I was looking at the image earlier from the Barcelona 3 year almost-delta and triangle to figure out any significance "Black Triangle" could have to the McAfee Whack, then I noticed that ring in all of his photos... unreal.
EDIT: After inspecting it in photoshop it doesnt look digitally altered. Heres a larger version of the ring that shows up the slight tonal changes and highlights. Blackness this pure is extremely rare in nature, but its a ring so it could be one of those rarities like Black Onyx. : https://files.catbox.moe/4245u4.jpg It could also be VantaBlack, which is a 'man made' thing.
Something odd with that black triangle. It looks photoshopped in.
Compare it to other black sections of the image. It is too perfectly pitch black, with no visible shading or highlights that should be there. Also the sides of the triangle are perfectly straight and don't follow the natural curve of the ring
Here is a different photo of the same ring, but this time both sections are the same pitch black with zero tonal change.
There are image analysis tools that could help.
If I was at home would check it myself.
There’s another thread where an anon asks about his avatar on his Twitter acct. I mentioned that when zooming in it looks like a square that’s been divided into triangles with a pic of him with a US flag in the background in the top half and in the lower triangle of the square he is wearing some sort of safari looking attire. It sounds like his avatar is divided up like this ring you speak of with gold in one portion of the triangle and black in the other. There is some sort of symbolism to this ring and I’m thinking it’s connected to his avatar.
I think you mean "Piano Black" which is just a name (think of paint colour swatches with ridiculous names made up by the paint companies).
Vantablack isnt a 'shade' of black. It is a patented man-made coating process created using nanotubes.
Vantablack is composed of a forest of vertical tubes "grown" on a substrate using a modified chemical vapor deposition process. When light strikes Vantablack, instead of bouncing off, it becomes trapped and is continually deflected amongst the tubes, eventually becoming absorbed and dissipating into heat.
On further inspection I dont think the ring was photoshopped. It could be high quality Black Onyx or even coated using Vantablack. McAfee could certainly afford to get a vantablack coated ring.
Not sure I get your point. That GP article links to McAffees tweet. The tweet is the original source of this photo.
All other copies online are taken from the original source (including the bbc link). If something was digitally altered in the original tweet source, than all other copies will also have it.
Also I gave it a look in photoshop (the original tweet version) on a big screen, and I can now see it hasnt been digitally altered.
run it through fotoforensics.com look at the tutorials to see how to read Photoshop in a pic. too much white that looks out of place is normally a shop.
Macafee confirmed he is an 'Aquarian' or what we call today a 'PePe' (Frog)
He lives half on land, half in the water. Or Half in the dark and half in the light.
Meaning 'deep cover operative' and/or someone who is 'integrated'. Think Yin Yang...
The A has a circle around it, meaning 'Anarchy', likely against the black cube. Think JadeHelm15, the Ghosted Sabot in the Logo (Meaning undercover Sabotage). Off topic, but J.A.D.E. is a quantum super computer (at the helm, or in charge)
Absolutely crazy theory. Impressive how many “logical” leaps you made, but I’m kinda surprised that no one has made the obvious point that John’s ring was simply an Anarcho Capitalist symbol. That’s what you’re looking imo.
It's 100% Obama. The original image was posted by a photographer on IG with a caption that implied it was Obama. Also yeah Artur Davis being there seals the deal.
The ruling planets of Aquarius are Uranus and Saturn. Uranus is the planet of freedom and revolutionary vision, the urge for change and the ability to visualize new possibilities.>
I just typed a lengthy explanation on my phone in response. It got deleted.
Short answer is this, black cube vs clear/gold cube.
Old jerusalem vs New jerusalem.
The 6 circles / chakras divide what is the 7th, the cube, which is divided in both. Highly symbolic. Tons of meaning. I could and nearly did, write a book on this lol.
But how many geometrical shapes would it take to form a cross on a grid? Is there a significance of 6 planets in our solar system (and Saturn Cube)? I'm not being rhetorical - I don't know the answers, but these things stuck out to me as possibilities (if we're going there)
A cross is a 2d flattened representation of a cube.
6 sides, unfolded.
'star of david' has 6 points, a 6 sided hexagon inside which is a 2d representation of a cube. Its also why 9/11 is significant, as its embedded as roman numerals within the symbol.
Orthodox jews put a black cube on their forehead, and fallactories on their hands. Mark of the beast. Mark of SATURN/Satan.
Muslims march in circles around a big black cube, representing Saturns rings, and reach into is vagina on the side, touching the BLACKROCK (meteorite)
Here anything on the boards or news lately about blackrock?
Black cube: The mark of a dark, dull, dim, sick, broken MIND. What we call 'NPCs' and they have 'Corona Virus' (Crown/Mind Sickness) or 'Corona Offline' as Q said.
Clear/Gold cube: The mark of intellect, ability t think for onself, connection to source/God, rational though, free though, ability to question the narrative, the mark of the LIVING, spiritually en-light-ened
It's frustrating trying to explain this to even based friends, People have a very difficult time wrapping their heads around the concept of time travel, alternate realities, etc. And understanding how AI and Quantum computing comes into play. Game theory, predictive modeling, etc.
I just made this comment: "It's frustrating trying to explain this to even based friends, People have a very difficult time wrapping their heads around the concept of time travel, alternate realities, etc. And understanding how AI and Quantum computing comes into play. Game theory, predictive modeling, etc"
I've spent time in Barca. They literally have Karl Marx Avenue. I also saw occupy-ish demonstrations there before we saw them. They have a huge leftist / anarchist population.
The black triangle is a lesbian or feminist symbol of pride and solidarity. The symbol originates from Nazi concentration camps, where every prisoner had to wear one of the Nazi concentration camp badges on their jacket, the colour of which categorised them according "their kind". Individuals deemed "asocial" had to wear the black triangle. In the Nazis' meticulous records there is no word of the black triangle having been imposed on lesbians, or of lesbians as a group being confined to concentration camps. Whatever the reason, lesbians have over time claimed the black triangle as a symbol of defiance against repression and discrimination, and it is considered a counterpart to the Gay Pink Triangle.
Black triangle in context of pharma: A black triangle is assigned to any new medicine when approved for the first time if it contains a new active substance, or is a biological medicinal product such as plasma derived medicines, vaccines or biosimilars .
Black triangle: Nazi marking of prisoners in concentration camps. Black triangles marked “asocial” prisoners (Asoziale - Aso), imprisoned in theory for vagrancy or prostitution, but in fact for a wide range of other deeds or behaviors, loosely and arbitrarily interpreted by the police. The Roma in the Birkenau “Gypsy camp” were classified as asocial.
Black triangle: Region in Eastern Europe/80's with very high levels of pollution.
Solidarite = solidarity.
Solidarity: unity or agreement of feeling or action, especially among individuals with a common interest; mutual support within a group
Theta wavelengths. I listen to Theta then Delta recordings sometimes if I’m having trouble sleeping. Hate waking up with headsets on tho. Great advice ??
The black triangle could be onyx, which is a protector from evil.
A triangle represents, growth, spiritual enlightenment and revelation.
If there were closer up pictures of the ring I could tell if it's an onyx or just enamel.
black triangle ufo comms? The Sun put out an article yesterday about black triangle ufo's, obama is quoted in the article talking about new religions popping up. Could be allegorical, here's my schizo take on it. black triangle is the capstone on a larger pyramid, aka THE elites. Pentagon claims to have clear image of black triangle ufo rising out of sea... aka the full picture has been completed, we have all the goods on how the one world goverment formed and is operating. the same day this is put out 911 part 2 happens in Miami, mcafee is "dead" and oh a military plane flies from spain to usa... something big definitely is happening. ww3 is happening right in front of us and we can't see it thru all the lies.
I believe the suicide is BS and he’s not Q. Q is Patriot group leaning on a handful of men ie Mil-Intel, not a rich expat regardless of his fame & intelligence. His reputation is shaky. But I think he’s a White Hat & maybe part of declas plan? Think of what he may have dropped...WOW. Sounds like the data is flowing on Blockchain too. Perfect.
I was looking at the image earlier from the Barcelona 3 year almost-delta and triangle to figure out any significance "Black Triangle" could have to the McAfee Whack, then I noticed that ring in all of his photos... unreal.
Unreal indeed...
~ twilight zone theme ~
EDIT: After inspecting it in photoshop it doesnt look digitally altered. Heres a larger version of the ring that shows up the slight tonal changes and highlights. Blackness this pure is extremely rare in nature, but its a ring so it could be one of those rarities like Black Onyx. : https://files.catbox.moe/4245u4.jpg It could also be VantaBlack, which is a 'man made' thing.
Something odd with that black triangle. It looks photoshopped in.
Compare it to other black sections of the image. It is too perfectly pitch black, with no visible shading or highlights that should be there. Also the sides of the triangle are perfectly straight and don't follow the natural curve of the ring
Here is a different photo of the same ring, but this time both sections are the same pitch black with zero tonal change.
There are image analysis tools that could help. If I was at home would check it myself.
Something is off with the black.
I don’t think that’s black on both sides. Just gold on one side. I’ve found dozens of photos of the ring now they are all just a single black triangle
Interesting the ring looks like the anarchy-capitalism (libertarian) flag
There’s another thread where an anon asks about his avatar on his Twitter acct. I mentioned that when zooming in it looks like a square that’s been divided into triangles with a pic of him with a US flag in the background in the top half and in the lower triangle of the square he is wearing some sort of safari looking attire. It sounds like his avatar is divided up like this ring you speak of with gold in one portion of the triangle and black in the other. There is some sort of symbolism to this ring and I’m thinking it’s connected to his avatar.
Black Gold is oil, learned that from Beverly Hillbillies as a kid.
Best show ever on TV. Besides Bewitched and Dukes of Hazzard.
As soon as I saw it I assumed libertarian (an cap?) symbol. He would have at least been aware of the resemblance.
The black triangle’s angles mimic the N in anoN above it on the wall.
Ok that one could be a reflection of his black suit. Hard to tell on my phone.
I think you mean "Piano Black" which is just a name (think of paint colour swatches with ridiculous names made up by the paint companies).
Vantablack isnt a 'shade' of black. It is a patented man-made coating process created using nanotubes.
And there is a new patented cabon nanotech coating which absorbs even more light than Vantablack.
On further inspection I dont think the ring was photoshopped. It could be high quality Black Onyx or even coated using Vantablack. McAfee could certainly afford to get a vantablack coated ring.
It's in the same pic in the article: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/06/suicide-didnt-whackd-john-mcafee-previously-hinted-us-officials-threatened-life/
Not sure I get your point. That GP article links to McAffees tweet. The tweet is the original source of this photo.
All other copies online are taken from the original source (including the bbc link). If something was digitally altered in the original tweet source, than all other copies will also have it.
Also I gave it a look in photoshop (the original tweet version) on a big screen, and I can now see it hasnt been digitally altered.
run it through fotoforensics.com look at the tutorials to see how to read Photoshop in a pic. too much white that looks out of place is normally a shop.
I'm on my way to work otherwise I'd do it
I prefer using photoshop to detect photoshop. On closer inspection it looks legit and NOT digitally altered.
Heres the enlarged version using 'nearest neighbour' interpolation.
Black triangle is half of a black cube.
Macafee confirmed he is an 'Aquarian' or what we call today a 'PePe' (Frog)
He lives half on land, half in the water. Or Half in the dark and half in the light.
Meaning 'deep cover operative' and/or someone who is 'integrated'. Think Yin Yang...
The A has a circle around it, meaning 'Anarchy', likely against the black cube. Think JadeHelm15, the Ghosted Sabot in the Logo (Meaning undercover Sabotage). Off topic, but J.A.D.E. is a quantum super computer (at the helm, or in charge)
Above it read 'Solidarity' (in Spanish I presume)
Below it reads '27'
27 = 3x9, or 999, an inversion of 666
For due diligence:
It also looks like a 2 X 7
Most of you wont have a clue about anything I just typed, but a few of you WILL... and this is for you.
Absolutely crazy theory. Impressive how many “logical” leaps you made, but I’m kinda surprised that no one has made the obvious point that John’s ring was simply an Anarcho Capitalist symbol. That’s what you’re looking imo.
Nice. Another A for anarchy link
Black cube = saturn worship
Pindar, the White Dragon / satan
Horns represent the rings around saturn. Also Hammer / Sickle of communism / crescent / star of islam
saturn, aka the black star, black sun, black hole sun, black cube, metatron
Thule Society, Greenland.
GEOTUS wanted to buy greenland.
Who is Arthur Davis?
His lover if my gaydar is still calibrated.
It's 100% Obama. The original image was posted by a photographer on IG with a caption that implied it was Obama. Also yeah Artur Davis being there seals the deal.
Tha k you. I have never seen this!
His ring is diagonally bisected by a line a 6 spheres. You make anything of that?
I just typed a lengthy explanation on my phone in response. It got deleted.
Short answer is this, black cube vs clear/gold cube.
Old jerusalem vs New jerusalem.
The 6 circles / chakras divide what is the 7th, the cube, which is divided in both. Highly symbolic. Tons of meaning. I could and nearly did, write a book on this lol.
Son of a bitch!
Thanks all the same. Even this crumb is nourishing. Enough for me to believe in the "signal" I was getting. Thanks, love your work.
Youre welcome. I'm sorry, it's a pita retyping everything on my phone...
Doesn't appear to be accepting my edit.
But how many geometrical shapes would it take to form a cross on a grid? Is there a significance of 6 planets in our solar system (and Saturn Cube)? I'm not being rhetorical - I don't know the answers, but these things stuck out to me as possibilities (if we're going there)
A cross is a 2d flattened representation of a cube. 6 sides, unfolded.
'star of david' has 6 points, a 6 sided hexagon inside which is a 2d representation of a cube. Its also why 9/11 is significant, as its embedded as roman numerals within the symbol.
Orthodox jews put a black cube on their forehead, and fallactories on their hands. Mark of the beast. Mark of SATURN/Satan.
Muslims march in circles around a big black cube, representing Saturns rings, and reach into is vagina on the side, touching the BLACKROCK (meteorite) Here anything on the boards or news lately about blackrock?
Black cube: The mark of a dark, dull, dim, sick, broken MIND. What we call 'NPCs' and they have 'Corona Virus' (Crown/Mind Sickness) or 'Corona Offline' as Q said.
Clear/Gold cube: The mark of intellect, ability t think for onself, connection to source/God, rational though, free though, ability to question the narrative, the mark of the LIVING, spiritually en-light-ened
Missing an entire dimension there bro.
Transpose to 2d jew-elry...
There are TWO ways the black cube is represented in 2 dimensions:
A square
A hexagon
Not rocket science, bro
I initially thought the Barcelona thing was a coincidence, but this is fucking wild. No way it's that much of a coincidence.
There are no coincidences
Shit is spooky sometimes
Project looking glass maybe?
It’s like they could see the end result and are working backwards and forwards.
Think Tenet.
Think Mirror.
So there ARE things that are mathematically impossible.
It's frustrating trying to explain this to even based friends, People have a very difficult time wrapping their heads around the concept of time travel, alternate realities, etc. And understanding how AI and Quantum computing comes into play. Game theory, predictive modeling, etc.
J.A.D.E. is at the helm.
I would be pissed if there's time machines involved, that's where my brain says nope nevermind
A parallel universe is just a different decision. We all have millions
100% what I think is habbening.
Just hoping I'm on the right timeline/universe where the good guys win.
Think 'tree', above and below.
We are always in the trunk. The fractal goes both ways.
Lovin this thread ☝?
I just made this comment: "It's frustrating trying to explain this to even based friends, People have a very difficult time wrapping their heads around the concept of time travel, alternate realities, etc. And understanding how AI and Quantum computing comes into play. Game theory, predictive modeling, etc"
Looking Glass
Future proves past
The circled in "A" is a symbol for the Anarchy movement. I wonder if "Black Triangle" is the name of a local leftist anarchist group.
Maybe this: https://www.activedistributionshop.org/shop/enamel-brooches/186-blac.html
I've spent time in Barca. They literally have Karl Marx Avenue. I also saw occupy-ish demonstrations there before we saw them. They have a huge leftist / anarchist population.
Just a different perspective here:
The black triangle is a lesbian or feminist symbol of pride and solidarity. The symbol originates from Nazi concentration camps, where every prisoner had to wear one of the Nazi concentration camp badges on their jacket, the colour of which categorised them according "their kind". Individuals deemed "asocial" had to wear the black triangle. In the Nazis' meticulous records there is no word of the black triangle having been imposed on lesbians, or of lesbians as a group being confined to concentration camps. Whatever the reason, lesbians have over time claimed the black triangle as a symbol of defiance against repression and discrimination, and it is considered a counterpart to the Gay Pink Triangle.
TY...very informative.
Speaking of, I have long identified as a lesbian trapped in a man’s body.!
Alternative potential connections:
There are 27 member countries in the EU.
Black triangle in context of pharma: A black triangle is assigned to any new medicine when approved for the first time if it contains a new active substance, or is a biological medicinal product such as plasma derived medicines, vaccines or biosimilars .
Black triangle: Nazi marking of prisoners in concentration camps. Black triangles marked “asocial” prisoners (Asoziale - Aso), imprisoned in theory for vagrancy or prostitution, but in fact for a wide range of other deeds or behaviors, loosely and arbitrarily interpreted by the police. The Roma in the Birkenau “Gypsy camp” were classified as asocial.
Black triangle: Region in Eastern Europe/80's with very high levels of pollution.
There are also 27 Jesuit Colleges and Universities in the U.S.
Solidarite = solidarity. Solidarity: unity or agreement of feeling or action, especially among individuals with a common interest; mutual support within a group
The ring caught my attention. Seen it before on SOMEBODY and my wheels are spinning! Frustrating.
Theta wavelengths. I listen to Theta then Delta recordings sometimes if I’m having trouble sleeping. Hate waking up with headsets on tho. Great advice ??
I mean, it kind of has to be. We can't keep ignoring comms and symbols
At what point does it....
Now that is interesting AF!
The black triangle could be onyx, which is a protector from evil. A triangle represents, growth, spiritual enlightenment and revelation. If there were closer up pictures of the ring I could tell if it's an onyx or just enamel.
Rome, Barcelona and Saudi Arabia?
$whackd = money hack inside WD? Like the hard drives?
Interesting breakdown. It may or may not be anything, but worth digging into I think.
black triangle ufo comms? The Sun put out an article yesterday about black triangle ufo's, obama is quoted in the article talking about new religions popping up. Could be allegorical, here's my schizo take on it. black triangle is the capstone on a larger pyramid, aka THE elites. Pentagon claims to have clear image of black triangle ufo rising out of sea... aka the full picture has been completed, we have all the goods on how the one world goverment formed and is operating. the same day this is put out 911 part 2 happens in Miami, mcafee is "dead" and oh a military plane flies from spain to usa... something big definitely is happening. ww3 is happening right in front of us and we can't see it thru all the lies.
I believe the suicide is BS and he’s not Q. Q is Patriot group leaning on a handful of men ie Mil-Intel, not a rich expat regardless of his fame & intelligence. His reputation is shaky. But I think he’s a White Hat & maybe part of declas plan? Think of what he may have dropped...WOW. Sounds like the data is flowing on Blockchain too. Perfect.