Have been thinking so much about this over months. When you see you can not unsee. I like I would imagine 99% of everyone here would need to be strapped to a table, while guards hold us down before that shot could be administered. I feel the division starting to bite now.
We have no choice, we won't let ourselves comply, we are on our own road and we will not let ourselves turn back. I have tried to re-evaluate based on new information from approved sources and all that does is to bring me indigestion, anger and more confirmation that I see and that I am awake.
All this has to take its course and we have to stand strong independently and together in faith and with truth.
Truly what people faced back in WWII - I understand in ways the majority will never appreciate. They never stood a chance against this - we do.
Libtards are not subtle enough to get the meaning behind this ..... but the comparison is a fair one, assuming those people know their history.... which again these libtards can’t.....!
They won’t get it until their own come to take them to the camps.....!
Even morons like Ethan Klein(H3 podcast, Jewish) fail to notice the correlation, while he has said he agrees with mandatory vaccines. Like do you even know the history of your people, bruh?
I’m an O neg, universal donor. Not vaxxed and don’t give it away anymore, after many years and gallons, someone suggested I look into the donor sites. While I didn’t do the dig, I did ask the center for their paperwork on how/where their process uses my blood, they agreed and never sent me anything, they actually stopped soliciting me now that I think about it.
Anyways, I’ll give it free to patriots, friends and family of course.
Actually, if these idiots have had the Vaccine and all they have for proof is the stupid CDC Vaccination card signed and dated by a nobody, they have absolutely nothing that would hold up in Court-JMHO I seriously think they have a Marker in the Vaccine that shows a person has been Vaccinated! Fauci and the gang aren't mentioning anything about that!
Oh I think they’ve had plenty of “ideas” for awhile now. This has been in the making for a long time. They were just waiting to be able to spring it on us. Would’ve been sooner had Killary gotten elected.
Or that little shop owner in the north west who made actual yellow stars for the unvaccinated showcasing the issue, but mostly getting her in trouble. Actually spurring me to confront a ministry Ive listen to for years over their lack of understanding. To be told the vaccine was “NOT a spiritual issue.” Sigh
Brilliant! But the problem with this kind of satire, just like the what happened with Titania McGrath, a lot of people on the left simply agree with it and will start pushing for it without even realising what its really saying.
After all, we have to be a little flexible when it comes to protecting our children and our elderly. It is obvious that giving a little teeny bit of our freedom in exchange for keeping our children safe is well worth it.
If you don't get that then there is something wrong with you.
Hahahaaha, just now reading this and thinking “I don’t remember you being a bootlicker”. Now here you are, remember, when you cut it that close, use the /s/ if the comment isn’t obvious
/Lapstrake It's an illusion of safety. The vaxxed are getting the virus too. Plus large numbers of major side effects are happening. We are being lied to. Good luck getting freedoms back when they are given away.
There is something wrong with anyone willing to give away our precious freedoms. This is America!
The "Big Lie" is the biggest lie of all. Today, the "Big Lie" is claimed to be Hitler and Goebbels bragging about how they could lie to the people and have them believe it. But that is not what they were saying.
Hitler was writing about the "Big Lie" technique that the Jews employed, and later Goebbels would write an article, "Churchill's Lie Factory" where he described how the English employed the "Big Lie" to absurd ends.
There was no holocaust. That is the other "Big Lie." But there was a Holodomor. Why is it we are never taught about that in school?
Hitler invaded Poland -- AFTER pleading with other world leaders to assist him -- to stop the Jews from murdering Germans in Poland.
MOST of what we have been led to believe about Hitler and the Nazis is ... A LIE.
Have been thinking so much about this over months. When you see you can not unsee. I like I would imagine 99% of everyone here would need to be strapped to a table, while guards hold us down before that shot could be administered. I feel the division starting to bite now.
We have no choice, we won't let ourselves comply, we are on our own road and we will not let ourselves turn back. I have tried to re-evaluate based on new information from approved sources and all that does is to bring me indigestion, anger and more confirmation that I see and that I am awake.
All this has to take its course and we have to stand strong independently and together in faith and with truth.
Truly what people faced back in WWII - I understand in ways the majority will never appreciate. They never stood a chance against this - we do.
We fight for our freedom and our families
Brilliantly Said
Brilliantly Said
Amen my brother. We don’t fear and we don’t consent. They will fail
Libtards are not subtle enough to get the meaning behind this ..... but the comparison is a fair one, assuming those people know their history.... which again these libtards can’t.....!
They won’t get it until their own come to take them to the camps.....!
They know absolutely nothing about Nazis. Just that Orange Man is one.
They are literally retards screaming at the heavens.
Even morons like Ethan Klein(H3 podcast, Jewish) fail to notice the correlation, while he has said he agrees with mandatory vaccines. Like do you even know the history of your people, bruh?
I can't stand that fucking asshole. Other than being a fucking asshole he's boring as fuck.
I don't know how anyone can stand watching even 10 seconds of his bullshit
There's a particular reason he doesn't know the history.
Yes, yes there is.
Legit question for all of them who voted for xiden, not many but still deserves an answer.
He will say whatever he thinks his masters at youtube want him to say.
You don’t even have to think about it, bruh.
I hope none of us here, and ANY unvaxxed ever need their blood.
I’m an O neg, universal donor. Not vaxxed and don’t give it away anymore, after many years and gallons, someone suggested I look into the donor sites. While I didn’t do the dig, I did ask the center for their paperwork on how/where their process uses my blood, they agreed and never sent me anything, they actually stopped soliciting me now that I think about it. Anyways, I’ll give it free to patriots, friends and family of course.
I feel the same. I’ve read where a lot of our blood supply goes to highest bidder, & a lot overseas!! I’m an O Neg too...
O Neg here as well.
I find it disturbing that Red Cross charges injured/sick people so much for a '"life saving" donation. Seems immoral.
What isn’t nowadays. List has gotten short.
I had a feeling you were a good egg!
The O Neg conundrum is another rabbit hole…
Yep. Hey you got that vaxx antidote figured-out yet “Dr”?!
Watch out for Bezos debris...tards litter.
Would have been funnier if they ended the tweet with "heil Fauci!"
Unfortunately it's not very far away.
No actually it's never land away. They have to disarm real red blooded Americans first and they don't have near enough sack for that.
81 million of us.
Actually, if these idiots have had the Vaccine and all they have for proof is the stupid CDC Vaccination card signed and dated by a nobody, they have absolutely nothing that would hold up in Court-JMHO I seriously think they have a Marker in the Vaccine that shows a person has been Vaccinated! Fauci and the gang aren't mentioning anything about that!
How many Dems are now positive for it but already vaccinated? 6 from TX. Plus ones in DC
getting tired of sharing air with the mindless
I think there should be a retard tax
Is this real? If it is how is that not against Twitter hate speech Policy.
Sarcasm at its finest. Hoping Xiden and/or Fauci won't see it and get ideas.
Oh I think they’ve had plenty of “ideas” for awhile now. This has been in the making for a long time. They were just waiting to be able to spring it on us. Would’ve been sooner had Killary gotten elected.
They might take this comment seriously, as a final solution to the "Vaccine Question"
Reminds me of these yellow mask exemption stickers IKEA gave out for the vaccinated https://greatawakening.win/p/12ighZJUGX/wait-a-minute-havent-we-done-thi/c/
Or that little shop owner in the north west who made actual yellow stars for the unvaccinated showcasing the issue, but mostly getting her in trouble. Actually spurring me to confront a ministry Ive listen to for years over their lack of understanding. To be told the vaccine was “NOT a spiritual issue.” Sigh
In the very near future, if these idiots keep it up things aren't going to work out the way they think!
Brilliant! But the problem with this kind of satire, just like the what happened with Titania McGrath, a lot of people on the left simply agree with it and will start pushing for it without even realising what its really saying.
Where can I get ME one of those yellow star arm bands!!!!
This is why I refused to wear a mask wherever I could during all this.
It's why I refuse the Vax.
It gets exponentially harder to refuse the longer this attack on critically thinking people goes on.
Meanwhile the (((anti-triple parentheses))) brigade here on the .win is going "Yeah? And...?"
How many covidiots are going to take this seriously?
Probably too many.
Actually, this is almost identical to the Dr. Suess "Star Bellied Sneetches".
Surprised my search of "star bellied sneetch" turned up:
Virginia Tech must be using it in one of their multiculturalism or equities class.
I would prefer the vaxxed get a giant 'Z' for zombie tattooed prominently on their foreheads. Most of them would be so proud to show it off.
Stuart Butler, huh? Never heard of such a thing, but he/she is quite the little jackboot wannabe.
If you're vaccinated,... what are you worried about? Anyways, individual's medical information is private and should remain private!!!
Here https://greatawakening.win/p/12jcXz7mGS/yellow-star-of-unvaccinated--fre/c/
Und zen ve could place zem in special camps, fur der zafety.
Is this satire or is the person serious?
It worked before, for a while anyway!
How many people will actually agree with it?
It is all about safety.
After all, we have to be a little flexible when it comes to protecting our children and our elderly. It is obvious that giving a little teeny bit of our freedom in exchange for keeping our children safe is well worth it.
If you don't get that then there is something wrong with you.
Benjamin Franklin quote: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
I told that to someone today.
I apologize to everybody for using sarcasm in an non-obvious way.
I should use better judgement. I think the vaccine is a disaster and I think 95% of Americans would be better off with out it.
Hahahaaha, just now reading this and thinking “I don’t remember you being a bootlicker”. Now here you are, remember, when you cut it that close, use the /s/ if the comment isn’t obvious
You are absolutely right, fren.
Slash S next time I feel like being a bit of a troll.
It’s all good fren, keep it rolling, both the great comments and the sarc/
Thanks I tend to be very literal. Very good.
/Lapstrake It's an illusion of safety. The vaxxed are getting the virus too. Plus large numbers of major side effects are happening. We are being lied to. Good luck getting freedoms back when they are given away. There is something wrong with anyone willing to give away our precious freedoms. This is America!
It was sarcasm
Upvoat for clever sarc!
So what you and the sites you linked are saying is that basically hitler was the good guy
Welcome to one of the biggest red pills of all.
The "Big Lie" is the biggest lie of all. Today, the "Big Lie" is claimed to be Hitler and Goebbels bragging about how they could lie to the people and have them believe it. But that is not what they were saying.
Hitler was writing about the "Big Lie" technique that the Jews employed, and later Goebbels would write an article, "Churchill's Lie Factory" where he described how the English employed the "Big Lie" to absurd ends.
There was no holocaust. That is the other "Big Lie." But there was a Holodomor. Why is it we are never taught about that in school?
Hitler invaded Poland -- AFTER pleading with other world leaders to assist him -- to stop the Jews from murdering Germans in Poland.
MOST of what we have been led to believe about Hitler and the Nazis is ... A LIE.
Do you have any remotely credible sources for ANY of this? Because what I’ve seen from independent and well educated historians disagrees strongly.
Oh no, not the educated historians