Our Heavenly Father hasn’t lost anything. We as humans allowed this group of confused individuals to claim something they think is there’s. To get it back is simple. Wear the colors, advertise who really owns the rainbow, God almighty. It’s not gay hate. It’s what is right. A simple protest. You’ll get backlash maybe, maybe not. But if it bothers you, then protest it. A lot of here agree with you. If I liked a rainbow colors to wear I’d do it with you, but I really never have. But I’ll help protest with ya brother. ?
Thank you! If you choose Amazon smile to order it, you can have a portion of your order donated to Students for Life. Not sure how many other worthwhile causes are there, just picked them as pro- life person who has donated to them before.
Great point. I always found the idea of "selling your soul to the devil" to be erroneous and hilarious. It isn't yours to sign over. Jesus Christ paid for every soul on that cross. He holds the deed.
If you go to most foreign countries the rainbow is not associated at all with the gay movement. Also if you've seen the new and updated LGBT flag it looks less and less like a rainbow (browns and blacks?). They seem to be doing a lot of that work themselves.
I'm sitting in my office looking out my window at a rainbow right now. We live in Indiana, had some light rain. It's a beautiful day. Time to take our entire world back.
Additionally, I'm not sure how you can say the Village People song was "reclaimed" from the gays, when it started so very gay. I also don't think Trump intended to take anything "from the gays" as he has said on numerous occasions "nobody loves the gays more than me." I think he chose the song because of its inclusivity and the implied inclusivity of the group that sang it.
So what are you saying here? Grenell is the one exception to your own rules?
Are you saying Jesus loving Patriots who just happened to be gay, are not welcome to fight along side you? Can you illustrate this statement a little more clearly? I just want to know exactly what you mean.
cut me a break - i stayed up until 2:40am watching Trump live in the UK so I wasn't using words right when I posted this lol I know Village People were gay.
I was just happy hearing YMCA playing and my brain had a weird fart so i posted it lol
Have you seen the current LGBT flag? It looks less and less like a rainbow with each passing year, and more like a chaotic mess that accurately reflects mental illness.
We should have all began to use rainbows as soon as the symbol was retreating into a narrower meaning. Instead of contracting and shying away we should have expanded it as an umbrella and raised it to cover ourselves and everyone else. We dropped the rainbow while crying they had taken it from us. It's a spiritual truth. It is for everyone.
Lol. Trump didn’t take the YMCA from gays. There are very few things more innately gay than that song. It talks about teenagers hooking up with older men. Which the San Francisco YMCA the song is written about was famous for back in the 70s.
And still is.
The reason those guys don’t mind Trump using it is because the joke is on anyone dancing to the song. The words of the song couldn’t be more direct and plain. It’s the theme song for guys into teenage boys. Always has been, always will be. And the next time you listen to the words to that song, you will unfortunately get the actual meaning. I am sorry, but the truth is the truth. And that song is about meeting and fucking teenage boys at the local YMCA.
So they didn't actually take the rainbow, the flag is only six colors.. It's missing indigo. But, because people are so easily manipulated and are incapable to perform even basic contrast and comparison to see that one thing is not another - Here we are.
Gays wrote YMCA it's theirs. Take it back?? It was never yours.
In my opinion, Trump is showing his support for Homosexuals by using that song.
The pride movement would have never happened if it wasn't for what you think is God's word on homosexuality. Now the D.S. has infiltrated the movement for their own purpose to sow division, just like millennia ago they infiltrated your religion and mistranslated the bible to sow division.
You're playing the D.S. game by hating...
Stop using your religion for hate and divisiveness.
The D.S. infiltrated the movement. Those are operatives doing that shit to piss off people like you and sow division. Most LGBTQ are against this pride movement.
Thank you. Had I known the great awakening had a no fags allowed I would have gone somewhere else. This group has a lot of hate in their hearts. Deep state infiltration and division worked wonders in here.
They have no clue what Q is about, trying to show all of them the errors in their thinking is like trying to sweep the tide back out to sea with a broom. The lot of them are here to virtue signal their faith.
..if people had the courage to explore like Jesus taught them to, religion would end. Always with being the sheep in a flock, and with keeping Christ on the cross (like their favorite part of the story is his suffering), constantly begging forgiveness - forgetting that the scene ended.
Jesus life is as important as his death, agreed! Had He (I realize this is a counter-factual hypothetical, but bear with me) lived an imperfect life, His death on the cross would have been no different than any other prophet's death, and there would be no resurrection. With out the resurrection, we're doomed.
cut me a break - i stayed up until 2:40am watching Trump live in the UK so I wasn't using words right when I posted this lol I know Village People were gay.
I was just happy hearing YMCA playing and my brain had a weird fart so i posted it lol
God uses rainbows to remind us after the flood that he wouldn't decimate all the people on the earth again. LGBT.... probably figure he won't single them out by waving their flag of protection.
Forgive me... I understand your point, but YMCA is one of the gayest things ever, at it's inception. The Village people are sooooooper gay. And I'm almost sure the song has some undertones. And as such, I think we can look to the future and be hopeful that not only will we be able to "take back" much lost real estate, but start taking new territories. Even better!!!
The gist is right. The salty verbiage is just an added bonus. But let a seasoned pede regale you with the history of our mascot. Pepe was some soy lib's creation. GEOTUS retweeted a Trump Pepe during his campaign and libs had a meltdown. Triggered soy lib artist tried to sue some people, but he could not stop what Pepe had become. And that's how Pepe became a patriot symbol, youngster.
I love the look at the colors together in the rainbow. I wish the fags wouldnt have taken it to use and now most people (because they r brainwashed sheep) think if u wear clothes that habe those colors together u r a fag... #makerainbowsgreatagain
I never put 2 and 2 together that Trump was "taking back" YMCA. But now it seems obvious. It's a small thing but Q is a billion small coincidences so it does feel intentional. Of course I'm just hitting the coffee...
Agree 100% with OP and all who suggested tshirts etc. WWG1WGA
It's up to us people, let us reclaim the rainbow! Take back the lords covenant to us!!!
And God said, "This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come:
I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.
Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds,
I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.
Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth."
So God said to Noah, "This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth."
Are you comparing gays to the Cabal? Ahh this group. Hilarious.
Some of you are fake Christians. And from this thread alone many using Jesus to deflect the hate in your hearts does not disguise your hatred.
I still will fight for the truth and play my small part in this great awakening but many of you here are in for a rude "awakening" of your own. Spewing words like "United not divided" "wwg1wga" just words with no meaning. Yes
No. But the cabal/demonic forces have clearly infiltrated the LGBTQ+ brigade as they're now making pre-teen children twerk in the streets under the giant rainbow flags. Thus the cabal or agents of have co-opted the rainbow to pervert what, in the Bible was God's symbol/covenant post-Flood.
How can anyone reclaim that song from the gays? YMCA is unequivocally about doing gay stuff at a YMCA and it was the signature number of an unequivocally gay act.
Our Heavenly Father hasn’t lost anything. We as humans allowed this group of confused individuals to claim something they think is there’s. To get it back is simple. Wear the colors, advertise who really owns the rainbow, God almighty. It’s not gay hate. It’s what is right. A simple protest. You’ll get backlash maybe, maybe not. But if it bothers you, then protest it. A lot of here agree with you. If I liked a rainbow colors to wear I’d do it with you, but I really never have. But I’ll help protest with ya brother. ?
Thank you! If you choose Amazon smile to order it, you can have a portion of your order donated to Students for Life. Not sure how many other worthwhile causes are there, just picked them as pro- life person who has donated to them before.
Project Veritas and judicial watch (they got Faucci's emails) are also available for those who prefer that.
I did not know that!
Quit buying shit from Amazon.
OK- As soon as My Store has the items, I'll buy them there!
I'm off Amazon. :(
heh look at the 1-star comment....
Awesome, thx for the link.
I'd totally buy that!!
I've been trying to reclaim the rainbow for a awhile now. People said it was stupid, shook their heads and said let t go... lol.
That's not what I meant at all :)
It's Gods Promise to EVERYONE.
I don't care that they use it, I care that it's meaning was lost.
People gave up the rainbow because they were scared people would think they were gay. That's so stupid...
Take back the rainbow, doesn't mean to take it away from someone else.
We are all in this together.
Great point. I always found the idea of "selling your soul to the devil" to be erroneous and hilarious. It isn't yours to sign over. Jesus Christ paid for every soul on that cross. He holds the deed.
It's what they are told.. people that believe that are easier to tempt and debase and turn against God.
If you go to most foreign countries the rainbow is not associated at all with the gay movement. Also if you've seen the new and updated LGBT flag it looks less and less like a rainbow (browns and blacks?). They seem to be doing a lot of that work themselves.
I'm sitting in my office looking out my window at a rainbow right now. We live in Indiana, had some light rain. It's a beautiful day. Time to take our entire world back.
Psalm 2:4 He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision.
I agree with Cyberhawk on the rainbow.
Additionally, I'm not sure how you can say the Village People song was "reclaimed" from the gays, when it started so very gay. I also don't think Trump intended to take anything "from the gays" as he has said on numerous occasions "nobody loves the gays more than me." I think he chose the song because of its inclusivity and the implied inclusivity of the group that sang it.
No, they were for the hedonistic disco era and openly promoted homosexuality. TRUTH!
So I take it Richard Grenell is not a Patriot in your eyes?
So what are you saying here? Grenell is the one exception to your own rules? Are you saying Jesus loving Patriots who just happened to be gay, are not welcome to fight along side you? Can you illustrate this statement a little more clearly? I just want to know exactly what you mean.
YMCA is clearly about meeting and hooking up with teenage boys at the local Y. Seems some people really don’t know that.
It is? Sure about that?
cut me a break - i stayed up until 2:40am watching Trump live in the UK so I wasn't using words right when I posted this lol I know Village People were gay.
I was just happy hearing YMCA playing and my brain had a weird fart so i posted it lol
Have you seen the current LGBT flag? It looks less and less like a rainbow with each passing year, and more like a chaotic mess that accurately reflects mental illness.
it should just go full clown face at this point
If you visit "The Ark" in Kentucky they have shirts that read: Take back the rainbow with a picture of the ark on it.
We should have all began to use rainbows as soon as the symbol was retreating into a narrower meaning. Instead of contracting and shying away we should have expanded it as an umbrella and raised it to cover ourselves and everyone else. We dropped the rainbow while crying they had taken it from us. It's a spiritual truth. It is for everyone.
Yes. There's a very real reason why they co-opted God's Rainbow Pact with us.
When I was young, YMCA actually stood for "Young Men's Christian Association" and was meant to offer a hand up for those who had fallen on hard times.
Lol. Trump didn’t take the YMCA from gays. There are very few things more innately gay than that song. It talks about teenagers hooking up with older men. Which the San Francisco YMCA the song is written about was famous for back in the 70s.
And still is.
The reason those guys don’t mind Trump using it is because the joke is on anyone dancing to the song. The words of the song couldn’t be more direct and plain. It’s the theme song for guys into teenage boys. Always has been, always will be. And the next time you listen to the words to that song, you will unfortunately get the actual meaning. I am sorry, but the truth is the truth. And that song is about meeting and fucking teenage boys at the local YMCA.
i know. i mixed up my words. i stayed up til 2:40am watching trump rally my mind wasnt working properly lol
Ah, the firmament is in tact. No water coming through.
God "I reclaim my rainbow, I reclaim my rainbow, I reclaim my rainbow!"
Just everytime I hear those words reminds me of idiot Mad Maxine Waters, "I reclaim my time....."
So they didn't actually take the rainbow, the flag is only six colors.. It's missing indigo. But, because people are so easily manipulated and are incapable to perform even basic contrast and comparison to see that one thing is not another - Here we are.
Gays wrote YMCA it's theirs. Take it back?? It was never yours.
In my opinion, Trump is showing his support for Homosexuals by using that song.
The pride movement would have never happened if it wasn't for what you think is God's word on homosexuality. Now the D.S. has infiltrated the movement for their own purpose to sow division, just like millennia ago they infiltrated your religion and mistranslated the bible to sow division.
You're playing the D.S. game by hating...
Stop using your religion for hate and divisiveness.
The D.S. infiltrated the movement. Those are operatives doing that shit to piss off people like you and sow division. Most LGBTQ are against this pride movement.
Thank you. Had I known the great awakening had a no fags allowed I would have gone somewhere else. This group has a lot of hate in their hearts. Deep state infiltration and division worked wonders in here.
You're Welcome.
They have no clue what Q is about, trying to show all of them the errors in their thinking is like trying to sweep the tide back out to sea with a broom. The lot of them are here to virtue signal their faith.
..if people had the courage to explore like Jesus taught them to, religion would end. Always with being the sheep in a flock, and with keeping Christ on the cross (like their favorite part of the story is his suffering), constantly begging forgiveness - forgetting that the scene ended.
Great point!
They are more concerned with Jesus' death rather than his life.
They are more concerned with other people's sin rather than their own. I believe this is Jordan Peterson's point with "Clean your room".
Jesus said it himself: Get the log (beam) out of your own eye, then you will see clearly how to remove the speck from your brother's eye!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2pXsUeEpDU (Paul Aldrich - Log Eye)
Funny how this also sounds like Law Guy.....
Jesus life is as important as his death, agreed! Had He (I realize this is a counter-factual hypothetical, but bear with me) lived an imperfect life, His death on the cross would have been no different than any other prophet's death, and there would be no resurrection. With out the resurrection, we're doomed.
cut me a break - i stayed up until 2:40am watching Trump live in the UK so I wasn't using words right when I posted this lol I know Village People were gay.
I was just happy hearing YMCA playing and my brain had a weird fart so i posted it lol
Lots of upvotes for a weird brain fart.
My brain farts are never that serendipitous.
THATS WHAT I WAS THINKING. The posts I put effort into just get ignored, but the post i make half asleep that makes no sense takes off.
Dont ask me i dont get it lol
God uses rainbows to remind us after the flood that he wouldn't decimate all the people on the earth again. LGBT.... probably figure he won't single them out by waving their flag of protection.
I don't mind gays having a flag. I don't care if you're gay, you do you. But it always poses me off that they made it a rainbow!
He doesn't have to. It was never theirs in the first place.
Forgive me... I understand your point, but YMCA is one of the gayest things ever, at it's inception. The Village people are sooooooper gay. And I'm almost sure the song has some undertones. And as such, I think we can look to the future and be hopeful that not only will we be able to "take back" much lost real estate, but start taking new territories. Even better!!!
as stated above, i was up until 2:40am watching the rally in the UK my mind was messed up and i didnt choose the right words when i posted this
No worries bruv. Nothing but love. I hope I didn't seem too smarmy.
Reclaimed YMCA from the gays? Are you talking about the song? Oh, honey.... It was gay from the very start.
see my comments above
Don't forget Pepe
That's right. We took over Pepe, we can take over anything we want. We just have to coordinate. Meme it so!
Pepe was always ours.
Here ya go Anon: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pepe_the_Frog
From Wikipedia. And you believe that? kek.
The gist is right. The salty verbiage is just an added bonus. But let a seasoned pede regale you with the history of our mascot. Pepe was some soy lib's creation. GEOTUS retweeted a Trump Pepe during his campaign and libs had a meltdown. Triggered soy lib artist tried to sue some people, but he could not stop what Pepe had become. And that's how Pepe became a patriot symbol, youngster.
So you believe Wikipedia. OK.
? No I lived through this firsthand. I just linked you to the wiki so you could see for yourself.
I love the look at the colors together in the rainbow. I wish the fags wouldnt have taken it to use and now most people (because they r brainwashed sheep) think if u wear clothes that habe those colors together u r a fag... #makerainbowsgreatagain
They may claim it, but God sits in the Heavens and laughs. Ps. 2
LOL This is 100% correct!
I never put 2 and 2 together that Trump was "taking back" YMCA. But now it seems obvious. It's a small thing but Q is a billion small coincidences so it does feel intentional. Of course I'm just hitting the coffee...
Agree 100% with OP and all who suggested tshirts etc. WWG1WGA
It's up to us people, let us reclaim the rainbow! Take back the lords covenant to us!!!
And God said, "This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come:
I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.
Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds,
I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.
Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth."
So God said to Noah, "This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth."
Lost the plot. We are losing our damn country and y'all worried about feckin RAINBOWS. Cripes. Ask yourself, is this HELPFUL??
"Their symbolism will be their downfall" So this is the type of thinking we need. Speak LIFE You'll feel better
taking back symbols is taking power from those who have based their entire religion on symbols. Thats how you disarm the cabal and Masons
Are you comparing gays to the Cabal? Ahh this group. Hilarious. Some of you are fake Christians. And from this thread alone many using Jesus to deflect the hate in your hearts does not disguise your hatred. I still will fight for the truth and play my small part in this great awakening but many of you here are in for a rude "awakening" of your own. Spewing words like "United not divided" "wwg1wga" just words with no meaning. Yes
No. But the cabal/demonic forces have clearly infiltrated the LGBTQ+ brigade as they're now making pre-teen children twerk in the streets under the giant rainbow flags. Thus the cabal or agents of have co-opted the rainbow to pervert what, in the Bible was God's symbol/covenant post-Flood.
And I am not Christian, I am an athiest.
Soon, when Jesus return to judge this world.
??? well said
It's fascinating how the gays took the sign of the first time God destroyed the world and now use the rainbow to proclaim their immorality.
Let's see what happens.
Our rainbow has 7 colors. Theirs has 6.
How can anyone reclaim that song from the gays? YMCA is unequivocally about doing gay stuff at a YMCA and it was the signature number of an unequivocally gay act.
this^ pretty sure most of the village people were gay, and YMCAs are often next to freemason lodges...