Would explain the pictures of the darker colored blood in the blood bags after donation, the higher the iron, the darker the blood. I did blood draws for years, always checking hemoglobin before drawing, HGb is the protein in the blood that carries the iron, higher the HGb, thicker the blood, and the thicker blood would always give you trouble, as it was sludgy and often clotted before you could get to the minimum amount of 420 ml. If it was under that, we had to throw it out.
So people with higher iron are more prone to blood clots? And COVID attacks hemoglobin if I remember correctly, so this could mean COVID is harder on people with higher iron?
Probably, the body will often react to certain situations to create more HGb, such as a smoker will have higher HGb, or people who live at higher altitudes, but that would be a very slow change over time, the body would adjust, a sudden increase would certainly be a shock to the system, I could see it causing all of the complications that have been reported, the hemoglobin carries not only the iron, it carries the oxygen in the blood. The clots were due to the thickness of the blood in the phlebotomy setting, it would slow the flow down so much it would give the platelets enough time to clot the blood in the needle.
Precocious, since this is your field, do you know of any blood banks? Or how a person who has not had the vaxx can store some of their blood in case it's ever needed - and they won't have to take blood that was from a vaxxed person? Thanks!
Blood banks are done several ways, depending on where you live, in the US they're regional, they're either independent not for profits, run by local hospitals, or ran by the red cross, you can go to your local bloodbank and request an autologous ( your own) or directed ( family member or friend who matches your type) donation. In my bloodbank there was a time period to store it, blood is only good for 42 days, and isn't the best option after frozen. My bloodbank required a doctor to sign off on the blood request and generally it was done within a month of a planned procedure where it might be needed. Testing will be done on directeds and they still have to pass a standard physical exam and screening questionairre. Edit: just type your area code and bloodbank into a search engine, should give you what you need to contact them.
Thank you for the info. I guess there aren't any near me because I can't find any info. I looked quite a while back, as this has always been of interest to me. Then of course the whole vaxx thing brought it back and I checked again. :o( You'd think it would be a 'thing.'
There is also a theory that the HGb is being stripped from the red blood cells, thus preventing the carrying of O2 from the lungs to the rest of the body (also, CO2 out of the body).
Could it be some combination of high iron, low oxygen, high carbon dioxide that explains some of the health problems observed?
I would think it would realease the iron into the system as free floating, unbound, so in my opinion it would, but I'm not a doctor, iron overload causes much of the symptoms I've read about that are associated though.
I hate to be anecdotal bias guy, but after friends started taking the doses, bizarrely intense cancers and illnesses popped up:
-one diagnosed with leukemia (luckily the most manageable, but still)
-one diagnosed with breast cancer requiring immediate medical procedure after diagnosis
-one diagnosed with unknown illness causing extreme fatigue, loss of fine motor skills
Now, yes sickness and illness can happen at any time. Three major events, within a month or two? All having taken the syringe? Seems really fucking odd. Not mentioning the fact that, while I have heard of friends being injured or otherwise feeling off after getting shot up, I haven’t heard of anyone in my circles dying of the coof.
(My aunt would of course remind me that her friend’s mom died of the coof, to which I remind her that she was past 80, in an assisted care facility prior to coof, had a previous heart attack, was a lifelong smoker, and a lifelong Italian who used butter and oil more than any other ingredient.)
There was a recent episode of Highwire with Del Bigtree where they talked about cancers being caused by the vax. www.thehighwire.com - check their archives, no more than 2 or 3 weeks ago IIRC.
Lots of reports of shingles/herpes and other "common, widespread viruses that been around for ever" that we may have but, normally our bodies keep them under control, as well, after shots. Maybe the assholes see it as a good thing, I mean, to "cleanse" humanity.. by killing off anyone who has these, sleeping medical problems, many many.. that THEY created to begin with..
My sister who had cancer for a year and was "winning" (it was shrinking way down).. suddenly had a reversal and died within a couple of weeks in Feb... I am going to have to ask mom if she got the Shot at the hospital when she went in to her apt. Never even thought about that as maybe a reason, I dont know enough about cancer but, do know sometimes people win sometimes they dont.. but, how quickly she faded till death.. sus now.. .. this post.. :(
Just reading this Nov 1st. Have you ventured to ask Mom about sister's vax status at time of death? I imagine it would be a very delicate subject to broach with grieving Mom...
I have asked and mom was not sure if she had gotten one or not :/ Mom is against getting one but, sis was very trusting of medical, if they had told her she should, she would just blindly agree with them.. again, we do not know.
I am sorry for your loss. I have been wondering for some time if first the flu vaxx caused my dad to have an ischemic stroke and then the C19 vaxx/boosters caused his death. I just can't even ask my sisters about those particulars of his medical care. So much sadness across the planet. Such needless suffering.
Have they ever said what is IN the flu vax? I have been wondering that as well, maybe they were not getting the numbers they wanted for the flu vax and needed something they could push on people so came up with the covid scare... I never got the flu one as well.. Never had a problem with any cold/flu.. just typcal blah for a week.
Wouldn't the flu vaxx come with the same kind of information that I used to get and ignore with my first three kids? Never actually read them until kid #4, and then #NoMoreVaccines for us!
Makes sense. They fortify almost all our food with an abundance of iron and convince us we are all anemic and need more iron from our food or supplement. Whats funny is if you’ve been consuming toxic amounts of iron, your body will shut down its ability to process iron to protect you and your blood work will produce “low iron results” and guess what? You end up poisoning yourself with more iron. Wonder if this information is about to become more available.
Our family got rid of as much fortified food as we could recently. I also stopped taking my iron supplement.
I haven't looked into iron fortification, specifically, but the "fortified with Vitamins A & D" is pure bullshit.
The cereals, breads, and dairy are not fortified with Vit A & D. Those are man-made chemicals (produced from irradiated vegetable oils) that "have a molecular structure similar to vitamin A and vitamin D(2)" and, therefore, BigAg has been able to get regulations passed that allows them to call these things Vit A & D, even though they have nothing in common with the real thing (other than a "similar" molecular structure."
My guess would be that the "iron fortified" is probably iron that is mined from the Earth (IOW: rocks), and not the iron that is naturally found in foods.
I have a genetic condition called Familial Adenomatous Polyposis. Look it up real quick. TLDR: I'm predisposed to cancerous/anomalous growths. I've already years of chemo and over a dozen surgeries.
This vaccine would kill the living fuck out of me. No hyperbole I would be dead within months. If that.
Honestly yes yes yes. I’ve come to this same conclusion myself recently. I’m considered a COVID “long hauler”. I recently noticed, my symptoms aren’t quite new. I had experienced them before, but they were RARE and NOT AS SEVERE. I was thinking whatever I caught May 2020 sped up or intensified something that was already wrong with my body.
My mother has always had blood pressure issues, but nothing too severe. Same month, May 2020, went to the ER for severely high blood pressure, and no medicines were keeping it down. She was okay and her levels balanced back out within a week.
All the people dying from COVID were already ticking time bombs, this just seemed to speed things up.
It’s the perfect way to kill people off, you can blame it all on “underlying conditions”.
I do have a theory that Trump threw a wrench in their plans, and some patriot leaked the virus early so the world had a chance to develop antibodies to their “grand master plan”. Which is why not as many people are dying as they hoped. But that’s just me being hopeful
The side effects of the jab that include all manner of "rare" genetic ailments that were held in check by being incipient potentials are suddenly unleashed-compare spasms and severe tremors, heart problems popping up way too early, etc etc...
This is the first time I've ever heard of this. I need to know more about this. Ive been refusing to be masked & vaxxed for a long time now and I actually have a genetic blood disease called hemochromatosis which causes iron to stay in my blood. My body literally can't get rid of it. I gave to goto blood letting sessions to get iron out of my body otherwise it will start moving into my liver and kill me. For those who don't know what iron overload does.... That's what it does.. The iron starts storing itself in organs. I know because i have to live with it everyday. Can't even eat a steak with a clear conscience.... Not sure what this post is based off of but it has my full attention.
This paper relates iron overload with Covid and suggests it is one cause of complications. (note: I haven't read it fully)
Although the article mentions iron chelators (which supposedly reduce your iron levels), there doesn't seem to be an easy way to accomplish it; the simplest being donating blood, but I'd do that carefully, especially if you're not 100%.
Lactoferrin, which is mentioned there, can be found in cow milk and mother's milk.
Their blood is also poisoned and will contaminate the blood supply (actually already has happened because they are allowed to donate) just like those with HIV contaminated the blood supply decades ago. I personally know a whole family who got HIV and subsequently died of aids from mom getting an infected blood transfusion at the birth of their youngest child. Dad got it from mom, baby got it from mom, only the older kids didn't.. so sad.
There was something I read within the last year about Covid causing the iron to separate from red blood cells. This had the effect of red blood cells not being able to carry oxygen to your cells, which is why people were put on vents to try to get their blood oxy levels back up and it also led to clotting due to elevated iron in the blood stream. Sorry, no sauce but, this post reminded me of that.
This makes me very sad, if true. I don't doubt it one bit. My father passed on January 16th and the few days at the VA prior to his passing, something went terribly wrong with his red blood cells, needing a transfusion and such. It looks more likely this could have been the straw that broke the camel's back. He was already I'll and know it was for the best, but still is a dagger to my heart. Thanks for the informative post.
Would explain the pictures of the darker colored blood in the blood bags after donation, the higher the iron, the darker the blood. I did blood draws for years, always checking hemoglobin before drawing, HGb is the protein in the blood that carries the iron, higher the HGb, thicker the blood, and the thicker blood would always give you trouble, as it was sludgy and often clotted before you could get to the minimum amount of 420 ml. If it was under that, we had to throw it out.
So people with higher iron are more prone to blood clots? And COVID attacks hemoglobin if I remember correctly, so this could mean COVID is harder on people with higher iron?
Am I right on this
Probably, the body will often react to certain situations to create more HGb, such as a smoker will have higher HGb, or people who live at higher altitudes, but that would be a very slow change over time, the body would adjust, a sudden increase would certainly be a shock to the system, I could see it causing all of the complications that have been reported, the hemoglobin carries not only the iron, it carries the oxygen in the blood. The clots were due to the thickness of the blood in the phlebotomy setting, it would slow the flow down so much it would give the platelets enough time to clot the blood in the needle.
It's where the iron is that's important as well IMO
If it's bound to haem it's not an oxidant in the body, but if the red blood cells are lysed and it's free in the blood, it's poisonous.
I agree https://irondisorders.org/iron-tiggers-free-radical-activity/
Was just thinking the same.
Precocious, since this is your field, do you know of any blood banks? Or how a person who has not had the vaxx can store some of their blood in case it's ever needed - and they won't have to take blood that was from a vaxxed person? Thanks!
Blood banks are done several ways, depending on where you live, in the US they're regional, they're either independent not for profits, run by local hospitals, or ran by the red cross, you can go to your local bloodbank and request an autologous ( your own) or directed ( family member or friend who matches your type) donation. In my bloodbank there was a time period to store it, blood is only good for 42 days, and isn't the best option after frozen. My bloodbank required a doctor to sign off on the blood request and generally it was done within a month of a planned procedure where it might be needed. Testing will be done on directeds and they still have to pass a standard physical exam and screening questionairre. Edit: just type your area code and bloodbank into a search engine, should give you what you need to contact them.
Thank you for the info. I guess there aren't any near me because I can't find any info. I looked quite a while back, as this has always been of interest to me. Then of course the whole vaxx thing brought it back and I checked again. :o( You'd think it would be a 'thing.'
You could try a search like blood donation near me, if yours is run by the local hospital it might not show up in a search using the term bloodbank 🤔😁
Okay, thanks.
There is also a theory that the HGb is being stripped from the red blood cells, thus preventing the carrying of O2 from the lungs to the rest of the body (also, CO2 out of the body).
Could it be some combination of high iron, low oxygen, high carbon dioxide that explains some of the health problems observed?
I would think it would realease the iron into the system as free floating, unbound, so in my opinion it would, but I'm not a doctor, iron overload causes much of the symptoms I've read about that are associated though.
I hate to be anecdotal bias guy, but after friends started taking the doses, bizarrely intense cancers and illnesses popped up:
-one diagnosed with leukemia (luckily the most manageable, but still)
-one diagnosed with breast cancer requiring immediate medical procedure after diagnosis
-one diagnosed with unknown illness causing extreme fatigue, loss of fine motor skills
Now, yes sickness and illness can happen at any time. Three major events, within a month or two? All having taken the syringe? Seems really fucking odd. Not mentioning the fact that, while I have heard of friends being injured or otherwise feeling off after getting shot up, I haven’t heard of anyone in my circles dying of the coof.
(My aunt would of course remind me that her friend’s mom died of the coof, to which I remind her that she was past 80, in an assisted care facility prior to coof, had a previous heart attack, was a lifelong smoker, and a lifelong Italian who used butter and oil more than any other ingredient.)
There was a recent episode of Highwire with Del Bigtree where they talked about cancers being caused by the vax. www.thehighwire.com - check their archives, no more than 2 or 3 weeks ago IIRC.
Lots of reports of shingles/herpes and other "common, widespread viruses that been around for ever" that we may have but, normally our bodies keep them under control, as well, after shots. Maybe the assholes see it as a good thing, I mean, to "cleanse" humanity.. by killing off anyone who has these, sleeping medical problems, many many.. that THEY created to begin with..
My sister who had cancer for a year and was "winning" (it was shrinking way down).. suddenly had a reversal and died within a couple of weeks in Feb... I am going to have to ask mom if she got the Shot at the hospital when she went in to her apt. Never even thought about that as maybe a reason, I dont know enough about cancer but, do know sometimes people win sometimes they dont.. but, how quickly she faded till death.. sus now.. .. this post.. :(
Just reading this Nov 1st. Have you ventured to ask Mom about sister's vax status at time of death? I imagine it would be a very delicate subject to broach with grieving Mom...
I have asked and mom was not sure if she had gotten one or not :/ Mom is against getting one but, sis was very trusting of medical, if they had told her she should, she would just blindly agree with them.. again, we do not know.
I am sorry for your loss. I have been wondering for some time if first the flu vaxx caused my dad to have an ischemic stroke and then the C19 vaxx/boosters caused his death. I just can't even ask my sisters about those particulars of his medical care. So much sadness across the planet. Such needless suffering.
Have they ever said what is IN the flu vax? I have been wondering that as well, maybe they were not getting the numbers they wanted for the flu vax and needed something they could push on people so came up with the covid scare... I never got the flu one as well.. Never had a problem with any cold/flu.. just typcal blah for a week.
Wouldn't the flu vaxx come with the same kind of information that I used to get and ignore with my first three kids? Never actually read them until kid #4, and then #NoMoreVaccines for us!
why did you think covfefe pls explain
Cov = Covid
Fe = Iron
Fe = Iron
FeFe = Iron 2x = extreme iron overload reference in the tweet.
The original covfefe tweet was long before the Coof, wasn't it?
Foreshadowing. We're watching a movie.
I believe the anons came across this last year. I remember seeing this on Voat I think. Of course, it's always good to repeat it for new eyes.
Due to popcorn stock regulations, he can't answer that question. It's ridiculous bullshit, but you know how it is.
Holy shit.
I think OP is referring to "Fe" being the chemical symbol of iron.
gotcha thank you
Cov for the Sars2 thingy, then Fe as the chemical symbol for Iron… I guess.
Fe is Iron
Makes sense. They fortify almost all our food with an abundance of iron and convince us we are all anemic and need more iron from our food or supplement. Whats funny is if you’ve been consuming toxic amounts of iron, your body will shut down its ability to process iron to protect you and your blood work will produce “low iron results” and guess what? You end up poisoning yourself with more iron. Wonder if this information is about to become more available.
Our family got rid of as much fortified food as we could recently. I also stopped taking my iron supplement.
I haven't looked into iron fortification, specifically, but the "fortified with Vitamins A & D" is pure bullshit.
The cereals, breads, and dairy are not fortified with Vit A & D. Those are man-made chemicals (produced from irradiated vegetable oils) that "have a molecular structure similar to vitamin A and vitamin D(2)" and, therefore, BigAg has been able to get regulations passed that allows them to call these things Vit A & D, even though they have nothing in common with the real thing (other than a "similar" molecular structure."
My guess would be that the "iron fortified" is probably iron that is mined from the Earth (IOW: rocks), and not the iron that is naturally found in foods.
So that’s why people should drink raw milk. Do you think they fortified the organic milk I drink? If they did, I’ll quit drinking it
https://rumble.com/violu7-magnetic-nanoparticles-in-the-injections-masks-and-swabs.html Amazing Polly video referencing covfefe near...very compelling
I have a genetic condition called Familial Adenomatous Polyposis. Look it up real quick. TLDR: I'm predisposed to cancerous/anomalous growths. I've already years of chemo and over a dozen surgeries.
This vaccine would kill the living fuck out of me. No hyperbole I would be dead within months. If that.
COVFEFE is what they are using to prove the sham election. Communications over Various Feeds Electronically for Engagement act.
"There's a sign on the wall, but she wants to be sure
'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings..."
-- Stairway to Heaven
Honestly yes yes yes. I’ve come to this same conclusion myself recently. I’m considered a COVID “long hauler”. I recently noticed, my symptoms aren’t quite new. I had experienced them before, but they were RARE and NOT AS SEVERE. I was thinking whatever I caught May 2020 sped up or intensified something that was already wrong with my body.
My mother has always had blood pressure issues, but nothing too severe. Same month, May 2020, went to the ER for severely high blood pressure, and no medicines were keeping it down. She was okay and her levels balanced back out within a week.
All the people dying from COVID were already ticking time bombs, this just seemed to speed things up.
It’s the perfect way to kill people off, you can blame it all on “underlying conditions”.
I do have a theory that Trump threw a wrench in their plans, and some patriot leaked the virus early so the world had a chance to develop antibodies to their “grand master plan”. Which is why not as many people are dying as they hoped. But that’s just me being hopeful
Lots of iron explains the magnets sticking to injection sites also.
The side effects of the jab that include all manner of "rare" genetic ailments that were held in check by being incipient potentials are suddenly unleashed-compare spasms and severe tremors, heart problems popping up way too early, etc etc...
He’s barely a quarter right. Right on the spike protein. 10 months late and wrong on everything else.
This is the first time I've ever heard of this. I need to know more about this. Ive been refusing to be masked & vaxxed for a long time now and I actually have a genetic blood disease called hemochromatosis which causes iron to stay in my blood. My body literally can't get rid of it. I gave to goto blood letting sessions to get iron out of my body otherwise it will start moving into my liver and kill me. For those who don't know what iron overload does.... That's what it does.. The iron starts storing itself in organs. I know because i have to live with it everyday. Can't even eat a steak with a clear conscience.... Not sure what this post is based off of but it has my full attention.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33454595/ This paper relates iron overload with Covid and suggests it is one cause of complications. (note: I haven't read it fully)
Although the article mentions iron chelators (which supposedly reduce your iron levels), there doesn't seem to be an easy way to accomplish it; the simplest being donating blood, but I'd do that carefully, especially if you're not 100%.
Lactoferrin, which is mentioned there, can be found in cow milk and mother's milk.
That's bad right?
If that tweet stands alone with no further explanation or data, then it's just an opinion. Does "Walter" provide any further details?
Even if he does not, that is ok.. more of a hypothesis, that opinion, folks can chose to take it from there and research more on this hypothesis?
Could also explain why the vaxxed are discouraged/forbidden to give blood - giving blood is a primary way to reduce iron in the bloodstream.
Their blood is also poisoned and will contaminate the blood supply (actually already has happened because they are allowed to donate) just like those with HIV contaminated the blood supply decades ago. I personally know a whole family who got HIV and subsequently died of aids from mom getting an infected blood transfusion at the birth of their youngest child. Dad got it from mom, baby got it from mom, only the older kids didn't.. so sad.
There was something I read within the last year about Covid causing the iron to separate from red blood cells. This had the effect of red blood cells not being able to carry oxygen to your cells, which is why people were put on vents to try to get their blood oxy levels back up and it also led to clotting due to elevated iron in the blood stream. Sorry, no sauce but, this post reminded me of that.
COFVEVE was an abbreviation for the actual bill he sihned
Me, too. But we’re not eff’d! Stay positive - I will not live in fear. I also won’t take the jab. Read somewhere it also increases ferritin levels.
No, the jab causes your body to produce the spike protein.
This makes me very sad, if true. I don't doubt it one bit. My father passed on January 16th and the few days at the VA prior to his passing, something went terribly wrong with his red blood cells, needing a transfusion and such. It looks more likely this could have been the straw that broke the camel's back. He was already I'll and know it was for the best, but still is a dagger to my heart. Thanks for the informative post.
just googled it, and ivermectin lowers blood iron... interesting.