called evidence contamination. This is PC investigative work 101.
The screenshot reveals that your “auditors” were using R-Studio Network
Technician to conduct their analysis. That software is used to identify files
that are missing at the spot the software is told to search. Yet you provided
the screenshot falsely asserting that these identified “missing files” were
deleted and evidence was “spoiled”. Nothing in this screenshot indicates that
any file was deleted or spoiled. At most what can be discerned from this
screenshot is that R-Studio, as used by your “auditors,” did not locate within
the copy your vendor created the particular files listed in the column on the
Jeebus. This is the equivalent of saying you don't know what this program does and you explaining it is lying. So you can't prove it. Wow. Just... wow.
Still, these files, and the Database, have the ominous red X-mark. We cannot
say for certain what that mark indicates—other than that it likely indicates that
R-Studio was unable to locate the files. The screenshot does not identify
what type of search your “auditors” ran, and you conveniently failed to provide
the full report the search generated.
Gaslighting. Clear glass lighting. This can be easily dispelled by a google search but whatevs.
So for claim 1, this is a Gaslighting. They are trying to implant the idea that Cyber Ninjas do not know what they are doing via legal speak. This is psyop act, design to discredit their work as nonsense.
• The Elections Department transported the subpoenaed material from
the Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center (MCTEC) to your
custody at the Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum in box trucks
secured with a tamper-evident seal after being loaded at MCTEC.
• MCSO deputies observed the trucks being loaded and then escorted
the trucks to the Coliseum.
• Mr. Bennett gave approval to unload each truck. All the tamper-evident
seals were photographed by the Senate’s contractors as well as by
County representatives to confirm that the seals were still intact. And,
Mr. Bennett or his designee personally observed each seal being
broken before the trucks were unloaded.
And here we have it. This is broken chain of custody right here. They are claiming they weren't broken when sent, and were broken upon arrival. Its he said she said BS. This is how you fuck up a secure audit: doubt. When were they broken? Lets throw out the audit as a whole.
It'd be terrible if all of this was filmed. Just saying.
Anyways, the rest of the detail here is basically a them saying we did everything correctly, it was your guys that f'd this up.
Here is the real sauce here:
Early ballots returned by voters to MCTEC are placed into batches of
approximately 200 ballots and then examined by bipartisan Early Ballot
Processing Boards (“EV Processing Boards”). The EV Processing Boards
check the ballots in each batch with the human eye to determine whether, in
their judgment, the ballots are capable of being tabulated by the tabulation
machines, or whether they are damaged such that they will not be read by the
machines but must be duplicated pursuant to statute (A.R.S. § 16-621(A)).
Examples of damaged ballots that cannot be read by the tabulators include
ballots that are ripped or those that have had a drink spilled on them.
Because it is obvious the tabulators will not read such damaged ballots, those
ballots are removed from the batch and sent to a bipartisan Ballot Duplication
Board to be duplicated onto a new ballot as required by statute. (A.R.S. § 16-
621(A) and Elections Procedures Manual, Chapter 10, Part II(D) at 201). All
such duplicated ballots are then tabulated by the tabulation equipment, as the
law requires. The rest of the ballots in the batch are sent to the Central Count
Tabulators to be tabulated.
But not every ballot that is sent for tabulation can be read by the tabulators.
Sometimes the voters make stray marks that interfere with the tabulation
process. Or, the early ballot is printed slightly off-center. These unreadable
ballots are rejected when inserted into the Central Count Tabulators. In these
instances, those damaged ballots are sent to the bipartisan Ballot Duplication
Boards directly from the central count tabulation center.
That is pure bullshit. Regardless if a vote is rendered damage, they NEED to hold onto it.
This is how fraud happens. Seriously. We are just going to remake these ballots because they didn't work! Of course we didn't put them in the box with the others. These is pure chicanery if there is any to be had, and without the original ballots, we can never tell who the votes for. This is honestly an attempt to dismiss a legitimate question with long winded, condescending language to make Cyber Ninjas look inept when they are trying desperately downplay the ballots were replaced and therefore not included in the boxes of the ballots.
We cannot produce what we do not possess; and, we do not
possess additional passwords.
Well I won't bother pasting their response. Here it is in playground talk:
Maricopa: We don't have them, and even if we did, you can't have them because you aren't in the cool kids club!
This was an attempt to shift the blame, aka scapegoating. Jeebus, logical fallacy 101. It doesn't address the real question posed by that statement: how can you run an election if you aren't in control of your own machines?
We will not provide your “auditors” access to the County’s
routers because doing so would compromise the security of the
County’s network, which in turn could compromise the security of
sensitive, protected and critical data.
Routers don't contain any data like that. Just IP info, and routing info. That wouldn't incriminate or jeopordize anything or anybody.
We will not attend your meeting on May 18, 2021.
You were summoned by the senate. You just opened yourself up to legal litigation. They must have weighed the option of talking or being arrested for ignoring a summons. I hope the bail they post is ridiculously high.
Your “audit” is harming all of us, and we ask you to end it.
Somebody please think of the children! The world needs to be woken up, and if crimes occurred, they need to be brought out to the light. Ignoring this is more damaging to this county's well-being than not investigating it.
I appreciate the thought, but there is enough double posting around here. Besides, I do a lot of editorializing, and I don't want anybody to assume this is the way it is.
can i ask you about the chain of custody thing... they make it sound like there are pictures of it and the seals are ok to be in the box and not out side as part of compliance? can you rephrase or dumb down how you get broken chain?
I'm just reporting what the TLDR stated. I'm sure Cyber Ninjas checked everything on arrival as best they can as this was one of the biggest issues with transporting the votes/machines.
I got a slight different take... They went on and on and on detailing the coc of the loading and delivery to Cyber Ninjas, but I don't think that was the chain of custody in question. Pretty much avoided anything like who printed the valid legal ballots, how they were distributed, how they were returned/collected... My guess is some how an ass load of fake ballots were found,...different paper, different printer.
I think the OUTSIDE boxes might have been properly sealed, but the inside boxes were the ones with issues. They would have no idea about the inside boxes until unloading them and opening the outside boxes.
I believe it isn't SQL, but SSMS that is installed. Security 101: you don't install any extra software onto a sever that is supposed to be tamper proof. SSMS is specifically designed as SQL data communication protocol.
Why the heck would you want to install something that allows the remote manipulation of data on the SQL server if there are supposed to be tamper proof?
That is an interesting question. SQL DB itself is plenty secure, but adding the program that you use to write SQL database entries on a system that is supposed to be secure is sketchy as hell.
You don't need management studio to run a SQL db. SHENANIGANS!
Hey look, a brand new account. Jeebus, you are glowing so much we can see you from orbit.
Seriously google search it. The red x's for the program represent a deleted file. Its not hard. I've used the damn program previously.
The screenshot is perfectly indicative of what happened, especially considering the fact the files were recovered from a deleted state. This is fact. Go try your shill stuff elsewhere.
Scenario1: how the hell does one delete files during imaging? How does one delete files during an imaging process? I've done literally hundreds of these images and that explanation makes zero sense. You don't touch the file structure, you are imaging a volume.
More importantly: have you even worked with SQL? I have. Extensively. Databases do not get deleted during normal operation. To delete databases the way they were deleted involves several deliberate steps that would need to occur including the stopping of services and disabling of auto-start of services on restart. And if security is as tight as it is supposed to be, normal users would not be able to touch those dbs at the file level without specific administrative access.
Its clear you aren't a developer, or engineer. You need to stop talking about what you don't know about.
Scenario 2: They already said during the Maricopa Audit hearing this week that the files were 100% recovered. In fact they stated this weeks ago, we just got the confirmation at that hearing
If the next thing you say is that the auditors deleted the files on purpose to bring heat the election board you need to go sit down and stop hitting whatever narcotic you are on.
Last, this really has nothing to do with these facts, but just an overall level of panic my the Democrats: Senate President Karen Fann just received a package of white powder. While powder came back negative, its a clear message that audit is making people sweat, and you are trying to demoralize folks and throw shade on the audit.
This has nothing to do with SQL other than that's the data needing recovery, this is MFT and binary data as far as the filesystem is concerned. Files have attributes, many of which can be spoofed. Many of which are affected by Creation, Access, or Modifications. Deletion is not a modification. It does not affect the date. I implied this in my screenshot. You're not smart.
Banned because you guys don't actually care about Truth, you're just another hivemind of suckers.
Regarding the deleted files. The County Recorder Steven Richer stated that he was on his computer and the Voter registration database was right in front of him on the screen. The Arizona Senate didn’t ask for the registration. They asked for all the adjudication files and other tally files. Second, Chain of custody files requested were not just from the time of handoff to the audit.
That sounded like the letter of a group of people that think that their deep state overlords will save them. Excuse after excuse. Their failure to appear or respond to any subpoena is telling.
My favorite part was where they said that it was time to stand up and defend the Constitution.
Leftist project. Like 100% of the time. They know they are in complete violation of the constitution, so they pretend like they want to follow it and that WE are the ones breaking the constitution. 100% projection. It's all these traitors have left.
Question 10: "When opening a disk I see some files marked with a red cross, some without. Does the red cross means that the file is unrecoverable?"
Answer: "A Red cross on the icon means that the file has been intentionally deleted. Files without the red cross are files that exist or existed on the disk. They may be lost from the system due to file structure corruption (especially when found on Recognized partitions.) "
Such an unwise letter, with way too many explanations. Any half-competent lawyer would freak if their client was so publicly stridently and wordy on matters that will certainly end in high stakes litigation. Many of the statements made in that letter will box the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors into positions they will wish they had never expressed.
They should have just said in one sentence that we will not come to the Senate because we believe it is a political exercise, or something like that, and then let the courts order them to come.
But now they are trapped by their own defensive word salad. Such morons, as are their lawyers.
I’ll paraphrase this for every body “ fayke and ghey reeee a bunch more reeeeee it’s been deboonked pls stop were really afraid and know we’re are fooked we stated we wouldn’t reply anymore and see us in court but we replied anyway. “
This reads like a snopes fact check. They dance around the question asked, dig into so weird grammar related nitpick and then end up kinda confirming what was alleged in a round about way.
Q: Why are the seals missing?
A: Seals are required by law and would not be missing unless the ballots were tampered with
This was a pretty humorous statement from their letter: "Regardless, the failure of your so called “auditors” to locate data files on the
copy they made of the County’s server speaks more to their ineptitude than it
does to the integrity and actions of our dedicated public employees who
effectively and accurately run the elections in the fourth largest county in the
United States"
I have not used R-Studio in this capacity before, but the letter appears to be intentionally conflating different portions of the "deleted files" screenshot and attaching meaning that doesn't make sense to it as a whole.
The top pane shows a list of files from a search on the drive. The bottom pane shows a log of what the system is doing in its search.
You can clearly see, from top to bottom, the "extends beyond disk bounds" message the letter references.
My first thought is "This is almost certainly from a corrupt partition" on the hard disk. In layman's terms, a hard drive keeps a manifest of the files it has, and where each file is stored. If that manifest points to things that aren't there, or if the manifest itself seems not quite all there, then this could mean...
The hard drive is part of a group of other hard drives and the manifest is pointing to things on other hard drives in the group that are missing (see: RAID)
The files were deleted or messed with in some way to obscure them
The hard drive is corrupted somehow (could be an innocent computer error or hard drive crash, or nefarious and intentional)
What the letter is insinuating is that the auditors copied the entire hard drive given to them, then RETURNED the original hard drive, but THEN, after returning the original drive, tried to do a scan on the original drive rather than the copy.
This is where someone with R-Studio experience can correct me, but this makes NO sense. I'm not even sure it would be possible to have R-Studio scan a drive based on a file system table that is no longer there, but if it were, I would imagine it would take significant effort to try to do this. In short, this would only happen if the auditors were REALLY corrupt and going to GREAT lengths to fake this data... which would be FAR easier by manipulating screenshots instead.
But what really, then, sinks this theory:
The log entries AFTER the "extends beyond disk bounds" part, which clearly shows an attempt to find damaged or missing partitions.
And THIS part of the letter, IMO, is the only part worth responding to. They did an OK attempt at trying to attack this, and it deserves us pedes' time.
But the rest? BS.
The router password exposing a blueprint of where stuff is stored? (a) That's not really how it works, (b) in theory, with full router access, MAYBE they can see some hostnames and other things on the network that might be descriptive enough to tell attackers where things are stored, BUT (c) if this is true, then the only way an attacker would see this is by ALSO having access to the internal network (at which point they no longer need a "blueprint") and (d) if hiding the "blueprint" is the extent of their security then they're negligent anyway.
I skimmed the rest, but it all looks like BS. They appear to be saying ballots are sealed with temper proof seals and then contradicting that and saying they don't have to be and would not be.
And the chain of custody stuff is as laughable as it gets, trying to pretend that the only chain of custody log anyone cares about is the one for the audit, when OBVIOUSLY the logs of interest would be BEFORE the audit, when the cheating happened.
It is from a hard drive image stored on a network share, the errors that you're misattributing are essentially block read errors because the "hard drive" is emulated.
hard drive image is likely not forensically sound
Like how they gave the chain of custody for when they loaded the trucks until delivered to the audit as if there’s no chain of custody from the time the post office or voting center received the ballots until they were loaded onto the trucks.
Translation: This question has skewered us through the area where, in a normal human, a heart would have been; and we have no possibility of answering it without more lying through our teeth.
Am I the only one who thinks its weird that one of the supervisors in maricopa county has the name "Bill Gates"... he's apparently a republican but we all know that means he's a Rhino.... just odd to me
anyone who is pushing the deleted data is controlled opposition. be objective. "having faith" makes you able to be manipulated by people with soft voices who moderate chats.
Don't trust anyone who doesn't sound American through and through.
What are you saying, that election databases were not deleted? Why would innocent people be so against a full audit? If you stole money from your company and got caught, do you think showing them you know how to count money is evidence you didn't steal? Why the pushback from the audit? Why are Democrats so afraid to have the election looked into? Is it because it's going to prove that Joe Biden lost terribly?
the files were deleted from that directory (at some point) and the modified date was likely the date of the image/scan that modified contents of the image (not forensically sound)
the screenshot shows little or nothing suspicious using objective analysis
no, i used PING 4.0 to create an image of a harddrive after i created and deleted some example files. then i ran rstudio with a similar setup and compared the screenshots and posted them, and i did this well before codemonkeyz spread it. the narrative blew up anyway... which tells me nobody even looked at it and it was pumped by a fake network of spammers, basically (kony 2012 shit)
What did I lose? All I did was debunk a screenshot.
I suppose if you interpret my comment out of the context and assuming I'm talking about ALL deleted data, sure, but please limit my comments to the context of this screenshot sent by Farr.
yeah no joke, their answer is because you found them means they werent deleted fuck these people so much
id love to see that red head cry before he hangs fuck that guy so much
"You see, Jen, after we make a loop THEN we circle back 13 times. You should understand."
17 times ?
And beg.
"These files we deleted... they're all marked with an X. Seems suspicious, Russian hackers?"
"That must be it because the X is red and everyone knows 'Reds' is code for Russians!"
The funny part is that they think the auditors simply copied the drive when in fact they imaged the drive. Imaged drives will contain all lost clusters, can be burned onto DVD directly, and can be verified with an md5/sha1 checksum to ensure no modifications after imaging. More important is if they use a commercial tool that generates these records (which I'm hoping they did). The arguments Maricopa county officials made are coming from a lack of understanding of these tools.
...Something, something, are stupid.
Maybe the "ominous red X-mark" indicates where the treasure is buried? There is a chance there might be valuable items hidden in the swamp.
They said — “It is time to end this. For the good of the Senate, for the good of the Country and for the good of the Democratic institutions that define us as Americans.”
LOL !!!! Sorry buddy. 180 degree deflection not gonna work. BUSTING YOUR AZZ is what is good for all of those things.
If it IS a trap, and I personally believe it is, then they just stepped right into it 'Over the target'
over the target is a great expression
When you read the letter and these people literally sound like the Catholic church in medieval Europe responding to assertions by Copernicus that the Earth revolves around the Sun as heresy. They don't understand the significance of Bamboo or Purple lights so they make it sound like black magic. What happened to 'trust the science'.
Definitely over the target.
These people are stupid.
well if the allegations we made are false its a simple solution...PRODUCE them...if not they are not false and your asses are going to jail do you like me now beotch
How bout dat
they cant because its not "legal"
So is rigging an election.
Gonna break this down:
Part 1 of TLDR)
We demand that you immediately rescind your false and malicious tweet asserting that Maricopa County “spoiled evidence” in the days before we provided the server to the Senate. Your tweet, which relies on the “modified date” shown in the screenshot as evidence of wrongdoing, is demonstrably false; the only thing it does demonstrate is your auditors’ incompetence.
Name calling. Demands. Lol, this means nothing.
On April 12, 2021, the Elections Department shut down the server to be packed up and made ready for delivery to the Senate. At no point was any data deleted when shutting down the server and packing up the equipment. Windows Servers will often change the “metadata” (additional data on files such as creation date, access date, modified date, owner, etc.) on Microsoft SQL database files based on actions performed on the Microsoft SQL (MSQL) Services that are needed to run the databases.
I can't verify that info on SQL dbs on shutdown or stop. What I can verify is when a file is deleted the modified date is updated. I know that from every day pc use, and for normies/non-techies a simple google search will tell you that.
Maricopa County provided you the actual Dominion server as commanded by your subpoena and we did not transfer or delete from that server any data from the 2020 General Election that was subject to your subpoena. You have now returned that server to us. Evidently your “auditors” made a copy of that server and are conducting their analysis on the copy.
No shit. They had to do a copy. They cannot alter any files on the original machine. That is called evidence contamination. This is PC investigative work 101.
The screenshot reveals that your “auditors” were using R-Studio Network Technician to conduct their analysis. That software is used to identify files that are missing at the spot the software is told to search. Yet you provided the screenshot falsely asserting that these identified “missing files” were deleted and evidence was “spoiled”. Nothing in this screenshot indicates that any file was deleted or spoiled. At most what can be discerned from this screenshot is that R-Studio, as used by your “auditors,” did not locate within the copy your vendor created the particular files listed in the column on the right.
Jeebus. This is the equivalent of saying you don't know what this program does and you explaining it is lying. So you can't prove it. Wow. Just... wow.
Still, these files, and the Database, have the ominous red X-mark. We cannot say for certain what that mark indicates—other than that it likely indicates that R-Studio was unable to locate the files. The screenshot does not identify what type of search your “auditors” ran, and you conveniently failed to provide the full report the search generated.
Gaslighting. Clear glass lighting. This can be easily dispelled by a google search but whatevs.
So for claim 1, this is a Gaslighting. They are trying to implant the idea that Cyber Ninjas do not know what they are doing via legal speak. This is psyop act, design to discredit their work as nonsense.
Part 2 of TLDR)
Talking about the chain of custody:
• The Elections Department transported the subpoenaed material from the Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center (MCTEC) to your custody at the Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum in box trucks secured with a tamper-evident seal after being loaded at MCTEC. • MCSO deputies observed the trucks being loaded and then escorted the trucks to the Coliseum. • Mr. Bennett gave approval to unload each truck. All the tamper-evident seals were photographed by the Senate’s contractors as well as by County representatives to confirm that the seals were still intact. And, Mr. Bennett or his designee personally observed each seal being broken before the trucks were unloaded.
And here we have it. This is broken chain of custody right here. They are claiming they weren't broken when sent, and were broken upon arrival. Its he said she said BS. This is how you fuck up a secure audit: doubt. When were they broken? Lets throw out the audit as a whole.
It'd be terrible if all of this was filmed. Just saying.
Anyways, the rest of the detail here is basically a them saying we did everything correctly, it was your guys that f'd this up.
Here is the real sauce here:
Early ballots returned by voters to MCTEC are placed into batches of approximately 200 ballots and then examined by bipartisan Early Ballot Processing Boards (“EV Processing Boards”). The EV Processing Boards check the ballots in each batch with the human eye to determine whether, in their judgment, the ballots are capable of being tabulated by the tabulation machines, or whether they are damaged such that they will not be read by the machines but must be duplicated pursuant to statute (A.R.S. § 16-621(A)). Examples of damaged ballots that cannot be read by the tabulators include ballots that are ripped or those that have had a drink spilled on them. Because it is obvious the tabulators will not read such damaged ballots, those ballots are removed from the batch and sent to a bipartisan Ballot Duplication Board to be duplicated onto a new ballot as required by statute. (A.R.S. § 16- 621(A) and Elections Procedures Manual, Chapter 10, Part II(D) at 201). All such duplicated ballots are then tabulated by the tabulation equipment, as the law requires. The rest of the ballots in the batch are sent to the Central Count Tabulators to be tabulated.
But not every ballot that is sent for tabulation can be read by the tabulators. Sometimes the voters make stray marks that interfere with the tabulation process. Or, the early ballot is printed slightly off-center. These unreadable ballots are rejected when inserted into the Central Count Tabulators. In these instances, those damaged ballots are sent to the bipartisan Ballot Duplication Boards directly from the central count tabulation center.
That is pure bullshit. Regardless if a vote is rendered damage, they NEED to hold onto it.
This is how fraud happens. Seriously. We are just going to remake these ballots because they didn't work! Of course we didn't put them in the box with the others. These is pure chicanery if there is any to be had, and without the original ballots, we can never tell who the votes for. This is honestly an attempt to dismiss a legitimate question with long winded, condescending language to make Cyber Ninjas look inept when they are trying desperately downplay the ballots were replaced and therefore not included in the boxes of the ballots.
We cannot produce what we do not possess; and, we do not possess additional passwords.
Well I won't bother pasting their response. Here it is in playground talk:
Maricopa: We don't have them, and even if we did, you can't have them because you aren't in the cool kids club!
This was an attempt to shift the blame, aka scapegoating. Jeebus, logical fallacy 101. It doesn't address the real question posed by that statement: how can you run an election if you aren't in control of your own machines?
We will not provide your “auditors” access to the County’s routers because doing so would compromise the security of the County’s network, which in turn could compromise the security of sensitive, protected and critical data.
Routers don't contain any data like that. Just IP info, and routing info. That wouldn't incriminate or jeopordize anything or anybody.
We will not attend your meeting on May 18, 2021.
You were summoned by the senate. You just opened yourself up to legal litigation. They must have weighed the option of talking or being arrested for ignoring a summons. I hope the bail they post is ridiculously high.
Your “audit” is harming all of us, and we ask you to end it.
Somebody please think of the children! The world needs to be woken up, and if crimes occurred, they need to be brought out to the light. Ignoring this is more damaging to this county's well-being than not investigating it.
You should take these two comments of yours and give them their own post. Love your breakdown! ;)
I appreciate the thought, but there is enough double posting around here. Besides, I do a lot of editorializing, and I don't want anybody to assume this is the way it is.
Well fine then, be that way :-P
(j/k - great comments & summation)
Great job
can i ask you about the chain of custody thing... they make it sound like there are pictures of it and the seals are ok to be in the box and not out side as part of compliance? can you rephrase or dumb down how you get broken chain?
oh and code monkey has some video of the boxes being opend or someshit
Its basically he said, she said crap.
They say there are no problems, everything was properly packed, and you signed off on it.
We say: this was sketch.
This is the most dangerous part of the audit. If they can cast enough doubt on the audit, the results can be contested.
so they are saying we just signed off on it the way it came??!! no fucking way cyber ninjas would do that
I'm just reporting what the TLDR stated. I'm sure Cyber Ninjas checked everything on arrival as best they can as this was one of the biggest issues with transporting the votes/machines.
I got a slight different take... They went on and on and on detailing the coc of the loading and delivery to Cyber Ninjas, but I don't think that was the chain of custody in question. Pretty much avoided anything like who printed the valid legal ballots, how they were distributed, how they were returned/collected... My guess is some how an ass load of fake ballots were found,...different paper, different printer.
I think the OUTSIDE boxes might have been properly sealed, but the inside boxes were the ones with issues. They would have no idea about the inside boxes until unloading them and opening the outside boxes.
yeah agreed with the gaslighting, didnt matt deperno say sql decertified the election?
I believe it isn't SQL, but SSMS that is installed. Security 101: you don't install any extra software onto a sever that is supposed to be tamper proof. SSMS is specifically designed as SQL data communication protocol.
Why the heck would you want to install something that allows the remote manipulation of data on the SQL server if there are supposed to be tamper proof?
Oh. Management studio?
That is an interesting question. SQL DB itself is plenty secure, but adding the program that you use to write SQL database entries on a system that is supposed to be secure is sketchy as hell.
You don't need management studio to run a SQL db. SHENANIGANS!
I'm seeing a whole lot of "You can't prove we did" and not a lot of "We can prove we didn't"
No, it's a screenshot and a narrative that the screenshot does not support. Simple as.
Hey look, a brand new account. Jeebus, you are glowing so much we can see you from orbit.
Seriously google search it. The red x's for the program represent a deleted file. Its not hard. I've used the damn program previously.
The screenshot is perfectly indicative of what happened, especially considering the fact the files were recovered from a deleted state. This is fact. Go try your shill stuff elsewhere.
No, you didn't and no it doesn't
Scenario 1, files were deleted as part of normal operations and person imaginging drive screwed up
Scenario 2, files were secure wiped on 4/12 in which case they were not recovered
Your explanation is just silly.
Scenario1: how the hell does one delete files during imaging? How does one delete files during an imaging process? I've done literally hundreds of these images and that explanation makes zero sense. You don't touch the file structure, you are imaging a volume.
More importantly: have you even worked with SQL? I have. Extensively. Databases do not get deleted during normal operation. To delete databases the way they were deleted involves several deliberate steps that would need to occur including the stopping of services and disabling of auto-start of services on restart. And if security is as tight as it is supposed to be, normal users would not be able to touch those dbs at the file level without specific administrative access.
Its clear you aren't a developer, or engineer. You need to stop talking about what you don't know about.
Scenario 2: They already said during the Maricopa Audit hearing this week that the files were 100% recovered. In fact they stated this weeks ago, we just got the confirmation at that hearing
If the next thing you say is that the auditors deleted the files on purpose to bring heat the election board you need to go sit down and stop hitting whatever narcotic you are on.
Last, this really has nothing to do with these facts, but just an overall level of panic my the Democrats: Senate President Karen Fann just received a package of white powder. While powder came back negative, its a clear message that audit is making people sweat, and you are trying to demoralize folks and throw shade on the audit.
Its time for you to go.
LOL. ok Clarence
This has nothing to do with SQL other than that's the data needing recovery, this is MFT and binary data as far as the filesystem is concerned. Files have attributes, many of which can be spoofed. Many of which are affected by Creation, Access, or Modifications. Deletion is not a modification. It does not affect the date. I implied this in my screenshot. You're not smart.
Banned because you guys don't actually care about Truth, you're just another hivemind of suckers.
If the file was written to at shut down, as they claim, the access time would have changed. But a deletion would change only the modified time.
A deletion would not change the modified time, because the file is not being modified the file table is.
Regarding the deleted files. The County Recorder Steven Richer stated that he was on his computer and the Voter registration database was right in front of him on the screen. The Arizona Senate didn’t ask for the registration. They asked for all the adjudication files and other tally files. Second, Chain of custody files requested were not just from the time of handoff to the audit.
No doubt intentional spin. Way to much energy in detailing the hand off.
Why is it that these people have NOT been ARRESTED? They have clearly done more than enough to the election to warrant a night in the pokey.
Arrest them and sort it out later.
We need to wait for the US military to seize control before they can start to arrest all the citizens.
rico is my dream, i dont see why they cant get them on it
They probably can...
That assumes you're waiting on the Biden justice department though right?
"The files were not deleted, they are just permanently missing." -MSNBC tomorrow
"If they are recovered, it means they weren't deleted. If they are not recovered, it means there is no proof of deletion." -MSDNC tomorrow
Perhaps deleted so they could be swapped for other, cleaned up or altered files, manipulated on another machine.
That sounded like the letter of a group of people that think that their deep state overlords will save them. Excuse after excuse. Their failure to appear or respond to any subpoena is telling.
My favorite part was where they said that it was time to stand up and defend the Constitution.
Leftist project. Like 100% of the time. They know they are in complete violation of the constitution, so they pretend like they want to follow it and that WE are the ones breaking the constitution. 100% projection. It's all these traitors have left.
Here is copy and paste:
Question 10: "When opening a disk I see some files marked with a red cross, some without. Does the red cross means that the file is unrecoverable?"
Answer: "A Red cross on the icon means that the file has been intentionally deleted. Files without the red cross are files that exist or existed on the disk. They may be lost from the system due to file structure corruption (especially when found on Recognized partitions.) "
There it is!!!
I threw on a screenshot to your post.
Such an unwise letter, with way too many explanations. Any half-competent lawyer would freak if their client was so publicly stridently and wordy on matters that will certainly end in high stakes litigation. Many of the statements made in that letter will box the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors into positions they will wish they had never expressed.
They should have just said in one sentence that we will not come to the Senate because we believe it is a political exercise, or something like that, and then let the courts order them to come.
But now they are trapped by their own defensive word salad. Such morons, as are their lawyers.
wow, i read the first few paragraphs and a year-one law student could do better. the desperation and anger is palpable. these lawyers are trash.
I’ll paraphrase this for every body “ fayke and ghey reeee a bunch more reeeeee it’s been deboonked pls stop were really afraid and know we’re are fooked we stated we wouldn’t reply anymore and see us in court but we replied anyway. “
This reads like a snopes fact check. They dance around the question asked, dig into so weird grammar related nitpick and then end up kinda confirming what was alleged in a round about way.
This letter is for public persuasion. Notice all the belittling and snark. You wouldn't put that if the intent is just legal communication.
This was a pretty humorous statement from their letter: "Regardless, the failure of your so called “auditors” to locate data files on the copy they made of the County’s server speaks more to their ineptitude than it does to the integrity and actions of our dedicated public employees who effectively and accurately run the elections in the fourth largest county in the United States"
"So called auditors" Was this written by a 14 year old?
Glad to see other pedes deep diving into this!
A couple of my thoughts:
I have not used R-Studio in this capacity before, but the letter appears to be intentionally conflating different portions of the "deleted files" screenshot and attaching meaning that doesn't make sense to it as a whole.
The top pane shows a list of files from a search on the drive. The bottom pane shows a log of what the system is doing in its search.
You can clearly see, from top to bottom, the "extends beyond disk bounds" message the letter references.
My first thought is "This is almost certainly from a corrupt partition" on the hard disk. In layman's terms, a hard drive keeps a manifest of the files it has, and where each file is stored. If that manifest points to things that aren't there, or if the manifest itself seems not quite all there, then this could mean...
The hard drive is part of a group of other hard drives and the manifest is pointing to things on other hard drives in the group that are missing (see: RAID)
The files were deleted or messed with in some way to obscure them
The hard drive is corrupted somehow (could be an innocent computer error or hard drive crash, or nefarious and intentional)
What the letter is insinuating is that the auditors copied the entire hard drive given to them, then RETURNED the original hard drive, but THEN, after returning the original drive, tried to do a scan on the original drive rather than the copy.
This is where someone with R-Studio experience can correct me, but this makes NO sense. I'm not even sure it would be possible to have R-Studio scan a drive based on a file system table that is no longer there, but if it were, I would imagine it would take significant effort to try to do this. In short, this would only happen if the auditors were REALLY corrupt and going to GREAT lengths to fake this data... which would be FAR easier by manipulating screenshots instead.
But what really, then, sinks this theory:
The log entries AFTER the "extends beyond disk bounds" part, which clearly shows an attempt to find damaged or missing partitions.
And THIS part of the letter, IMO, is the only part worth responding to. They did an OK attempt at trying to attack this, and it deserves us pedes' time.
But the rest? BS.
The router password exposing a blueprint of where stuff is stored? (a) That's not really how it works, (b) in theory, with full router access, MAYBE they can see some hostnames and other things on the network that might be descriptive enough to tell attackers where things are stored, BUT (c) if this is true, then the only way an attacker would see this is by ALSO having access to the internal network (at which point they no longer need a "blueprint") and (d) if hiding the "blueprint" is the extent of their security then they're negligent anyway.
I skimmed the rest, but it all looks like BS. They appear to be saying ballots are sealed with temper proof seals and then contradicting that and saying they don't have to be and would not be.
And the chain of custody stuff is as laughable as it gets, trying to pretend that the only chain of custody log anyone cares about is the one for the audit, when OBVIOUSLY the logs of interest would be BEFORE the audit, when the cheating happened.
It is from a hard drive image stored on a network share, the errors that you're misattributing are essentially block read errors because the "hard drive" is emulated.
hard drive image is likely not forensically sound
Like how they gave the chain of custody for when they loaded the trucks until delivered to the audit as if there’s no chain of custody from the time the post office or voting center received the ballots until they were loaded onto the trucks.
Translation: This question has skewered us through the area where, in a normal human, a heart would have been; and we have no possibility of answering it without more lying through our teeth.
What an asshole
Am I the only one who thinks its weird that one of the supervisors in maricopa county has the name "Bill Gates"... he's apparently a republican but we all know that means he's a Rhino.... just odd to me
I found it confusing until I saw a photo that showed me they were different people
I wonder who they hired for damage control. Those eloquent cockroaches aren't going to wiggle out of this one.
I can't open this, what does it entail???
They know exactly what the red X means. They are playing dumb at an institutional level. That is how utterly preposterous this whole thing is.
Meanwhile I'm still here looking for INTEGRITY and trustworthiness.
Coincidence. Not THAT Bill Gates.
i told you so
anyone who is pushing the deleted data is controlled opposition. be objective. "having faith" makes you able to be manipulated by people with soft voices who moderate chats.
Don't trust anyone who doesn't sound American through and through.
What are you saying, that election databases were not deleted? Why would innocent people be so against a full audit? If you stole money from your company and got caught, do you think showing them you know how to count money is evidence you didn't steal? Why the pushback from the audit? Why are Democrats so afraid to have the election looked into? Is it because it's going to prove that Joe Biden lost terribly?
Nice shiny new account you got there. But don't worry will take your word for it hoss.
mmmmmmmmmmmk nub
Who the hell says "people who moderate chats"? Looks like a bad translation. Certainly not American. Probably Chinese shill.
what a strange issue to have, someone speaks mo diffrently din you? shucks baby.
merging comments: I speak in a way to weed out foreigners and stupid people, which are you?
the files were deleted from that directory (at some point) and the modified date was likely the date of the image/scan that modified contents of the image (not forensically sound)
the screenshot shows little or nothing suspicious using objective analysis
jab at EOJ of azaudit/ prayer group qanon womens club
no, i used PING 4.0 to create an image of a harddrive after i created and deleted some example files. then i ran rstudio with a similar setup and compared the screenshots and posted them, and i did this well before codemonkeyz spread it. the narrative blew up anyway... which tells me nobody even looked at it and it was pumped by a fake network of spammers, basically (kony 2012 shit)
What did I lose? All I did was debunk a screenshot.
I suppose if you interpret my comment out of the context and assuming I'm talking about ALL deleted data, sure, but please limit my comments to the context of this screenshot sent by Farr.
ok troller
I know that, i made that screenshot