I admit, I read much more than I post. I will try to change that. I have health issues and I must read things multiple times. I don't remember things. My circumstances are irreversible. I do my best and I am redpilling people. I had a doc appointment today and all employees had masks on, signs everywhere saying you must wear a mask. I did not wear a mask and noone said a word. Then I had to go over to the hospital for some stuff and again signs saying you had to wear a mask, everyone wearing masks, nope not me and noone said a word about it. Normies need to wake up and quit complying. I had another doc appointment earlier this week and did the same thing. The nurses seem more in tune with what is going on than the docs. I flat out told the nurse today that I will not be someone's medical experiment. I did that once during my cancer fight by participating in a clinical trial, foolishly thinking I was helping save lives. I felt like a lab rat then and to know what I know now and come to the realization that a cure most likely exists pisses me off and pains me to the core. I pray for the day when these people rot in the depths of hell, especially for the crimes against children. Sorry, I needed to get that out and let my frens know I will try to do a better job.
Comments (101)
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You're doing an awesome job. Posting here is a luxury and requires no bravery. Taking a stand out in the real world, not allowing your freedoms to be taken from you and not giving a shit about the consequences requires much more heroism. That is truly what matters. Keep it up and we all stand with you every step of the way fren!
I second this.
This exactly God bless.
A lot of teachers will quit too. If they're based, maybe the neighborhoods could coordinate to hire them for homeschooling.
Yep. Win-Win! :D
My sister is a retired teacher who helps homeschool parents/kids via internet. She gets clients via church friends.... Must be more like her out there...
Oh my lord that would be perfect.
Jist ordered more homeschool curriculum. Broke as can be but id rather pur children be wealthy in spirit and faith. I guess i should be including a request from the Lord for help in my prayers. These little ones are all that matter to me and my wife.
That's right. Christ gives strength when we step out in faith. It only takes one small step to start down the right path and you're doing great. One courageous act will snowball into another.
A child cannot be treated w/out a parent, if the parent insists. You have more power than you realize, “you have more than you know” pede.
Not so long ago I was enrolling my kid in school, the nurse asked if they could administer Tylenol, I said no. They informed me her vaccines were not up to date, she stood up and said let’s go get them over here. I said “no’. She asked how come? I said “because I’m the mama. End of story.
Own it, be confident, you’ll get further than you think.
God bless you fren.
wow! your son would prob be the one less likely to be sick since he is NOT masking. fucking idiots. from one previous extrovert to a now introvert anxious mom, i feel ya fren. keep holding the line. you've done better than me with the doc visit masks. i haven't had to take my kids in a while but i did do it in june for a dental visit just to get her in before we moved states. never again.
It all counts. Good for you! And us! Thank you.
wow you must be tired from what you have gone through and still holding that line! i got chills. we're here for you fren. hell, i don't even have an excuse and forget a lot of shit sometimes at 39 yrs old. good job and i'm surprised the hospital didn't say anything.
Thanks for posting fren! Looking forward to many more from you. 😁
You inspire me, my friend. As far as I'm concerned quality is much more important that quantity, it's not a question of how often you say it, but what you say, and how long it stays with you. Some people here, last night said some things that will stay with me for a loooong time...
So happy you posted fren... this is a safe and caring community, and as we all wait and wade through this we have become each others support system....
Blessings on your courage...standing up one by one together makes us invisible. I actually quit my job (got another the next day paying 60% more an hour) over the vax requirement. Had my resignation letter ready months ago knowing the day was coming.
God works in mysterious ways...have faith..I will pray for you...
I don't post either, only twice. I would rather comment than post. We're all one big family here except the alphabet agencies, fake news and trolls. I agree with your post and commend you for standing for freedom. God bless patriot. 🇺🇸🙏
Nice! I agree, people need to stop being so scared to go against the grain. I never wore a mask. I was often with my child and baby and usually the only unmasked person in the store (and the pediatricians office.) I often told my husband how nervous I was that someone would confront me in a super crazy way. I also didn't trust myself to handle it gracefully in front of my children. It never happened. Nobody said anything. It was maddening to me that I was surrounded by "men" who didn't seem to have my courage. So good for you!
If you are battling cancer , check out fenbendazol , it is considered a dog dewormer (parasitical) but has been know to fight cancer…basically it inhibits the cancers ability to consume sugars, feeding itself so it can grow… essentially it starves the tumor to death… it may not work on all cancers, but will on some… but worth researching more fren… Good luck and love and light to you
I know a Dr. that believes some people that are diagnosed with cancer may have been misdiagnosed and actually have parasites, so I agree looking into this further.
Good for you.
The Covid jab will give you dangerous Spike Proteins and Graphene Oxide nanoparticles.
I suspect it also makes cancers grow out of control.
Probable. That whole cocktail ruins the immune system. The vaxxed are time bombs (sorry, my opinion).
Taking my 68th maintenance therapy dose tomorrow 👍🏽
Fren, I am not a doctor so take this for what it's worth. I do encourage you to do some research though. If you are still battling cancer, please investigate the benefits of the keto diet. People have beat cancer doing this. Reason being, cancer feeds on sugar. And the medicines given contain too much sugar. They make the problem worse! Eating a very low carb diet like keto, starves the cancer cells. This is info I've gotten from a lay person who studies all kinds of things about the body and has read so much about this subject. Even a doctor - sorry, I don't remember her name - got herself well and up and out of her wheelchair by doing the keto. I hope you'll consider it and look into it. Blessings to you.
Why can't you remember stuff? Have you tried massive doses of fish oil?
I don't want to get into all my health issues, I can say my body has never been the same since chemo, radiation and over at least 20 reconstruction surgeries. Excessive I know but I had problem after problem. Infection, rejection. You name it. I wanted back what I had and that is my right. Not even sure why I am justifying it. I didn't ask for it, I was young. Lost all ability to have children and went into very early menopause. On top of that I have other serious health issues. I want to do more research on these med beds I have heard about and had a discussion with someone else about them yesterday. I have not tried fish oil, thanks for the suggestion, I will look into that. Big pharma docs want to prescribe and like many others I bought into it but not anymore. Hard to even trust a doctor now. I am weening myself off of some of the meds but it messes with my emotions and now is the time to be strong not cry. I have a fight to win for our children, our country and the many men and women who bravely defend our coutry and those that gave their life and limbs. I will worry about myself when this all ends. I pray and that helps me in ways I never knew possible. People here inspire me more than I can say. God Always Wins!!!!
Ty Pede for this
I lovin this Tendie 💝☝🏼💥
Yeah, I had never looked into fish oil, even when it was being hyped up, until a few months ago, was skeptical but, it really did make life a lil less foggy for me. I do not take tons of it, just the recommended amount and not all the time. Thinking I need to invest into some "good stuff" since it is the typical store brand that I have what, I understand is not very pure often. Just to give it a try.
Your enthusiasm reminds me of my mom's comment when I first told her about the fish oil and that I feel like it does improve the fog. She right away looked at me as if I was nuts and went on about using it when she was little for clearing out the stools eating it by the spoonfulls. :P I THINK she was thinking of Caster oil but, idk. lol
My naturopath just recommended this lady: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaDNRr5qFc7ICJxddlIcwGQ
Ps. Crying is a healthy release (especially before God).
K2 to slowly clear cholesterol plaque.
interesting fact of the day
Careful, it thins the blood in massive doses.
I think you must have saved posting for something really important-thank you! I think we all NEED to share our experiences & build each other up with these personal victories! Imagine the power we will have as ONE body of people standing together! Keep fighting the good fight, I'm sorry for your medical issues but you are victorious over the mental shit today! Keep fighting & Keep talking about it!
I'm more a reader and updooter and commenter too. You are courageous and appreciated!
Wish you the best, Fren.
Keep on plugging
In Arizona, Mesa/Phoenix area you can't see a Dr or go into a hospital without a mask. They won't let you in. My husband had Dr appt today to get stitches removed and didn't have a mask. They told him he had to reschedule. He ran to nearest convenience store bought 1 so he could get his appt done. They want a follow-up which he will NOT be doing. Frustrating! Stores/restaurants aren't requiring them for customers at least at this point.
You'd think they could provide a disposable one given that it's a doctor's office. That's ridiculous that they wouldn't give him a free one.
A brilliant man once said:
"Speech Is Silver - Silence Is Golden"
love&light, my friend.
At a national park visitor center todymay, I walked in past a sign that said mandatory mask. Even had a basket of free mask. I did not put one on, walked around a bit, everyone had a mask. Then I left for the maskless tour. It's over. People won't even enforce it. If they do, be non beligerant and just leave.
You made me so very proud reading your first post! This is what it will take; each one of us standing together and we are all one huge mass of humanity standing up against evil. Together we are unstoppable! God bless you and I do pray you get your health back. WWG1WGA!
Well, you sound like one hell of a fighter mate. I share your views completely. Don't be sorry, it's good to vent and we all frens here. All we can do is carry on keeping up the good fight and the big guy upstairs will take care of the rest 🙏💪👍👊🐸
Patriot you are a WONDERFUL Patriot. Very brave. Thank you!
Thanks for being here, fren❤️
You are enormously important.
It sounds like you are doing a good job currently. Good luck to you and keep fighting.
Your fight to carry on encourages everyone who reads this post 👍🏻👍🏻
I did the same at the dentist's office yesterday...sign said masks required, everyone inside had masks on, but I walked in without one. Nobody mentioned it, which was disappointing since I already had the mask- less Obama extravaganza video booted up and ready to roll, as I was gonna say, " if he doesn't have to wear one, I don't either "!
Anon .... Great post and God Bless you 🙏. I wish you well with your health issues. I know first hand how tough it can be. If you are red pilling even a few ppl , you are killing it and many many of us stand with you ! Godspeed.
Fren your doing exactly what needs to be done. Thank you for being here and holding the line.
Good job fren!!! Keep it up! I'm in LA (West Hollywood) deeeeeep behind enemy lines. I was only one in Trader Joe's (grocery store) today and no one said a thing except one woman complimenting me on my hair hahaha. Deep down I truly believe they're envious of our bravery my friend. LIONS AMONGST SHEEP!
I understand how you feel. I had to take my husband to his neurologist for some testing of nerve function in his legs. A huge sign on the door stated that a mask was REQURIED. If no mask, no appointment. I have a few new paper ones in a baggie in my glove compartment. He and I discussed whether or not to stay. He elected to stay and get it over with. I got him a mask, but I sat out in the car.
God bless you, Fren. Praying for your health. The best is yet to come!!
Sounds to me like you're doing just fine, if everyone put in half as much effort as you this be over with.
Thank you for your post!
Your act was even better than your post. But telling us about what you did helps encourage others to follow your example.
ThanQ fren and prayers going out for you find a cure for your illness.