This is one point that Dave gets right consistently on his X22 podcast; we are witnessing the controlled demolition of the old system, and they are running out of cover stories.
They thought they would have 8 years of Hillary's presidency to pull off this plan. President Trump's 2016 victory completely derailed their intended timeline of events. Furthermore, they expected Trump to stand in their way so they ramped up their plan and doubled their speed to play catch up. They never expected Trump to initiate operation Warp Speed, or to allow them to steal the election.
The Deep State and Cabal is right where we want them. They are careening towards the economic crash of the millennium, and their cover story has been taken away. When we reach the precipice of the Great Depression 2.0, it will all be on them. There will be no way to spin the economic situation. This is why President Trump had to step aside. The ball had to be in the Democrat's court for when this shindig goes down.
He also removed all of the flashpoints by which they could potentially start a major war. A world war breaking out would have been ideal to them for providing a cover story.
North Korea - Forbidden City meeting, flipping KJU, NK's nuclear scientists all die mysteriously in a cave-in soon after.
Middle East - Destroying ISIS, Abraham Accords, arranging Afghanistan withdrawal and forcing Biden to absorb all of the negative optics for it.
Taiwan - Major naval exercises in Oct (4 carriers and escorts, US, UK and Japan), US special forces confirmed to have been training Taiwanese for years on the ground, major military buildup in general of Taiwan and other regional allies, especially Japan, AUKUS sub deal, and the possibility that Xi is a white hat much like Putin.
I'd love to know what kind of assurances Trump gave those governments that everything will be okay in the long run, and not to worry about short-term saber rattling.
Probably an end to all fiats and central banking. Likely a trade agreement that boosts and elevates everyone in the world, not just big corps and banks.
Here's an off the wall question - Monkeywerx has been saying for many months that US planes are importing soldier-age males into the country and, perhaps, dispersing them throughout the US. Several people have theorized that this is a DS operation to train them to fight against US citizens at some future flash point. I wonder if, instead, the US/military is training them to return home to run insurrection against their current (corrupt) govts. I've been watching for any word of which nationalities but the things I have read have no hint of where these men are originally born. Doesn't sound like they are going through any 'catch and release' points or anything of that sort.
Spez: More -- over the past year, monkeywerx has shown many, many flights of cargo planes going around the country - without explanation. Much more than just general resupplying of existing operations. Wonder if that has been supplying training facilities with equipment, etc. Another wild memory - remember early 2017, some one on here had posted camera video of a train from Idaho headed east with car after car (after car) of tanks being transported. That video was never refuted or debunked, that I know of, but it was also never followed up on, with where these supplies might have ended up. Thought it was odd that no one was able to see the same train along a line headed East.
The only thing I considered notable from Monkeywerx was that we had a lot of sub hunting aircraft patrolling up and down the East coast for a while and there was that suspicious underwater explosion as well. The helicopters with sniffing equipment looking for radiation above background level was interesting as well.
A few things. First thing that needs to be understood is the distinction between Xi and the rest of the CCP. The CCP is a single entity on paper, but it has factions just like the parties in the US. The one of which Xi is a part is apparently not in the good graces of the upper ranking globalists, the Rothschilds, Schwabb, etc. This is evidenced by Soros stating earlier this year that Xi is "an enemy to open societies everywhere". Think of the Davos crowd as Dr. Frankenstein, and the PRC under Xi as the monster.
With regard to the China virus, I suspect that that was released by a rival faction within the CCP, this one loyal to the globalists. We have a similar situation here, as well as in places like Australia. White hats on top, with traitors embedded everywhere that need to be smoked out.
It is also worth pointing out that Trump holds nothing back with regards to Chyna and the CCP, but he has always said that he gets along well with Xi. Particularly, he had a press release during the Milley debacle in which he denied that Milley tried to go behind his back because "President Xi knows better, and would have told me".
That Trump and Xi have a good working relationship is evidenced by things like how Trump was received when he visited China in 2017. He became the first foreign dignitary since the founding of the PRC to visit the Forbidden City. The Forbidden City, interestingly apparently has no electronic recording equipment within it, essentially a giant SCIF. It is rumored that Kim Jong Un was also at this meeting, and that the plan to flip North Korea to the white hat side was completed at this meeting.
As for Biden being owned by them, their leverage does not seem to have done them much good, especially if you believe that devolution is active. There is military buildup all around Taiwan, and their window to attack is quickly closing as winter sets in, Japan is re-arming itself to have power projection for the first time since the 40s, India is in on the alliance as well, Trump's tariffs on China are still in place and the Chinese economy is about to crash even harder than ours.
COVID also just happened to be released when the Hong Kong protests were really heating up and gave them a way to crush them quickly. The lack of deadliness of COVID-19 and how much they have to hype it up makes me think that the CCP released it early perhaps because of Hong Kong and that's why the DS seemed rather disorganized when it first appeared.
Not going to defend our garbage economy here, but there's plenty out there to suggest that they have been planning the COVID power grab for decades. Fauci and Wuhan funding/connections dating back to before Trump, predictive programming dating back to the 1980s, etc. I think it's more likely that they intentionally timed an economic crisis with their COVID plan for maximum devastation as means of selling the Great Reset.
They have, because the economic crisis was inevitable, its what their shitty fiat system was bound to cause, and they knew it.
They have been doing this for centuries, they manipulate nations economies, in a way that makes them certain to crash, then they create a crisis when its about to, not only to retain power, but to gain even more
This time they tried to grab it all, only some people did some atomic monkey wrenching to their plans, and it messed it all up
Makes sense. Deliberately starting a virus pandemic is a great tool for oppression, but it's disappointing so many people were so easily scared by it that it allowed the elites to make the power grab.
Also disappointing (and interesting) that is revealed how many people have an authoritarian streak and/or crave to be ruled with an iron fist (i.e. Karens) ... I think it was Zubi that opened my eyes to that. As sad as it is, it's better that we know this information as we walk forward into turbulent times.
it's disappointing so many people were so easily scared by it
All they needed was basic science understanding to avoid the deliberate medical malpractice being committed:
Masks can't work, because your breath goes right through and around the edges, and lets in air the same way. Insisting they be worn, and stating they do block viruses, is thus deliberate medical malpractice.
If you aren't sick, you simply don't have the virus, or enough VIRAL LOAD to be contagious. No such thing as asymptomatic spread. Terrorizing the populace by telling them they are disease carriers causes massive psychological trauma and is thus deliberate medical malpractice.
Vaccines work to produce immunity; if you're truly vaccinated, then you're safe from whatever microbe it is. Unvaccinated humans thus pose NO threat to the vaccinated; in fact this is the ENTIRE POINT of vaccination! So you're safe. If you can still get the disease, then you weren't vaccinated; you were MANIPULATED. Plus, doctors know the vaccine is lethal. This is thus deliberate medical malpractice.
Viruses are very fragile and break apart in sunlight; you WANT UV light striking the area around the nose and mouth; masking outdoors is clinically insane and the recommendation is thus deliberate medical malpractice.
Vitamin D prevents COVID even in the 80+ age group with comorbidities. Sunlight striking exposed skin allows the body to make Vitamin D. Pushing lockups in homes is thus deliberate medical malpractice.
Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are both cheap, widely available, safe, and highly effective cures for COVID. The existence of such cures means no vaccine was ever needed and none should ever have been funded or created. Their suppression, and forcing a vaccine onto the public when cheap cures already exist, are thus deliberate medical malpractice.
Very interesting theory regarding monetary velocity. Sounds like they wanted the deflationary pressure from lockdowns to counter the inflationary pressures of currency creation. This ensured that the system remained afloat long enough to transfer wealth to the elite instead of triggering hyperinflation.
Yeah, all part of the same thing. That's more or less the new system they think they're moving toward. For now, they just want way less people, but eventually they undoubtedly intend to get to where they can take it all the way. They'll fail like all before them, but they're definitely having a good run so far.
It's amazing how many people see this, but then shamelessly defend cutthroat capitalism and corporate greed.
I understand the value of hard work, believe me, but currently the only people doing any worthwhile work are the Amish. Most of the available jobs perpetuate their evil system and human suffering. Having to trade time grinding away meaningless tasks while barley keeping a roof over your head and struggling to put food on the table is not hard work, it's fucking slavery.
In whatever comes next we need to end all unethical business practices and reevaluate what jobs are necessary for human survival and thriving and which slave wage jobs are no longer relevant... Or rather never were. We also need to develop a pay scale that is reasonable and fair. Professional athletes should definitely be allowed a lavish retirement... After playing for 30-40 years. Production jobs should have huge take-home pays after benefits are calculated out. And people who want to go into the creative arts shouldn't have to worry about food or shelter.
We have the technology to be post scarce and there is zero reason not to be aside from the constant lies of the elites.
What really worries me is what will happen to/what will people do when everything gets restored, and we have so many low skilled/unskilled workers whose jobs are easily replaced by machines? How many were replaced at McDonald's by kiosks?
Why do we have to pretend they want us around as slaves?
For one thing, there are certain operations that it's just too hard or expensive to create a machine to do, that a human robot-slave can do better. And for another thing, they need adrenochrome factories.
Deep beneath Area 51, many levels below the ground, is said to be a series of such factories, endless rows of beds with children strapped down, enduring continuous, systematic, methodical torture and bloodletting, no one able to hear their screams.
Don't know if that's true. But now, we do know that nothing of the sort would be beyond the capacity of the deep state to inflict on innocent children; and that much of the information derided in the past as "conspiracy theory" is now called "common knowledge".
Either they can't actually replace enough people with robots yet (especially as robots still need humans to maintain them, they're not self-replicating yet) or it's because they enjoy lording over us too much and being a lord without serfs isn't as fun.
Yeah, but that's the tricky part because you have to do it after the inflation stops, and it's extremely difficult to know when that is. This happened in Weimar Germany where people sold their possessions after inflation started thinking they were rich only to find that inflation continued and they were no longer rich.
It's because so many boomers work for big fortune 500 corporations and their 401Ks have done nothing but go up for years so they are quick to look the other way and just deal with the b******* because their bank account keeps growing.
You are more wealthy than the wealthiest of elites. You have the wealth of friends, family, community, love, and knowledge. Monetary wealth is ultimately a façade. Invest in that which benefits your soul in the afterlife.
There is lot more to it than just lockdowns for grabbing power. I believe these are all parallel threads with some cross-thread advantages. Lockdowns are only one small part of it.
What we are seeing is a controlled demolition of the economy as well as the Cabal (both tightly connected).
Digging into federal reserve system is very important. Q gave us many hints on its origin and why it was created and what it really does. It is the life blood for the Cabal control system. "Fall of the Cabal" series explores this pretty well too.
I listed to Glenn Beck's show back when this was happening. He talked about the banks getting their 50 billion a night a few times. I want to say he did a special that had this info tied into it. I have since stopped listening to him and no longer have access to all of his old stuff. Anyone out there with a blazeTV membership that can do some digging?
Threads like this is why I keep coming to GAW. I had no clue they dropped the reserve ratio to 0%. I know they dropped it to 9.5% and I thought that was reckless. 0% reserve ratio is bank system suicide.
Yes. They have also ramped up their market manipulation. Most everything is propped up by ridiculous amount of fiat money. But precious metal prices are suppressed by similarly ridiculous amount of paper contracts. Gold and silver are, and imho will be, money. God’s money, honest money.
Bottom line: Protect yourself, buy PHYSICAL gold and silver and get it to your own posession. I know I’m mostly preaching to the choire here, but if you haven’t done so, please, buy at least some silver coins. They will probably also help you keep your sanity in the coming upheaval.
I'm sorry but "God's money" part is absolute bullshit. God created sustenance, man created currency and money. Absolute bullcrap man. I cant believe I just read that.
Aren’t you eloquent and full of positive things to say.
So your reasoning is that God never saw that there would be need for something suitable to be used as money. With your logic he would’ve never created cures for diseases, which are abuntly present in the nature.
You’re of course free to believe what you want, but you might want to come up with better arguments or consider keeping your thought to yourself.
Not a place for anyone easily offended by anything, you're going to have to dig through a bunch of trash to find any useful information, but it does have useful information, Q posted there first after all.
Yeah, well the Rockefeller empire was set to do exactly what they did, more than 10 years ago, as their "Scenarios for the future of technology and international development" framed it.
Anyone trying to say "this is the way" while ignoring everything else doesn't get much attention from me. Crypto, Precious Metals, GME, etc there are multiple rockets starting to lift off so why pile all of your eggs into one when you could spread them across an entire fleet? There's a bit too much tribalism in the GME vs the Silver vs Crypto groups.
And they're ramping up the brainwashing that you don't need metals or even cash anymore, again just got junk mail advertising a Debit card for your kids.
This is one point that Dave gets right consistently on his X22 podcast; we are witnessing the controlled demolition of the old system, and they are running out of cover stories.
They thought they would have 8 years of Hillary's presidency to pull off this plan. President Trump's 2016 victory completely derailed their intended timeline of events. Furthermore, they expected Trump to stand in their way so they ramped up their plan and doubled their speed to play catch up. They never expected Trump to initiate operation Warp Speed, or to allow them to steal the election.
The Deep State and Cabal is right where we want them. They are careening towards the economic crash of the millennium, and their cover story has been taken away. When we reach the precipice of the Great Depression 2.0, it will all be on them. There will be no way to spin the economic situation. This is why President Trump had to step aside. The ball had to be in the Democrat's court for when this shindig goes down.
He also removed all of the flashpoints by which they could potentially start a major war. A world war breaking out would have been ideal to them for providing a cover story.
Great comment. This is an often overlooked part of the plan.
I'd love to know what kind of assurances Trump gave those governments that everything will be okay in the long run, and not to worry about short-term saber rattling.
Probably an end to all fiats and central banking. Likely a trade agreement that boosts and elevates everyone in the world, not just big corps and banks.
That he would retain the CIC and Football?!?!
Here's an off the wall question - Monkeywerx has been saying for many months that US planes are importing soldier-age males into the country and, perhaps, dispersing them throughout the US. Several people have theorized that this is a DS operation to train them to fight against US citizens at some future flash point. I wonder if, instead, the US/military is training them to return home to run insurrection against their current (corrupt) govts. I've been watching for any word of which nationalities but the things I have read have no hint of where these men are originally born. Doesn't sound like they are going through any 'catch and release' points or anything of that sort.
Spez: More -- over the past year, monkeywerx has shown many, many flights of cargo planes going around the country - without explanation. Much more than just general resupplying of existing operations. Wonder if that has been supplying training facilities with equipment, etc. Another wild memory - remember early 2017, some one on here had posted camera video of a train from Idaho headed east with car after car (after car) of tanks being transported. That video was never refuted or debunked, that I know of, but it was also never followed up on, with where these supplies might have ended up. Thought it was odd that no one was able to see the same train along a line headed East.
The only thing I considered notable from Monkeywerx was that we had a lot of sub hunting aircraft patrolling up and down the East coast for a while and there was that suspicious underwater explosion as well. The helicopters with sniffing equipment looking for radiation above background level was interesting as well.
Why can't the white hats bring in males to train and fight?
How do you reconcile Xi as white hat with the CCP virus and Biden being completely owned by them.
A few things. First thing that needs to be understood is the distinction between Xi and the rest of the CCP. The CCP is a single entity on paper, but it has factions just like the parties in the US. The one of which Xi is a part is apparently not in the good graces of the upper ranking globalists, the Rothschilds, Schwabb, etc. This is evidenced by Soros stating earlier this year that Xi is "an enemy to open societies everywhere". Think of the Davos crowd as Dr. Frankenstein, and the PRC under Xi as the monster.
With regard to the China virus, I suspect that that was released by a rival faction within the CCP, this one loyal to the globalists. We have a similar situation here, as well as in places like Australia. White hats on top, with traitors embedded everywhere that need to be smoked out.
It is also worth pointing out that Trump holds nothing back with regards to Chyna and the CCP, but he has always said that he gets along well with Xi. Particularly, he had a press release during the Milley debacle in which he denied that Milley tried to go behind his back because "President Xi knows better, and would have told me".
That Trump and Xi have a good working relationship is evidenced by things like how Trump was received when he visited China in 2017. He became the first foreign dignitary since the founding of the PRC to visit the Forbidden City. The Forbidden City, interestingly apparently has no electronic recording equipment within it, essentially a giant SCIF. It is rumored that Kim Jong Un was also at this meeting, and that the plan to flip North Korea to the white hat side was completed at this meeting.
As for Biden being owned by them, their leverage does not seem to have done them much good, especially if you believe that devolution is active. There is military buildup all around Taiwan, and their window to attack is quickly closing as winter sets in, Japan is re-arming itself to have power projection for the first time since the 40s, India is in on the alliance as well, Trump's tariffs on China are still in place and the Chinese economy is about to crash even harder than ours.
COVID also just happened to be released when the Hong Kong protests were really heating up and gave them a way to crush them quickly. The lack of deadliness of COVID-19 and how much they have to hype it up makes me think that the CCP released it early perhaps because of Hong Kong and that's why the DS seemed rather disorganized when it first appeared.
great stuff, should be a post!
OK but where's the part where in the end, the masses of brokefolk with nothing but their savings, 401(k)s and mutual funds, somehow will be OK?
Surely the Trump/Q plan has something in store to protect us all from abject poverty?
Not going to defend our garbage economy here, but there's plenty out there to suggest that they have been planning the COVID power grab for decades. Fauci and Wuhan funding/connections dating back to before Trump, predictive programming dating back to the 1980s, etc. I think it's more likely that they intentionally timed an economic crisis with their COVID plan for maximum devastation as means of selling the Great Reset.
They have, because the economic crisis was inevitable, its what their shitty fiat system was bound to cause, and they knew it.
They have been doing this for centuries, they manipulate nations economies, in a way that makes them certain to crash, then they create a crisis when its about to, not only to retain power, but to gain even more
This time they tried to grab it all, only some people did some atomic monkey wrenching to their plans, and it messed it all up
And castrate it, so that Dems can't fuck kids.
Bunches of RINOs in that club too, 3
Makes sense. Deliberately starting a virus pandemic is a great tool for oppression, but it's disappointing so many people were so easily scared by it that it allowed the elites to make the power grab.
Also disappointing (and interesting) that is revealed how many people have an authoritarian streak and/or crave to be ruled with an iron fist (i.e. Karens) ... I think it was Zubi that opened my eyes to that. As sad as it is, it's better that we know this information as we walk forward into turbulent times.
All they needed was basic science understanding to avoid the deliberate medical malpractice being committed:
Masks can't work, because your breath goes right through and around the edges, and lets in air the same way. Insisting they be worn, and stating they do block viruses, is thus deliberate medical malpractice.
If you aren't sick, you simply don't have the virus, or enough VIRAL LOAD to be contagious. No such thing as asymptomatic spread. Terrorizing the populace by telling them they are disease carriers causes massive psychological trauma and is thus deliberate medical malpractice.
Vaccines work to produce immunity; if you're truly vaccinated, then you're safe from whatever microbe it is. Unvaccinated humans thus pose NO threat to the vaccinated; in fact this is the ENTIRE POINT of vaccination! So you're safe. If you can still get the disease, then you weren't vaccinated; you were MANIPULATED. Plus, doctors know the vaccine is lethal. This is thus deliberate medical malpractice.
Viruses are very fragile and break apart in sunlight; you WANT UV light striking the area around the nose and mouth; masking outdoors is clinically insane and the recommendation is thus deliberate medical malpractice.
Vitamin D prevents COVID even in the 80+ age group with comorbidities. Sunlight striking exposed skin allows the body to make Vitamin D. Pushing lockups in homes is thus deliberate medical malpractice.
Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are both cheap, widely available, safe, and highly effective cures for COVID. The existence of such cures means no vaccine was ever needed and none should ever have been funded or created. Their suppression, and forcing a vaccine onto the public when cheap cures already exist, are thus deliberate medical malpractice.
I think when this is all said and done, the people behind those things will be held accountable.
Very interesting theory regarding monetary velocity. Sounds like they wanted the deflationary pressure from lockdowns to counter the inflationary pressures of currency creation. This ensured that the system remained afloat long enough to transfer wealth to the elite instead of triggering hyperinflation.
Yeah, all part of the same thing. That's more or less the new system they think they're moving toward. For now, they just want way less people, but eventually they undoubtedly intend to get to where they can take it all the way. They'll fail like all before them, but they're definitely having a good run so far.
It's amazing how many people see this, but then shamelessly defend cutthroat capitalism and corporate greed.
I understand the value of hard work, believe me, but currently the only people doing any worthwhile work are the Amish. Most of the available jobs perpetuate their evil system and human suffering. Having to trade time grinding away meaningless tasks while barley keeping a roof over your head and struggling to put food on the table is not hard work, it's fucking slavery.
In whatever comes next we need to end all unethical business practices and reevaluate what jobs are necessary for human survival and thriving and which slave wage jobs are no longer relevant... Or rather never were. We also need to develop a pay scale that is reasonable and fair. Professional athletes should definitely be allowed a lavish retirement... After playing for 30-40 years. Production jobs should have huge take-home pays after benefits are calculated out. And people who want to go into the creative arts shouldn't have to worry about food or shelter.
We have the technology to be post scarce and there is zero reason not to be aside from the constant lies of the elites.
What really worries me is what will happen to/what will people do when everything gets restored, and we have so many low skilled/unskilled workers whose jobs are easily replaced by machines? How many were replaced at McDonald's by kiosks?
Arguably an improvement. Cant tell you how many times i had to tell the person running the register the correct amount of change to return.
For one thing, there are certain operations that it's just too hard or expensive to create a machine to do, that a human robot-slave can do better. And for another thing, they need adrenochrome factories.
Deep beneath Area 51, many levels below the ground, is said to be a series of such factories, endless rows of beds with children strapped down, enduring continuous, systematic, methodical torture and bloodletting, no one able to hear their screams.
Don't know if that's true. But now, we do know that nothing of the sort would be beyond the capacity of the deep state to inflict on innocent children; and that much of the information derided in the past as "conspiracy theory" is now called "common knowledge".
Either they can't actually replace enough people with robots yet (especially as robots still need humans to maintain them, they're not self-replicating yet) or it's because they enjoy lording over us too much and being a lord without serfs isn't as fun.
I wish I understood all this shit. Mostly because I'm a boomer and I'd like to be rich
Yeah, me too. Boomer here, not rich
Boomer here, so poor, church mice took up a collection.. 🤔
Yeah, but that's the tricky part because you have to do it after the inflation stops, and it's extremely difficult to know when that is. This happened in Weimar Germany where people sold their possessions after inflation started thinking they were rich only to find that inflation continued and they were no longer rich.
It's because so many boomers work for big fortune 500 corporations and their 401Ks have done nothing but go up for years so they are quick to look the other way and just deal with the b******* because their bank account keeps growing.
They got paid off and didn't even know it!!
You are more wealthy than the wealthiest of elites. You have the wealth of friends, family, community, love, and knowledge. Monetary wealth is ultimately a façade. Invest in that which benefits your soul in the afterlife.
Nice piece of info put up for some Red Pilling PN! To the point good stuff in that snippet.
Lockdown being used to slow down what would otherwise be raging inflation is bang on.
There is lot more to it than just lockdowns for grabbing power. I believe these are all parallel threads with some cross-thread advantages. Lockdowns are only one small part of it.
What we are seeing is a controlled demolition of the economy as well as the Cabal (both tightly connected).
The white hats are doing all they can to try and save the patient while removing the parasites.
interesting point re: Cabal tightly connected to the economy. I hadn't seen it that way, and I think you are right. Bravo
Digging into federal reserve system is very important. Q gave us many hints on its origin and why it was created and what it really does. It is the life blood for the Cabal control system. "Fall of the Cabal" series explores this pretty well too.
I listed to Glenn Beck's show back when this was happening. He talked about the banks getting their 50 billion a night a few times. I want to say he did a special that had this info tied into it. I have since stopped listening to him and no longer have access to all of his old stuff. Anyone out there with a blazeTV membership that can do some digging?
Threads like this is why I keep coming to GAW. I had no clue they dropped the reserve ratio to 0%. I know they dropped it to 9.5% and I thought that was reckless. 0% reserve ratio is bank system suicide.
Yes. They have also ramped up their market manipulation. Most everything is propped up by ridiculous amount of fiat money. But precious metal prices are suppressed by similarly ridiculous amount of paper contracts. Gold and silver are, and imho will be, money. God’s money, honest money.
Bottom line: Protect yourself, buy PHYSICAL gold and silver and get it to your own posession. I know I’m mostly preaching to the choire here, but if you haven’t done so, please, buy at least some silver coins. They will probably also help you keep your sanity in the coming upheaval.
I'm sorry but "God's money" part is absolute bullshit. God created sustenance, man created currency and money. Absolute bullcrap man. I cant believe I just read that.
Aren’t you eloquent and full of positive things to say.
So your reasoning is that God never saw that there would be need for something suitable to be used as money. With your logic he would’ve never created cures for diseases, which are abuntly present in the nature.
You’re of course free to believe what you want, but you might want to come up with better arguments or consider keeping your thought to yourself.
populist_nationalist, where did you get that screen grab from? That looks like a forum I'd like to check out.
That looks to be Politically Incorrect on 4chan.
Not a place for anyone easily offended by anything, you're going to have to dig through a bunch of trash to find any useful information, but it does have useful information, Q posted there first after all.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Trump declare the state of emergency for the virus on the Ides of March?
Yeah, well the Rockefeller empire was set to do exactly what they did, more than 10 years ago, as their "Scenarios for the future of technology and international development" framed it.
What is Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming up to these days? Is anybody following?
Gamestop is the way.
Anyone trying to say "this is the way" while ignoring everything else doesn't get much attention from me. Crypto, Precious Metals, GME, etc there are multiple rockets starting to lift off so why pile all of your eggs into one when you could spread them across an entire fleet? There's a bit too much tribalism in the GME vs the Silver vs Crypto groups.
GME is debt, true. The difference this time is that it is debt the Cabal owes the people.
And they're ramping up the brainwashing that you don't need metals or even cash anymore, again just got junk mail advertising a Debit card for your kids.
There were some posts that had "game over" in them.