You can refuse till you're blue in the face, but they control the computers that generate your pay. Say hello to automatic deductions, whether you like it or not.
I understand, I do believe the best course of action is to refuse, make them dole out whatever consequences they push, then once that happens make your decision to sue or quit.
I think the same thing everytime I go to the grocery store, the local grocery store has the cashiers wearing masks again. If just 4 of them said NO, im not wearing a mask anymore, take me off of your schedule, I Quit, it would all end.
The grocery store would not be able to operate with just a handfull fighting against it. The store would be closed down, the owners would be paying the high electric bill for all of those freezers, and refrigerators, nobody to unload trucks, etc. It is mind-blowing that people are putting up with this shit.
I'm choosing to believe that all bad news right now is actually good news. This will lead to lawsuits, and precedent, and more legal protection for all of us down the line. It looks bad, but the laws it could inspire will be worth the temporary irritation.
And how will they do that? Just don't pay it. If they dock it from your pay then determine how many hours of work equate to $200 and work that many less hours a month. I know its a little more complicated for pilots, so maybe just turn up that many hours late.
So again, it clearly indicates it’s not about the “pandemic”. It’s all about money and power. They are showing if an employee is willing and able to pay $200 a month, they can remain unvax’d and employed indefinitely with Delta. Delta...kek, that’s ironic.
To penalize the healthy ppl to pay for anyone (vaxxed mostly) for getting RE-infected. According to their numbers....75% of emp already vaxxed up so they put the financial burden on a to be invaded to pay $200 per month to cover all emp
This sucks but it allows people to keep their jobs while looking for a new one. I’m scared my company is going to demand all employees take the shot. It’s a good job been there for almost 25 years. I have a mortgage and a family. One kid started college this semester, another will be ready to start in a year and a half. Wife doesn’t work, we home schooled our kids. Losing my job will devastate us. Paying $200 a month to get past this crazy period would be a blessing. I think a lot of this crap will go away once Devolution is complete.
Guess who ain’t flying delta
Bye bye Delta
Can you say, "Class action lawsuit"?
This would actually be a thing if the Court wasn't comped.
They own it all
true. thats why they can get away with it. they know the judges are bought and paid for lol . [elites laughing get wrecked patriots]
Lmao i habe a car and dont plan on goin out of country.... Like i give a fuck
It's funny that money always seems to make things better. For a $200 monthly tax, COVID goes away.
It’s probably because they will be making back what they loose in customers. They need to fight back, and just say no to this ungrateful companies.
Like a carbon tax.
If you do this, it will destroy the earth. But, give us money and you can do it.
I hope Delta employees band together and fight this ridiculous shit. Lots of employees banding together are succeeding in their fights.
That's gonna be expensive when they have to pay it all back with interest and punitive damages.
funny, they will coerce people to take the vax, but will not mandate it. They know they will lose if they mandate.
Sue for medical discrimination
How does the $200 protect anyone from the virus. That makes zero sense other than extortion.
Coercion to get jabbed, which then "protects people"
But not for white house employees
or the CDC, or the NIH.
Or the CEO of Phizer
Is it tax deductible?
Sue for discrimination. Make them prove there is benefit and zero harm from any of the a Covid shots.
That’s another airline going down in 🔥
Wonder what their unions will say?
Class action lawsuit time, Delta employees!!! DO IT!!!
Just quit. It's time to great businesses for "us".
don't quit, refuse to pay it, if they pull it from your wages sue them. Has this been negotiated with their unions, if so sue the unions as well.
You can refuse till you're blue in the face, but they control the computers that generate your pay. Say hello to automatic deductions, whether you like it or not.
then you sue them, you did not agree to these rules when you became employed by them. We can't kick the can on this, we need to hit it head on.
Wasn't suggesting kick the can, only saying it's not as simple as just telling them no.
I understand, I do believe the best course of action is to refuse, make them dole out whatever consequences they push, then once that happens make your decision to sue or quit.
If they're union they can file a grievance against the pay deduction and get it back. Pretty simple.
Heck, if mgmt/payroll doesn't comply in short time, the employee is probably eligible to file for penalty pay as well.
Source: 17+ Union Anon ;)
Delta ground employees are not unionized
I think the same thing everytime I go to the grocery store, the local grocery store has the cashiers wearing masks again. If just 4 of them said NO, im not wearing a mask anymore, take me off of your schedule, I Quit, it would all end.
The grocery store would not be able to operate with just a handfull fighting against it. The store would be closed down, the owners would be paying the high electric bill for all of those freezers, and refrigerators, nobody to unload trucks, etc. It is mind-blowing that people are putting up with this shit.
Yes, there are other airlines. Maybe one of them has woken up?
I'm choosing to believe that all bad news right now is actually good news. This will lead to lawsuits, and precedent, and more legal protection for all of us down the line. It looks bad, but the laws it could inspire will be worth the temporary irritation.
As a Soviet American company employees pay you.
Delta needs that money to offset the fact that nobody's flying with them anymore...
And how will they do that? Just don't pay it. If they dock it from your pay then determine how many hours of work equate to $200 and work that many less hours a month. I know its a little more complicated for pilots, so maybe just turn up that many hours late.
Pilots could quit early. “Land your own damn plane!”
Ultimately a mass walkout will be very damaging to Delta. I wonder if they considered the ramifications of their actions?
A mass walkout at 30,000 feet would be even more damaging.
So again, it clearly indicates it’s not about the “pandemic”. It’s all about money and power. They are showing if an employee is willing and able to pay $200 a month, they can remain unvax’d and employed indefinitely with Delta. Delta...kek, that’s ironic.
so that's what the delta variant was
LOL, good catch.
How the fuck is this legal
Most states have labor laws to protect workers,and to protect their cut.
I hope they go fucking bankrupt!
LOL exposure to a Nuremburg Code violation in order to extort $200 from the people who make your company function. Amazing!
What's funny is that will correlate exactly with $400 less competency from those employees. Not exactly a great financial transaction.
It’s an additional fee on health insurance. Like smokers.
To penalize the healthy ppl to pay for anyone (vaxxed mostly) for getting RE-infected. According to their numbers....75% of emp already vaxxed up so they put the financial burden on a to be invaded to pay $200 per month to cover all emp
It’s the Delta way.
It's discrimination. Vaxx ppl are not immune to cov. Vac ppl can be re-infected. Vax ppl can give cov to others. Vax ppl still need to wear a mask.
Lol fuck em
It's the vaccinated who should be charged. Their actuaries are brain dead.
Why? And I think this is illegal,
This sucks but it allows people to keep their jobs while looking for a new one. I’m scared my company is going to demand all employees take the shot. It’s a good job been there for almost 25 years. I have a mortgage and a family. One kid started college this semester, another will be ready to start in a year and a half. Wife doesn’t work, we home schooled our kids. Losing my job will devastate us. Paying $200 a month to get past this crazy period would be a blessing. I think a lot of this crap will go away once Devolution is complete.
... and make sure you drop your productivity to match your reduced pay.
Ha... I said this yesterday at work, that employers are going to find a way to screw people who elect not to get jabbed… I hate it when I’m right…
They are creating disgruntled employees