Haiti is one of the countries that is — will be receiving vaccines from the United States. We will be prepared to deliver those, hopefully as early as next week.
Comments (88)
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Hope she hangs with the rest. Stupid bitch
Here, have my upvote to counter the jackass who downvoted your comment.
This is my needed acct, in at 326-107 and Can down vote
Hmm, I'm at 560 and I can't downvote
They turned me into a newt!
Lotta downvoting lately.
I gave you one and TheyWereCones one too, since the same jackass probably downvoted you too.
Lol thanks fren!
I'm just glad they're on here. How many of these posts can they really read and reject before they red pill themselves against their own wishes?! Bring everyone from reddit over here to see the truth about what is going on!
With her stupid little pink commie hat on
Pink vagina commie hat to be exact.
Shes a literal Communist
Put her rope circle back where it belongs
Hellest upon hell; belonging to the 1253th circle
And wasn't it one of the countries that refused the whole covid and vaccination program?
careful, that question means you're exhibiting extremist behavior.
Yes, one of 3 that refused I believe and all 3 leaders are now KIA. RIP to those fighting against this evil. How much more are we going to take boys?
Sorry if this has been posted before.....too much for me to sift through:
Reviews how multiple presidents have been killed over the covid/vax: not wanting it for their country, testing a pawpaw, etc. * Then* the countries buy the US vax.
Getting rid of problematic leaders that don't fall in line, just like they did to Magufuli.
And FBI helping with the investigation = we will never get the truth.
Haven't murdered enough haitians eh?
Guess they realized they missed a few
It’s the American Pastime (for Deep State Dems)
The don’t even try to hide their disposal of those leaders who don’t obey.
Haiti will be "receiving" the vaccines from the U.S..
It won't be long before "vaccines" become mandatory in Haiti in order to work, buy groceries or attend school. Then... they will begin sending the goon squad from door-to-door to investigate any remaining holdouts who don't want that poison "vax".
Wait... where have we seen this movie before?
Their fuckery knows no end.
Smells like comms.
for her, it should more smell like C-U-M.
Yes I thought the same. Sounds like someone got their shipments. What are they really shipping in and out of Haiti? Vaccines?
One would think during a national crisis, the last thing a new government would be thinking about is a vaccine, No?
Adding some new heft to that term, the drug *enforcement * agency.
Our government assassinated the leader of another country.
Where is the outrage, huh?
not the first time
Oh of course not, but this is more obvious than Hunter's crack addiction.
They aren't trying to hide this assassination either
We are so fucking long gone into this spiral of craziness. It shocks me more and more each day that people continue to wake up and do that same things over and over again.
I heard this. We are now watching the worst "B-rated movie" ever!
We started the story with tons of teasers, and a bunch of story and promises it would be good.
I think were already in the sequel, directed by a b-lister. Hopefully they'll get a top name production team to wrap up the trilogy, tie up the loose ends and plot holes.
This franchise is worth too much to let end on such a sour note.
(If you are drawing parallels, good job.)
If they will do this to a President trying to protect his country, imagine what they will do to a simple man trying to protect his family.
Indeed! And not just one President.
They dont waste any time do they? How obvious can they be!?
Hmmm, timing. Couldn’t be more obvious. What is this huge push? What does it actually contain that they need the major part of the population to subsume to.
3 of these countries refused these jabs one being Haiti and now the presidents are dead! Now all of a sudden Haiti wants these shots. These people are killers and we’re watching movie. So hard to wrap my mind around
They're just throwing it in our faces at this point
but the difference is, now we see.
Is there a list of countries that have not "complied"?
Just look at the list of leaders who've died unexpectedly - they are the same list
I want to know too, like who's next in line to get assassinated?
that's the look of things, current year.
She is sending FBI to investigate the murder lmao
Ill like to voluntary myself I guarantee ill find the murderess and the motive in less then a week and ill do more work then 50 FBI agents combined but to be fair its easier to discover the truth then manufacture evidence
Now that he's out of the way, she meant to say.
Quelle suprise!
What a time to be alive🤭🥰🙏
How convenient. Let me guess, the Hatian president was in the middle of of this deal when he died??
He was actually against the vaccine wasn’t going to allow it in Haiti that’s why he was killed
Just like the president of Tanzania, and leaders in other countries as well.
Dudes body isn’t even cold yet and she’s already announcing this??
Way to be subtle, Jen
Well, that was fast.
What a coincidence! (Eye roll).
Firing squad for all these sick bastards. Televised.
So disturbing!
Hum..talk about timing. Interesting isn't it.
Poisoning the world, one country at a time. ~ J Psucky
What's the chronology?
Ottoman empire, British empire, Russian empire, German empire, USA?
Ottoman empire over threw the Christian Byzantine Empire, I do believe this happened because the Oriental Orthodox and the Eastern Orthodox had a falling out in theological terms. The Arabs had the opportunity to push the Church when it was going through internal turmoil.
There’s 11 Q post about Haiti. This is a big deal. I wonder if that President is in protective custody
If she announces it now, she won’t have to circle back to it later.