? HUGE DEVELOPMENT: NSA Reveals in FOIA Response that the FBI Involved in “Improper Surveillance” of 16,000 Americans ?
? B O O M ! ?
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Many of you may recall that it was Admiral Mike Roger's, Director of the NSA at the time, who alerted Trump during his transition in December 2016, that he was being spied on by Obama.
Roger's is the ultimate white hat based on that action alone.
If the NSA are the one remaining "good guys" group in the intelligence agency realm, and they track every single piece of data, that could prove to be a very good thing for MAGA!
Well, it seems like the FBI is getting lambasted left and right this week, which they totally deserve, and I hope the hits keep on coming until they're burned to the ground, it seems like all they do is set up false flags and terrorize patriots.
Absolutely. They need to be taken down hard. They are 100% corrupt. I can only imagine the behind the scenes battles taking place right now. NSA and Military against everyone else.
the heads, yes. Remember that there are still could be good people lower in the ranks, like for instance, Carter Page
There may be decent people in the bottom ranks. From what we've learned, we need to turn 90%+ of the f31 into glass. Let's not stop at that 3 letter agency
Pass the popcorn.
Agree. Need to round-up ALL the co-conspirators, especially those that were or are in the DOJ, and in other three letter agencies.
They apparently can tor won't clean their own house. That means the worst corruption is at the top.
All the FBI has ever been is DS control of Government.
Here is the direct image link the the NSA's approval letter granting Clevinger's request. The FBI was planning to take decades to disclose the info requested. NSA said, "We got this."
I know Mike Rogers is MAGA... I go back and forth on the NSA.... but I have no fucking doubt whatsoever that the FBI / CIA / need to cease to exist with many going to prison.
I believe Q implied that Snowden was used by thr CIA to ruin the NSA's credibility. I wonder if that makes Snowden a black hat or someone eho doesnt really know he's been used.
Take Mike Rogers, this move with FOIA, and the fact that the MSM all agreed for some reason that the NSA surveillance data centers were bad a few years ago, I feel like evidence is mounting the NSA are white hats.
I've been against most of our intelligence agencies for a long time. I think they do more harm than good in general, but what about Chinese espionage? How do we counter that without intelligence? I think intelligence should be under the military only and limited to foreign actors. I wonder now what specific relationship NSA and the military have that the others in thr IA community don't have?
Just think of the entire situation from the Hollywood propaganda machine. Hollywood paints Snowden as some hero to America for exposing NSA. Therefore in realty, Snowden = Bad and NSA = Good. That's my take of "Think Mirror". Literally everything that Hollywood pushes out is the opposite of reality, just created to satiate the average American.
Also, every time Snowden does one of his interview he seems to be in good health & a good state of mind. How can he afford to be if he's on the run? Compare all that to Julian Assange for instance.
You posed a question and then answered it in the next sentence. Intelligence is required in this age. Intelligence goes all the way back to our Revolutionary War. Militiamen had an unspoken duty to wear an "intelligence" hat; ie.. if they saw something that the red coats were doing, they were motivated to share it with their militia.
Secondly, most of you guys dont understand the difference between statecraft intelligence, and military intelligence.. so when these types of discussions come up, you begin to paint a large brush on everything in the IC.
"I think intelligence should be under the military only and limited to foreign actors."
Yep! When it was known as the OSS, it seemed to do its job. If they're a part of the military, the President is their Commander in Chief ... right now, these orgs are nothing but separate nations of sort that don't have to answer to anyone anymore, but tend to blame the USA when they screw things up.
The role of the FBI is another one of those redundancies that are stupid at best. We have police at the state, county, and local level. Why in the hell do we need a Federal police force? I get that we may need some kind of Federal level of policing for those criminals that are wanted in two or more states ... but isn't that supposed to be the role of the US Marshals? The only thing the FBI should be doing is assisting police in the States and NOT handling cases ... that's another path to corruption in my opinion.
Loads of other departments need some kind of oversight/elimination too. ATF seems to have a mind of its own these days. What is the fucking point of it anymore? It seems like it's nothing more than a military group that's legally allowed to go after USA citizens ... however, since it is sold to the public as a glorified police force, that somehow makes it legal.
I could see one of these pissants corrupt the border into a force that keeps people IN the country (this is a job for the military in my opinion ... border patrol ... they're fine now and obviously doing what they are supposed to do, but it doesn't seem to take all that long for the DS to weaponize a department).
I cannot wait for the day when this country is overhauled and made back into a lean, mean, fighting machine! :-)
Prison for FBI. The CIA need to hang after facing military tribunals.
If I remember correctly, Rogers told Trump to create a SCIF, then went to meet Trump inside the SCIF, and when he came out the world would never be the same again. The rest is history.
Interesting on creating the SCIF.
My recollection was that Rogers made an unannounced visit to Trump at Trump Tower, not on his calendar. Whatever he said and however he said it (maybe a hand written note?), Trump moved his entire transition team to his Bedminster Country Club the next day.
Knowing what we know now, Trump had deep staters Chris Christy and Pence leading his transition and staffing. Makes you want to puke knowing the scum Trump had to deal with when he first started. No wonder the first month's and years were so bumpy.
I still can't believe how much Trump got done with so much opposition from all sides and corners. He is superhuman.
Correct. I believe the meeting took place in the SCIF, I have forgotten the details but the SCIF was definitely involved.
Mike Rogers and Gen Flynn are two patriots whom Obama must (have) resent(ed) in his way to the gallows. Mike Rogers especially flew under the radar until the very end and knew everything.
Maybe this is why Soros said that Obama was a major disappointment.
Thanks for the additional details bubble_bursts.
You are right that Roger's was under the radar. At some point, maybe during the transition or just before, Clapper, Brennan, and Comey all went after him. At some point they realized he could be a major problem.
Pretty simple. Why do they need a middle man? Why does the CIA get to declassify and leak at will, and control the world media apparatus, and the NSA/DIA doesnt?
Q, and other NSA foia and leaks, are just a version of the CIA media. A way to shape the narrative. Started just after Horowitz, when the war between the military intel and communist civilian intel people went nuclear. Now they are playing for keeps.
It’s as much a survival and bureaucratic move as it is patriotic. The military brass see a chance to absorb the entire CIA budget, and all of its duties. So they will take it.
This is as much a Soviet style politburo civil war as it is a fraud problem. I would expect a continuous stream of info from the NSA, and this is just the beginning.
Eventually they will be leaking shit so crazy it’s gonna require those 85 million IP addresses that Pentagon just handed over to global resources.
I believe that every single mass shooting, every single school shooting, every single terrorist attack within our borders, was done under the influence and the prompting of, the FBLie, all the way back to Columbine. They were all false flags designed with the political goal of taking away our guns and enslaving the American People, the last threat to the death cults goal of world domination. None of them would have occurred without FBLie influence.
They followed up Columbine with a "terrorist attack" on the WTC which they then parlayed into the most abusive law in American History, the so called Patriot Act.
Since Reagan began his cognitive decline shortly after his re-election, this government has turned up the heat on the slow burn of government tyranny until today they barely even try to hide it.
It is time for Americans to throw off the shackles. We need to free ourselves so that we may free the world from the grip of this luciferian pedophile death cult that has been controlling all of us for 2000 years.
Federal Bureau of Instigation
Just saying that last night to husband. I mentioned Columbine too and said I wouldn't be surprised if the FBI provided the guns and ammo for that operation. Makes me sick to think of all of this being done by the FBI with our taxpayer dollars.?
Shit, if a list gets published, and i don't find my name on it, I'm gonna be sad.
Came to say the exact same thing, but instead of being sad, I’m gonna be PISSED! How do I find out if I’m on the list or not?
Btw, I know you are lurking here, FBI is asshoe. Does that help?
Unsure if I should be mad if I find my name with "Mostly Harmless" next to it.
so I really do have an FBI agent?! hope he appreciates all the dank memes I’ve been posting online!
“Dank” is one of the most underrated words.
So much for the “rank and file”. You see this fbi lurkers? You have been caught with your hand in the cookie jar
Don’t worry, this will all get much better now that the admin is asking people to turn in “radicalized” people they know.
I am surprused it's that low
"Improper".........like criminal?
Kinda like how Congress breaks "rules", whereas we break laws........?
The really horrible part about this is that if you read the document, you will almost believe that this was fake news. The judge pretty agrees with everything asked by the government, says that everything was in order and just puts down some conditions they government needs to follow. This is in the summary. This is in the relevant sections.
But somewhere along the document, in some obscure section, they sneak in the fact that 16,000 people were illegally surveilled upon, and redacts a bunch of stuff so you cant even fully understand exactly how/why they did it.
Essentially, they used some query terms that is overly broad that allowed hits on these 16,000 people, and rationalized that even with the proper query these people would have been triggered, and went ahead with surveilling them. Judge clearly says this is wrong, in this section. However, as an overall summary he says everything is proper and grants their request.
Only way to find this info is to search for 16,000 in the document.
Making headway. Now do the CIA.
Shots fired...
This is very important, but not for reasons you might suspect. While it's very important that we know exactly what the crimes of the FBI are. More importantly, this is a public move of the NSA against the FBI and the Deep State. This is our side finally openly attacking our enemies. These are Storm Clouds forming.
I feel that same way ravonaf. Definitely an interagency turf war here. The good news is, the NSA monitors and tracks everything. They are holding a royal flush.
It may be time for some "rank and file" to turn themselves in. Being an unindicted co-conspirator is better for your health than being tried for treason.
Every last one of those surveilled need to be notified by the MILITARY. Civil rights violations for not hiring a person because of skin color pale in comparison.
I'd have to quit if I was an honest agent.
Looks like we should start spamming agency with foia. They seem willing to cooperate ?
The FBI was also the ones terrorizing the people in Burns County, Oregon, during the so-called Patriot Crisis, which resulted in real patriots being arrested and one of them ambushed and killed by snipers (Lavoy Finicum).. All of this was because the Clintons wanted access to the underground Uranium (and gold) under a few ranches (and mountains) for their Uranium deal with Russia through Uranium One, a partially canadian company. This is another example of how they projected their own crimes onto 45. Local Freemasons (County Judge and «unconstitutional» Sheriff) were faciliating the steal as they brainwashed the villagers in town meetings. It was incredible to follow this in real time, a few years ago. EDIT: Added note>> The FBI were heavily garding the zone where the extractions were taking place. Radio Host Pete Santilli and his crew were on the site, reporting on the real issue at play and he himself got arrested and went to prison for a while.. Outrageous. The narrative ts being used nationwide was that armed patriots were illegaly occupying the Malheur Refuge, but failed to adress what the FBI was really there for. The Bureau of Land Management had betrayed the public before (and its role) and ranchers were really pissed off.
Wow, thanks for the details. I didn't know about this and can't say I am surprised. Thanks for sharing.
No prob.
The questions are:
Have they stopped?
What did they do with all the illegally acquired information and with whom have they shared this contraband?
Who approved this and why are they not in prison/Gitmo already - they are enemies of America by willfully co-conspiring in violating the U.S. constitution and breaking their oath to protect it?
Who all did they harm with this criminal activity. There needs to be a formal review board to look at everyone illegally surveilled and reparations made to those who's lives have been destroyed because of the illegally acquired information. We already know they attacked Gen. Flynn, Roger Stone, Brian Kolfage, and many others, but we do not know what part the bureau played in these; this needs to be reconciled.
I'm sure some of those 16,000 frequent this site and maybe some other .wins