After doing some research into the vaccine and the corporation which developed it, I eventually came to the conclusion that Pfizer-Biontech was the best vaccine for me not to take.
So I made no appointment with my doctor and on the 30th of January I didn't get my shot. It didn't hurt at all and was over in no time, since it didn't occur.
Ever since then, I've been feeling great.
The first thing I noticed was that I didn't get any swelling or rashes on my upper arm where the vaccine wasn't injected.
The rest of the day I didn't feel nauseous or experienced light headaches.
When I went to bed I fell asleep almost immediately and didn't suffer from insomnia the rest of the night.
The following days and weeks I continued to closely monitor my body's reaction to not getting the shot.
I was pleasantly surprised to find that I did not develop any fevers, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, general fatigue or weight loss.
On the 6th of February I didn't suddenly collapse and wasn't rushed to the ICU of my local hospital.
I wasn't diagnosed with a mild stroke due to a blood clot and wasn't medicated with blood thinners.
There was no need to keep me in the hospital for several days for observation, since I never arrived.
Since then, I haven't spent most time indoors and I don't miss going on long strolls, which I take daily.
Although I had been told that not getting vaccinated may not adequately protect me from infection with the 'Wuhan Flu', I was amazed to find that I have still not contracted the Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma, Mu, Sigma or Ligma variant of the virus.
Please do your own research and find out which version of the vaccine is best for you to not take.
Stay healthy and stay safe, God bless.
Fine. I'll say it...
I love you.
I enjoyed reading this. I hope to see it make rounds.
Excuse me...A repost...??WTF you on about...??
Yes I read this once before several months ago. Still a great post !
Aah....Any chance you can find a link for me....
Not the same but similar. Yours is original so enjoy the updoot.
Yeah it’s been posted before but that’s ok, still a good one to remind us we are better for not getting the jab than if we did.
Matrix is broked.
I Highly doubt you have seen THIS post many times...Similar, yes.
can confirm. i remember reading this (or a very similar) post!
Nope. I'm blindly accepting this is a purkiss original. I refuse to accept any other explanation.
Funny stuff!
April 2020 is when it started. Works sent us all home to work from our homes. NOT what i signed on for...i was brand new to my job and was counting on 10 other people doing the same thing around me.
I knuckled down....studied....became good at my job.
I was still fat. The happenings in the world just reconfirmed by “conspiracy” mind. Decided to go all Sarah Connor, as the terminators will be coming.
Ive lost 100 pounds since. Never been healthier in mind or body. I did this by ignoring all government advice.
The irony of a subset of people being at peak levels of health in the midst of a 'pandemic' never fails to amuse me. Keep up the good work.
Personally, I have noticed that for a lot of people they gained a lot of weight for the far more sedentary lifestyle that working from home brings about. The smart ones took that as motivation to reverse those negative trends and are looking better than ever, working in regular exercise, proper sleep cycles, good eating rather than lazy/fast meals, supplements and vitamins, peace-of-mind type exercises and all those other good things.
Self-reliance is the key when you cant depend on the failing state and its collapsing institutions.
During the house arrest, I dint do nuffin and I don't know why. BUT, when the HA ceased, I began walking around the central block of my complex and got it up to 2-2.5 miles a day and like dear Mr. Teeter, 'I FEEL GREAT!!'
Because of financial circumstances, I have NOT been shopping for deals at thrifts or pawns and as a result, I have driven 1400 miles since Jul 31st 2020...
Congratulations. Future you appreciates now you.
That was the perfect thing to say to me lol. Thank you 🙏🏻 ❤️
Good for you....
That's awesome, Michelle! Way to go!
Ignoring almost ALL govt health advice would go a long way to curing obesity, diabetes, and a host of other ailments in this country. Cutting out:
The "food pyramid"
Low-fat diets
Gobs of servings of grains, breads, and fruits daily
No eggs or bacon or saturated animal fats
Breakfast cereals ("fortified" with vitamins and minerals!!!)
"This balanced breakfast"—cereal (carbs) with milk (carbs), OJ (carbs), toast (carbs), and butter (the only health food on the table :)
Thanks bud 😊🙏🏻❤️
You forgot one.... My boobs didn't grow larger because of swollen glands.
I think there is a cream you can use.
Are there any links/pics before and after to prove this malady? I’d be very interested in this study as would many other anons I assume....we definitely need some sauce for this one 😉
But did you continue to not wear a mask after not getting the vaccine out of concern and respect for those around you?
This is great. For those genuinely seeking though it is not enough to just skip the vax. You need to skip testing and you need to be prepared in case you or a loved one do become more ill than expected.
Stock up on Ivermectin. If you have the luxury of time, can get you what you need within 20 days with no prescription required. Otherwise search for one that can move faster.
Get familiar with prophylactic and treatment protocols. There are many to choose from. America's Frontline Doctors. Dr. Zelenko's protocol. I like the protocols at because I feel they are most detailed and adaptable to hospital use in case your loved one delays early treatment and has to use those services.
Here's another Ivermectin online pharmacy & prices better than some others I've seen(?);
This! This! This!
The Moderna is the one I decided not to take. Along with the rest. Look, this is just anecdotal. But what I can tell you is that my genitals are still functioning.
Currently I am experiencing a lack of swelling in my testicles and no shortage of blood flow.
I see you didn't contract the Ligma variant. What about the Bophades variant?
WWG1WGA BROTHER! Oh btw, not taking it has brought me closer to God, but those I know that took it seem to be ~ANGRY~ and without "spirit"(?). 😇👀
I am having a really hard time nailing down my number one choice for which one not to take.
I am leaning towards the Pfizer shots only because of their lack of market understanding. They knew their product was about to get full approval yet they did not get their approved vaccine paperwork up and running.
From what I can understand it will take years before COMIRNATY will be available in the US.
I find that amazing being they developed the EU vaccine from scratch and delivered it within 1 year. I have been told it is the same vaccine without the inserts.
I think that maybe their employees have received their two shots. Now those same employees need to print the new labels, inserts, and boxes the vax comes in. For some reason Pfizer expects it to take about 5 years for that to be done.
It's a good thing for them that they have the experimental vaccine version for their employees. Without that who knows how long it would take to get that stuff printed.
True, but without this fiasco we'd never know about Ivermectin and the numerous other anti-viral supplements etc. RIP those who have been killed by medical establishment tho...
Haha I personally have completed to mass experiments on myself with . Two sporting events with many 10s of thousands of possible contamination points, no mask high-fiving hugging and sharing close air space possibly spittled upon from the drunk behind me then a train packed in with negative social distancing . Conclusion one win one loss and good times.
☝️This wins the internet today
The Chinese and the ruling class expected me to be a sheep. But I’m a wolf, Bitches! Ahhhhhwoooooo! Come get some.
You're so brave and inspiring.
I freakin love this!!!
My LOVE for you is growING...😍😋😘
(careful around Big Mike sshhh) 😂
So nice when a post here makes me laugh instead of scream. Thanks for that! :)
Like the optimism but and just like you stated: “I was amazed to find that I have still not contracted the Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma, Mu, Sigma or Ligma variant of the virus.” I came down with the second worse flu of my life starting this past Sept 1st it kicked my ass for three weeks the first two weeks being the worst of it. The flu is very much alive and kicking. The last time I had the flu was three years ago and that was the worst one of my life, fluid in my lungs, etc. These last four weeks I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. It fucking sucked. My doctors were assholes and wouldn’t prescribe ivermectin. American Frontline Doctors are so backed up I had to wait ten days to find out that they are so swamped they cancelled my original appointment request and told me to start the process all over again. Fuck that! Horse paste is sold out at all the feed supply stores all over Los Angeles. So I sweated it out the old fashioned way - literally. I vomited for three days I couldn’t even keep Tylenol down. My body finally broke it and I’d say I’m at 90% back to normal. I run five miles a day take vitamin D, C, Quercetin and Zinc daily and was basically as healthy as an ox prior to catching it. I just started running again a week ago and I struggled like I’ve never struggled before.
That being said, before you think you’re immune to catching whatever it is out there (because I though I was Superman myself) MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A SUPPLY OF IVERMECTIN on hand BEFORE you get sick. I have six tubes coming from an online feed store to have at the ready should I ever need it. I highly suggest you do the research and have some ivermectin on hand God forbid you catch it like “normal” people do thinking they’re invincible and shit like I did.
I know we shouldn't take everything at face value and that studies should be peer reviewed.
With that in mind, I would like to add I too didn't get a shot, to the great disappointment of some friends who were quite concerned for my well being.
In fact, I even opted not to get tested so that there was no chance I could go to a restaurant or travel just in case I could infect someone unfortunate enough to be be vaxxed.
I did however succumb to increasing my vitamin intake.
Like you, I can thankfully say I have not had any side effects or serious reactions (except for the occasional bout of left wing verbal diarrhoea).
Stay safe, stay healthy and don't let the b'stards get you down.
This could have been written by JP Sears. Golf clap
Came here to say this too kek
Next up: Stigma variant.
Brilliantly written. Tip of the hat to you. Stay safe and strong!
A fascinating account of your inexperience!
ha ha...nice...
Due to my own extensive research I decided to not get one of every shot. I wasn't sure at first if one was perhaps better or worse than any other, but after my research I decided that each one was on about equal footing with regards to efficacy and side effects.
Since not getting one of every shot, I have had similar experiences to you. No heart palpitations. No inflammation. No clotting. I think if I were to get a D-dimer test it would almost certainly show negative. In the past year I have honestly felt better than ever before in my life. And that's after not getting ONE OF EVERY VARIETY!!!
I can't really express the happiness with my decision to not be discriminatory and go for not getting one of every one. It was a very freeing decision, and has helped me red-pill the world.
I highly recommend not getting one of every one for everyone.
Ligma variant. The worst one. Nikki Ménage’s cuz got that one right in the salty chocolate balls.
I’m a big fan of sarcasm - and that’s a big heaping helping dose of it right there fren..!
hahah Love it. I had it apparently (KungFlu not the Vax obviously) never been fitter since following your protocol Purkiss80. My brain dead brother who couldn't wait to get the jab and has never had a bloody thing wrong with him is trying to work out why he is suddenly developing rashes and allergic reactions. He was bit by a horse fly (or stung whatever the blighters do) and woke up in the night thinking - His words 'that my arm was broken' the pain was so bad. He is currently trying to work out what has changed!!!!!!! unwilling or unable to join the dots
Yeah, its sad really...
Unfortunately..." These people need professional help"..."they" will only see the truth when they are ready...Nothing we do or say or show them will ever be convincing enough....
AS far as I'm concerned, they are ALL worthy vaccines not to take. So I don't take them.
Quality post.
Come on man, CNN told you not to do your own research
LOLOLOLOL! Good one!
Well pretty sure natural immunity here, son had it (mid 30's) I was home just had surgery so body weakened. Husband, daughter in law, and parents. We had a house full. In a small home area. He had fever off and on. Treated with tylenol, high vitamin C, Zinc.... He recovered and NO ONE else was sick. He is still getting his taste back.