Agreed. But they know this. They helped create the culture of cluelessness. They orchestrated it. It is impressive. Makes me want to defeat them even more.
It's the natural progression - just like the introduction of the covid-passports + tests. You need either a vaccine OR a negative test. Who then goes and gets the most testing done? None vaccinated. Which group then has more positive cases? The group that is forced to test more or the group that is not doing any testing anymore?
Nobody’s death certificate has their vaccination status on it. My sister works for a large county’s health department and does contact tracing for them and the coroners refuse to divulge this information or include it in reports and the hospitals refuse to provide records to the county and there is nothing on their internal paperwork that even has this as a field to be noted or explored. The baseline assumption is that the vaccines are safe and effective and there isn’t a shred of data being collected for public consumption that could possibly shed light as to whether that assumption is actually true.
Some people somewhere will have a master list of every person who has been vaccinated and a master list of deaths by Social Security number and the ability to cross-reference these. But they don’t have a public-facing job and the obligation to respond to FOIA requests.
If the unvaccinated death rate was so terrible, they would absolutely use this as the nail in the coffin showing how there is incontrovertible evidence that vaccinated people have a lower probability of all-cause mortality than unvaccinated ones. It’s the simplest, easiest, most effective way to compare the population groups. These databases absolutely already exist. Pfizer absolutely knows everything about every human who has been vaccinated. And there are definitely more private sector and Government actors who have access as well.
It seems like we should somehow be able to simply demand more accurate data on this. That isn’t a big ask like overturn the election. It’s literally just a graph.
I think even the injected would like to see this data. Not just injected vs. uninjected but uninjected vs. injected once vs. injected once plus 14 days vs. injected twice vs. injected twice plus 14 days vs. third booster vs. third booster plus 14 days.
Pay attention to page 33. Although apparently there is strong evidence for protection from hospitalization and death, the efficacy at preventing transmission is negative for all age groups over 30.
Yeah my dad who is vaccinated is in the hospital with COVID. He took the J&J in March 2021, which is one shot. His chart says his vaccine was 2 doses and the second was due May 2021. So he will be counted as unvaccinated. I am sure.
It started with not count as vaxed for 14 days. Deaths/adverse re-actions being covid and not vax. Soon you will need proof of vax booster every 90 days or you will be defined as "un-vaxed"
My point was that thinking that confirmation bias is more important than (or a valid substitution for) evidence is exactly what the Matrix teaches you to think.
"If you are double jabbed and die without a booster you will be labeled as an unvaccinated death?"
If so, I very much disagree that Q ever said anything like that, nor would that be in any way helpful to anyone.
If I am to use information to help wake people up, I need a source. The source doesn't have to be telling me the Truth. They only need to be the source they are, and saying something that will wake people up.
For example, if on the CDC website it said:
"People who have not received a booster shot and who are diagnosed with Covid are considered unvaccinated."
(Or any variant to that effect), even if it was said by anyone on the MSM, or any source other than a random person on a random website, such a statement could be used to help other people wake up. It doesn't matter what the truth is, just what they say.
As to your implicit statement, while I have found Q to be nothing but a truthsayer, I do not think that is a good source of Truth. I think that many anons here do their best to do honest investigations, but that doesn't mean that what they turn up is True, it usually is just turning up something that people said which can then be used to show people the real intent behind what they think they see. This in turn helps wake them up to the lie that they believe.
There are also a whole lot of people and posts here that are looking for confirmation bias and care nothing about the Truth of something if it doesn't meet their expectations. The Matrix plays hardball, and it is hard at work on everyone all the time, no matter your political, religious, ideological, or moral stance.
I think in general the work here helps people get closer to the truth, and I appreciate that, but the actual Truth? I think people are still pretty far away from that. The Matrix has many veils. Most here on this site have pierced one or two. There are quite a few more to go.
They're LYING to say vaccinated are unvaccinated when they actually are. Just because your vaxx ran out of potency doesn't mean you didn't receive it. More lies from liars. That's like saying a car you bought stopped working so I guess now you are car-less. NO. You still HAVE a car. It just doesn't work any more.
P.S. Type the word "unvaccinated" and see if your spell check says that word doesn't exist. Wow, these clowns have even gotten to the spell checkers. Why should I need to ADD this already existing word to the dictionary?
they will decide, because they need the "statistics" to show the idiots who believe the media and the government to quake in their boots.. fear and fake statistics is their tool of control of the complete fucking idiots who believe the TV.
So if you're double vaxxed, unboosted, and die in a car crash 27 days after testing positive for Covid, the official stats and news headlines would literally be "unvaxxed dies from covid".
It seems like they might have rigged this game, lads
The good news is for it to impact anyone's behavior they will have to know someone that has died. If they know someone personally they will likely know if they ever had the jab.
My unvaxxed ma passed and has a death certificate that says Wuflu positive on it. It'll be interesting to see what the life insurance company says about that. If they pull some shit, I'll fight it on principle alone.
There are so many people now involved with perpetuating this crime against humanity (un-deniable when it comes to having children get the covid shots) that unfortunately, there aren't enough courts to try them all, and they WILL get away with it.
People asking for sauce need to learn about implications vs directly stating. You don't need to directly state something heavily implied. It's common sense logic and cause and effect. The cause is they start not counting people who didn't take the bosster as unvaccinated. The effect is now they stop counting vaccine deaths as vaccinated when double vaccinated was fully vaccinated a short time ago and now it's not. Also not fully vaccinated is often counted as unvaccinated plus you have to wait 14 days to be counted as vaccinated. So much bar raising we are doing reverse limbo to where you have to reach it.
Good to know. It's very sly on their part. I'm actually impressed by their ability to move the goalposts and trick everyone.
And, is this an official policy posted somewhere?
There's this from the CDC :
So this is probably where they will shift the definition and post it. Thanks for posting.
We need to start categorizing people as having taken whatever number of clot shots they were duped/coerced into.
Fuck this "fully vaccinated" bullshit.
But, sadly, people don't seem to have the gift of discernment.
It's not impressive of them. It;s the opposite of that for the majority of our dumbed down society. How retarded to people have to be?
Agreed. But they know this. They helped create the culture of cluelessness. They orchestrated it. It is impressive. Makes me want to defeat them even more.
And we know something about moving goal post.
My team might actually win?
It's the natural progression - just like the introduction of the covid-passports + tests. You need either a vaccine OR a negative test. Who then goes and gets the most testing done? None vaccinated. Which group then has more positive cases? The group that is forced to test more or the group that is not doing any testing anymore?
We can never win until we identify them and go all French-Rev on "em. But they keep us divided so that won't happen.
I had very quick hands, I loved curveballs they just hung there waiting to be swatted.
bragger. :D
Nobody’s death certificate has their vaccination status on it. My sister works for a large county’s health department and does contact tracing for them and the coroners refuse to divulge this information or include it in reports and the hospitals refuse to provide records to the county and there is nothing on their internal paperwork that even has this as a field to be noted or explored. The baseline assumption is that the vaccines are safe and effective and there isn’t a shred of data being collected for public consumption that could possibly shed light as to whether that assumption is actually true.
Some people somewhere will have a master list of every person who has been vaccinated and a master list of deaths by Social Security number and the ability to cross-reference these. But they don’t have a public-facing job and the obligation to respond to FOIA requests.
If the unvaccinated death rate was so terrible, they would absolutely use this as the nail in the coffin showing how there is incontrovertible evidence that vaccinated people have a lower probability of all-cause mortality than unvaccinated ones. It’s the simplest, easiest, most effective way to compare the population groups. These databases absolutely already exist. Pfizer absolutely knows everything about every human who has been vaccinated. And there are definitely more private sector and Government actors who have access as well.
I don't think death certificate would have it. But the data collected for their fake charts will count them as unvaxxed
Oh, the data is out there. I bet a million bucks the healthcare data company I use to work for has everything.
It seems like we should somehow be able to simply demand more accurate data on this. That isn’t a big ask like overturn the election. It’s literally just a graph.
I think even the injected would like to see this data. Not just injected vs. uninjected but uninjected vs. injected once vs. injected once plus 14 days vs. injected twice vs. injected twice plus 14 days vs. third booster vs. third booster plus 14 days.
Pay attention to page 33. Although apparently there is strong evidence for protection from hospitalization and death, the efficacy at preventing transmission is negative for all age groups over 30.
I don’t know my family members are stupid.
Yeah my dad who is vaccinated is in the hospital with COVID. He took the J&J in March 2021, which is one shot. His chart says his vaccine was 2 doses and the second was due May 2021. So he will be counted as unvaccinated. I am sure.
It started with not count as vaxed for 14 days. Deaths/adverse re-actions being covid and not vax. Soon you will need proof of vax booster every 90 days or you will be defined as "un-vaxed"
Once a mudblood, always a mudblood
The day is coming when it will be mudblood vs pureblood.
Is there a source for this?
If there is no source, there is no reason to suspect this is true.
This is about waking people up. You can't wake people up with "wishes of evil," which is all this is without a source.
How does what you said match anything that I said?
I didn't say I thought they wouldn't do this. I said if there is no source, it is nothing but fear porn. That does no one any good.
Deal with reality, or continue to be stuck in the Matrix.
My point was that thinking that confirmation bias is more important than (or a valid substitution for) evidence is exactly what the Matrix teaches you to think.
I have no idea what you are trying to say.
Are you suggesting that Q said:
"If you are double jabbed and die without a booster you will be labeled as an unvaccinated death?"
If so, I very much disagree that Q ever said anything like that, nor would that be in any way helpful to anyone.
If I am to use information to help wake people up, I need a source. The source doesn't have to be telling me the Truth. They only need to be the source they are, and saying something that will wake people up.
For example, if on the CDC website it said:
(Or any variant to that effect), even if it was said by anyone on the MSM, or any source other than a random person on a random website, such a statement could be used to help other people wake up. It doesn't matter what the truth is, just what they say.
As to your implicit statement, while I have found Q to be nothing but a truthsayer, I do not think that is a good source of Truth. I think that many anons here do their best to do honest investigations, but that doesn't mean that what they turn up is True, it usually is just turning up something that people said which can then be used to show people the real intent behind what they think they see. This in turn helps wake them up to the lie that they believe.
There are also a whole lot of people and posts here that are looking for confirmation bias and care nothing about the Truth of something if it doesn't meet their expectations. The Matrix plays hardball, and it is hard at work on everyone all the time, no matter your political, religious, ideological, or moral stance.
I think in general the work here helps people get closer to the truth, and I appreciate that, but the actual Truth? I think people are still pretty far away from that. The Matrix has many veils. Most here on this site have pierced one or two. There are quite a few more to go.
They're LYING to say vaccinated are unvaccinated when they actually are. Just because your vaxx ran out of potency doesn't mean you didn't receive it. More lies from liars. That's like saying a car you bought stopped working so I guess now you are car-less. NO. You still HAVE a car. It just doesn't work any more.
P.S. Type the word "unvaccinated" and see if your spell check says that word doesn't exist. Wow, these clowns have even gotten to the spell checkers. Why should I need to ADD this already existing word to the dictionary?
Sauce? If true, Fraud vitiates everything.
Fraud is everything government is built on. It’s only vitiated when it is committed by the people.
they will decide, because they need the "statistics" to show the idiots who believe the media and the government to quake in their boots.. fear and fake statistics is their tool of control of the complete fucking idiots who believe the TV.
Isn't that cheating?
So if you're double vaxxed, unboosted, and die in a car crash 27 days after testing positive for Covid, the official stats and news headlines would literally be "unvaxxed dies from covid".
It seems like they might have rigged this game, lads
The good news is for it to impact anyone's behavior they will have to know someone that has died. If they know someone personally they will likely know if they ever had the jab.
A form of this is already happening; MSM keeps reporting on how "most" of the people who are getting covid are "un-vaccinated".
My unvaxxed ma passed and has a death certificate that says Wuflu positive on it. It'll be interesting to see what the life insurance company says about that. If they pull some shit, I'll fight it on principle alone.
There are so many people now involved with perpetuating this crime against humanity (un-deniable when it comes to having children get the covid shots) that unfortunately, there aren't enough courts to try them all, and they WILL get away with it.
People asking for sauce need to learn about implications vs directly stating. You don't need to directly state something heavily implied. It's common sense logic and cause and effect. The cause is they start not counting people who didn't take the bosster as unvaccinated. The effect is now they stop counting vaccine deaths as vaccinated when double vaccinated was fully vaccinated a short time ago and now it's not. Also not fully vaccinated is often counted as unvaccinated plus you have to wait 14 days to be counted as vaccinated. So much bar raising we are doing reverse limbo to where you have to reach it.