Which is terrifying because when the "flight" is removed from fight or flight, it's left with one option. And the devil ALWAYS goes down scraping and clawing
During the Clinton administration I was part of Janet Reno’s terror warnings that were related to the Waco incident. Remember when our government killed freaky weird religious people in the land where freaky weird religious people are supposed to be free to believe whatever they want?
She warned about homeschoolers, second coming believers, gun owners, pro lifers, it was basically me. Despite the black helicopters and rumors. I’m still here. Don’t give in to the fear!
This DHS terrorism warning is legit. DHS issued a Terrorism Advisory 8/13/21 thru 11/11/21 and the wording implies WE are the 'terrorists'...
Approaching the 20th anniversary of 9/11/01, the Dept. of Homeland Security issued a Terrorism Advisory on 8/13/21 effective thru 11/11/21. Interesting timing considering Dan Scavino just told patriots all week (encoded message sent via 3 online posts) that the "U.S. is at risk this week."
What's way MORE alarming is the words/language they used in the very 1st paragraph of this issued warning. Who do you think they're talking about here?
"These threats include those posed by domestic terrorists, individuals and groups engaged in grievance-based violence, and those inspired or motivated by foreign terrorists and other malign foreign influences. These actors are increasingly exploiting online forums to influence and spread violent extremist narratives and promote violent activity. Such threats are also exacerbated by impacts of the ongoing global pandemic, including grievances over public health safety measures and perceived government restrictions."
Oh God - it's even worse. The DHS-issued "terrorism advisory" was featured on NBC News on 8/13/21 with them specifically talking about a 'threat' coming from "Trump supporters claiming election fraud and that he should be reinstated" and all the people rebelling against the vax mandate shit!
Oh God - it's even worse. The DHS-issued "terrorism advisory" was featured on NBC News on 8/13/21 with them specifically talking about a 'threat' coming from "Trump supporters claiming election fraud and that he should be reinstated"
This is exactly what some moderator of a Qphobia sub on deaddit called "Qult" tried to sell me as a big scary fear that they are all over there Quaking and Quivering in their Crocs about.
The shill actually asked if we will "pledge to remain nonviolent when Q fails," is proven to be a psy op, and Trump never comes back. Ha ha ha sure pal. Just wait and see what happens.
Definitive PROOF DHS is compromised. Critical Thought and questioning the Federal government now makes us Domestic Terrorists according to what I just read from the DHS.
They are just like the FBI and DOJ and CIA. They know if trump comes back they are toast. They are a Bush cabal agency to the core. A direct creation of the patriot act, of course they are compromised.
They are losing. We are seeing the actions of desperate people not smart enough to realize they have lost complete control of the narrative. They are reaching the point of absurdity, which opens them up to mockery, their greatest fire.
They have been trying since 2016 to enrage patriots into violence. They wanted several large domestic terror events to occur, they wanted those NFAC black army paid actors to get shot up, they even had their vote stealers wear BLM and Biden masks on purpose. They wanted antifa to get shot at. All of this was designed to divert away from the fraud, while giving a plausible reason to use the patriot act and other terrorism laws against us once they stole it. Jan 6th was supposed to a bloodbath.
This is one of the reasons for Q. Q fucked this all up for them. But they can’t stop now. They are locked into the lie, even though they know how silly it all looks.
The enemy is really fucking stupid, and really desperate.
Agreed! "Moneky Werx US" on his UTube podcast about a week or so ago showed a photo of a bus with a DHS license plate loading up a tons of illegals to bring them into the USA. He's ex military and has a bunch of contacts all over, and sometimes even gets "eyes on" where people are getting on and off the planes.
Monkey Werx has been tracking shit tons govt. planes bringing illegals INTO America from other countries, such as Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, and Africa (he shows where these planes going out of the USA into numerous other countries and coming back with a plane full of foreigners on board, then they'll land at Texas border towns to unload them and release into America. Our own government is LEADING human trafficking ops now.
Some of these planes bringing foreigners into our country are even LANDING AT LAUGHLIN AIR FORCE BASE (how fucking terrifying is THAT?!?) before taking these illegals deeper into the country, delivering them to cities across the USA by bus or on other subsequent flights - paid for with OUR TAX DOLLARS!
Here's the "Monkey Werx US" UTube channel (he typically broadcasts 3 times a week on Mon/Wed/Fri.):
Trump called out 9/11 on the very day. The cabal used 9/11 to usher in a surveillance state. They lied about who the true terrorists were to get everyone to be "against terrorism". Then they flipped the script to paint all of us as terrorists. Meanwhile, they take more of our freedom when before they said those random Muslims. "hate us for our freedom". 9/11 and The plandemic go hand in hand. Bookends to the ridiculous bullshit the deep state and the mockingbird media want to hypnotize us all with.
why cant they just leave us the fuck alone? they have all the money they could ever spend; fuck all the girls and kids they could ever want; all the private islands to do all their dodgy business deals...why cant they just leave us to live our lives??
It really seems that way and there's a scenario in my mind I think it could be. I'm afraid to even post it but it would end the MAGA movement forever...
I think it would unite the Americans again as it did in 2001. I never seen so many US flags until after that day! And for an attack to happen UNDER “Biden” it would just be one more reason for the demmies to wake up and realize this is what they voted for! 2022 will be the year the swamp is drained, the patriot party is in control and elections will be regulated!!
wanting to hear the science, logic and reason of alternative medical voices about the scamdemic
wanting cheap, readily available, effective cures for the Wuhan flu instead of deadly experimental chemicals
wanting safe, secure elections free from fraud
wanting the people who are proven beyond all doubt to have won elections to actually hold office
wanting to celebrate religious holidays
Don't let them redefine domestic terrorism in this way. The true domestic terrorists in this country are homegrown islamic supremacists, antifa, Black Lies Murder, generic left-wing radical communists, and democrat bureaucrats and politicians.
What I find most disconcerting, is that none of these msm idiots ever take the time to just read the sidebar of this forum. "We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We NEITHER NEED NOR CONDONE THE USE OF FORCE IN OUR WORK HERE. We are the public face of Q. Our mission is to red-pill normies." How hard is that to comprehend?
Those who are pushing is how they would do it. Logic and common sense are off the table when your involved with sociopaths. However my take is once they start using violence against the citizens to enforce a mandate (and not a law) the gloves come off. I firmly believe the MIL will see this and go, "we are going to deal with this". Because they can do it by the book, legally as defined in the manual, and all the evidence they have gathered to date is a tough thing to refute.
Consider that if there is a Civil unrest, our country is gone. If it gets to that point then the MIL didn't fix the issue and were to weak to do so. Is the US MIL weak? Hell no. They have teams who setup meetings with god...
The fact that they even mention the possibility of Trump being reinstated only leads me to the stronger belief that their very afraid of it happening, and that it very much likely WILL HAPPEN.
Also hoping that the 20th 9/11 anniversary will have some big revelations surrounding it.
Even funnier is that the 'circle R' symbol represents a registered trademark for a BRAND (e.g., a company name) - not a phrase.
It's supposed to be "SM" (Service Mark) that represents an owned phrase (a company's slogan or tagline used in advertising - such as Nike: "Just Do It" / Wendy's: "Where's the Beef?" / M&M's: "Melts in your mouth, not in your hands" / Chick-Fil-A's "Eat more Chicken" theme with the cows on their billboards).
Have you by chance seen Monkey Werx US" on UTube showing all the MILITARY surveillance planes & Google balloon (repurposed for intel/data gathering & PUSHING) that were circling overhead Lindell's symposium the ENTIRE time? Military surveillance planes flew above Phoenix every day of the audit action going on in Maricopa too.
And, no, these aren't 'friendlies' either. Elements within our military and agency-hired planes are out in force working AGAINST patriots who are trying to get to the bottom of the 2020 stolen election. They're also HEAVILY involved in human trafficking - literally going to other countries and bringing foreigners INTO our country - and landing inside the USA at friggin' Laughlin Air Force Base then dispersing them into our country all over the place.
"Monkey Werx US" proves this every week with his plane-fagging, naming the aircrafts' tail numbers, showing the visual flight patterns on radar, showing the dates/times of take-offs and landings of these flights - everything. :-( He even caught which planes were taking guests to Hussein's b-day party last weekend.
So not getting the vax makes me a terrorist??? Wow! And believing that the election was stolen makes me a terrorist?? Double wow! And celebrating the beheading of St. John the Baptist on 9/11 makes me a terrorist?? Triple wow!!
As always, though, anything the reptiles in DC concoct, would be implemented at the local level. Hence, the reason to have conversations with your supposed-to-be constitutional sheriff. Push back on everything that's unconstitutional--find awake and principled people. If you can run for office, do so.
It's wounded and in a corner
Which is terrifying because when the "flight" is removed from fight or flight, it's left with one option. And the devil ALWAYS goes down scraping and clawing
Let's fuckin do this, then.
"It's afraid..."
I can smell the DESPERATION. FF imminent. Watch your 6.
During the Clinton administration I was part of Janet Reno’s terror warnings that were related to the Waco incident. Remember when our government killed freaky weird religious people in the land where freaky weird religious people are supposed to be free to believe whatever they want? She warned about homeschoolers, second coming believers, gun owners, pro lifers, it was basically me. Despite the black helicopters and rumors. I’m still here. Don’t give in to the fear!
This DHS terrorism warning is legit. DHS issued a Terrorism Advisory 8/13/21 thru 11/11/21 and the wording implies WE are the 'terrorists'...
Approaching the 20th anniversary of 9/11/01, the Dept. of Homeland Security issued a Terrorism Advisory on 8/13/21 effective thru 11/11/21. Interesting timing considering Dan Scavino just told patriots all week (encoded message sent via 3 online posts) that the "U.S. is at risk this week."
What's way MORE alarming is the words/language they used in the very 1st paragraph of this issued warning. Who do you think they're talking about here?
"These threats include those posed by domestic terrorists, individuals and groups engaged in grievance-based violence, and those inspired or motivated by foreign terrorists and other malign foreign influences. These actors are increasingly exploiting online forums to influence and spread violent extremist narratives and promote violent activity. Such threats are also exacerbated by impacts of the ongoing global pandemic, including grievances over public health safety measures and perceived government restrictions."
Oh God - it's even worse. The DHS-issued "terrorism advisory" was featured on NBC News on 8/13/21 with them specifically talking about a 'threat' coming from "Trump supporters claiming election fraud and that he should be reinstated" and all the people rebelling against the vax mandate shit!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBMCXkjaMxQ&t=804s (Go to the 13-minute mark)
This is exactly what some moderator of a Qphobia sub on deaddit called "Qult" tried to sell me as a big scary fear that they are all over there Quaking and Quivering in their Crocs about.
The shill actually asked if we will "pledge to remain nonviolent when Q fails," is proven to be a psy op, and Trump never comes back. Ha ha ha sure pal. Just wait and see what happens.
Definitive PROOF DHS is compromised. Critical Thought and questioning the Federal government now makes us Domestic Terrorists according to what I just read from the DHS.
They are just like the FBI and DOJ and CIA. They know if trump comes back they are toast. They are a Bush cabal agency to the core. A direct creation of the patriot act, of course they are compromised.
They are losing. We are seeing the actions of desperate people not smart enough to realize they have lost complete control of the narrative. They are reaching the point of absurdity, which opens them up to mockery, their greatest fire.
They have been trying since 2016 to enrage patriots into violence. They wanted several large domestic terror events to occur, they wanted those NFAC black army paid actors to get shot up, they even had their vote stealers wear BLM and Biden masks on purpose. They wanted antifa to get shot at. All of this was designed to divert away from the fraud, while giving a plausible reason to use the patriot act and other terrorism laws against us once they stole it. Jan 6th was supposed to a bloodbath.
This is one of the reasons for Q. Q fucked this all up for them. But they can’t stop now. They are locked into the lie, even though they know how silly it all looks.
The enemy is really fucking stupid, and really desperate.
Agreed! "Moneky Werx US" on his UTube podcast about a week or so ago showed a photo of a bus with a DHS license plate loading up a tons of illegals to bring them into the USA. He's ex military and has a bunch of contacts all over, and sometimes even gets "eyes on" where people are getting on and off the planes.
Monkey Werx has been tracking shit tons govt. planes bringing illegals INTO America from other countries, such as Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, and Africa (he shows where these planes going out of the USA into numerous other countries and coming back with a plane full of foreigners on board, then they'll land at Texas border towns to unload them and release into America. Our own government is LEADING human trafficking ops now.
Some of these planes bringing foreigners into our country are even LANDING AT LAUGHLIN AIR FORCE BASE (how fucking terrifying is THAT?!?) before taking these illegals deeper into the country, delivering them to cities across the USA by bus or on other subsequent flights - paid for with OUR TAX DOLLARS!
Here's the "Monkey Werx US" UTube channel (he typically broadcasts 3 times a week on Mon/Wed/Fri.):
Through 11-11-21? 👀 I know that Q wasn't talking about the date 11/11 but now we see it used as a date for a terrorism advisory. Interesting.
There is some sort of New Age connection to 11:11
https://lonerwolf.com/1111-meaning/ (no relation, kek!)
Can you elaborate on Scavino's posts? (links?)
Over the past several days, Dan has repeatedly posted info with "1:44" all in common. That may mean - 'go look at Q post #144.'
8/13 Dan tweet at 1:44am
8/11 Dan tweet at 1:44am
8/11 Dan Facebook video length is 1:44
Seems like Dan is trying to call our attention to something...
Q 144: https://qalerts.app/?n=144
So in Q post #144, the bracket boxes [call-outs] surrounding various letters within this post spell out: "US at risk this week"
Keep your head on a swivel.
Trump called out 9/11 on the very day. The cabal used 9/11 to usher in a surveillance state. They lied about who the true terrorists were to get everyone to be "against terrorism". Then they flipped the script to paint all of us as terrorists. Meanwhile, they take more of our freedom when before they said those random Muslims. "hate us for our freedom". 9/11 and The plandemic go hand in hand. Bookends to the ridiculous bullshit the deep state and the mockingbird media want to hypnotize us all with.
why cant they just leave us the fuck alone? they have all the money they could ever spend; fuck all the girls and kids they could ever want; all the private islands to do all their dodgy business deals...why cant they just leave us to live our lives??
Maybe the universal field of consciousness recognizes this evil for what it is and is raising the temp to deal with the virus and heal itself?
Terror threat = BELIEF that Trump will be reinstated
How do they know what a person believes without being inside their head? They don't. They can just claim a belief exists, and imprison the terrorist.
Thanks, democrats!
Exactly. Questioning the Federal govt makes u a terrorist according to the federal govt
Of course get the MS M to push this 24/7 the lies become the NOT truth.
Does the FBI have plans for 9/11 or something?
Does the FBI have MORE plans for 9/11 or something?
It really seems that way and there's a scenario in my mind I think it could be. I'm afraid to even post it but it would end the MAGA movement forever...
I think it would unite the Americans again as it did in 2001. I never seen so many US flags until after that day! And for an attack to happen UNDER “Biden” it would just be one more reason for the demmies to wake up and realize this is what they voted for! 2022 will be the year the swamp is drained, the patriot party is in control and elections will be regulated!!
Does the fbi lie?
looks like the precipice to me.
Yes I hope it's just the deep state's last push, otherwise there will be serious confrontational conflict
The word manipulation is epic
New definition for domestic terrorism:
wanting to hear the science, logic and reason of alternative medical voices about the scamdemic
wanting cheap, readily available, effective cures for the Wuhan flu instead of deadly experimental chemicals
wanting safe, secure elections free from fraud
wanting the people who are proven beyond all doubt to have won elections to actually hold office
wanting to celebrate religious holidays
Don't let them redefine domestic terrorism in this way. The true domestic terrorists in this country are homegrown islamic supremacists, antifa, Black Lies Murder, generic left-wing radical communists, and democrat bureaucrats and politicians.
What I find most disconcerting, is that none of these msm idiots ever take the time to just read the sidebar of this forum. "We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We NEITHER NEED NOR CONDONE THE USE OF FORCE IN OUR WORK HERE. We are the public face of Q. Our mission is to red-pill normies." How hard is that to comprehend?
Those who are pushing is how they would do it. Logic and common sense are off the table when your involved with sociopaths. However my take is once they start using violence against the citizens to enforce a mandate (and not a law) the gloves come off. I firmly believe the MIL will see this and go, "we are going to deal with this". Because they can do it by the book, legally as defined in the manual, and all the evidence they have gathered to date is a tough thing to refute. Consider that if there is a Civil unrest, our country is gone. If it gets to that point then the MIL didn't fix the issue and were to weak to do so. Is the US MIL weak? Hell no. They have teams who setup meetings with god...
I believe in God, the plan and us...
I mainly read this site on my mobile phone, and apparently don't see the side bar. Not sure I've ever seen or read that particular statement before.
Even so, I agree that the media comes across willfully ignorant of what people here actually say and do.
That was a direct quote. I too use my phone 99.998% of the time. When I use my tablet, it's right there... cheers
Apparently, it's WAY too hard to comprehend.
LOL....mUh TeRrOrIsM for knowing their BS election was stolen? That constitutes a terrorist? Thinking that could overturn an election is terrorism?
This world has lost its mind. 1A says I can think WTF I want, say it out loud, type it here, etc.
Terrorism is a plan and an act to frighten and/or harm the citizens of a locality. This ain't it.
Trying to get ahead of the resistance to upcoming measures to be announced. These are comms to the sheep.
The fact that they even mention the possibility of Trump being reinstated only leads me to the stronger belief that their very afraid of it happening, and that it very much likely WILL HAPPEN.
Also hoping that the 20th 9/11 anniversary will have some big revelations surrounding it.
What does 9/11 have to do with this?
You can see they really did get 80million + votes. Look how they behave when they know the entire population is behind them... /sarc
Even funnier is that the 'circle R' symbol represents a registered trademark for a BRAND (e.g., a company name) - not a phrase.
It's supposed to be "SM" (Service Mark) that represents an owned phrase (a company's slogan or tagline used in advertising - such as Nike: "Just Do It" / Wendy's: "Where's the Beef?" / M&M's: "Melts in your mouth, not in your hands" / Chick-Fil-A's "Eat more Chicken" theme with the cows on their billboards).
Oh, I didnt doubt it for a second. This is exactly what I expect when there is "Panic and DC"
Opposition to tyranny is terrorism now
Unless it's Antifa or BLM doing it. They get a free pass on that, of course.
Always has been.
I saw this on CBS. My grandparents had the fake news on.
I wonder if this is the same DHS that has the actual PCAPS showing the Dominion machines were actually hacked by Soros operatives in Az. ?
Have you by chance seen Monkey Werx US" on UTube showing all the MILITARY surveillance planes & Google balloon (repurposed for intel/data gathering & PUSHING) that were circling overhead Lindell's symposium the ENTIRE time? Military surveillance planes flew above Phoenix every day of the audit action going on in Maricopa too.
And, no, these aren't 'friendlies' either. Elements within our military and agency-hired planes are out in force working AGAINST patriots who are trying to get to the bottom of the 2020 stolen election. They're also HEAVILY involved in human trafficking - literally going to other countries and bringing foreigners INTO our country - and landing inside the USA at friggin' Laughlin Air Force Base then dispersing them into our country all over the place.
"Monkey Werx US" proves this every week with his plane-fagging, naming the aircrafts' tail numbers, showing the visual flight patterns on radar, showing the dates/times of take-offs and landings of these flights - everything. :-( He even caught which planes were taking guests to Hussein's b-day party last weekend.
So not getting the vax makes me a terrorist??? Wow! And believing that the election was stolen makes me a terrorist?? Double wow! And celebrating the beheading of St. John the Baptist on 9/11 makes me a terrorist?? Triple wow!!
Hey guys that’s us!!! We’re famous!
Nothing much to this except fringe employee's of usurper Bidan & co and fake news
As always, though, anything the reptiles in DC concoct, would be implemented at the local level. Hence, the reason to have conversations with your supposed-to-be constitutional sheriff. Push back on everything that's unconstitutional--find awake and principled people. If you can run for office, do so.
🤡 🌍
But this is no threat, right? https://odysee.com/@Ziggs:e/black:9
Does this mean FF on 9/11?
We fight with truth and logic.
These weapons last forever, for good.