Is Dr Shiva basically saying this ballots were PRE-PRINTED with "verified and approved" ALREADY on it??? They are BEHIND the triangle ffs!
What am I even hearing right now?
Are there any legitimate reasons for this or is it a nothingburger and I am getting overexcited for nothing?
I think Dr Shiva made his point!
The scanner for creating the duplicates probably can't pick up the "stamp text" when it's overlapping Black text/triangles...
He made dozens of points, this was his weakest one... as he said himself.
The big triangle is the only big chunk of black ink on the ballot, the scanner will read this giant black triangle as 1 shape and trace only the outline.
it's not a clear triangle it's SOLID BLACK as can be seen here ( the ballot image is only tracing outlines for what ever reason.
Obviously if you are tracing outlines and you have stamped black text onto a big ass solid black triangle your scanner isn't going to register the stamp text amongst the solid black ink lol, please for the love of god don't get distracted by this while they deeboonk you all day.
Its a trap. Watch msm point this out and expose normies to the rest of the slide
Yeah, I work in printing and graphic design.
Would be really easy to batch process votes as a PDF and cover up that part of the signature area and then just output them all at once, if a person did that with say thousands of votes, then a few would show that error.
But I don't understand why they would have cut out the triangles when they could have just cut out the signature boxes and got the same effect basically. The only thought there is maybe if they didn't cut out that whole area it would look much worse because it wasn't one whole piece, so you could see that sig box shifting.
It is very weird, it stood out to me before he even brought it up.
This was in place for month before the 4am activities.
And they like to get people addicted to crack to do their dirty work for them...kinda like Hunter Biden did with his nice before he banged her.
They never thought an audit would happen.
I remember we said this after the election the democrats are so incompetent they cant even do election fraud right.
This is probably debunked, it's far from a critical point, Dr Shiva even said himself he wants to know why it happened, this is probably the answer
Focus on all the other stuff, this is speculative and easily explainable without any fraud involved.
Why are you getting downvotes? ****guys be careful ****
i don't even know why this is stickied, Shiva mentioned it for like 10 seconds and said he doesn't know why this happens and it's odd and he wants an answer from maricopa county...
If they listened to what he said he was much more convinced that it was a legitimate technical process he didn't know about than something malicious. sigh this board sometimes, post title is easy to misinterpret, the answer to OP headline is "no" lol
morons or shills trying to push a conspiracy theory to distract from the indisputable instances of crime and fraud... ffs xD guess we'll get a proper answer in due time, maybe in 2 weeks after they go around telling people about how they can't even photoshop the fraud properly and make fools of themselves das a yoikes from me.
Yeah I was going to say there must be something on the triangles that stop the scan or make it non readable, but I could have sworn I saw other examples where the stamp was over top of the triangle.... maybe I was wrong.
The triangle on top is red, not black, so the stamp would be discernible.
the stamp will show up over the triangle on the original ballot if you saw it IRL or took a picture of it but on the duplicate ballot image it won't.
Yeah, I mean I figure it was probably something simple. If I was going to forge election ballots, it wouldn't make sense to go through the trouble and leave a mistake like that which is very obvious.
yeah exactly, meanwhile all the fact checkers will use it as deeboonk material and the "conspiracy theorists" will claim it's overlooked photoshop layering lmao, effectively ignoring every other point of fraud that is confirmed....
Just so people know what this looks like
How many ballots came from China? Those are probably all the ones that are pre-printed!
The Mainland Chinese are known for half-assed production. They might just not think about the layer order on fake ballots. So it would make sense if these fake ballots were "Proudly printed in China".
Or if they had “Erection Ballot” printed on them.
That video from China of US election ballots has one guy asking "How much will the ballots cost?" and the other guy says "Same as last time."
It's time for that video to resurface
it is weird how those words are printed behind the printed triangle
Yep. Nevermind all of the "nothing to see here" comments. If there was nothing to see here, Dr Shiva would not point at it very specifically. I guarantee they WILL analyze this further.
It appears to be photoshopped and not physically stamped. No way it was stamped that way.
Basically! lol. He was very polite. He said "maybe they have some explanation for it" and you could hear people laugh
Is there a bot literally malfunctioning at the bottom of this thread?
Yes lol
Nah i just clicked save post a few times and it posted them all xD .win sites lagging balls for me coz of all the audit traffic
Where can I watch Dr Shiva? I love to listening to him.
He's on Gab, if that helps.
DR SHIVA IS A NATIONAL TREASURE. He should be treated as such. He has found the a gold mine pertaining to the election as far as the information that they dont want us to see. The actual gold mine in my opinion would be a full legitimate canvass of voters in all states in question. It would show discrepancies that wpuld cast a shadow over the results of the election that couldn't be ignored. I believe at this point we have the keys needed to get the ball rolling on decertification. There is simply no way Biden won. Soon he won't be able to speak in public because he will be drowned out by angry Americans calling him out as the fraud he is.
" we built the largest voter fraud organization in the history of the United states...." -Joe Biden
A Freudian slip, true story, and now backed by facts with more pouring in every day. This man actually stole the presidency. LOCK HIM UP.
yes. the ballot was pre stamped officially reviewed and approved BEFORE the ballot was even printed. totally not like they were involved in industrial ballot trafficking or anything.
The triangle thing is a nothing-burger. The triangles are black on the envelopes themselves. The scans must have been done in a way intended to show high contrast or clarity, so just the outlines of the triangles are on the scanned versions.
why does it matter what colour it is? Isnt the issue that the approval stamp is BEHIND the triangle?
I dont know i am just trying to make sense of this thing.
I don't think this is right. The scanned ballot envelope images were photoshopped "incorrectly", messing up the layering on the "verified and approved" stamp.
the scanners don't layer anything, they just don't pick up anything that's overlapping the black text on the ballot, which is the triangle and a few lines of text on the ballot, as you can see in the image Shiva showed it overlaps some text but not others.
As can be seen here:
If the stamp was over the red text the scanner will pick it up but if it overlaps the black text it won't be shown on the scanned image.
Yeah, some dumbass did the photoshop layers wrong.
Also the person who was supposed to put the seal of verified and approved will also be in the hot seat now
The scanner image is outlines. The triangle is a solid black triangle. A stamp will not show up, black on black.
The ink and paper analysis will be very interesting.
100% yes.
This is probably debunked, it's far from a critical point, Dr Shiva even said himself he wants to know why it happened, this is probably the answer
Focus on all the other stuff, this is speculative and easily explainable without any fraud involved.
Can you explain it in simple terms please? I am confused and trying to make sense of it.
People are talking about the colours etc. Isn't the issue more the fact the approval stamp is somehow behind the triangle?
The big triangle is the only big chunk of black ink on the ballot, the scanner will read this giant black triangle as 1 shape and trace only the outline.
it's not a clear triangle it's SOLID BLACK as can be seen here ( the ballot image is only tracing outlines for what ever reason.
Obviously if you are tracing outlines and you have stamped black text onto a big ass solid black triangle your scanner isn't going to register the stamp text amongst the solid black ink
But again, why is the stamp behind the triangle?
because the triangle is solid black and the stamp text is also black, SO if you scan the image with a camera it cant differentiate between the black triangle ink and the stamp black text ink, your own eye could barely even notice the black stamp text on a solid black triangle. the ballot image seems to have some sort of replication algorithm that only traces and recreates the outlines of what it detects which is why the original ballot is a solid black triangle and the ballot image is a clear triangle, this also explains the weird warping around all of the stamp text, every ballot image has a different warping due to the random placement of the stamp.
e.g the recreated image isn't going to print the outline of the stamp withing the solid black triangle because there IS NO OUTLINE to trace leaving the whole area blank making it "appear" as though the stamp text goes underneath when it actually went over the triangle. you can actually see the outline algorithm at work in the top left ballot image picture where it adds a spike to the triangle because it thinks the "A" in "Approved" is part of the triangle. <-------- sauces- Ballot Image: Actual Ballot:
Focusing on and spreading photoshopgate(yeah im gonna call it that pogg) takes away from the point of why the images were presented in the first place, which is the fact that they put the verified stamp on ballots that don't even have a signature on them xD but hey at least now everyone has seen the stamp on ballots which no signature without noticing it, maybe that is why shiva mentioned photoshopgate, so that everyone on both sides spreads and debates the photoshopgate without realizing they are spreading indisputable evidence that they have verified ballots WITH NO SIGNATURE ;)
This is exactly the same technique they used with the draft summary that they "leaked", Jovan Pulitzer basically admitted that the draft leak was done by the audit team to bait the media in this interview around 32:00 ;)
absolute classic
my head hurts lol
Ok. Thanks.
Autism intensifies u/#Topkek
The stamp isn't BEHIND the triangle it's INSIDE the triangle.
So far hes been the best one the rest has all been a snooze fest
So what is exactly the conclusion today, I was watching a little bit of the audit and what I watched it was the cyber ninja guy saying that Biden actually won by more then what was originally tallied... that Trump got more of the duplicate ballots.. So Biden actually won? I thought Dr. Shiva in the past and at the Lindell symposium say that Trump won by a lot.