Area of NYC: 303 sq mi
Population of NYC: 8.49 million
Area of Alaska: 663,268 sq mi
2189 NYC fit in Alaska. 918 NYCs hold 7.8 billion people. The population of the world fits in half of Alaska at NYC density, even less if they meant Manhattan only.
Area of Manhattan: 23 sq mi (land)
Population of Manhattan: 1.632 million.
About 28,838 Manhattans fit in Alaska, and we'd need 4,779 Manhattans to hold all of the people in the world.
A square mile holds 640 acres, so Alaska has 424.5 million acres in total.
I think the acre of land may have not necessarily been in Alaska.
Interestingly, the US is 3,531,905 sq mi of landmass, so 2.26billion acres, not enough for everyone in the world to have one.
I agree with the idea that we are not overpopulated but not all acres of land are equal. There may not be enough arable land to give everyone an acre. Saying that though, 1 acre of land can feed and house a family of 5.
One just needs think outside the box and an acre is a LOT of land. Stop thinking in 2 dimensions and use all 3. All the sudden one care is a shit ton of land. Can live in a decent house, have more than enough land to grow food and have live stock.
Just have to be creative. No you cannot be a rancher. But you can grow more meat per square foot than a rancher given the correct type of meat.
When you look at a FLAT map of the world the size of the land areas are skewed. On a globe, they represent closer to reality. If you took Japan and placed it on the east coast of the usa, it stretches from tip of Florida, all the way up to Canada but, looking at it on a flat map, it looks much smaller than that.
I was really surprised how big Japan is when I visited. Big mountains big rivers. I knew that there is big country in Japan but for some reason it impressed me more upon visiting. I am dumb lol
Not dumb, just forced to look at Flat maps that are skewed in land mass dimensions all your life, same as the rest of us. I did not know, until I knew. lol
What are they going to eat? I believe you need at least an acre per person for food, even with modern farming methods. Some sources say up to 7, especially if you want to eat meat and dairy. And I don't think Alaska has much farming potential...
There are 7.7 billion people on the planet. The elite view 93.5% of us as 'useless eaters'. They want all the resources consumed by 7.2 billion people for themselves. The remaining 0.5 Billion should devote their lives to serving them.
I’m not even convinced there really are that many people anyways. If these governments claim they have more people than they do, it acts as a cover for corruption (just like we’ve seen during the election.) It allows those governments to claim and demand more taxes and freedoms. It also has the effect of dispiriting other peoples of the world. For instance, we sit on our couches and worry that China will replace us all, turning us subconsciously depressed and disinterested.
lets be honest, folks... we could all think of a few people this planet could do without.... not because of over-population... just because they're that stupid and useless... EXHIBIT "A" ----career politicians----
I'm thinking they (career politicians) don't need to die. They just need to be occupied at their level of capability: pumping gas for you, checking your tires and oil...
Alaska is only 300-400 million acres. Plus, it's not about space but resources, you could fit millions of people in the Arizona desert but they would die...because it's a desert. Depopulation is evil, but this kind of blatantly obvious misinformation makes us look ignorant. If we want to be able to inhabit inhabitable areas, we must take time to learn how to overcome the challenge, not allow ourselves to get drawn to finger pointing.
Ethics limit us a lot. Expansion into uninhabited lands is possible but people on both sides of the aisle have issues with it. Neo cities should be a bipartisan goal and the people should band together to make them a reality...
But we can't even make our minds up over a pipeline and keep it running smoothly because of rinos and libtards..much less develop the cites of the future
What I'm "defending" as you put it is just read between the lines....There is enough land on this planet to support us all ...including feeding everyone.... Overpopulation does not exist.....
This meme has been a good eye opener. There is a book by Asimov where in the future ever person gets to live on a huge estate tended by robots. Looks like we could already have that if we wanted!
I have always felt that over population is a lie pushed by the Globalists. But I thought they conflated the numbers and the real population is probably 3-4 bil, but the lie could simply be in shaping our perception as to what is too much population
If we were all seated, like in an auditorium or theater, all 8.7billion would fit in less than 45 square miles, less than the size of Chicago and some of its suburbs (some, not all).
The garden thing is also true. We have a small garden, 10x25 ft. Zucchini, tomatoes, cucumber, squash, strawberries, etc. Weve eaten 20 lbs of tomatoes, and have 160lbs. blanched and frozen, they'll last a year. We have enough zucchini stored we can make bread for the rest of the year, use it in soups, meals, etc. Same with the others. We have enough strawberriea to make 4-6 jars of jam and still freeze some.
This and other stuff all easy to do, just takes a little time. No special equipment needed unless you want to make it a little easier/faster. We use boiling water, ice, freezer bags, deep freeze. Thats it other than the normal cutting board, knife, etc.
If we had some gumption, we'd do green beans, gourds, peas, etc.
My mom has a couple raised beds, she does butter lettuce, peas, herbs, etc.
Takes a little time, but easy to do. There is no real food shortage, just mismanagement and manipulation of pricing, storage, shipping, etc.
I'm glad you have success with your garden, but I have to disagree with the general characterization that the world could feed itself if everyone planted a garden. I live in a climate conducive to raising vegetables, but after several years of experimentation, have never had a tomato plant put out more than five edible fruit. I have a small orchard of different types of trees, but no way could some fruit substitute for feeding us year-round if we didn't have a grocery store. Some of my trees are 15-20 years old. Who has that kind of time?
Because of pests, soil diseases, poor climate, etc., most people couldn't feed themselves if they had to depend solely upon their own garden...through no fault of their own.
I dont think anyone is saying the entire world could be fed if we only have gardens at each home. But supplementing our supply of food with millions upon millions of home gardens growing some vegetables will take a massive strain off the supply lines and large farms
I am happy that you are enjoying your garden and the fruits of your labour,.
Not for me though, moving forward into a new world does not mean going back to subsistence farming. I hate the idea.
I do like the idea of Vertical farming etc. for city's.
If you put everyone in Alaska on an equal plot of land, each plot would be 43' x 43'...that's 23 per acre. Math is hard. That said, it would certainly address overpopulation as we would see a natural 90% pop reduction the first year.
Look at lumber, rare earth minerals, conductors, specific chips, etc. You want double the population in 10 years to appease your religious beliefs? Get ready for $3000 GPUs, $100 plywood sheets, phones spiking to $1500 MSRP, etc
Then there's the human element. People can be idiots, therefore they'll brawl over chicken sandwiches and make toilet paper as rare as a PS5. No doubt with twice more people we'll see this more and more for anything determined to be "necessary"
There's a lot of other indicators. In most public school systems, student teacher ratio is already awful (50-1 isn't unheard of) the prisons are already overpopulated, the average city's mobile network gets congested everyday just like its traffic locks up twice a day
There is the age old question every real conservative will ask. Where's the money coming from? How will you fix the housing market? Healthcare? Infrastructure?
Unless NESARA/GESARA is fully real..then you have to population control somehow, at least until then.
if we could get the border under control and develop birth control with less side effects, maybe we could handle population spikes from abortion bans
Population control entails everything from family planning, civil engineering, to education and cultural shifts
We face a situation with illegals, refugees, and chain migration threatening our social services and both low and middle class economy. Not to mention, there is an intellectual and spiritual decline amongst the people. It is not practical to encourage people to "baby boom" when Tessica Brown has 5 kids and infertile women kill 20 embryos just to have one IVF baby.
So if everyone lived as densely as NYC how would each person get 1 acre of land. Meme poster should be blocked from posting memes for not understanding common sense and not understanding math
Ummm, "Meme poster" has a name for starters....Do you know the impact that "shock tactics" as I like to call them have on people ...? Let's just put aside the fact that I'm asking people to "read between the lines" for a second....This is not a post that needs a "source" because it doesn't matter...Everybody has different ideas on How the "distribution" of the land should be...Farming, infrastructure...etc....And "IF" there's enough land as I say there is... ANSWER ME THIS......HOW MANY of you here on this thread would be talking about this subject at the moment and having this discussion...? I'll Tell you...NONE... How many people have now gone and Googled if this is true...? ALL of you...Which starts a chain reaction of thought...If you cant see where I'm going with this....then....
disinfo is a popular tactic in warfare, to confuse the enemy...from Mount;
Seldom remembered as a trickster, Washington was also fond of spreading disinformation. He encouraged members of the Culper Ring to exaggerate the size and strength of his forces in their conversations with British supporters. He would also spread false messages about military movements and attacks on various forts, sending them via regular post to ensure that they would be intercepted. He also turned to less-formal networks for intelligence-gathering, frequently relying on scouts to collect and convey information.
Either fake news is bad or it isn’t. I don’t understand how you can justify spreading fake news for feeding your own purposes while admonishing fake news from the left. Is the problem that the left is using the same tactics?
I’m someone who operates on facts. Spreading this shit is harmful to a society better dealing with objective truths.
no, that's not true; fake news is 'wrong' when it's used against the American people. When the white hats spread disinfo, it's to help the citizens, so it's 'good'. Just like fire can be useful or harmful. weird that you don't understand.
So fake news is bad when it's against you, but fake news is good when it's for you?
That's kind of fucked up.
Fake news is bad. Don't spread misinfo to the citizens. A person spreading this meme only looks like an idiot for sharing something so blatantly wrong and short-sighted, so frankly it hurts the movement at a whole. I wouldn't be surprised if this is something the left produced to make the right look stupid for sharing it.
They shouldn't post disinfo to people like you or me.
Think about this, let's say you share this meme to friends and family. Immediately they may also do the math that others have in this thread and call you out for sharing something so dumb. It then discredits your information and you're now seen not as an educator but someone who can't do basic research or thinking before regurgitating whatever facts sound good to you.
Why isn't this graphic made with the CORRECT math? Why is it putting all the people in Alaska over, say, the great plains? That's an even larger landmass AND actually livable. It's about presenting your facts clearly and in a way that's easy to read, understand, and digest.
If you're hoping to wake up any normies, this ain't it. It's garbage at best.
You would find it funny....however I don't do petty childish things like downvote for disagreements....I only do that for outright lies and don't flatter yourself...
Let's just put aside the fact that I'm asking people to "read between the lines" for a second...Do you know the impact that "shock tactics" as I like to call them have on people ...?This is not a post that needs a "source" because it doesn't matter...Everybody has different ideas on How the "distribution" of the land should be...Farming, infrastructure...etc...And "IF" there's enough land as I say there is(Overpopulation of the Planet is BS)... ANSWER ME THIS......HOW MANY of you here on this thread would be talking about this subject at the moment and having this discussion...? I'll Tell you...NONE... How many people have now gone and Googled if this is true...? ALL of you...Which starts a chain reaction of thought and Common sense...If you cant see where I'm going with this....then...
Alaska has 665M acres, I'm bad at math. If there are 7 billion people in the world and each of them gets an acre, wouldnt we need 7 billion acres in Alaska?
Half an acre of land can grow enough food to feed a family of four.
Wish I could find the book that shows this, but it's somewhere with the rest of our gardening/homesteading books.
This is what I tell people when they say "There are too many people already, so we should just abort them before they're born."
Well, A. They just admitted that they abort people/humans, so that's another win for the pro-life argument.
B. Considering there have been over 107 billion people to have ever lived on Earth (the true number is closer to 110 billion if we're counting all the babies killed through abortion throughout the ages, yes it's that many), 7.8 billion is not that much in comparison. Sure it's all at one time but still, this is not a big number.
C. It's cities that are overpopulated, not the whole Earth. According to current models, the Earth can sustain over 15 billion people at one time. If we get closer to 15 billion, then sure, maybe there's too many mouths to feed with the current way of producing food, but new and more productive ways of growing food are always popping up. We'd find a way.
D. If everybody started living more rural, the Earth would not look or feel "overpopulated" since we'd be more spread out with more miles in between each settlement. Which is what the US used to be like. Before 1900 around 2/3 of the population lived rural. Then after 1900 the city boom really took off and now more than 3/4 of people in the US live in urban areas.
Lesson: overpopulation only exists in crammed mega cities. Start spreading out and you'll find there's room for about 7 billion more.
About once a month, I make the drive from one major city across the state to another major city. At least 200 miles of the drive, I see wide open green farmable land as far as the eye can see. Then I’ll look up properties on Zillow or Redfin. They are cheap, they are farmable, they usually have well water and spring fed water sources. Humanity is overdue for a lifestyle correction and I believe it will be a farming renaissance…if only one man hadn’t recently bought up a huge chunk of farmland in America.
I think people are forgetting what it takes to have a balanced ecosystem. We may all fit on earth, and we may be able to feed everyone, but there needs to be large swathes of land untouched by man to keep the plant healthy. It's time we start venturing out to other planets.
OMG.... obviously not...I'm talking about the entire planet being able to accomodate and feed every single person on this planet.... Why do people not use their God given brains...use some logic, common sense and critical thinking....
Alaska has 365 million acres if land.
Math is racist.
Area of NYC: 303 sq mi Population of NYC: 8.49 million Area of Alaska: 663,268 sq mi 2189 NYC fit in Alaska. 918 NYCs hold 7.8 billion people. The population of the world fits in half of Alaska at NYC density, even less if they meant Manhattan only.
Area of Manhattan: 23 sq mi (land) Population of Manhattan: 1.632 million. About 28,838 Manhattans fit in Alaska, and we'd need 4,779 Manhattans to hold all of the people in the world.
A square mile holds 640 acres, so Alaska has 424.5 million acres in total.
I think the acre of land may have not necessarily been in Alaska.
Interestingly, the US is 3,531,905 sq mi of landmass, so 2.26billion acres, not enough for everyone in the world to have one.
They probably meant everyone can get one acre of land in the world.
I agree with the idea that we are not overpopulated but not all acres of land are equal. There may not be enough arable land to give everyone an acre. Saying that though, 1 acre of land can feed and house a family of 5.
Expand to the entire North American continent, and every family probably could have 1 acre.
Not out of my acreage, though. Get your own acre. My acreage is all hills and rocks, like I like it.
I think the general idea of the graphic is sound. There's no overpopulation. Nature and all will figure out how to live around us.
Or crush us once we've grown too bothersome.
We've figured it out so far. It'll work out.
Or it won't. Worrying won't add an hour to your lifespan (in fact, all that anxiety you give yourself will shorten it).
Be well, brother!
A man can dream.
That single acre must be fertile af.
In reality, you want an acre a person roughly.
Fuck an acre of land give me the same value in a sailing vessel tyvm.
Vertical agriculture
Man, I am happy if every 5 people get half an acre of arable land. Life can be infinitely more relaxed and wholesome than what it is now.
One just needs think outside the box and an acre is a LOT of land. Stop thinking in 2 dimensions and use all 3. All the sudden one care is a shit ton of land. Can live in a decent house, have more than enough land to grow food and have live stock.
Just have to be creative. No you cannot be a rancher. But you can grow more meat per square foot than a rancher given the correct type of meat.
That's exactly it.... unfortunately you have to really explain that to some people...
"The entire world population of 7.8 billion people could fit into the state of Alaska and give them all an acre of land and everyone would fit nicely"
No reading between the lines for that one, its simply incorrect
It's also invalidates your post. Not to knock what you're putting out there, but it's probably best to double check your math before posting
When you look at a FLAT map of the world the size of the land areas are skewed. On a globe, they represent closer to reality. If you took Japan and placed it on the east coast of the usa, it stretches from tip of Florida, all the way up to Canada but, looking at it on a flat map, it looks much smaller than that.
I was really surprised how big Japan is when I visited. Big mountains big rivers. I knew that there is big country in Japan but for some reason it impressed me more upon visiting. I am dumb lol
Not dumb, just forced to look at Flat maps that are skewed in land mass dimensions all your life, same as the rest of us. I did not know, until I knew. lol
Isn't the earth flat asking for a friend
No, it is Hollow, didin U know?
Divvied up to families of 5, it would hold 1billion 825 million people.. Math is a bitch....but a logical one... 😁
What are they going to eat? I believe you need at least an acre per person for food, even with modern farming methods. Some sources say up to 7, especially if you want to eat meat and dairy. And I don't think Alaska has much farming potential...
They don't mean it literally... as in they could "live" in Alaska. Just that they could fit in Alaska. It's about perspective
Dint you know the geniuses that screwed up AFG can do a beautiful job of robbing the lower 48 to feed the tired and poor in Alaska???
Farm on the rest of the world. When the whole population is on Alaska, the world is your farm!
OK, since you already need the rest of the world for this plan, why is everyone living in Alaska and not some better place?
It was sarcastic lel
it would be the worst nightmare on earth if NYC style life stacking was the norm there
And imagine a proportional number of Cuomos
I smell a good conspiracy. Pray tell.
There are 7.7 billion people on the planet. The elite view 93.5% of us as 'useless eaters'. They want all the resources consumed by 7.2 billion people for themselves. The remaining 0.5 Billion should devote their lives to serving them.
They are psychopaths.
I think the elite starve if we leave.
The reality is we stop shipping food to any given city for a week, the urban dwellers will tear their elitest butts a new one for us.
Problem solved.
Wouldn't that make us the elite if they need us? We don't need them lol that's for sure.
Put fortresses on every major highway leading into the big cities and block off the roads. Nobody in or out. Comply or starve.
That sounds like an abusive relationship. Typically they call it domestic violence and make it clear not all domestic violence is physical.
Gosh I love yall. We're all really getting on the same page here.
Think the "MATRIX". Very scary and very sad!
I’m not even convinced there really are that many people anyways. If these governments claim they have more people than they do, it acts as a cover for corruption (just like we’ve seen during the election.) It allows those governments to claim and demand more taxes and freedoms. It also has the effect of dispiriting other peoples of the world. For instance, we sit on our couches and worry that China will replace us all, turning us subconsciously depressed and disinterested.
lets be honest, folks... we could all think of a few people this planet could do without.... not because of over-population... just because they're that stupid and useless... EXHIBIT "A" ----career politicians----
I'm thinking they (career politicians) don't need to die. They just need to be occupied at their level of capability: pumping gas for you, checking your tires and oil...
I wouldn't trust them with that. Maybe mucking out stables.
again too much responsibility, manually sorting trash from recycling till the end of their days.
Alaska is only 300-400 million acres. Plus, it's not about space but resources, you could fit millions of people in the Arizona desert but they would die...because it's a desert. Depopulation is evil, but this kind of blatantly obvious misinformation makes us look ignorant. If we want to be able to inhabit inhabitable areas, we must take time to learn how to overcome the challenge, not allow ourselves to get drawn to finger pointing.
I think people are taking this literally when it was only meant to provide perspective
People wouldn't die In Arizona. Well some would, the rest would eat well.
Ethics limit us a lot. Expansion into uninhabited lands is possible but people on both sides of the aisle have issues with it. Neo cities should be a bipartisan goal and the people should band together to make them a reality...
But we can't even make our minds up over a pipeline and keep it running smoothly because of rinos and libtards..much less develop the cites of the future
It might make you ignorant....Read between the lines ... Overpopulation us absolute bullshit....
What I'm "defending" as you put it is just read between the lines....There is enough land on this planet to support us all ...including feeding everyone.... Overpopulation does not exist.....
People shouldn't have to read between the lines for these posts. People should be focused on posting facts and not overhyped BS.
People shouldn't be Lazy.....People shouldn't have to be spoonfed....People should also do their own research....Go take your BS somewhere else
I would argue that making a post before fact checking it is lazy. This kind of argument I would expect from the MSM, but not from you purkiss.
You posted something without doing YOUR research.
I cannot edit the original title....
delete and repost then. you are supposedly not lazy like us other plebs, so get on it
The "Acre of land for everyone" does not sound legit. Check the whole thing whether its valid or not.
On an unrelated note, reminds me of the book "Stand on Zanzibar." The author was way ahead of his time!
Did some quick maths:
~57.3M Sq Mi of total land on Earth = ~36.6B acres
Roughly 40% inhabitable ~14.6B acres
Divided by ~7.9B population ~1.85 acres/person of inhabitable land.
So it seems the creator saw that and left out the of the whole world part.
This meme has been a good eye opener. There is a book by Asimov where in the future ever person gets to live on a huge estate tended by robots. Looks like we could already have that if we wanted!
I have always felt that over population is a lie pushed by the Globalists. But I thought they conflated the numbers and the real population is probably 3-4 bil, but the lie could simply be in shaping our perception as to what is too much population
It should be a handbook! Also, The Sheep Look Up by John Brunner is a good one also..
Yeah Brunner has covered everything facing us right now!
Yep, the little shiver of fear I experienced reading these in the 80s probably was the "what if" quiet voice in my mind prophesying..
If we were all seated, like in an auditorium or theater, all 8.7billion would fit in less than 45 square miles, less than the size of Chicago and some of its suburbs (some, not all).
The garden thing is also true. We have a small garden, 10x25 ft. Zucchini, tomatoes, cucumber, squash, strawberries, etc. Weve eaten 20 lbs of tomatoes, and have 160lbs. blanched and frozen, they'll last a year. We have enough zucchini stored we can make bread for the rest of the year, use it in soups, meals, etc. Same with the others. We have enough strawberriea to make 4-6 jars of jam and still freeze some.
This and other stuff all easy to do, just takes a little time. No special equipment needed unless you want to make it a little easier/faster. We use boiling water, ice, freezer bags, deep freeze. Thats it other than the normal cutting board, knife, etc.
If we had some gumption, we'd do green beans, gourds, peas, etc.
My mom has a couple raised beds, she does butter lettuce, peas, herbs, etc.
Takes a little time, but easy to do. There is no real food shortage, just mismanagement and manipulation of pricing, storage, shipping, etc.
I'm glad you have success with your garden, but I have to disagree with the general characterization that the world could feed itself if everyone planted a garden. I live in a climate conducive to raising vegetables, but after several years of experimentation, have never had a tomato plant put out more than five edible fruit. I have a small orchard of different types of trees, but no way could some fruit substitute for feeding us year-round if we didn't have a grocery store. Some of my trees are 15-20 years old. Who has that kind of time?
Because of pests, soil diseases, poor climate, etc., most people couldn't feed themselves if they had to depend solely upon their own garden...through no fault of their own.
I dont think anyone is saying the entire world could be fed if we only have gardens at each home. But supplementing our supply of food with millions upon millions of home gardens growing some vegetables will take a massive strain off the supply lines and large farms
50% of our calorific intake is from wheats, grains, etc.
I am happy that you are enjoying your garden and the fruits of your labour,. Not for me though, moving forward into a new world does not mean going back to subsistence farming. I hate the idea. I do like the idea of Vertical farming etc. for city's.
Yes there is about 36 billion acres of land. 11 billion is currently farmland and pastures. That's still 2-3 acres per person alive today.
Thank you....someone who uses common sense and math....
If you put everyone in Alaska on an equal plot of land, each plot would be 43' x 43'...that's 23 per acre. Math is hard. That said, it would certainly address overpopulation as we would see a natural 90% pop reduction the first year.
Eh, resources outside of land are scarce.
Look at lumber, rare earth minerals, conductors, specific chips, etc. You want double the population in 10 years to appease your religious beliefs? Get ready for $3000 GPUs, $100 plywood sheets, phones spiking to $1500 MSRP, etc
Then there's the human element. People can be idiots, therefore they'll brawl over chicken sandwiches and make toilet paper as rare as a PS5. No doubt with twice more people we'll see this more and more for anything determined to be "necessary"
There's a lot of other indicators. In most public school systems, student teacher ratio is already awful (50-1 isn't unheard of) the prisons are already overpopulated, the average city's mobile network gets congested everyday just like its traffic locks up twice a day
There is the age old question every real conservative will ask. Where's the money coming from? How will you fix the housing market? Healthcare? Infrastructure?
Unless NESARA/GESARA is fully real..then you have to population control somehow, at least until then.
if we could get the border under control and develop birth control with less side effects, maybe we could handle population spikes from abortion bans
"then you have to population control somehow, at least until then"...Seriously...? Population control...?
Population control entails everything from family planning, civil engineering, to education and cultural shifts
We face a situation with illegals, refugees, and chain migration threatening our social services and both low and middle class economy. Not to mention, there is an intellectual and spiritual decline amongst the people. It is not practical to encourage people to "baby boom" when Tessica Brown has 5 kids and infertile women kill 20 embryos just to have one IVF baby.
Why is this stickied?
Overpopulation means "it's too hard to control every aspect of so many people's lives."
So if everyone lived as densely as NYC how would each person get 1 acre of land. Meme poster should be blocked from posting memes for not understanding common sense and not understanding math
Ummm, "Meme poster" has a name for starters....Do you know the impact that "shock tactics" as I like to call them have on people ...? Let's just put aside the fact that I'm asking people to "read between the lines" for a second....This is not a post that needs a "source" because it doesn't matter...Everybody has different ideas on How the "distribution" of the land should be...Farming, infrastructure...etc....And "IF" there's enough land as I say there is... ANSWER ME THIS......HOW MANY of you here on this thread would be talking about this subject at the moment and having this discussion...? I'll Tell you...NONE... How many people have now gone and Googled if this is true...? ALL of you...Which starts a chain reaction of thought...If you cant see where I'm going with this....then....
That chain reaction of thought concept is understandable on facebook or instagram not here. This is considered disinformation and makes us look bad.
Then...posting disinfo is fine as long as it gets people talking about the overall topic?
disinfo is a popular tactic in warfare, to confuse the enemy...from Mount;
Seldom remembered as a trickster, Washington was also fond of spreading disinformation. He encouraged members of the Culper Ring to exaggerate the size and strength of his forces in their conversations with British supporters. He would also spread false messages about military movements and attacks on various forts, sending them via regular post to ensure that they would be intercepted. He also turned to less-formal networks for intelligence-gathering, frequently relying on scouts to collect and convey information.
100% correct...
Either fake news is bad or it isn’t. I don’t understand how you can justify spreading fake news for feeding your own purposes while admonishing fake news from the left. Is the problem that the left is using the same tactics?
I’m someone who operates on facts. Spreading this shit is harmful to a society better dealing with objective truths.
no, that's not true; fake news is 'wrong' when it's used against the American people. When the white hats spread disinfo, it's to help the citizens, so it's 'good'. Just like fire can be useful or harmful. weird that you don't understand.
So fake news is bad when it's against you, but fake news is good when it's for you?
That's kind of fucked up.
Fake news is bad. Don't spread misinfo to the citizens. A person spreading this meme only looks like an idiot for sharing something so blatantly wrong and short-sighted, so frankly it hurts the movement at a whole. I wouldn't be surprised if this is something the left produced to make the right look stupid for sharing it.
Do you think Q and the whitehats Don't post disinfo for similar reasons...Just take a minute to think about it...
They shouldn't post disinfo to people like you or me.
Think about this, let's say you share this meme to friends and family. Immediately they may also do the math that others have in this thread and call you out for sharing something so dumb. It then discredits your information and you're now seen not as an educator but someone who can't do basic research or thinking before regurgitating whatever facts sound good to you.
Why isn't this graphic made with the CORRECT math? Why is it putting all the people in Alaska over, say, the great plains? That's an even larger landmass AND actually livable. It's about presenting your facts clearly and in a way that's easy to read, understand, and digest.
If you're hoping to wake up any normies, this ain't it. It's garbage at best.
That's your opinion which you are 100% entitled to...That doesn't make it a fact...Find someone else to argue with...Have a great day...
You are sharing things that are factually incorrect. It’s lazy, and hurtful to the movement.
On top of that you’re too prideful to correct the information and admit you’re wrong.
Sloth and Pride. When are you gonna hit the other 5?
When for the love of God are you just going to STFU....
Please dont make me block you...i dont really want to...
Also, i find it funny how you’re adding petty little downvotes to my comments after throwing a fit about people downvoting yours. Gave me a chuckle
You would find it funny....however I don't do petty childish things like downvote for disagreements....I only do that for outright lies and don't flatter yourself...
they do not want people being self sufficient
Over population is a CONSPIRACY THEORY
Let's just put aside the fact that I'm asking people to "read between the lines" for a second...Do you know the impact that "shock tactics" as I like to call them have on people ...?This is not a post that needs a "source" because it doesn't matter...Everybody has different ideas on How the "distribution" of the land should be...Farming, infrastructure...etc...And "IF" there's enough land as I say there is(Overpopulation of the Planet is BS)... ANSWER ME THIS......HOW MANY of you here on this thread would be talking about this subject at the moment and having this discussion...? I'll Tell you...NONE... How many people have now gone and Googled if this is true...? ALL of you...Which starts a chain reaction of thought and Common sense...If you cant see where I'm going with this....then...
Alaska has 665M acres, I'm bad at math. If there are 7 billion people in the world and each of them gets an acre, wouldnt we need 7 billion acres in Alaska?
Half an acre of land can grow enough food to feed a family of four. Wish I could find the book that shows this, but it's somewhere with the rest of our gardening/homesteading books.
Live as densely as in NYC, but give everyone an acre of land?? Pick one lmao they contradict each other
This is what I tell people when they say "There are too many people already, so we should just abort them before they're born."
Well, A. They just admitted that they abort people/humans, so that's another win for the pro-life argument.
B. Considering there have been over 107 billion people to have ever lived on Earth (the true number is closer to 110 billion if we're counting all the babies killed through abortion throughout the ages, yes it's that many), 7.8 billion is not that much in comparison. Sure it's all at one time but still, this is not a big number.
C. It's cities that are overpopulated, not the whole Earth. According to current models, the Earth can sustain over 15 billion people at one time. If we get closer to 15 billion, then sure, maybe there's too many mouths to feed with the current way of producing food, but new and more productive ways of growing food are always popping up. We'd find a way.
D. If everybody started living more rural, the Earth would not look or feel "overpopulated" since we'd be more spread out with more miles in between each settlement. Which is what the US used to be like. Before 1900 around 2/3 of the population lived rural. Then after 1900 the city boom really took off and now more than 3/4 of people in the US live in urban areas.
Lesson: overpopulation only exists in crammed mega cities. Start spreading out and you'll find there's room for about 7 billion more.
Thank you...I appreciate you laying it out like that because that's my point and I could not have said it any on...
It says if we lived in high rises like New York
It's illegal for me to plant food in my yard. My city council doesn't even know why, but it's still illegal.
Just do it! Plus, go to your City Council meeting and ask to change the restriction. Its up to all of us to improve our community in positive ways.
Job started. We are at the phase where they don't know why but it's still 'no'
Does comfortable = modern?
The picture on the right is very beautiful. Do you really want it to look like the one on the left?
The USA has 2.5 Billion acres but everyone could live comfortably if Texas was a large subdivision!
Satan knows the more of us the exist the more he has to destroy.
About once a month, I make the drive from one major city across the state to another major city. At least 200 miles of the drive, I see wide open green farmable land as far as the eye can see. Then I’ll look up properties on Zillow or Redfin. They are cheap, they are farmable, they usually have well water and spring fed water sources. Humanity is overdue for a lifestyle correction and I believe it will be a farming renaissance…if only one man hadn’t recently bought up a huge chunk of farmland in America.
I think people are forgetting what it takes to have a balanced ecosystem. We may all fit on earth, and we may be able to feed everyone, but there needs to be large swathes of land untouched by man to keep the plant healthy. It's time we start venturing out to other planets.
Drooling insanity. Each person requires hundreds of acres to provide for their food, housing, medicine, education, work, etc.
Only because they're doing it wrong, living in a world of materialism.
If you want a comfortable lifestyle, it's going to require a minimum of acreage to provide the basics, and more than you'd think.
We're overpopulated.
Oh my God. Is this true!? I never knew that.
Just to play the devil's advocate. When they talk about over population it is in regards to food production.
Doesn't. After. They control most of that artificially.
If we lived as densely as NYC you wouldn’t have an acre of land what dumbfuck wrote this
OMG.... obviously not...I'm talking about the entire planet being able to accomodate and feed every single person on this planet.... Why do people not use their God given brains...use some logic, common sense and critical thinking....