In 2012 I had my first encounter with Christ. I'll keep it brief but its a very long story. It happened when I forgave my mom for personal stuff. An audible voice cut into my thoughts. "Now you understand my daughter" I heard. And yes it was extremely terrifying at first. A golden light filled the room. It was so intense I collapsed to my knees. I started to cry in terror honestly. I actually thought I was dying but the voice comforted me.
"Please. I'm like a child," I muttered, thinking I was going to die.
"You ARE a child" I heard the voice of God say which confirmed to me that he was actually literally speaking to me. His voice was deep and masculine.
When I asked God to please back off on the intesity, it did and honestly we were able to have an entire conversation. I was told Jesus IS God. I asked why I was so depressed all the time. "You forgot that I love you" he said.
Two years Later I had another intense experience but this time I was given a vision. Gid used symbolism that I could relate to and totally understand. It was political and had to do with the deep state and Obama but at the time I was not awake yet so it was confusing. But once things started happening in reality, I understood what God was trying to tell me. It's because of God that I am fully awake and unvaxxed today. It is because of God that I am fully saved and have eternal life with Jesus Christ in Heaven. I love him with all my heart mind and soul and I don't know why he picked me to speak to and to basically personally save. He told me you "must have faith" and now it's stronger than ever. Sorry for the long post. I just wanted to share that with you all :). God bless you all!
No, God decreased that the elect will be saved. He also creates vessels to contain his wrath. Goddess sovereign over everything including salvation. The only thing we contribute to our salvation is to send it requires a savior. You don't understand what God's children means exactly. That means his elect. If your statement was true then he never would have pardon Pharaoh's heart. "Jacob I loved but Esau I hated" - God
No one seeks after God unless he draws them to himself. "My sheep hear and obey my voice."
Or 15 years and I had a radical encounter with God and he changed my heart and my life overnight.
Jesus's death on the cross was perfect and saved every single person it was intended to save. Anything less wouldn't be a perfect sacrifice.
God doesn't "want" . He commands things and he decrees things.
We are dead and our sins and trespasses. A dead man can't choose. You think Jesus needed lazarus's permission to raise him from the grave? No.
Go read Romans 9 again. Understand what Christ truly means.
2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.
"You" in some manuscripts it's on your account
Who were the recipients / audience of that letter? That's very important. It would at least include **Christians ** in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia. It was not a letter to unbelievers.
It was also talking about repentance and dying, not salvation. As Christians we still battle with sin and should repent of it.
The C_A has the technology to do this.
I have heard many stories like yours over the years, you are blessed beyond belief.
It is real. My friend & coworker was born with Cerebral Palsy. When i first met him nearly 25 years ago he walked like Quasimoto with debilitating right side weakness. Through prayer and kindness towards others and 50 years of suffering under what others said he would never accomplish, he has received several recent visions and healings. He has forgiven all those who mocked him and against the odds with his condition, outlived most of them.
At 70+ years old, he has regained feeling in his extremities that he never had previously, developed muscles and strength on his right side and walks completely upright now. Truly a miraculous transformation so obvious that he's been asked to tell his story at churches and Christian schools.
Folks, keep praying and helping others. It works.
My guess is that He talks to those who are most in need of the lesson and reassurance. While there is nothing particularly great about straying so close to the flame of destruction that you are in mortal peril, the saving grace is certainly a beautiful and wonderful thing.
With devils and infernal agents of the great enemy manifesting in increasing numbers, is it any wonder that there is a resurgence of the divine to counter, and ultimately shatter all those false idols and creatures of the pit...
I heard Him shortly after I was saved. I was an atheist before, He said “Romans 8 though 12” it made my heart jump (I certainly was not expecting a sudden voice 😆).
I heard him once more around that same time. I was in a tearful prayer, desperate for my unbelieving husband to know what I know. He simply said, “Be patient.”
Given some homework to do by God as well! I dont know quite what I'd expect if the divine dropped in for a little chat one day, but looking up cited reference material really wouldn't be my first guess haha.
Thanks for the heartwarming story.
Haha! Yeah, I remember thinking- wait what? Romans 8:12?? 8-12? What do you mean?? I was flipping through that Bible right away though! I was an atheist who never went to church (except for a few times with a friend growing up, and I hated it), so God knew I needed the homework I guess. I prayed everyday for obviousness and I certainly received it.
I too have had my own spiritual experience. Clean sober since the Sunday before Thanksgiving in 2001. God bless you. love&light
Thank you for sharing your story. I've learned if you open your heart to the Lord, He will guide you. You are blessed!
Amen. Keep telling people.
Yes! And the enemy will try to discourage you. Just remember, he lies.
Point of note: one need not be religious to have faith in God. The two are dissimilar as oil and water and the proof of that can be found anywhere.
I always say," Belive in God, not Religion. God saves, religion sways".
The idea that you have to earn your salvation, or do something in order to keep it.
That thinking is like saying- what you did on the cross isn’t quite enough, here let me help.
Exactly. We want to please our Lord so we cheerfully live as He wants us to; as opposed to constantly working towards something that’s already finished for us.
I think that religion (as in the context that bears a negative vibe) leads to guilt and shame in a person. It leads to our focus being set on the wrong things (how we dress, what denomination we belong to, etc) when we should be focused on Jesus and let the rest fall into place :)
Organized religion. Thought this was self explanatory.
Now, before this goes into some wild accusatory/projecting thing, understand I've been Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, and Baptist. Each one requires certain group think and each one tends to focus on only certain parts of the Bible while ignoring others.
Disclaimer: This is not to say there aren't those gems in the crap pile, but they're rare. Most do not want to lose that sweet tax exempt status so bow to the state, and it shows.
Ergo, a person not understanding how the CIA put the clergy into thier crosshairs to bend minds thru religion will understandably get upset. Its one of the toughest paradigms to crack.
Just know; believe in God, not Religion.
"Those you trust the most"-Q
I'm not religious either. I love God with all my heart tho.
I don't feel religion has much to do with our creator.
Thank you for sharing. I always enjoy testimonies of God. Too many of us forget that we are always loved. Thank you for the reminder. And to those who wonder, these experiences are possible even without hitting the pit of despair first.
Thanks for sharing. I love Him, too, and He constantly amazes me. Jesus is magnificent. It's so cool that you had such a dramatic encounter with Him. I would love to see His glory visible in the room like that, but He manifests Himself to each of us in different ways, and I'm okay with His choices of how He talks to me.
Sometimes I feel the same way as you, and I think, why would you give me that kind of attention? I'm nobody. But then I remember that we're not being batch-processed by heaven, even if a single sacrifice paid for it all. None of us are nobodies to Him. Jesus shed His blood and gave up His earthly life to save each one of us, so each one of us is important to Him and greatly loved. It doesn't matter if we are not important in the ways of the world. The fact that we have God's loving attention in laser focus makes all that seem like nasty rubbish by contrast, and hardly worth consideration.
I notice that someone thought to correct you for not capitalizing pronouns relating to God. Not to criticize that person's obvious good intentions, but don't let anyone lead you to get hung up on stuff like that. It's okay to respect the Lord as your own conscience dictates. None of us are subject to the dictates of other people's consciences or even subject to religious conventions, as the apostle Paul plainly instructed in several of his epistles. In any case, God isn't worried about our mistakes. We're the ones who worry about things like that, and it's unnecessary. Better to keep our attention on God and off of ourselves.
May God totally bless you. Your testimony is awesome, and I hope you see Jesus some more and tell everyone what He says.
Jesus Christ and The Truth are The Only Way.
Expose The Root. Reveal The Agenda. Deny The Mark.
The True Parousia begins in Racine, Wisconsin.
I've had a similar experience, not quite as intense as yours, but all the same Jesus spoke directly into my mind. It was a voice that was not my own and it shocked me until I realized Who it was.
I had been sinning badly, kept falling back into old sins, and I felt so defeated and so disgusted with myself that I felt myself falling into despair and thinking, "I am filth, how can I be saved?"
Jesus then spoke into my mind, "Daughter, you are loved!" It had to be Jesus because the voice was not my own and I was referred to as "daughter," and not even my own father refers to me as that very often since I'm grown up now.
Those words broke through my heart and soul and I found renewed energy to cast away my old sins, and to stay away from them. So far it's going well.
Thank you for sharing Fren!!! Ive had experiences similar to yours. You have such a great community here. People who you can talk to and pray with. Im glad you shared 🙂
Thank you for your story... I have experienced everything you mentioned minus the golden light...happened around 2014-2015
what a life huh? God bless you all
Thank you for sharing your encounter with God. I believe I've had 2 such encounters, hearing His voice in my head. I, too, was surprised (and humbled) to have God's attention each time.
Thanks for sharing.
Not sure why? Well what you experienced is much more common than you think. People ignore the supernatural origins of their experiences. If you hunger and thirst God fills. Had a similar experience when I was 23. Never looked back.
My latest round of "waking up" (already knew a lot, but had backed off of checking things for quite a while) happened when I kept having intense sensations where my third eye would be if such a thing was real.. Right in the center of my forehead. I started googling medical reasons for a such a thing to occur but ended up finding some podcasts that blew my mind open about ten times more than it already was...
I still have those feelings but not so strong anymore... Actually they pretty much went away once Q came onto thr scene which makes me wonder if that means I'm not going down the right road anymore or something.
Anyway, I can't claim to really know what's up with those kind of feelings but sometimes thst sort of thing is worth paying attention to. Never had anyone talk to me though, though the "third eye" pulses sure feel like I'm being sent a message I don't quite know how to receive...
I have had such strong sensations like yours. Once when I said a final goodbye to someone who was very significant to me but very toxic and I had to remove from my life, as I left I felt a pulling sensation from my forehead. I knew at the time it was a spiritual chord that connected me to that person, and it stretched and stretched as I went.. then faded. And it is that area where I see images play like a movie, when I am around someone with a secret they are thinking about keeping hidden. I see the secret they have. Not my business so it's creepy.
I had an experience. God's voice was soft and nurturing. I was in the throughs of the demonic, and I realized God was real. I turned to him for help as an agnostic mormon, and WOW. I soon became an ex mormon as God opened my eyes to the true gospel, and the true nature of Christ. This was back in 1987. Yes, I am old.
Fren, a vision helped me know I needed to leave the mormon church, too.
Awesome! That's the TRUE Great Awakening. Thank you for sharing such a personal experience.
I too have had a supernatural encounter with Jesus Christ
Thank you for sharing. People say that Jesus stands at the door to our hearts and knocks softly. My own testimony might sound more like He got frustrated and used a 2x4 up side of my head. Sounds like He still uses that 2x4 sometimes and I'm glad He does!
What an amazing story! I pray this happens to my step daughter. She needs a jolt like this to make her know she is loved by him. She’s struggling very badly right now, drinking alone in her room and she’s only just 16! She revealed she also used to cut herself because she didn’t know what to do with the bad feelings she has inside of her. Praying and thank you for the beautiful story!
Thank you for sharing, you never know how you can reach someone.
Oh, my heart! OP, THANK YOU!
Thanks for sharing. Can you describe more detail on the vision with the symbolism regarding Obummer and the DS? That sounds interesting!
Love this. Love our Lord. God bless you
2012 was my year too, when I found out that I matter to Jesus, and that what we think, and what we say in prayer is absolutely heard by Him, and that He and our angels communicate back. 2012 was when I handed my life and all my faith over to God.
I’m convinced that God has taken a more active role in our affairs since around 2011/2012. I also had a personal revelation around that time. Much more importantly, that is when Trump emerged on the political scene. A few years ago, God came to me in a dream after praying. He told me God came to Trump and told him that He had chosen him for a special role, that He would speak to the people directly through Trump, and that He would save us through Trump’s actions. I can’t even imagine the strength it must have taken to be enlightened with everything all at once, while we struggle to accept the hardest things but by bit.
What a beautiful testimony. Thank you.
God bless you ❤️ What wonderful thing to share :)
Thanks for sharing your story. We all need help keeping the faith every now and then.
The presence of God is awe inspiringly terrifying. Thank you for telling us your personal experiences with our living God.
I especially liked this part “ I asked why I was so depressed all the time. "You forgot that I love you" he said.”
May we never forget His love and remain in His peace regardless of our situation.
Thanks for sharing. Jesus is God!
Beautiful story! I believe every word. I am so happy for your awakening- and knowledge in Christ! See you here there or in the air!
That was beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with us.
"You forgot that I love you." Wow. Isn't He great?!
The Lord fell upon me for 4 days in Jan of this year, when I came back from Washington DC. He showed me visions and told me what is going on and why this is happening. I cant write the feelings I had those 4 days, I did not eat, I did not sleep, I felt so LOVED, He loves us so much but He isn't happy with his people. The first 2 days I remember because I had not admitted I was the bride. But the pure evil He showed me the first 2 days, I remember tearing my clothes off, going crazy and the Lord said Okay that's enough of that. He told me we need to cut and prune our branches, and to go back. He showed me Trump seating in front of a chessboard, all backed up with scripture. The other visions are just too crazy to type. Let's just say, Michelle Obama is not a she...God Bless you as well, it's all true, Jesus is Lord...