She probably thought she’d breathe her germs from up there as she passed above, spreading her germs down to everyone in town. Good lord some folks are just lost.
Too funny. A couple months ago I was driving down the highway in pre rush hour semi heavy traffic. The highway was full but still moving at about 75-80 MPH. A guy passed me on a motorcycle, weaving in and out of traffic, doing probably 95. Fully masked but helmetless.
I don't know. A bird might fly by and cough on her.
smacks head Of course!
More likely she enjoys some bat soup after that long journey.
What if she has Covid? She could give herself Covid did anybody think of that?
Maybe she has an NPC fetish for smelling her own breathe
Oh god you're right I.. I live with myself! What if I give myself COVID!? My indoor mask can't save me!
Wow, and here I was thinking it couldn't get any stupider than wearing a mask in your car alone...I was wrong!
You missed the photos of people wearing them while swimming, didn't you?
With plastic bags over their heads so the masks don't get wet.
LOL! LMAO! OMG the levels of stupid rise and rise...can that be topped? Yes I did indeed miss those. Wow.
Pics or gtfo
I've seen people riding bikes wearing masks, but this is next level stupid, and there are many levels.
In shorts and flip flops.
Hey nothing wrong with squidding, except the mask part, of course.
I ride a performance cruiser (yamaha stryker) so wheelies aren't in my repertoire.
I do wear gear when it gets to winter Temps in the northeast, however.
Yikes, the peak of mask madness.
She knew an old lady who swallowed a fly. Perhaps she'll die.
I bet 5% of the world slept with masks on. Now we are all waking up.
I remember a reddit post from a liberal whose husband wouldn't even take the mask off to fuck her.
These people are sick and stupid.
Well obviously she's been vaccinated if she's wearing a mask....
What about the guy wearing a mask all alone in an automotive salvage yard? Yes I saw that!
She's probably is in a position of power as well...........
Wonder what makes her 'feel' more safe...the white knuckle grip on the safety bar or the mask outside?
Dumb bish… ignorance at its finest.
Helps a little. I still feel insane.
You know if that machine failed and she fell to the ground it would be considered a Covid death.
She probably thought she’d breathe her germs from up there as she passed above, spreading her germs down to everyone in town. Good lord some folks are just lost.
It's also an n95 mask which restricts breathing quite a bit
Hashtag "barren womb"...
Sad. Our people have been demoralized by international cabalists and there’s not much we can do about it
Well honestly, someone with COVID may have sat in that seat just prior to her:)
You don't need a helmet. This guy is protected from dying of COVID if he gets in a motorcycle accident.
Too funny. A couple months ago I was driving down the highway in pre rush hour semi heavy traffic. The highway was full but still moving at about 75-80 MPH. A guy passed me on a motorcycle, weaving in and out of traffic, doing probably 95. Fully masked but helmetless.
You just cant cure stupid.
I don't think so - I've heard you can die of Covid in a motorcycle accident!
I know. I was just cracking a joke.