I think it might actually be more than one shill posting from the endgame-now account. You will notice a huge change in tone, writing style, grammar, and more from day to day. Could also be a lone retard with multiple personalities, or some other mental disorder that in no way excuses their divide-shill behavior.
Why is the account still here? Why do the mods just constantly delete/hide their glowiest posts from public view?
Here is endgame-now thoughts on "you Q followers". He is clearly a division-shill:
Maybe when FedCoin™ gets released, maybe youll listen to me then. Idk. But if you must, go ahead and tell me how stoopid and unedukated I am. I love saving those posts to rub in yalls faces later on when I, YET AGAIN, get proven right. Them salty tears are delicious, and tears from Q follower types are hard to find.
And heres a couple shill colleagues of endgame-now calling for him to be made a mod. They will likely come here soon to upvote endgame-now comments, and stir shit up in general. Eyes on anons: https://files.catbox.moe/q5geye.JPG
Heres another one. User is "Blainebug". Constant stream of shill and doomer comments. This account openly admits to thinking Q is a fake/Larp. One recent example is here: "There is no Q team" -BlaineBug (comment deleted/hidden from public view, but user not deported)
have you considered that you guys just might be idiots? 😂😂😂
This is genius level "idiocy" unfortunately. "The Gadfly" Voynich's scenario...
u/FroagOnWin, u/AllMostThereu/farpointpatriot, u/eyerighteyeu/Monomial and other not mentioned: you allowed this idiot to succeed making those shitstorm more active. Press all deport and wait. If mods still wouldn't be active we have much bigger problem than just one shill or idiot.
u/endgame-now: DEPORT. Deporting you is now only option,your behaviour is unacceptable even despite the fact you just accidentally prove this forum is not doing things it was created for.
Even looking at this thread, it’s obvious that the user is working in tandem with another account or two. Literally every upvote/downvote ratio is mirrored: 2-3 upvotes for their comments with large numbers of downvotes, and users calling out the behavior have large numbers of upvotes and only 2-3 downvotes.
Say the coordination isn’t true, it’s still suspect…not to mention clearly other users have enough of a problem with the behavior.
The language and actions have only become more inflammatory and troll-like. After the whole QStrat debacle (which this user also had ties to), how this user can still post things that are designed to incite or distract or to make the board look bad is just ridiculous.
What a waste of time and energy afforded to this fucktard. Just don’t acknowledge this loser and they’ll get bored and go back to Reddit posting on /trans and /secretlygay subreddits
How many dildos are inside your vagina right now? Your asshole? Just curious because it seems like it must be a lot since you’re such a yuge faggot LOL
Or he has severe mental issues and will continue regardless.
This fucktard is the "retard" involved in a situation that ended with Mod speakeasy quitting.
And now weeks later, his name comes up again with TheQStrategy getting banned and nuking his entire account along with all the great resources he had put up.
He is a division-shill and needs to be deported. The mods have been ignoring constant shill behaviour from him for some reason.
Lol seriously scratching my head on this one because I typed out a reply suggesting you prove yourself not to be leftist shill by posting a meme (left can't meme). I ended up not sending it and wrote the other reply instead. Meme was kinda funny I'll give you that
He's kinda obvious!
very very gay. pretty sure this faggot is antifa ^^^^
I think it might actually be more than one shill posting from the endgame-now account. You will notice a huge change in tone, writing style, grammar, and more from day to day. Could also be a lone retard with multiple personalities, or some other mental disorder that in no way excuses their divide-shill behavior.
Why is the account still here? Why do the mods just constantly delete/hide their glowiest posts from public view?
Here is endgame-now thoughts on "you Q followers". He is clearly a division-shill:
And heres a couple shill colleagues of endgame-now calling for him to be made a mod. They will likely come here soon to upvote endgame-now comments, and stir shit up in general. Eyes on anons: https://files.catbox.moe/q5geye.JPG
Heres another one. User is "Blainebug". Constant stream of shill and doomer comments. This account openly admits to thinking Q is a fake/Larp. One recent example is here: "There is no Q team" -BlaineBug (comment deleted/hidden from public view, but user not deported)
These accounts and others are still posting, but TheQStrategy got a 7day ban.
More info here: https://greatawakening.win/p/12jchLK9BJ/eyes-open-real-anons-im-the-last/
You will also notice his comments very quickly(like within seconds) get the same +1 upvote from another shill/sock puppet.
wtf indeed.
I also updated my comment with more info.
You've replied to me. But you aren't referring to me are you?
Thanks! I was just checking.
He seems to have a very strange personality. He was doing some mid-level trolling which was presumably intended to undermine GA.
When exposed, the sensible thing to do would be retreat and rename so that some people would never realize he was a troll.
Instead he goes full - r****d, exposes all of his work and makes anti-GAW trolls look insane.
He's been perma banned and nuked. Have a nice day everyone.
Cheers 🍻
Thanks. It's nice to get a little breathing room again.
Along with any and all of his backup accounts.
He deleted it after the ban.
More info here:
This is genius level "idiocy" unfortunately. "The Gadfly" Voynich's scenario...
u/FroagOnWin, u/AllMostThere u/farpointpatriot, u/eyerighteye u/Monomial and other not mentioned: you allowed this idiot to succeed making those shitstorm more active. Press all deport and wait. If mods still wouldn't be active we have much bigger problem than just one shill or idiot.
u/endgame-now: DEPORT. Deporting you is now only option,your behaviour is unacceptable even despite the fact you just accidentally prove this forum is not doing things it was created for.
Temporary bans shall be available...
I've requested he be Deported at least on 4 different occasions that I can remember.
Me too. It FINALLY worked today... better late than never I guess...
Correct, classic cointelpro tactics. Why mods let it slide is beyond my comprehension.
nice call out.
Even looking at this thread, it’s obvious that the user is working in tandem with another account or two. Literally every upvote/downvote ratio is mirrored: 2-3 upvotes for their comments with large numbers of downvotes, and users calling out the behavior have large numbers of upvotes and only 2-3 downvotes.
Say the coordination isn’t true, it’s still suspect…not to mention clearly other users have enough of a problem with the behavior.
The language and actions have only become more inflammatory and troll-like. After the whole QStrat debacle (which this user also had ties to), how this user can still post things that are designed to incite or distract or to make the board look bad is just ridiculous.
He's also flagrantly violating the rules against fringe conspiracy posts.
What a waste of time and energy afforded to this fucktard. Just don’t acknowledge this loser and they’ll get bored and go back to Reddit posting on /trans and /secretlygay subreddits
How many dildos are inside your vagina right now? Your asshole? Just curious because it seems like it must be a lot since you’re such a yuge faggot LOL
Worth coming back to read, keked pretty good.
Or he has severe mental issues and will continue regardless.
This fucktard is the "retard" involved in a situation that ended with Mod speakeasy quitting.
And now weeks later, his name comes up again with TheQStrategy getting banned and nuking his entire account along with all the great resources he had put up.
He is a division-shill and needs to be deported. The mods have been ignoring constant shill behaviour from him for some reason.
A bit more info is here: https://greatawakening.win/p/12jchLK9BJ/eyes-open-real-anons-im-the-last/
You handled his onslaught very well, fren.
Deport, Deport, and Deport
Speakeasy is gone?
This guy's thinks he anons, but wants to own what he puts out.
Doesn't that say it all.
I had a feeling he was a shill when I came across his post about skin color. Clearly he's a glowie faggot.
Suck a dick, FBI.
Yep ... now I remember. This turd is hyper-racist. How is he still here?
Quiet you.
What's in it for you to shill like this? Serious question. Money or just personal ideology?
Lol seriously scratching my head on this one because I typed out a reply suggesting you prove yourself not to be leftist shill by posting a meme (left can't meme). I ended up not sending it and wrote the other reply instead. Meme was kinda funny I'll give you that