To wake up your friends and family who think Ivermectin is just for 🐎 Japanese are thought to be an intelligent people as a whole (99% literacy rate, 2nd highest educated nation worldwide etc.) So if they are taking Ivermectin, why would anyone hold back?
It's a nice article, but not very confident in its assertions. Wifey is Japanese, and its seem pretty clear that Japan is just as Matrixed as the other countries.
Husband is Japanese. He watches Japanese news every day on You Tube. He also says Japan recently conquered "shingatacoronawirus." He doesn't know about ivermectin, but some Japanese doctors with clout started coming forward to support the use of it. Probably partly they trust it because it was discovered in Japan and won a Nobel, and anyway we know it works. Sadly, reportedly most Japanese already took the jabs, including several members of my Japanese family. Also when DH tunes into Japanese news, I see they are promoting the "dangers" of Omicron 24/7. Hardly anyone can enter Japan now, and when they do, they have to take a saliva test and drive solo to their self-selected quarantine location for 14 days. No public transportation is allowed until after quarantine. Please believe me, I have a long term Japanese connection.
BTW, a Japanese food called "natto" helps prevent/control blot clots. It works sort of like blood thinners, but it is fermented food nutrition. If you take Coumadin, which is rat poison used as a blood thinner, you are not allowed to eat natto, because natto powerfully thins the blood. You can bleed to death on a high dose of Coumadin. I believe the active ingredient is "natto kinase," which you can buy as a food supplement. In food natto, it is the stringy "neba neba" which contains the natto kinase. It also contains a very high source of Vitamin K2. A doctor in Japan studied natto for a long time, and he religiously eats one pack a day to keep blood clots away. It stinks, but it tastes a bit like Marmite/Vegemite. Many Japanese eat it on rice for breakfast. If you do, I recommend adding egg yolk because the saturated fat helps absorb natto nutrients and adds flavor. You can put the raw yolk on top of the hot rice, and it will cook just a little. Natto also tastes pretty good on buttered toast. Use real butter (not toxic margarine). It makes the natto toast taste better, and also sat fat aids in nutrient absorption.
If you have a Japanese food store near you, it will be sold in frozen three packs. You can also buy US made natto online, just google around. It can also be made at home with cooked soy beans. Google natto recipes. Yes, too much soy, such as tofu, is bad, but fermented soy is safe to eat. Before eating natto, you can add a little soy sauce for seasoning and then stir it up a bunch. This increases the nutritious "neba neba" and also improves flavor.
You're welcome. Maybe everyone should start eating natto every day. It might help save some lives.
Excellent advice, thank you. I have natto occasionally, read it may interfere with thyroid meds / function. I must try it with rice and egg, sounds very healthy. :)
Rice, raw egg, and seasoning (soy sauce, plus natto or furikake or whatever) - tamago kake gohan. It's a very quick meal you can make and eat whenever you have rice available, and personally I think it tastes great :)
Natto is completely disgusting though. I live in Japan and I cannot even get it close to my face without the urge to puke. If it helps the normies here who have gotten the death jabs, by all means eat up. I'll be sure to refrain from eating the crap to ensure that there's plenty to go around for the jabbed minions.
It sounds like Japan has the same level of deception as other nations but for some reason aren’t completely resistant to Ivermectin. Do you know why that is?
It is just a guess on my part. Japanese culture is a follow the crowd type. You don't want to be different. You want to fit in. Ivermectin is a Japanese discovery, so doctors there know it has a track record, and they are probably proud of it. Some doctors may have heard through the medical grapevine that some doctors in some places were having success with ivermectin, and being a Japanese proven drug, it probably perked up their ears and some based Japanese doctors decided it was safe enough to try on Covid. It worked, so they began promoting it. Japan doesn't want to kill off all their people, unlike some countries we know. They are proud of their nation and culture and want to survive. Klaus Schwab said it was OK for a certain amount of Chinese and Japanese to survive, because they are already an obedient, rule following people. Plus they have good IQ and education.
Japan is definitely a culture of "follow the crowd." It's why too many people have gotten the death jabs, and I've seen some children at my schools suffer as a result. One boy is in the hospital from a blood clot in his leg. But nobody knows of ivermectin. The news cycle here remains a 24/7 vaccine advertisement and while they have the honesty to admit that the "omicron" variant so far has proven to be mild, they continue to push for vaccines. Only 6 new cases in Tokyo as of yesterday, and I think if ivermectin is being prescribed, it's because local doctors are subverting the corporate-owned government narrative by using the medicine. My doctor knows of ivermectin, but normie Japanese have never heard of it. I challenged my doctor to look up what Dr. Kary Mullis said about his PCR invention being used as a means of testing for illness and she was surprised what she learned.
For natto, I've found that if I activate the "Gee this is really sharp, like limburger cheese!" center of my brain, I then have a mental category in which to file it, and afterward I can tolerate it.
I don't know about this. Japan won't even let Japanese citizens back into their own country right now. They are not based, and they obviously don't believe Ivermectin is working if they are taking such drastic measures.
That's what any country would do if it actually cared about the well-being of it's citizens as opposed to lining their own pockets. That and HCQ should be available over the counter.
He cited one in the comments but I don't know if it sources its claims. I didn't check, but the domain doesn't ring a bell, perhaps inside it cites other sources?
Japan is by far the most based country on Earth. From their strict policy on immigration and refugees. To their strong desire for cultural cohesion and unity to their Fuck You attitude to big pharma and the puppet masters of this Covid hoax.
I've layed in a healthy stock of horse paste. Had a family member get the ccp virus and the paste stopped it dead in its tracks. 5 hours latter felt 75% better and slept that night for 14 hours. Did not have more that 3 hours of sleep a night for the previous week. 2 more doses and it was 100% kicked in 3 days. Ivermectin is the cure!
I regularly speak with someone who lives in Japan and showed him this. He laughed his fucking ass off. Japan is one of the most jab and mask cucked places in the world. People may disagree secretly, but almost none publicly.
To wake up your friends and family who think Ivermectin is just for 🐎 Japanese are thought to be an intelligent people as a whole (99% literacy rate, 2nd highest educated nation worldwide etc.) So if they are taking Ivermectin, why would anyone hold back?
I thought this was common knowledge, here are the links
I think Butter is talking about the OP. No source for this. how to confirm?
It's a nice article, but not very confident in its assertions. Wifey is Japanese, and its seem pretty clear that Japan is just as Matrixed as the other countries.
がめんなさあい, Gomennasai (sorry) 😊
Nice, ty. Posters need to get in the habit of citing their screenshots. Any and all ammo we can use against normies the better.
There is still no direct source in there. Anything official?
Husband is Japanese. He watches Japanese news every day on You Tube. He also says Japan recently conquered "shingatacoronawirus." He doesn't know about ivermectin, but some Japanese doctors with clout started coming forward to support the use of it. Probably partly they trust it because it was discovered in Japan and won a Nobel, and anyway we know it works. Sadly, reportedly most Japanese already took the jabs, including several members of my Japanese family. Also when DH tunes into Japanese news, I see they are promoting the "dangers" of Omicron 24/7. Hardly anyone can enter Japan now, and when they do, they have to take a saliva test and drive solo to their self-selected quarantine location for 14 days. No public transportation is allowed until after quarantine. Please believe me, I have a long term Japanese connection.
BTW, a Japanese food called "natto" helps prevent/control blot clots. It works sort of like blood thinners, but it is fermented food nutrition. If you take Coumadin, which is rat poison used as a blood thinner, you are not allowed to eat natto, because natto powerfully thins the blood. You can bleed to death on a high dose of Coumadin. I believe the active ingredient is "natto kinase," which you can buy as a food supplement. In food natto, it is the stringy "neba neba" which contains the natto kinase. It also contains a very high source of Vitamin K2. A doctor in Japan studied natto for a long time, and he religiously eats one pack a day to keep blood clots away. It stinks, but it tastes a bit like Marmite/Vegemite. Many Japanese eat it on rice for breakfast. If you do, I recommend adding egg yolk because the saturated fat helps absorb natto nutrients and adds flavor. You can put the raw yolk on top of the hot rice, and it will cook just a little. Natto also tastes pretty good on buttered toast. Use real butter (not toxic margarine). It makes the natto toast taste better, and also sat fat aids in nutrient absorption.
If you have a Japanese food store near you, it will be sold in frozen three packs. You can also buy US made natto online, just google around. It can also be made at home with cooked soy beans. Google natto recipes. Yes, too much soy, such as tofu, is bad, but fermented soy is safe to eat. Before eating natto, you can add a little soy sauce for seasoning and then stir it up a bunch. This increases the nutritious "neba neba" and also improves flavor.
You're welcome. Maybe everyone should start eating natto every day. It might help save some lives.
Excellent advice, thank you. I have natto occasionally, read it may interfere with thyroid meds / function. I must try it with rice and egg, sounds very healthy. :)
Rice, raw egg, and seasoning (soy sauce, plus natto or furikake or whatever) - tamago kake gohan. It's a very quick meal you can make and eat whenever you have rice available, and personally I think it tastes great :)
Natto is completely disgusting though. I live in Japan and I cannot even get it close to my face without the urge to puke. If it helps the normies here who have gotten the death jabs, by all means eat up. I'll be sure to refrain from eating the crap to ensure that there's plenty to go around for the jabbed minions.
Yes, it's an acquired taste.
I'm with Steve. My honey is Japanese, but I cannot stand the natto. Kids don't mind it, tho.
Try it on buttered toast.
It sounds like Japan has the same level of deception as other nations but for some reason aren’t completely resistant to Ivermectin. Do you know why that is?
Home-grown Nobel Prize for its discovery may have something to do with it.
It is just a guess on my part. Japanese culture is a follow the crowd type. You don't want to be different. You want to fit in. Ivermectin is a Japanese discovery, so doctors there know it has a track record, and they are probably proud of it. Some doctors may have heard through the medical grapevine that some doctors in some places were having success with ivermectin, and being a Japanese proven drug, it probably perked up their ears and some based Japanese doctors decided it was safe enough to try on Covid. It worked, so they began promoting it. Japan doesn't want to kill off all their people, unlike some countries we know. They are proud of their nation and culture and want to survive. Klaus Schwab said it was OK for a certain amount of Chinese and Japanese to survive, because they are already an obedient, rule following people. Plus they have good IQ and education.
Japan is definitely a culture of "follow the crowd." It's why too many people have gotten the death jabs, and I've seen some children at my schools suffer as a result. One boy is in the hospital from a blood clot in his leg. But nobody knows of ivermectin. The news cycle here remains a 24/7 vaccine advertisement and while they have the honesty to admit that the "omicron" variant so far has proven to be mild, they continue to push for vaccines. Only 6 new cases in Tokyo as of yesterday, and I think if ivermectin is being prescribed, it's because local doctors are subverting the corporate-owned government narrative by using the medicine. My doctor knows of ivermectin, but normie Japanese have never heard of it. I challenged my doctor to look up what Dr. Kary Mullis said about his PCR invention being used as a means of testing for illness and she was surprised what she learned.
I was surprised that the cabal would allow them to buck the trend and accept Ivermectin but your explanation makes sense.
For natto, I've found that if I activate the "Gee this is really sharp, like limburger cheese!" center of my brain, I then have a mental category in which to file it, and afterward I can tolerate it.
Based desu
So des, neh.
I looked into this, and I am suspicious that this original article is what is actually happening.
Waiting for Big Pharma's attempt at crushing Japan in 3...2...1...
Small, but effective? Remove big pharma's liability shields..... That should do it.
I don't know about this. Japan won't even let Japanese citizens back into their own country right now. They are not based, and they obviously don't believe Ivermectin is working if they are taking such drastic measures.
That's what any country would do if it actually cared about the well-being of it's citizens as opposed to lining their own pockets. That and HCQ should be available over the counter.
Ordered mine straight from India $2 a pill.
Yup, where from? Mine was cheap and came in a month total after the whole process, no script
Ziverdo kit store 100 12mg with shipping about $225 took about 3 weeks.
Insane price. I got good ones for about 0.15$ a pill. Good for you though if you can afford it.
Yeah I know I overpaid but but was just happy to get any. Also didn't have to pay Dr for prescription.
Thx for the link
Sugoi, Japan
So the Japanese govt. wants its citizens to live.
Japan is also one of the most nationalistic countries in the world They refuse to take in refugee immigrants.
I can't find a good article to corroborate this. Do you have one?
He cited one in the comments but I don't know if it sources its claims. I didn't check, but the domain doesn't ring a bell, perhaps inside it cites other sources?
Modern Japan is strongly anti-parasite in their culture.
Japan is by far the most based country on Earth. From their strict policy on immigration and refugees. To their strong desire for cultural cohesion and unity to their Fuck You attitude to big pharma and the puppet masters of this Covid hoax.
I've layed in a healthy stock of horse paste. Had a family member get the ccp virus and the paste stopped it dead in its tracks. 5 hours latter felt 75% better and slept that night for 14 hours. Did not have more that 3 hours of sleep a night for the previous week. 2 more doses and it was 100% kicked in 3 days. Ivermectin is the cure!
I hope the success is so good I'll be allowed to visit without being required to have the jab.
Big Pharma is going to incentivize the Communist Chinese into blasting Japan off the map.
And the next variant of the 'rona comes from Japan, in 3...2...1...
The new Japanese variant, Tamagotchi, is super highly contagious and needs constant monitoring or the patient dies...
Haha. Exactly. We know the playbook
I regularly speak with someone who lives in Japan and showed him this. He laughed his fucking ass off. Japan is one of the most jab and mask cucked places in the world. People may disagree secretly, but almost none publicly.
how can u get infected by a virus lol its a non living solvent