How convenient that a virus, which lacks all proof of existence, would disappear before a vaccine, which lacks all proof of efficacy, can be studied with meaningful results.
Dont you just hate it when the virus you created with 30 years of research doesnt even hold up until the toxic gene therapy you have carefully created to oppress humanity starts taking effect?
IDK if this is genuine, but they do pull this type of shit every so often just to flaunt in the faces of the sheeple thickos what they're getting away with so easily. EG Pschucky's 'Plandemic', PEDJoe's 'My butt's been wiped' etc etc ad nauseum.
I fondle little girls' nipples live on CSPAN, and then she admits it 6 years later, and still nothing gets done to me. Hooray! I can carry on being a pedovore.
“It’s going to disappear. One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear. And from our shores, you know, it could get worse before it gets better. It could maybe go away. We’ll see what happens. Nobody really knows. The fact is the greatest experts I’ve spoken to them all, nobody really knows.”
Man Trump doesn't sound the way his words read. Sometimes I read transcripts of speeches that I heard that sounded great, but when read it's like jeez.
But I get he speaks simply so that he can be understood by all.
they dont want the studies, if they do full studies it will show how harmful the vaccines are this is also why they are pushing so hard for people to take it as emergence authorize experimental use
Wow. I had to think about the implications of that newsline. To summarize my understanding:
how the fuck is this a vaccine if it relies on people being sick? Vaccines are given to people before they get sick. Then you intentionally try to infect them to test the immunity.
This also means they are admitting they don't have virus samples. And if they don't have virus samples, how can you even come up with a vaccine?
What is going to happen is that most all of the unvaccinated will have gotten the virus and recovered, thus having natural immunity. At that point, only the vaccinated will be getting infected with variants.
Then they are going to do backflips to avoid revealing that fact.
Makes sense. Wait until the normies finally figure out that the vaccinated are who is now getting sick. And it's not from the virus (if it even exists) but from the jabs!
This is the reason for season to push the vaxx. Once the new testing comes out on 12/31/2021 the virus will almost vanish. So they to push push push to make sure all of mankind is filled with posion , told the only way to keep it away I'd keep getting boosters. And people will grow sicker and sicker need more medicine and big pharm will get rich. The DS won't fear an uprising because everyone will be slowly dying ...
I read this as them realizing they will lose the vaccine battle so they are laying ground work to explain it disappearing when the new test comes out and still at least half the country is not vaccinated. They need some magical way to try and explain it going away. The primary plan was the vaccine but too many people awake to vaccinate enough. This all combined with Israel doing the world a favor and putting everyone on notice showing a 85% vaccinated country is the one setting records for daily new cases.
There is also the detail of these people admitting its a ‘Study’ .......
That’s a very clear shift and goes with the more recent acts of desperation to get as many people as possible vaccinated in what appears to be a very tight schedule for the DS.....
More than the issues around the vaccine they are clearly pushing for a deadline that They have ... and going by the level of narrative, it’s a very short deadline..... because They know once courts do get in on the legal issues They won’t sustain the push to get everyone vaccinated.....
So the question is What? And from that Why?
At the moment the likely reason could be the full roll out of 5G......
Remember how in many countries in the EU and here .... that even at the height of Lockdowns telecommunications companies were allowed to carry on installing and wiring for 5G relays and boosters, which some suggest is more nefarious than it looks as all these companies were allowed to avoid all and any restrictions so these electrical units could be installed..... I am not referring to telecommunications towers or antenna that we see across the country but rather what was being installed were placed in shopping and gathering areas, public places etc etc. and that these sensor / booster units were clearly Non Essential work..!! But under the guise of Essential Services these installations were made.....
If that is the reason then that would imply that the discussions about Graphene Oxide or similar metals being in the vaccines and in turn the possibilities of being able to disrupt, damage and control using waves like 5G does.... (the level of microwave radiation emitted from these 5G signals is the equivalent of sticking your head in the microwave every time you use your phone or device....)
So if say it is for 5G ..... then what have they planned for the global roll out of 5G?
Because, again, they are pushing at a time table and I think right now We are watching the DS and it’s puppets realising that they are past their critical milestone in respect to this stage (Ie Vaccinations) and that time delay is now impacting on the next milestone .... and judging by the level of desperation in their logic now... We are well into that next milestone...... and does that mean that this next milestone that we are yet to see is only actionable when full or majority of global population are vaccinated.....?
Clearly not "breaking news" but of interest and significance. Explains a lot of what has been happening with the intense pressure and coersion to get people vaxxed.
Absolutely! I distinctly remember showing this to people last year and they didn't seem puzzled by it. The conditioning runs deep. I just didn't want people to present as breaking news.
But...I think it's even more relevant NOW that we see the vaccine isn't working. I plan on saying...hey remember this??
You sound like a conspiracy theorist. There's nothing suspicious about a virus which just happens to lack all proof of existence, disappearing before a vaccine which just happens to lack all proof of efficacy, can be studied.
I don't like admitting it, but since seeing the Tik Toks, particularly that extremely weird silent culty one of them backing out of rooms with false undulating asses, and the ridiculous one with the obese harridans doing an anti-Covid 'hakka', I will never trust a mainstream 'health professional' again.
I will never trust a mainstream 'health professional' again.
For me it was when, for the second time we had to cancel a surgery because the problem disappeared before the surgery date after following suggestions from elders in the family.
This is true, also if you pay cash and in payments, sometimes if you get it down pretty far and you get a notice in the mail, paid in full. People that pay cash pay faster than the insurance companies do and it costs them less for bookkeepers etc..
This is the explanation I was given when I got one of my bills paid off. I paid off $4000 of a $5000 bill, and it was like Christmas, when my next bill had a zero balance.
I've believed for many, many years that the "breast cancer industry" is based on mammograms that reveal "cancers" that are so small, the person's own immune system would likely take care of it, but of course, the medical field gets involved and then the person gets to go through all sorts of treatments, many of which CAUSE cancer!
Also breast cancer foundations are notorious for fraud. One of the bigger ones out here was exposed a couple year ago to be simply siphoning funds to all kinds of things and only less than 5% went to any research.
I suspect this is the case with most charities - unfortunately due to the privileges they enjoy, it attracts bad actors in droves.
you can use to check legitimate 501c charities financial profile. The CEO salaries of the big ones are what is really criminal! Most of the large, well known charities, spend most of the donations on fund raising and personnel salaries. United Way is one of the worst; they are essentially the Federal government of charities, with most money going to their operations, and just a fraction being dished back out to all the charity organizations they try to pretend they support.
Thanks for this info. When we last did some research, Fred Hollow's foundation was the only one that seemed legit, so we just switched to that. But its probably time to redo the research.
So I looked that up, Komen was criticized for giving grants to planned parenthood, then they stopped funding PP and libs freaked out and they cut all funding to PP, but then libs freaked out more and they reinstated that funding.
Do you remember what the actual one was, I want to make a video about it. This is a topic I've been working on!
Thermal imaging is less painful and less radiation than a mammogram and finds any hot spots not just breast. If you do have a tumor and they do a mammogram it can smash the tumor and cause it to spread.
If Covid was deadly as they say it was, back when we went through our first Coronavirus outbreak that started at the end of 2001-2004 we would of had just as many deaths if not more, so why did we have less than 20,000 deaths GLOBALLY back then with 0 Covid vaccines, 0 masking, 0 social distancing & 0 contact tracing? People are not dying from "Covid" they're dying from Medical Malpractice under the guise of Covid. "In February 2020, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar invoked the [Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act.] The ---->2005 law<---- (which is passed right after the Sars-Cov-1{beta test} finished its rounds in 2004 when we had less than 20K deaths is NOW BEING USED 15 YEARS LATER FOR MASS COVID VACCINES & THE DEATHS ARE NOW IN THE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS????? What changed this time around? It starts with a V if you need help.) It empowers the HHS secretary to provide legal protection to companies making or distributing critical medical supplies, such as vaccines and treatments, unless there’s “willful misconduct” by the company. The protection lasts until 2024. (Pfizer who paid the largest criminal fine in all of history due to lying about their usefulness of their products & the side effects people were facing is now leading the frontlines of trying to "save the world" under FULL PROTECTION with their Vaccines as well as Modernas and J&Js? Lmao. That law allows Big pharma to commit legal genocide without any legal repercussions. You waking up yet?
Sure, Ill make it easier for you to understand. CORONAVIRUSES DO EXIST, THEY ARE NOT AS DEADLY AS THE MEDIA IS TRYING TO PUSH. THEY ARE USING THE --->IDEA<--- to push a vaccine which they know is causing deaths. 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1 are all human coronaviruses. All it takes is MEDICAL MALPRACTICE to kill people that have the common viruses or nothing at all. The problem is, they haven't been able to isolate it and prove if THIS VIRUS is real. We know the others exist but THIS ONE lacks proper scientific evidence. Especially since normal fruit was testing positive for Covid-19 with the tests they were using for humans, its all smoke and mirrors designed for you to get jabbed.
(Medical malpractice occurs when a health care professional or provider neglects to provide appropriate treatment, omits to take an appropriate action, or gives substandard treatment that causes harm, injury, or death to a patient. The malpractice or negligence normally involves a medical error.)
No shit dumbass, the first Corona Virus pandemic happened in 2001-2004 which was leaked out of a lab in Guandong China. I never denied china's involvement. I literally stated the media is being complicit in pushing the IDEA of a vaccine which is knowingly killing people (No shit its a bio weapon). I didn't know I had to break out the macaroni noodles and make you a mosaic in which you could understand and you dare call yourself intelligent. Stop lying to yourself.
It's certainly not what they've claimed it is, considering no one can get isolated samples of it from the wild. Strange how you can just swab your throat and isolate all sorts of bacteria or viruses when you're sick, but literally no lab has been able to get live samples of SARSCOV2 from the wild.
What IS affecting people? It's probably several different flu strains that have been affecting people this year and not this "super virus" that, again, has not been presented to any lab in the world that has requested a sample.
After testing 1,500 samples from people who tested “positive” for the CCP Virus [COVID-19], these scientists found that ALL of the samples had evidence of Influenza A and Influenza B, something that had already been discovered in other cases, and none of COVID-19.
Lol it literally doesn't fucking exist. If actually true, the fact that so many of our friends and loved ones could be duped so easily is actually scary.
Science doesn’t care about your feelings, unless you are feeling like this shark bite was caused by COVID. In that case, trust your feelings and call it consensus science
enough sheeple got it to ensure people are getting more sick on average than before which is what they needed to move the agenda forward in guise of health
How convenient that a virus, which lacks all proof of existence, would disappear before a vaccine, which lacks all proof of efficacy, can be studied with meaningful results.
By all means, go ahead! Maybe it'll help someone wake up to reality.
The COVID-19 virus had information that would lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton.
Very convenient!
Dont you just hate it when the virus you created with 30 years of research doesnt even hold up until the toxic gene therapy you have carefully created to oppress humanity starts taking effect?
IDK if this is genuine, but they do pull this type of shit every so often just to flaunt in the faces of the sheeple thickos what they're getting away with so easily. EG Pschucky's 'Plandemic', PEDJoe's 'My butt's been wiped' etc etc ad nauseum.
I have the largest and most inclusive voter fraud organization in American history.
I fondle little girls' nipples live on CSPAN, and then she admits it 6 years later, and still nothing gets done to me. Hooray! I can carry on being a pedovore.
“It’s going to disappear. One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear. And from our shores, you know, it could get worse before it gets better. It could maybe go away. We’ll see what happens. Nobody really knows. The fact is the greatest experts I’ve spoken to them all, nobody really knows.”
Man Trump doesn't sound the way his words read. Sometimes I read transcripts of speeches that I heard that sounded great, but when read it's like jeez.
But I get he speaks simply so that he can be understood by all.
Reminds me of this.
I love the Trump GPS guy.
😂 This guy is really good. Thanks for the video.
“... We’re more lost than a liberal after reading the Constitution...”
You're welcome. I would have a gps if I could get Trump GPS.
He's got Trump down to a T! 😂
He's got Trump down to a T! 😂
they dont want the studies, if they do full studies it will show how harmful the vaccines are this is also why they are pushing so hard for people to take it as emergence authorize experimental use
Nothing says the unvaxxed aren't the issue better than this.
And one day just like that, poof. It disappeared.
Wow. I had to think about the implications of that newsline. To summarize my understanding:
This also means they are admitting they don't have virus samples. And if they don't have virus samples, how can you even come up with a vaccine?
May 2020
Take amp out of the link, that's a google tracker
No problem!
Explains why they've been pushing this so hard.
They mean our bullshit narrative is falling apart too quick better get more bullshit variants out
Oops—did some TRUTH leak out there-!? 🤡
I have no idea what it means, but it certainly looks like a comm to me.
What is going to happen is that most all of the unvaccinated will have gotten the virus and recovered, thus having natural immunity. At that point, only the vaccinated will be getting infected with variants.
Then they are going to do backflips to avoid revealing that fact.
A scientist actually said in an interview that Israel is their working laboratory
Makes sense. Wait until the normies finally figure out that the vaccinated are who is now getting sick. And it's not from the virus (if it even exists) but from the jabs!
Date of the screen shot? I believe this from last year?
May 26th, 2020.
Thank you
This is the reason for season to push the vaxx. Once the new testing comes out on 12/31/2021 the virus will almost vanish. So they to push push push to make sure all of mankind is filled with posion , told the only way to keep it away I'd keep getting boosters. And people will grow sicker and sicker need more medicine and big pharm will get rich. The DS won't fear an uprising because everyone will be slowly dying ...
I read this as them realizing they will lose the vaccine battle so they are laying ground work to explain it disappearing when the new test comes out and still at least half the country is not vaccinated. They need some magical way to try and explain it going away. The primary plan was the vaccine but too many people awake to vaccinate enough. This all combined with Israel doing the world a favor and putting everyone on notice showing a 85% vaccinated country is the one setting records for daily new cases.
Don't worry
Something tells me if this virus disappears
They'll create another one for us
and another
and another
and another...
Because they love us
There is also the detail of these people admitting its a ‘Study’ .......
That’s a very clear shift and goes with the more recent acts of desperation to get as many people as possible vaccinated in what appears to be a very tight schedule for the DS.....
More than the issues around the vaccine they are clearly pushing for a deadline that They have ... and going by the level of narrative, it’s a very short deadline..... because They know once courts do get in on the legal issues They won’t sustain the push to get everyone vaccinated.....
So the question is What? And from that Why?
At the moment the likely reason could be the full roll out of 5G......
Remember how in many countries in the EU and here .... that even at the height of Lockdowns telecommunications companies were allowed to carry on installing and wiring for 5G relays and boosters, which some suggest is more nefarious than it looks as all these companies were allowed to avoid all and any restrictions so these electrical units could be installed..... I am not referring to telecommunications towers or antenna that we see across the country but rather what was being installed were placed in shopping and gathering areas, public places etc etc. and that these sensor / booster units were clearly Non Essential work..!! But under the guise of Essential Services these installations were made.....
If that is the reason then that would imply that the discussions about Graphene Oxide or similar metals being in the vaccines and in turn the possibilities of being able to disrupt, damage and control using waves like 5G does.... (the level of microwave radiation emitted from these 5G signals is the equivalent of sticking your head in the microwave every time you use your phone or device....)
So if say it is for 5G ..... then what have they planned for the global roll out of 5G?
Because, again, they are pushing at a time table and I think right now We are watching the DS and it’s puppets realising that they are past their critical milestone in respect to this stage (Ie Vaccinations) and that time delay is now impacting on the next milestone .... and judging by the level of desperation in their logic now... We are well into that next milestone...... and does that mean that this next milestone that we are yet to see is only actionable when full or majority of global population are vaccinated.....?
The stress is about ready to break me. I don't know how much longer I can take this bullshit.
When was this?
May 2020
That's the quality reporting to be expected from Fox.
Like any other network but OAN would be any better
This is from May 2020. Pertinent but becareful sharing as "breaking news"
Clearly not "breaking news" but of interest and significance. Explains a lot of what has been happening with the intense pressure and coersion to get people vaxxed.
Absolutely! I distinctly remember showing this to people last year and they didn't seem puzzled by it. The conditioning runs deep. I just didn't want people to present as breaking news.
But...I think it's even more relevant NOW that we see the vaccine isn't working. I plan on saying...hey remember this??
Sounds like the vaccinated are lab rats.
It's the natural cycle of viruses. Probably why they were in such a red-hot hurry to get everyone jabbed.
You sound like a conspiracy theorist. There's nothing suspicious about a virus which just happens to lack all proof of existence, disappearing before a vaccine which just happens to lack all proof of efficacy, can be studied.
I don't like admitting it, but since seeing the Tik Toks, particularly that extremely weird silent culty one of them backing out of rooms with false undulating asses, and the ridiculous one with the obese harridans doing an anti-Covid 'hakka', I will never trust a mainstream 'health professional' again.
For me it was when, for the second time we had to cancel a surgery because the problem disappeared before the surgery date after following suggestions from elders in the family.
I bet that really burst your doctor's bubble
Thats also when I learnt to so no when they ask if we have private health insurance!
This is true, also if you pay cash and in payments, sometimes if you get it down pretty far and you get a notice in the mail, paid in full. People that pay cash pay faster than the insurance companies do and it costs them less for bookkeepers etc.. This is the explanation I was given when I got one of my bills paid off. I paid off $4000 of a $5000 bill, and it was like Christmas, when my next bill had a zero balance.
I've believed for many, many years that the "breast cancer industry" is based on mammograms that reveal "cancers" that are so small, the person's own immune system would likely take care of it, but of course, the medical field gets involved and then the person gets to go through all sorts of treatments, many of which CAUSE cancer!
Also breast cancer foundations are notorious for fraud. One of the bigger ones out here was exposed a couple year ago to be simply siphoning funds to all kinds of things and only less than 5% went to any research.
I suspect this is the case with most charities - unfortunately due to the privileges they enjoy, it attracts bad actors in droves.
you can use to check legitimate 501c charities financial profile. The CEO salaries of the big ones are what is really criminal! Most of the large, well known charities, spend most of the donations on fund raising and personnel salaries. United Way is one of the worst; they are essentially the Federal government of charities, with most money going to their operations, and just a fraction being dished back out to all the charity organizations they try to pretend they support.
Thanks for this info. When we last did some research, Fred Hollow's foundation was the only one that seemed legit, so we just switched to that. But its probably time to redo the research.
Which one was exposed? I want to read about that!
It was a couple years ago but iirc, it was Susan Komen foundation
So I looked that up, Komen was criticized for giving grants to planned parenthood, then they stopped funding PP and libs freaked out and they cut all funding to PP, but then libs freaked out more and they reinstated that funding.
Do you remember what the actual one was, I want to make a video about it. This is a topic I've been working on!
Thermal imaging is less painful and less radiation than a mammogram and finds any hot spots not just breast. If you do have a tumor and they do a mammogram it can smash the tumor and cause it to spread.
This ^
Earlier and frequent screenings for most things are mostly a scare racket.
RIP Sarah Harding
He's just talking about the dancing nurses of TikTok
What is a "false ass"?
I don't know but it's provocative. It gets the people going.
Love that movie.
😂😂 lol! That always reminds me of Niggas in Paris.
Oh my. Damn.
The nurses dancing w blown up maybe plastic gloves shoved down their scrubs to look like they had big beyonce butts
A golden calf.
Implants? Butt lift underwear?
Okay, I hear you but... Then what was Fauci funding in Wuhan? Why would there be gain of function research into something that doesn't exist?
If Covid was deadly as they say it was, back when we went through our first Coronavirus outbreak that started at the end of 2001-2004 we would of had just as many deaths if not more, so why did we have less than 20,000 deaths GLOBALLY back then with 0 Covid vaccines, 0 masking, 0 social distancing & 0 contact tracing? People are not dying from "Covid" they're dying from Medical Malpractice under the guise of Covid. "In February 2020, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar invoked the [Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act.] The ---->2005 law<---- (which is passed right after the Sars-Cov-1{beta test} finished its rounds in 2004 when we had less than 20K deaths is NOW BEING USED 15 YEARS LATER FOR MASS COVID VACCINES & THE DEATHS ARE NOW IN THE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS????? What changed this time around? It starts with a V if you need help.) It empowers the HHS secretary to provide legal protection to companies making or distributing critical medical supplies, such as vaccines and treatments, unless there’s “willful misconduct” by the company. The protection lasts until 2024. (Pfizer who paid the largest criminal fine in all of history due to lying about their usefulness of their products & the side effects people were facing is now leading the frontlines of trying to "save the world" under FULL PROTECTION with their Vaccines as well as Modernas and J&Js? Lmao. That law allows Big pharma to commit legal genocide without any legal repercussions. You waking up yet?
Sure, Ill make it easier for you to understand. CORONAVIRUSES DO EXIST, THEY ARE NOT AS DEADLY AS THE MEDIA IS TRYING TO PUSH. THEY ARE USING THE --->IDEA<--- to push a vaccine which they know is causing deaths. 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1 are all human coronaviruses. All it takes is MEDICAL MALPRACTICE to kill people that have the common viruses or nothing at all. The problem is, they haven't been able to isolate it and prove if THIS VIRUS is real. We know the others exist but THIS ONE lacks proper scientific evidence. Especially since normal fruit was testing positive for Covid-19 with the tests they were using for humans, its all smoke and mirrors designed for you to get jabbed. (Medical malpractice occurs when a health care professional or provider neglects to provide appropriate treatment, omits to take an appropriate action, or gives substandard treatment that causes harm, injury, or death to a patient. The malpractice or negligence normally involves a medical error.)
No shit dumbass, the first Corona Virus pandemic happened in 2001-2004 which was leaked out of a lab in Guandong China. I never denied china's involvement. I literally stated the media is being complicit in pushing the IDEA of a vaccine which is knowingly killing people (No shit its a bio weapon). I didn't know I had to break out the macaroni noodles and make you a mosaic in which you could understand and you dare call yourself intelligent. Stop lying to yourself.
Nah, it's a literal dud just like all the scary flus of the 2000s
It's certainly not what they've claimed it is, considering no one can get isolated samples of it from the wild. Strange how you can just swab your throat and isolate all sorts of bacteria or viruses when you're sick, but literally no lab has been able to get live samples of SARSCOV2 from the wild.
What IS affecting people? It's probably several different flu strains that have been affecting people this year and not this "super virus" that, again, has not been presented to any lab in the world that has requested a sample.
i'd love some sauce on this... need it for an ongoing debate with a family member
Lol it literally doesn't fucking exist. If actually true, the fact that so many of our friends and loved ones could be duped so easily is actually scary.
Science doesn’t care about your feelings, unless you are feeling like this shark bite was caused by COVID. In that case, trust your feelings and call it consensus science
enough sheeple got it to ensure people are getting more sick on average than before which is what they needed to move the agenda forward in guise of health