Some of the leaked text messages from Hunter’s laptop give the implication that Joe and Hunter may have a father/son relationship of a sexual nature. The son is sucking the fathers dick. ?
I disagree. If this was a normal gesture, he'd just pat the kid on the shoulder, bend to whisper into his ear that's it's Grampa, kiss the top of his head, then just stand next to him him for a bit...but noooooo. This is just unnatural and would scare the kid. If I was there and saw this happening, Joe would be no mo'!
This has been out there for a long time. Normally, I would think it is just a grandparent forcefully telling their grandkid to behave at this type of event, old school style.
Unfoetunately, Joe doesn't get the same consideration because of all of the evidence of him sniffing kids, so who knows what was going on.
Oh I agree. I have seen it all. I'm not trying to make excuses for creepy Joe and I agree that he has done some really creepy shit and there's a special place in hell for him. Nobody else seemed to bother figuring out where this was from. Just adding some context to the photo. The video shows what was going on.
I didn’t see the child misbehaving, either. He was quiet and motionless. I’ve never had a parent or grandparent cover my mouth. I was raised in a very strict home. It doesn’t make sense from that (agreed, limited) viewpoint.
Note she is unconsciously hitching up her skirt
Note she is also unconsciously hitching up her skirt. That's his granddaughter.
Here he is with his adult son
Some of the leaked text messages from Hunter’s laptop give the implication that Joe and Hunter may have a father/son relationship of a sexual nature. The son is sucking the fathers dick. ?
Any sauce?
Note where Joey's eyes are. Hint: they're not looking at her eyes.
Yeah noticed that right away. She has no chest, she's far too young. WTF is wrong with these people?
Yikes ?. That ain’t right.
It's disturbing on so many levels.
Big time
shit, who hugs their son that way.
I love my adult son. And I hug him on occasion. And it doesn't look anything like that when I do.
The leering lust in his eyes in that first photo.... uuuuugggghhhhhh!!!
Check out the one of him almost tongue kissing his granddaughter. ?
There are two photos of Pedo Joe doing that IIRC, i.e. on two different occasions.
Who grabs someone else’s child like that? But but, he’s just a touchy feely, huggy king of guy. Yea, so is a child rapist.
I disagree. If this was a normal gesture, he'd just pat the kid on the shoulder, bend to whisper into his ear that's it's Grampa, kiss the top of his head, then just stand next to him him for a bit...but noooooo. This is just unnatural and would scare the kid. If I was there and saw this happening, Joe would be no mo'!
And if Facebook and Twitter have shut down that image, sure as hell means they think it's disturbing.
Username checks out.
Not sure why you are getting downvoted for this comment. You are 100% correct. Heres the video to prove it
This has been out there for a long time. Normally, I would think it is just a grandparent forcefully telling their grandkid to behave at this type of event, old school style.
Unfoetunately, Joe doesn't get the same consideration because of all of the evidence of him sniffing kids, so who knows what was going on.
Oh I agree. I have seen it all. I'm not trying to make excuses for creepy Joe and I agree that he has done some really creepy shit and there's a special place in hell for him. Nobody else seemed to bother figuring out where this was from. Just adding some context to the photo. The video shows what was going on.
Your posts deserve more attention and upvotes. We all agree Joe is an absolute creeper, but we should also present context wherever possible.
I didn’t see the child misbehaving, either. He was quiet and motionless. I’ve never had a parent or grandparent cover my mouth. I was raised in a very strict home. It doesn’t make sense from that (agreed, limited) viewpoint.
I've never seen this. This is so disturbing. It's even more disturbing how not disturbed the kid is by this interaction.
I'm sorry but who grabs any kid in that manner? I watched the video and it still seems inappropriate as hell.
That whole family is deviant. One day one of those kids is going to talk
Maybe to a therapist. Those kind of wounds run deep and ruin you pretty much for life.
No dude, look at the veins. That's not normal.
Just looking at him makes my skin crawl. What a disgusting excuse for a human being.
I dont have or use any of those platforms. Someone have a burner account at reddit to post there? A good meme can make that pic live on forever.
It reminds me of Count Dracula. Does he got a formaldehyde rag in their?
I have a burner make it...I'll post it! For the children...
BTW... who is this little boy? Is he the son of someone well known?
He's the grandson of someone very well known. His name starts with J and ends with O.
Did you really just misspell a three letter name?
He did, lmao.
I was referring to the nickname "Joepedo".
Beau's son. This was at his Beau's funeral.
Sad sad Natalie.
My relatives will just say it was photoshopped. ?
Someone posted the video that it's from above. You can show them that
Look at the veins bulging in the forehead.
These people need to have the same things done to them.
I'd like a high resolution shot of this if someone has it
I bet Hunter knew that side of him well
Oh my, that is disturbing!
Some surprising similarities with this video and the hand over the mouth.
That's his grandson for goodness sakes
Someone needs to put this side by side with the famous drawing of chronos eating his son
He looks like he is threatening the boy. BUT... the video version looks like he kissed him twice.
He did both, it seems.
You guys are grossing me out. I'm outta here.
There are many more that are much worse.
You are guys are saying it's lost their sexual I think he's just pissed at a child
I'm fairly sure no one is saying that
Somewhere other than Facebook or Twitter?