Subway Owners Want Kneeling Megan Rapinoe Dropped As Spokeswoman
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Wokeness is bad for business. We are winning!
I've never been a subway (or any other fast food) customer. However, I was at a birthday party this past weekend when this topic came up. I was shocked how many were aware of Subway and their support of this idiot. They all said they would never eat there again. All conservatives, but only about 5 out of 30 there are really awake.
Why in the hell would anyone eat that trash anyway? I can go to the store, get some subs, some lunch meat, some bullshit ass sliced cheese and make my own sub sandwiches for half the price.
Lol. I don’t know. It’s crazy, half my friend group are huge into eating right, exercise, supplements and no or minimal alcohol. The other 1/2 are the mirror opposites. They live at the dr. and we don’t. You’d think it would click. Great people but no common sense about their health. Makes me sad and mad.
Honestly, who thought this whiny twat would drive sales?
We have a lot of those in our marketing department. Maybe that’s why all our packaging looks like it was drawn by a child.
That gave me the best belly laugh of the day so far! Great description!
Purple hairs in the marketing department.
Their wokeness also fully woke me up to the fact that their food has steadily declined over the past 15 years or so. And suddenly, "EAT FRESH REFRESH!"
What you don’t like a wilted lettuce sandwich?
Even Jared was less hated.
You just identified Subway's real problem, their marketing department.
Probably bunch of weird blue haired obese women talking about how much they hate men all the time. They probably wear their mask on the way out to have a cigarette.
Yeah, I can't believe that they went from a pedophile to Rapinoe. I would be withholding my royalty fees if I owned a Subway franchise.
That says a lottttt.
Pedophile or an UnAmerican ambassador on the world stage turning on the flag. I know they are not equal in the sense of their crimes, but I can't help but hate both.
He wasn't hated until he was outed as a pedo. His fortune let him get young girls his broke, rotund ass couldn't. Subway dropped him like a hot soggy diaper after it was revealed too.
tuna flavored soy sub.
even the tuna isnt real tuna
I with ya. I admit though, your (accurate) description of her did make my stomach queasy.
I don’t eat there cause they make a shit product. Jersey Mike’s is way better
Agreed. Sloppy, soggy and fake. Fake tuna. Canned chicken salad. Nasty, worse than gas station prepared sandwiches.
Oh and M.R. doesn’t make me want to eat ANYTHING. Vom is more like it.
The first Subway ad that I saw with rapinoe showed a guy eating something that wasnt from Subway and rapinoe hitting him in the face with a Subway sandwich. That told me all I need to know.
Haha! How to make friends and influence people :)
There is something very pedo with Subway. Birds of a feather ... flock together. How many spokespersons can they get so wrong before we realize they have organized.
Some want her dropped as a baby.
Best way: buy your own food, make your own sandwiches. That way you know what is in it. Do not buy from Walmartor Costco-they support the CDC.
i know a subway owner. Multiple subways. He is not a happy camper about this nonsense.
Make your own, that way you know what is in it. Don’t buy products from a Walmart or Costco. They financially support the CDC.
Firehouse Subs supports First Responders.
So far subway used a pedophile and a narcissist to represent their company. It's why I eat port o subs now.
It's too late for them, I'll never eat there again!
If I owned a franchise, I'd be infuriated too. I do enjoy sending emails though on how stupid these people are. I troll BRCC every couple of weeks.
Won’t make your sandwiches any better but it’s a start.
I have purposely gone in, loudly asked if you guys still have that Rapinoe character on your ads. They say yes and I Duck out with a statement I don't want to eat at places in America that hate America.
Cuomo could use the job. Shitty sandwich shops, deserve shitty spokespeople.
they lost lots of business with Jared, they're losing business with the coming out of the soy flavored meat. they dont need more negative public opinion they're on their way into closing their doors.
Money talks, eh? There are many more Patriots in this country and in the world than frankly anyone knows. We're the majority, it's just that the little whiny bitches grab most of the attention with their antics.
That, and the media issue that I hope will be resolved asap.
we've not set foot in a Subway since we saw them enriching that purple-headed anti-American bundle of misery with our overpriced subs.... enough of the wokeness... there are so many ma and pa restaurants to support... they live amongst us... not the multi-millionaires on top of those corps... they are our enemy just the same.
What took them so long?
They got that right!!
Dropped like a soccer ball and kicked repeatedly.