FOUR years ago, we knew (and they did, too) the worthless rat bastards at the Washington Post were lying. Now that Durham has forced their epic correction, it is DONE. With the decisive liquidation of their dogshit Russia collusion narrative, WaPo's reputation has officially filed for bankruptcy.
Let me draw your all's attention to the WaPo masthead, where their motto is, "Democracy dies in darkness." That is not a warning... it's their mission statement.
Either they were once upon a time honest OR they used that as a smoke screen. The most vicious always paint themselves in sheep's clothing.
Like “Don’t Do Evil” until it too was dropped.
Yeah, I guess it's the swamps style. They blame others for what they are doing & say the exact opposite of their true intentions.
Democracy is bad tho
Luckily we live in a Republic.....!
Wasn’t that motto in response to Trump’s supposed Russian collusion and Trump's ‘attacks’ on the media’s reporting on it?
No, that has been their masthead for decades, going WAY back.
No it isn’t. It was changed several years ago I think when Dr. Evil bought it. I’ve been using it to drain bacon, start fires and line bird cages for decades.
Be careful with those birds. Certainly don't use it on any parrot cages. They got enough parrots out there already repeating their lies
Yeah... leftists won’t give a shit. It’s home team no matter what for them. They think this bullshit is justified to get orange man. And normies are too busy watching Netflix and sports ball.
Not dooming either... just know that they will have to hit rock bottom (precipice) before finding the will to change. To us it seems like we’re well past that point. My wife has a penis. For them, it will have to hit their pocket books worse than now to even start waking up. I’m not discouraged by this either. Hard times will make the current generation of kids far better adults. We’ll win in the end.
Not really if you count people who used to consider themselves leftist 10 years ago..... Woken a lot of them up. The remaining ones are I guess the slim that aren't capable of thinking for themselves.
The title of the post is the best description I've ever read about the whole stinking pile of shit!
I came in to make that exact comment haha
Yes I agree - most excellent title!
Until media is penalized in their pocketbooks for publishing lies, there will be no change. There needs to be a law that when inaccurate lies are published without legitimate sourcing to back up the article, fines are paid to the person, persons or businesses defamed and it needs to be sizable along with a front page retraction, or in the case of t.v. Media a leading story retraction.
Yes, and also a law that when a retraction is published it has to be at least as prominent as the original story. No more tiny boxes on page 38. If the original story was a front page headline, the retraction also has to be, and with the same size of headline text.
It will help a little only to the extent that if it's a failing paper people will stop reading. Money is not the motivator. The people that own and control the media have all of the money in the world, literally. If money mattered they would cover obviously huge money making stories, like Epstein's Island. The only real investigative reporting into that was Rusty Shackleford and the two guys that took a boat to island and took all that video about the weirdness there, like the fact that the door on the temple isn't really a door, it's just painted on to look like one from a distance. Appears there's no way to get into the "Temple" - which had ropes and dirty mattresses in it visible from the windows - unless you come up from underground. Nothing to see here folks.
God Bless Rusty Shackled! I'll never forget when I saw that footage u/HelloDolly! Assumed Rusty and fellow patriots were white hats.
Sorry for the correction fren, but there are functional doors on the temple. They are the gigantic white, floor to ceiling window/doors that face the south side.
Rusty had a video - that was deleted the same week it was uploaded shortly after Epstein’s death - that showed those doors open and construction was going on. There was a worker who had a 4-wheeled ATV type cart parked nearby that was seen walking into the building.
That's interesting thanks. I wonder why they would bother painting the fake brown doors on the one side. Still creepy.
“Journalist Michael Tracey noted that Tom Hamburger and Rosalind Helderman, the two authors behind an article which “has now been effectively retracted,” received a Pulitzer Prize “for their Russiagate reporting from exactly the same time period.”
Pulitzer in the shitter like the Nobel, ffs.
Pulitzer stands for yellow journalism
Let's just hope that the NYT, LA Times, and Chicago Tribune are facing similar financial difficulties.
NPR = evil at the top
I'm amazed that so many people view NPR as an entity with no bias. I get that leftists would buy their bullshit hook, line, and sinker ... but I know some centrists and center-right people that think that they're fair. It is so goddamn frustrating.
I used to listen to their "music of the world" when it was on (I don't anymore ... I refuse to give them anything resembling a rating) ... it came in handy arguing with liberals online. I'd trash NPR, they'd claim I never listened to it, I'd tell them about that show, they'd then call me CHUD-inbred-racist. Fucking scumbags.
Where did you see anything about finances?
Bankruptcy (in the title there...last word) usually means financial problems.
OP is referring to Moral Bankruptcy, not financial.
M'kay... yeah, I see your point.
Reading comprehension is important.
Notice that doesn't actually have to do with finances?
An easy way to remove such a powerful deceit.
That was the theme of the retraction ease. You see preservation handed to them. Then you see a classy dismantle. The good guys are smooth operators. As cool as a technology expert can be.
And send back those Pulitzers, you lyin' trash.
Meh the idiots in the comments still think orange man bad
“The truth, no matter how bad, is never as dangerous as a lie in the long run.” They condemn themselves.
Next Durham indictment will be from Media
FBI Solomon says
Praying this is the case 👑Sircats!
Posted on November 12, 2021 at 12:28 p.m. EST
Archived article
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Only ccp bot farm managers read WaPo.
Well, it's a start, but IMO it doesn't go far enough in outing themselves as the lying vipers that they are/have been. They need to come clean...with everything.
b-b-b-but you have to trust the media, they stand for the common man against big corporate and government corruption!
Tney need to shut it down forever.
What happens when too many people don't buy what they are selling? What happens when too many people wake up? What happens when they lose control of the digital battlefield? Mr. Russia collusion pusher himself now involved? [knowingly]
When did they file? There is no record of their having filed for bankruptcy in the last year.
Their reputation filed for bankruptcy... hope the tangible parts follow soon ;)
Many will continue to believe the lies, they need them to justify their hate.
Otherwise they would have to face themselves in the mirror. And acknowledge what truly shitty people they really are.
Have some in my own family. Well no, NOT family, we are related but we are not family.
Accountability is destroying this country. (The lack-of)
Motto in lobby:
“The truth no matter how bad is never as dangerous as a lie in the long run...”
Obvious they liked living dangerously
This isn't correcting - they are memory-hole ministry of truthing
Ive been relistening to "Righteous Indignation" by Andrew Breitbart, it screams of current events.
WAR. !
The fact they did this in the afternoon is very telling. They scared To bad to late enemy of my state gallows pole