Got in an argument with a friend of mine who has no children, I have a daughter going into second grade.
Thankfully she’s in a private school that is tossing the masks this year.
He told me he believes that this is irresponsible and that as long as children are dying from Covid and they can’t take the vax they should have masks on at all times at school, and that is so sad people are ok with risking the life of a child with an immune disease. He said until there are ZERO children dying from Covid it should be this way…
I told him that day will never come. Covid is not leaving and the one child with the immune disease has the option of remote learning, and I would support social services to provide support for that family. But only in those cases.
He disagrees, claims my philosophy is robbing this child of a good life with other children. I obviously countered that a good life for all the other children is not wearing a mask for a disease that isn’t killing them.
Anyways - forget the argument. Regardless of what we all believe here, there’s a lot of people like him.. a lot.. I have a feeling he and many others will also not care if there is black and white proven election fraud. He will justify it in his mind…
So my question is - exactly how fucked up do things have to get before they’re awake? These liberals seem completely blinded, believe trump was Satan himself, and obviously think freedom of choice isn’t an option.. he expect zero deaths before we have choice.
Thoughts? Just makes me feel like we are screwed and these idiots aren’t going to wake up.
You are arguing past each other because you are not getting at the root of WHY he believes the things he does.
Of course, he will have no reasonable explanation. He will try to change the subject.
Make him ACKNOWLEDGE that a face mask manufacturer says there is NO PROTECTION AT ALL FROM COVID 19 by wearing a face mask.
DO NOT allow the conversation to move ANY direction other than his agreement that YOU ARE RIGHT about this particular point.
What MOST people do (in your situation) is allow these people to squirm out when they realize they are wrong and change the subject.
If he will not acknowledge a FACT that is obvious, then he is NOT AN HONEST PERSON, and NOTHING you say will matter at all. You cannot have an honest conversation with a dishonest person. FULL STOP.
If (and ONLY if) he acknowledges YOU ARE RIGHT about this particular point, then ask him why he doesn't know about the 79 studies over the past 50 years that show NO BENEFIT, and ONLY HARM, to people who wear face masks.
Again, DO NOT LET HIM OFF THE HOOK. Either he agrees with you, or he agrees to research it further and then get back to you, or he tries to evade the issue -- in which case, you TERMINATE the conversation, because you cannot have an honest discussion with a dishonest person.
Thanks for this
Check out how Burritoes4everyone tries to change the subject and get me off track in this thread:
One of the biggest problems we face in the truth movement is that people who are losing a debate will try to change the subject, and too many people fall for it.
It's like a person is wrestling, has his opponent with shoulders on the mat, the referee is counting to 3, but just before he gets to 3, the person lets the opponent off the mat, both are back on their feet, and it's like nothing happened.
The pin was right there. Just stay on point and make sure the other side either (a) agrees to your point if you have the facts and they don't, or (b) shows his true colors by trying to weasel out and change the subject.
That is one of the main things we need to do when having discussions with people who want to evade key points. The left does this all the time, because they are often wrong and have no facts to support their religious belief in government.
MAG768720! I love your thought process!
What do you do for a living?
I think we have to get them off this mindset that they speak for all of humanity and make it about their own ego. If a person refuses to accept any positive news about Covid, I would suggest people stop arguing Covid and start addressing their ego.
“So Covid is the best thing that’s probably ever happened to you, hey?”
“No! It’s terrible! This pandemic is awful! Why would you say that?!”
“Oh really? It’s just that it’s the only thing you care about anymore. It’s all you talk about. You’re like a Covid fanboy.”
“I just - I care about other things too. But this is just so important.”
“Meh, I think most people are over it. Covid is boring.”
“Boring?! Boring?!”
“Uh oh, looks like I just insulted this guy’s favorite band. Covid-19 and the Delta Orchestra. Haha. Man you love Covid too much dude. You need a hobby bro!”
“It’s a deadly pandemic!”
“Look at that glint in your eyes. You can’t even talk about Covid without your whole face lighting up. Dude, just admit it. Your life finally has meaning because of Covid and now you can’t let it go.”
I like the idea of boxing them in with their own obsession because what move do they have? Either they change the subject to prove they aren’t a Covid fanboy, or they keep talking about Covid, which proves they are a Covid fanboy.
Also, when the Delta variant comes up, we might want to say “the Delta variant is old news” and how everyone is now talking about the “Epstein variant” and that “the Epstein variant didn’t vax itself”. Then change the subject to child sex trafficking and how you prioritize rescuing children over everything else. In a party or group setting, this always gives you the moral high ground and it’s easy to box in anyone who disagrees as ignorant and uncaring, at best, and a pedophile apologist, at worst. Then the Epstein cover up is a great transition to shift the subject to the media lying and protecting pedophiles. This then makes it easy to dismiss anything your opponent quotes from the corporate media and to keep boxing him in with the rich corporate pedophiles.
Really good post.
Well said. The bonus with this approach too is that by staying within tramlines, and not being led into a flailing omni-direction argument as emotions heat up, you won’t come across as not knowing your shit or worse, a raving loon.
People without kids have no business telling people what's best for their kids.
Does your friend know that only 340 kids have died from Covid in the US? An average of 250 die per year from the flu.
But back to your question, there is no waking many of these people up, unless the white hats can literally take over the air waves and broad cast video evidence and taped confessions.
Anything less than that, will be spun away by the media as conspiracy.
Still probably won’t work on everyone. Mental health treatment and deprogramming will be necessary for those people if they don’t kill themselves first. The problem with people is they are extraordinarily stubborn, they would rather die than admit everything they believed in so whole-heartedly was a lie and they fell for it cuz they thought it made them a good person.
Yep, gave him the numbers. His rationale was that they can get the flu shot if they want, but kids can’t get Covid vax.
But his argument doesn’t matter if his expectation is zero deaths.
To give you an idea of his rationale, he lives in IL and sees no issue with lollapalooza where 400,000 people were in the same place over a weekend. He said they used safety measures.
I mean these people are just insane.
There's your answer. Their brains are broken, as well as their souls. Literally.
These people are flawed morally, and I’m certain they have lost the abilities to discern information due to Satan having a tight grip on them.
What we’re seeing is not normal.
And you have weigh against other deaths caused by all this. Increased suicides etc.
When CNN tells them they're definitely going to die from taking the vaccine. Not saying it's true, but I think operation wakeup includes taking MSM this far overboard.
I think if all things cov19, incl vax, lockdowns, everything was a hoax or pre-planned event, the ones who have believed it and completely been on board with it will be the most angry. Its going to take true irrefutable exposure AND fake news either taken down or finally telling the truth.
The problem is the lying media. Theyve done their job WELL. As long as the msm lies, it keeps a good portion locked in the deception
Just wanted to add: I think the ones obsessed with cov19 are genuinely terrified. And have become addicted to that fear. The fear psyop has been incredibly damaging. But for this reason is why I think if its exposed, it is THAT group that will be the most angry.
I thought about it..
I agree with you! My sister refused to see that her "best-friend" was gay/pedo until he called her for legal advice (she an atty) after being arrested in taiwan. They ACTIVELY refuse to see the obvious. My opinion - there is no reasoning with them.
Sounds like you need a new fren
We have to accept that some will never wake up, they are broken now and always will be. The media has brainwashed some so deeply there is no coming back. I yearn for the day the Rachel Maddows and Chris Cuomos and Don Lemons are put out of our misery forever.
I know this sounds cold but we have to leave them behind. We cannot save everyone. The entire American Revolution only involved a small percentage of the inhabitants, why would today be any different? We are diluting our power by trying to turn each one....... we have to abandon and go on to the next and the next. Perhaps through God's grace the others will catch up. If truth does not resonate with them keep moving there is SO much work to do. Some will never be won with words and arguments, many will have to see us act before they understand the urgency.
Many, probably at least half of us and likely far more, never will. It's similar to what shrinks say about their own line of work, a person has to want to heal.
You can explain to them, but you cannot understand for them.
Short answer is that this is a fight between Good and Evil and satan has them.
To Defy God is defying logic and truth, they each have their own reasons and perceptions but that is what they do, defy God, defy logic and truth and science, defy Freedom. You will not help most of them, explain it but you cannot understand for them.
Nothing will wake them up. My sister-in-law is a grumpy bitch and she can't admit that she's grumpy because she voted in a pedophile who is destroying this country.
You can't logic with these people. Either try some humor, or just go straight to ridiculing his belief system. Worst case he's not your fiend anymore. Maybe if these people see their precious friend circles shrinking it will help them wake up as acceptance is something they seem to prize.
What will wake them up?
The answer, according to Q, is that they need to be driven to the precipice.
2 generations ago people would give up their life for freedom, today people are giving up their freedom to save a life. We were never promised or expected zero deaths. That's the problem with Liberals, they have unobtainable goals so they can always justify their need for more control.
We had a liberal text telling us to get our vaccination to protect our family. These liberals are towing the line and getting the shots while we on the right are expounding the evils of the shot and the consequences, injuries, death, etc. IMO, it appears that more liberals will be the ones experiencing the adverse effects. Do the math, it would be rude to say it out loudly.
Whos going to wake them up? Well it want be our Republican representation! RINOs everywhere! The state of the compromised ran deep and wide.
Notice I said "ran"! As of now, all they are doing is identiying themselves so we know who they are. Guess we ought to thank them. Perhaps we can find a way... you know, to thank them.
I’ve been trying to figure this out myself. Got into an argument with a liberal coworker today who flipped out that I’m not vaccinated.
We’ve worked in person together without wearing a mask for this entire 19 months COVID bullshit. But only now is it an issue and he’s now complained to our manager and HR because having someone unvaccinated is risking his 11 year old daughters life.
That’s the other funny thing. How they are pushing more abnormalities in society after the vaccine than before.
This same guy who is now concerned I’m not pro vaccine would bring his fiancé into my own home on several occasions prior to the vax..
Actual pain of loss of rights or freedoms
You can't argue with stupid... they have to find out the hard way
Don't worry, soon they'll all learn they are dying and their gods killed them. Then We kill all the cabal. Simple really. End of story.
That does not sound like a classical liberal, but rather like a liberal in name only: lino or Tyranosaurons
Classical liberal would stand for civil liberties no matter what. People who espouse thoughts like you mentioned, have lost their way.
A dying breed. They just don't know it yet. Boom ended sauron. MOAB incoming.
Where is his data on "children dying of Covid"? I can't be friends with people like this. You have way more patience than I do.
One of the hardest things to do (and I still struggle) is to accept that some people (and we don't always know who) are just lost. Forever. But you must keep in mind, that is their choice. Lots will 'wake up,' but some never will because - though they have eyes, they refuse to see.
To me, it's just like those people who refuse to see that God is real. That Jesus is God. It's frustrating, but ultimately, it's their choice to make.
Very simple.
Just tell him.
You do not listen to people who are the most AFRIAD. Why? Because those are the irrational people that cannot look at things OBJECTIVELY!
You should ignore scared people and not even argument with them.
So I actually also replied to the OP but one of the things I said sort of ties in to your assessment. I think one thing that can stop people having the ego-break is social reinforcement. For example someone close to me was an alcoholic and would self surround with other people struggling with alcohol and whenever it came up he had just tons of ammunition. I don't drink as much as so and so, I haven't been into as many drink related accidents as what's his name. It's going to be difficult as long as they all still have their negative illogical support groups.
People that say they want zero deaths don’t understand statistics and economics or both. It is a risk based trade off. Make all the kids, how many more will die of suicide, die of lung issues due to the mask, long term die from another kid who became sociopathic due to lack of emotional development because he wore a mask through his early years? Die from any number of unseen consequences of this bullshit. The effects of this masks will go on long after we take them off. And that’s not even addressing if the masking works which it does not.
"Thoughts? Just makes me feel like we are screwed and these idiots aren’t going to wake up."
Maybe we can find a way to put 5G to practical use. ;-)
Flu season 2018-2018 477 deaths under 18. He didn’t give a shit then.
And all the kids that died likely also had comorbitities like with covid.